Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 509 Nanshan Group, mastering core technology

The performance is good and the cost is cheap.

This kind of thing certainly deserves good coverage.

A few days after the leaders of the Government Affairs Council came to Nanshan Group for inspection, Nanshan Auto Parts appeared on Huaxia TV.

The three-minute report focused on the core components of the engine such as the turbocharger and high-pressure oil pump.

Such reports are relatively rare.

Most of the time, some introductions are made to the overall situation of a certain company, but it is relatively rare to focus on a certain project of a group.

The most important thing is that in addition to reporting on Nanshan auto parts, China Channel also reported on Nanshan engines, Nanshan gearboxes, and Nanshan robots in the following days.

It is definitely very rare to report news about a group with such high frequency.

Even if Nanshan Group has a good relationship with China TV, they would not dare to do this.

Even Xia Qingqing felt a little guilty after seeing such intensive news reports, so she called Xia Hong directly.

"Auntie, thank you for your support of our Nanshan Group, but is the noise a little too loud this time?"

"Will it bring any inconvenience to your work then?"

Xia Qingqing is the niece of Xia Hong, deputy director of Huaxia Station, which is no secret among the top brass of Nanshan Group.

As the head of the brand public relations department, Xia Qingqing has done a very good job in the past few years.

Don't think that people with connections are not good at work.

Many times, someone else's working ability may actually be better.

"Qingqing, I don't dare to accept your thanks easily this time."

"The China Television Station has reported so intensively on news related to the Nanshan Group, and even directly launched the slogan 'Nanshan, master the core technology'. This is not something that I, the deputy director, can handle."

"This time, you have finally established a foothold in the country."

"As long as Nanshan Group operates in accordance with laws and regulations from now on, there is no need to worry about any disturbances or anyone harassing you."

When Xia Hong said this, Xia Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it wasn't arranged by my aunt.

Otherwise, this arrangement would be a bit too outrageous.

According to Xia Qingqing's understanding, her aunt is not such a radical person.

Everything is right now.

"Isn't this a bit too flattering, turning it into flattery?"

In front of her aunt, Xia Qingqing dared to say anything.

After all, Huaxia TV's performance these days is really a bit exaggerated.

At the beginning, when China Channel reported on Nanshan Auto Parts, everyone might not feel anything about it.

After all, relying on the achievements of Nanshan Auto Parts, it is nothing at all to get into Huaxia Taiwan.

This is not the first time they have made news on China TV.

But the following series of reports are obviously not simple.

Even people with a dull sense of smell can feel something unusual behind it after paying attention to this matter.

No wonder Xia Qingqing is so worried.

"Don't worry, if a company with weak capabilities tries to praise it like this, it's just flattering."

"But your Nanshan Group is different. Who dares to object to the statement that Nanshan masters core technology?"

"Actually, when you won the first prize of five National Science and Technology Progress Awards at the beginning of the year, you should be able to enjoy the treatment you are receiving now."

"After all, you have actually contributed to China's industrial development."

"Not to mention the development of the automobile industry, Nanshan Carbon Fiber alone has made huge contributions to many special industries in China."

"Some contributions cannot be announced directly to the outside world, and it is not even convenient for you to know."

“But these achievements must be rewarded accordingly.”

"Your company is not bad with money, so we can only give you some support in terms of honor."

Xia Hong himself has reached the age where he is about to retire, so he naturally wants to give more guidance to his only niece.

So as long as it's not very sensitive, she is willing to have a good talk with Xia Qingqing.

Through this exchange, Xia Qingqing also understood the public opinion environment currently facing Nanshan Group.

She felt a little more confident.

As long as you don't seek death, you won't die in the future.

This is really important.

And just when Xia Qingqing and Xia Hong were asking about the meaning behind this report, Fang Sisi also talked about it with Cao Yang.

"Ayang, I think Nanshan Group's next development plan can be a little bolder."

"The above should be a typical case of wanting to build Nanshan Group into an industrial powerhouse, and fully support Nanshan Group in becoming bigger and stronger."

"In recent years, various regions have introduced a lot of policies to support industrial development."

"But in terms of results, no one can compare with Nanshan Group."

"Now everyone expects Nanshan Group to achieve world-class standards in all existing fields."

"Especially in the three fields of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, Nanshan Special Steel and Nanshan Semiconductor, they have always been relatively weak in the country."

"Now, thanks to Nanshan Group, there have been breakthroughs in carbon fiber and special steel."

"In terms of semiconductors, everyone also hopes that, like carbon fiber, with the help of Nanshan Group's breakthroughs, the domestic semiconductor industry can reach the world-class level."

"This is very meaningful for the long-term development in the future."

Fang Sisi is also very well-informed.

She is the general manager of Weibo and is considered a well-known figure among Chinese entrepreneurs.

Coupled with her own family background, she can still obtain more information than Cao Yang in making some general direction judgments.

Just like this inspection, the core inspection task is actually Nanshan Semiconductor, but in the relevant news reports, there is no content about Nanshan Semiconductor.

On the contrary, Nanshan Transmission, Nanshan Engine, Nanshan Auto Parts and other companies frequently appeared in the news of China Channel.

There are obviously special considerations here.

On the one hand, Nanshan Semiconductor has just started, and there are still very few high-tech products that have actually been implemented.

On the other hand, everyone obviously does not want Nanshan Semiconductor to attract too much attention.

We hope to give Nanshan Semiconductor a relatively stable development environment.

When it really catches up with the international advanced semiconductor level, it will not be too late to report it at that time.

Cao Yang naturally had no objection to this.

Nanshan Semiconductor has poached people from many companies during this period, and it must have accumulated some conflicts.

If the limelight is still strong, maybe something will happen.

"It will take at least five years for semiconductors to reach world-class levels."

"Our main task now is to develop automotive-grade chips to meet Nanshan Group's own needs."

"When we build a new fab in the next step, we will consider catching up with the international advanced level as much as possible."

"Five years from now, we will move closer to world-class chips for smartphones."

"During this period, we also need to take a look at the performance of Nanshan Equipment to see whether it can produce various semiconductor equipment in a timely manner."

Cao Yang is very determined to engage in semiconductors.

So he didn't feel any special pressure regarding this expectation.

As far as the level of other domestic friends is concerned, none of them can put pressure on Nanshan Semiconductor in all aspects.

You can't even find one like Nanshan Semiconductor, which involves the entire semiconductor industry.

It is not normal practice to lay out the stall so big like that.

"It doesn't matter. When will we catch up with the international advanced level? There is no specific goal set for Nanshan Semiconductor."

"In fact, let alone five years, as long as we can catch up with the most advanced international level within ten years, it will already exceed everyone's expectations."

"Everyone knows how far China's semiconductor technology lags behind the rest of the world."

"Except Nanshan Semiconductor, no company dares to say that it can become the most advanced semiconductor company in the world in the future."

"Especially in terms of wafer production, China has always been in a state of catching up, and its technical level has been two generations behind the international level."

"Others will not stand still and wait for us. It is actually very difficult to really catch up."

Although Fang Sisi is not a technical person, she has a specialized understanding of the fields that Nanshan Group is involved in.

So she knows better than most people how difficult it is for Nanshan Semiconductor to start up.

Now is just the beginning, more than 10 billion yuan will be gone.

How many people can afford this method of burning money?

The most important thing is that semiconductors cannot be successful if you are willing to burn money.

There is a high probability that you will burn money and get no results.

Therefore, although the country has attached great importance to semiconductors in the past many years, related capital investment has always been relatively limited.

Money is needed everywhere, so you must invest it first where it is easier to achieve results.

"As long as Nanshan Equipment can successfully solve the equipment problems, many of the subsequent problems will actually not be a problem."

"Of course, I guess not many people outside believe that we can solve the equipment problem."

“We’ll talk about it later when we have results.”

"Now that everyone is looking forward to the further development of Nanshan Group, we should be bolder and put forward the production capacity expansion plan for various parts and products as soon as possible."

It is now 2009. In the next ten years, China's automobile industry, equipment industry, robot industry, and materials industry will all be experiencing rapid development.

So at this time, if Cao Yang is asked to expand, he has no pressure at all.

At most, some projects are started one or two years in advance, which will not be a bad thing in the end.

"Mr. Zhang, when we deal with Nanshan Group in the future, we will probably become even more vulnerable."

"I feel that the policy support Nanshan Group now receives is no less powerful than that of Spring City Automobile Group and Xifeng Automobile Group."

"I even heard some rumors that Nanshan Group's various industries will receive strong support from various places."

"Especially for Nanshan Semiconductor, it is estimated that there will be a special subsidy policy. As for the tax preferential policies, it goes without saying. Everything that can be given will definitely be given."

Zeng Guangda's mood has been complicated these days.

As an enterprise in Yangcheng, Nanshan Group, a private enterprise, has developed so rapidly.

The limelight of Yangcheng Automobile Group can be said to have been completely eclipsed.

It stands to reason that Yangcheng Automobile Group has a lot of achievements to mention in the past ten years of development.

Even compared with some other automobile groups, Yangcheng Motor's performance is very good.

However, I am afraid of comparison in everything.

Compared with Nanshan Group, the so-called outstanding performance of Yangcheng Automobile Group is completely inadequate.

Is it possible that making a lot of money relying on Yangcheng Toyota and Yangcheng Honda is considered a very good achievement?

Without comparison, it's not impossible.

With comparison, everyone's vision has been raised, and the situation will be different.

"Nanshan Group has completely gained momentum this time."

"But they are so bold and dare to enter the semiconductor industry in a big way. This is really admirable."

"SMIC, the best domestic semiconductor company, only does chip foundry."

"Warwick HiSilicon, an excellent semiconductor company in our province, is only involved in chip design."

"Nanshan Semiconductor, on the other hand, has to do its own chip design, chip production, packaging and testing."

"There is even a community in Zhujiang New City that they bought for experts from Nanshan Semiconductor to live in."

"It is said that many of the employees there have annual salaries of millions."

Zhang Jiaqi now has no temper at all towards Nanshan Group.

The gap between everyone is too big.

According to the current situation, Nanshan Group will become a trillion-level group in a few years.

But Yangcheng Automobile Group is still working hard to reach the 100 billion level.

The most critical thing is that Yangcheng Automobile Group has very few core technologies that it can produce.

Not even that!

This is actually a common situation among many domestic automobile companies.

The market has replaced technology. Once the market has been replaced, the technology will be hard to say.

"Mr. Cao should have invested all the money he earned from Xingchen Motors, Nanshan Engine and Nanshan Transmission in Nanshan Semiconductor."

"It is said that they are prepared to make no profit for five years, or even suffer huge losses for five years."

"Under such circumstances, it is really not something that ordinary companies can afford."

Zeng Guangda didn't even dare to mention that Yangcheng Automobile Group should also be involved in the semiconductor industry.

That is definitely not something Yangcheng Automobile Group can afford.

However, Zhang Jiaqi stood higher and thought more.

In this wave of craze, he also wanted to get involved.

"We will definitely not be able to make chips like Nanshan Semiconductor."

"But for some parts that use a lot of semiconductors, I think we can increase research and development efforts."

"At that time, we can purchase some chips and other components from Nanshan Semiconductor and use them in corresponding parts."

"To a certain extent, we are giving some support to Nanshan Semiconductor."

When Zhang Jiaqi said this, Zeng Guangda immediately understood the beauty behind this operation.

It’s a small investment, but you can really get in touch with the popular Nanshan Semiconductor.

This can be done.

As the vice president of a state-owned enterprise, Zeng Guangda also has a very keen sense of smell.

He didn't think about it in this direction before, but now that Zhang Jiaqi has proposed this plan, he can naturally realize it.

Soon, Yangcheng Automobile Group took action.

However, compared with the actions of Yangcheng Automobile Group, some companies are a bit tangled.

"Mr. Wang, do we really need to increase investment in semiconductors?"

“The rate of money burning here is extremely exaggerated.”

"We are unlikely to burn money like Nanshan Semiconductor."

As the head of BYD's R\u0026D, Liang Chuanqing naturally hopes that the company will invest more funds in R\u0026D.

But if all the new funds are used for semiconductor research and development, he will feel a bit pressured.

Achieving success in this area is not that easy.

"Lao Liang, have you watched the news on China Channel during this time?"

Wang Fu looked at Liang Chuanqing calmly.

"Nanshan Group has obviously received major support now. No matter what they want to do in the future, as long as they do not violate laws and disciplines, they will definitely have a green light."

"This kind of policy support is very important for the development of enterprises."

"And they have worked hard for so many years, and even though they have won so many National Science and Technology Progress Awards in one go, they have not received that much support."

"Now it has changed suddenly. What is the reason? Have you ever thought about it?"

When Wang Fu asked this question, Liang Chuanqing immediately recalled what happened during this period in his mind.

There is a lot of news related to Nanshan Group basically every week.

But the biggest news recently is probably Nanshan Semiconductor’s acquisition of the American chip company Nvidia, right?

This kind of acquisition involving high-tech enterprises is very rare in China.

The most important thing is that the acquired company is still engaged in chip design.

This is even more special.

If a general company acquires a company overseas, everyone will wonder whether it is transferring assets or something like that, but this behavior of Nanshan Semiconductor is definitely not like this.

A chip design company was acquired for US$1 billion, and a wafer factory is under construction in Shanghai.

At the same time, Nanshan Semiconductor has never stopped poaching people.

Looking at it this way, Nanshan Semiconductor is definitely serious about making chips.

Is it because of this reason that they are treated differently?

Thinking of this, Liang Chuanqing immediately said: "Mr. Wang, Nanshan Group is so popular now, is it related to the fact that they invest most of their profits in the money-burning semiconductor industry?"

"Some companies engaged in semiconductors and high technology have to seek loans from banks and have very little self-owned funds."

"But Nanshan Semiconductor is different. Most of the real money they spend is the group's own profits."

"It's equivalent to them burning their own money to develop semiconductors."

Liang Chuanqing's summary is obviously very accurate, and he gets to the key points of the problem in one go.

Wang Fu obviously agreed with his statement and said, "Yes, it's exactly what you said."

"For me personally, no amount of wealth actually means much. There are only so many personal needs for me."

"In this case, the money the company earns must be invested in more technology research and development, and do something practical to improve the industrial strength of China as a whole."

"Only in this way, BYD's future is worth looking forward to."

"We don't need to worry about anything special about ourselves."

When Wang Fu said this, Liang Chuanqing did not refute again.

The boss doesn’t mind spending money, so what does he have to say?

The relationship between BMW and Nanshan Group has improved a lot this year.

Aimoha, who has been in China for many years, often pays attention to some reports on China Channel.

Combined with some reports on the Chinese Internet, he can be said to be able to grasp many things at the first time.

Like the situation of Nanshan Group this time, he quickly realized the changes.

"McTy, it seems we made the right choice to strengthen cooperation with Nanshan Group."

"Not to mention that Nanshan Battery's technology is relatively advanced and its cost is relatively low. Nanshan Group's influence in China alone makes it worthwhile for us to cooperate with them."

"Our original joint venture in China, Brilliance Group, is completely incomparable to Nanshan."

"Even the partners Mercedes-Benz has found in China are more influential than our partners."

"This will also have an impact on some of our developments."

When Amoha said this, Mikedy was stunned for a moment.

But he quickly realized what the other party wanted to express.

"Nanshan Group has now been officially recognized by China, and all kinds of support should be relatively high."

"Especially the slogan 'Nanshan, master core technology' was directly shouted out by Huaxia TV for them."

"The future development of Nanshan Group's products in China is definitely worth looking forward to."

"However, the better their development, it will also bring pressure to us to a certain extent. After all, some of Xingchen Automobile's products are in direct competition with us."

When Mikedy said this, Amoha became a little depressed.

It would be false to say that Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover did not bring any competitive pressure to BMW.

"Whether we cooperate with Nanshan Group or not, it will not have any impact on the development of Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover."

"Even during our cooperation, Nanshan Group can be asked to come forward to coordinate some things."

"When Zotye copied our X6, didn't they help solve it after communicating with Nanshan Group?"

"So when it comes to cooperation with Nanshan Group, we want to see a more positive impact."

"Otherwise, it will be of no benefit to our cooperation."

Amoha is becoming more and more pragmatic now.

It doesn't make sense if you keep struggling with something.

It's better to look away and move forward.

"That's true. The greater the influence of Nanshan Group, we may be able to use their power for marketing after our new models using Nanshan batteries are launched in the future."

"Autohome and Weibo should also provide some support."

“This kind of help in the field of publicity is something that other partners cannot provide.”

"And this situation is completely different from other countries, and we need to treat it specially."

Amoha quickly found a reason to convince himself.

Failure to cooperate will be of no benefit to BMW.

Cooperation has no additional disadvantages for BMW cars, but also some benefits.

that's enough.

Aimoha felt that he was already able to communicate with the headquarters and handle various audits.

Otherwise, if you want and want at the same time, how could there be such a good thing for you?

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