Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 514 I don’t understand! Not optimistic! Black red black red!

Xia Qingqing moved quickly.

After reporting to Cao Yang, arrangements were made for the Honor mobile phone new product launch conference.

This press conference is not only to introduce HONOR 3G to everyone, but also to let everyone know about Honor Mobile, a new company.

Therefore, in terms of inviting people to the press conference, Xia Qingqing came up with a plan to cast more nets and promote more.

Not only the technology and digital channel personnel of various portal websites were invited, but also various automotive media were invited.

At the same time, suppliers who had previously thought they were supplying semiconductors to Nanshan Auto Parts were also invited to the meeting.

Even official TV stations such as China Channel and Xia Qingqing invited a group of people to attend the press conference.

As soon as so many invitations were sent out, China's mobile phone and automobile industries immediately exploded.

what's the situation?

Has Nanshan Group started manufacturing mobile phones?

Why was there no information before?

Is this crossover a bit exaggerated?

"Mr. Xu, Honor Mobile has also sent us an invitation letter. This is a bit strange."

Lian Zhitian came to Xu Jun's office full of questions.

Today, the entire Internet is discussing Honor mobile phones, and there are all kinds of voices.

Mobile phones are now an indispensable tool in everyone's life, and they can be regarded as a product closely related to ordinary people.

This area of ​​influence is much larger than that of a car.

"Nanshan Group's confidentiality work is indeed very good. We even didn't know that some of the chips we cooperated with were used in mobile phones. We thought they were used in navigation and other auto parts."

“I didn’t expect that people would start using mobile phones without realizing it.”

"It's just that the competition in the domestic mobile phone industry is very fierce now. Nokia is the dominant player, and the sales of products such as Motorola and Sony Ericsson are far ahead. I feel that Nanshan Group may have made a mistake in choosing a product like mobile phones."

Xu Jun is not very optimistic about Nanshan Group's mobile phone project.

Regardless of how well-chosen the company name is, it still depends on the product in the end.

Mobile phones are nothing new, and the market is already relatively mature.

He feels that it is still very difficult for Nanshan Group to open up in this field.

"I also think it is not a good choice for Nanshan Group to enter the field of mobile phone production."

"Auto parts and related vehicles and equipment are their best projects. If they don't delve deeply into these fields, they are engaged in mobile phone projects, which is a bit outweighed by the gains."

Lian Zhidian's opinion should represent the thoughts of many people.

After the invitation letter for Honor mobile phone was thrown out this time, everyone was more doubtful and worried.

This is completely different from the response to previous event invitations sent out.

"Nanshan Group has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the semiconductor business before. Maybe their mobile phone project also wants to provide a product platform for the semiconductor business."

"Otherwise, simply relying on car-grade chips would not require such a big battle."

"Especially when they acquired Nvidia before. This chip company mainly specializes in GPUs. This thing basically doesn't have much room for use in cars."

"The problems that all of us can think of, logically speaking, Mr. Cao can also think of."

"But Nanshan Group still started the mobile phone project. I think there should be some reasons that we don't know."

Although Xu Jun is not optimistic about the future of Honor mobile phones, he is very confident in Cao Yang's vision.

Based on this premise, he felt that there was something that he had not considered clearly.

"When the time comes, I will go to their press conference to see how Honor phones are different from other phones."

"Nanshan Group always brings surprises to everyone, and I don't know if it can continue to do so this time."

Obviously there are many people who went to the Honor mobile phone launch conference with the same mentality as Lian Zhitian.

At this moment, within BYD, Wang Fu was also chatting with Zhong Qiang about this topic.

"Mr. Wang, today's mobile phone manufacturers generally leave product processing to professional foundries."

"Our company's mobile phone OEM business has developed relatively smoothly in recent years."

"This time Nanshan Group has suddenly entered the mobile phone production industry. I think we can also contact them to see if they are interested in handing over the foundry business to us in the future?"

Although Zhong Qiang is mainly responsible for the procurement business, the expansion of the OEM business is not the focus of his work.

However, he is also the assistant to the general manager of the company, and as the director of the purchasing department, he is relatively familiar with many people in Nanshan Group.

So it was quite strange that he received an invitation letter to the Honor mobile phone launch conference.

Thinking that there might be business opportunities here, Zhong Qiang went to chat with Wang Fu.

"I just asked someone to find out that Honor mobile phones now have their own production line in Yangcheng."

"So there are definitely no plans to entrust mobile phone production to foundries for processing in the short term."

"We'll have to see if their mobile phone project can be launched later."

"If sales increase and their existing production lines cannot meet the demand, then we should be able to discuss OEM business."

"If the mobile phone project doesn't start at all and their own factory production capacity is surplus, then there will definitely be nothing to talk about."

"We OEM a large number of mobile phones for Nokia. It is clear that the competition in the mobile phone industry has become very fierce."

"Whether it's Nokia or Motorola, there are now cheap products costing more than 300 yuan, and their performance is very stable."

"Honor mobile phones have entered the market at this time. I'm afraid it won't be that easy to open up the market."

"When it comes to low-end products, Nanshan Group has strong cost control, and I don't think it can compare to Nokia."

"After all, our size is completely different, and our cost negotiation capabilities with suppliers are also very different."

"As for high-end products, Nokia also has relatively successful products out there. It will be difficult for Honor phones to surpass them."

"I feel that the performance of mobile phones has reached a bottleneck stage, and it is not that easy to break through."

"To be honest, if Nanshan Group develops other automobile-related products, I will still have full confidence in them."

"When it comes to mobile phones, I feel that Mr. Cao may have made a mistake this time."

Obviously, Wang Fu is not optimistic about the Honor mobile phone produced by Nanshan Group.

Although so far, no information about Honor mobile phones has been disclosed to the public.

But mobile phones are just like that?

As Nokia's main OEM, BYD is very familiar with mobile phone production processes.

"Nanshan Group is indeed a bit out of touch with reality this time."

"Maybe they have been too successful in the past few years, so they feel like they can do anything."

"This mobile phone project will let them know that there are so many products in the world, and they can't handle everything."

After listening to Wang Fu's words, Zhong Qiang felt that it made sense.

He himself has changed many mobile phones, and he is relatively clear about the current situation of mobile phones.

Nokia is the dominant player, and no domestic manufacturer can compete with them.

There are even a bunch of copycat mobile phone manufacturers in Shencheng, and they have even lowered the prices of mobile phones.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously not that easy for Honor mobile phones to break out.

I don’t know what the internal considerations of Nanshan Group are.

"Although we are not optimistic about the prospects of Honor mobile phones, since the other party has sent an invitation letter this time, for the sake of cooperation between the two parties, we will still go to the site to take a look."

"A mobile phone launch conference was attended by a bunch of people from car companies. It's quite strange when you think about it."

BYD currently purchases all gearboxes and most of its engines from Nanshan Group.

Various production equipment and robots are also generally from Nanshan Group.

Under this circumstance, Wang Fu naturally hopes to maintain a better cooperative relationship with Nanshan Group.

Shencheng is so close to Yangcheng, so it would be somewhat inappropriate if he did not attend the press conference.

It just so happened that I went to see what Nanshan Group was trying to do this time, whether it really made a mistake, or whether there were unexpected surprises waiting for everyone.

Zhu Zhengfeng also had the same mood as Wang Fu.

At this moment, he looked at the electronic invitation in the email and was a little speechless.

"Tao Wen, what do you think the Nanshan Group means by inviting me to attend the launch of their Honor mobile phone?"

In Zhu Zhengfeng's mind, mobile phones and cars are two completely unrelated products.

None of Spring City Automobile Group's projects is directly related to mobile phones.

Even Zhu Zhengfeng only found out today that Nanshan Group actually has a mobile phone project and a subsidiary called Honor Mobile.

Now that he had received an invitation to the Honor mobile phone launch conference inexplicably, he was also confused.

"Mr. Zhu, the current competitive environment in the domestic mobile phone industry is actually worse than that in the automobile industry."

"As a brand new mobile phone brand, Honor Mobile does not have any market visibility, and it is estimated that its competitiveness cannot be compared with Nokia and Motorola."

"In this case, the first thing people who own Honor Phones should worry about is the sales of their products."

"As the largest automobile group in China, Spring City Automobile Group has a large number of various employees and their families."

"Could it be that the other party invited you over in the hope that Spring City Automobile Group can purchase a batch of Honor mobile phones together?"

Tao Wen also couldn't understand the reason why Zhu Zhengfeng was invited to attend the Honor mobile phone conference.

After thinking about it, she thought about whether the other party wanted to sell their products to Spring City Automobile Group?

Given the influence of Nanshan Group in the domestic automobile industry, if it can find all automobile companies to promote it, it may really be able to contribute a lot of sales to Honor mobile phones by then.

If Spring City Automobile Group started a mobile phone business, Tao Wen felt that it would definitely promote it like this.

"It's not impossible."

"After all, as a brand new mobile phone brand, Honor Mobile has no advantages in terms of popularity or other aspects."

"Under this situation, if Nanshan Group does not take some special measures, it is very likely that Honor Mobile will cease operations."

Zhu Zhengfeng felt that Tao Wen's analysis was quite reasonable.

Doing promotion.

Not shabby!

Nanshan Group has always been very good at coming up with various marketing plans to promote its products.

This time with the emergence of Honor mobile phones, Nanshan Group will definitely not do nothing.

It can even be expected that the domestic mobile phone industry and publicity situation will definitely usher in some changes in the future.

On this point, Zhu Zhengfeng is very confident in Nanshan Group.

"Then we will go to the scene to support you?"

"Anyway, Honor mobile phones should be able to engage in forced buying and selling."

"At that time, we will arrange to promote it within the group. If everyone is willing to buy it, then buy it."

"This can be regarded as selling a favor to Nanshan Group."

"Even in the future, Honor phones can be considered as employee prizes in Nanshan Hongqi."

Tao Wen quickly gave Zhu Zhengfeng an idea.

There is no pressure to participate in this kind of event, and you can take this opportunity to build relationships with Nanshan Group, so you can naturally participate.

And after participating in some follow-up promotion work, there are also plans, so that there are no plans at all.

How wonderful!

"Okay, then you can come with me to participate and see what kind of medicine Nanshan Group is selling this time."

Zhu Zhengfeng thought for a while and felt that what Tao Wen said made sense.

Anyway, it is the Nanshan Group that you have to worry about in the end, so you can just join in the fun yourself.

If people in the automobile industry such as Wang Fu and Zhu Zhengfeng are just a little worried and don't understand Nanshan Group's entry into the mobile phone manufacturing industry, then to people in the mobile phone industry, it feels like they are watching a joke.

Big companies like Nokia and Motorola pretended they didn't see the news at all.

There are many mobile phone brands in China, but none of them can bring pressure to them.

Now that there is an additional Honor phone, there is no expectation.

On the contrary, Samsung Electronics is a bit wary of the emergence of Honor mobile phones while being contemptuous.

"Mr. Park, some time ago Nanshan Group concentrated its efforts and spent a lot of money to develop Nanshan Semiconductor."

"Now suddenly another company producing mobile phones, Honor Mobile, has appeared."

"I think this matter may have a certain correlation."

"Mobile phones require a lot of semiconductor components, and Nanshan Semiconductor can theoretically produce these components."

"I wonder if they also serve Nanshan Semiconductor when they produce Honor phones."

Samsung Electronics not only produces mobile phones, computers and other products, but also has its own wafer factory to design and produce a series of semiconductor components.

Even most of the components used in Samsung mobile phones are produced internally by the Samsung Group itself.

Now Li Zailin felt a similar style from Nanshan Group.

Will Honor mobile phones in the future, like Samsung mobile phones, use a large number of components produced by the group itself?

Then through the increase in mobile phone sales, we will further promote the development of semiconductor components.

Parts and end products are produced at the same time, so the competitiveness is definitely not something that other mobile phone manufacturers can easily match.

"Nanshan Group may indeed have such an idea. After all, it has spent so much money on Nanshan Semiconductor, and it must be hoping to develop this industry."

“But just because they want to do it on their own doesn’t mean they can definitely succeed.”

"So far, our Samsung mobile phones cannot even enter the top five in the Chinese market, and our market share is very low."

"I don't think Honor Mobile, a newly established mobile phone brand, can compete with traditional mobile phone giants such as Nokia, Motorola, and Sony Ericsson."

"When the time comes, let the market teach Nanshan Group how to do things."

Park Genxi sneered, feeling that Nanshan Group was in trouble.

If you have succeeded in building cars, do you think you can also succeed in building mobile phones?

Where is such a simple thing?

If it were that easy, Samsung's mobile phone sales would have already increased.

How could the current situation be the same?

"That's true. Nanshan Group wants to develop the mobile phone business and then drive the development of Nanshan Semiconductor."

"When car-grade chips and mobile phone chips are launched at the same time, Nanshan Semiconductor's business will be settled."

"But this is ultimately their own wishful thinking. In the end, Nokia will teach them how to behave."

After listening to Park Genxi's words, Li Zailin felt that it seemed reasonable.

I am in charge of the semiconductor business, and I was previously worried that Nanshan Semiconductor's turmoil would pose a threat to Samsung in the future.

Now it seems that my worries are unnecessary.

How can it be so easy for Chinese companies to seize the market in the semiconductor and mobile phone fields?

At that time, a bunch of mobile phone giants will stand up and teach Honor phones how to do things!

After figuring this out, Li Zailin was no longer confused.

Honor mobile phones are going to hold a press conference, so let’s do it.

At most, you can pay attention to the media reports when the time comes and see what features Honor mobile phone products have.

"Qingqing, are you in charge of the Honor mobile phone of Nanshan Group?"

Xia Hong naturally saw various news about Honor mobile phones on the Internet.

Out of concern for her niece, she naturally wanted to call and ask.

After all, the press conference of Honor mobile phone also invited reporters from China Television to attend the meeting.

Xia Hong is also worried that the project her niece is responsible for will be messed up by then.

"Yes, now I am the deputy general manager of Honor Mobile, responsible for all matters except R\u0026D and production."

"Auntie, what's wrong?"

"What's going on?"

Xia Qingqing's mentality is very good now.

Although she has seen many reports on the Internet, she is not worried.

Others don't know what's going on with Honor phones, how can she not know?

When the appearance of HONOR 3G is officially announced, coupled with various configurations that far exceed traditional feature phones, it will definitely make all kinds of eyesight.

Regarding Nanshan Group's mobile phone business, no matter how low everyone's evaluation is now, the reversal will be strong when the time comes.

After all, in Xia Qingqing's opinion, as long as her eyes are not blind, she will not think that HONOR is not good-looking!

"Now everyone seems to be very unsatisfied with the future of Honor mobile phones."

"We all know the situation of mobile phone giants such as Nokia."

"Even international giants like Motorola and LG can't beat them. How can you, a newly established Chinese local mobile phone brand, have a chance?"

"At that time, it will be like a bunch of unknown mobile phone brands in China, struggling there, and it will be very embarrassing."

"Didn't you sit in a good position before?"

“I’m still a little worried now that I’m suddenly switching to Honor phones.”

Xia Hong's view should represent the views of many people.

After all, objectively speaking, it is very unrealistic for everyone to be optimistic about the future of Honor mobile phones now.

Of course, things may change after new products are released.

"Auntie, don't worry, I never do anything I'm not sure about."

"For the Honor mobile phone project, Mr. Cao is personally responsible for the appearance design and related configuration arrangements."

"What will happen then will definitely surprise everyone."

The press conference hasn't started yet, so Xia Qingqing will definitely not tell some top-secret information even to her aunt.

But it’s okay to release your confidence.

So that she wouldn't have to worry all the time.

"For products like mobile phones that are directly facing consumers, sometimes we are not confident that we can sell them well."

"Consumers care about very complex things. Nokia, for example, produces high-end models ranging from a few hundred yuan to tens of thousands of yuan, which is why we have the current situation."

"It's impossible for your Honor phone to behave like others, right?"

"How are you going to grab the cake from someone else's table then?"

Xia Hong still has no confidence in Honor mobile phones.

But she didn't have much choice.

After chatting for a while, he reluctantly hung up the phone.

As time goes by, the discussion about Honor mobile phones on the Internet has become more and more intense.

"It is said that products produced by Nanshan must be high-quality products. Why do I think the Honor phone will break this law this time?"

"It's enough to just build a car. Why not build a mobile phone?"

"Does Nanshan Group want to compete with Nokia? I have no confidence."

"Yelang is so arrogant! You still need to understand yourself correctly."

"Tiezi! It's floating, don't mess around!"

"What is the Honor mobile phone? It's not the Waterloo of Nanshan Group."

"I don't understand. Wouldn't it be better to have more new models? What kind of mobile phones!"

"There are already a lot of messy mobile phone brands in China, and adding another Honor phone seems meaningless."

"I hope the press conference on June 19 can really surprise everyone, otherwise it will be interesting."

"I don't understand why Nanshan Group established a mobile phone company. Is it so idle that it hurts?"

There are various reviews, but few are optimistic about Honor mobile phones.

Naturally, someone specifically reported this series of situations to Cao Yang.

Nanshan Group has not responded to this matter, but it has made this matter even more popular.

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