Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 533 Included in sanctions? If you can't compete, just use off-board moves!

Ten years ago, giants like Toray and Hexcel were not particularly concerned about the development of China's carbon fiber.

At most, it is to arrange some personnel to understand the level of China in a timely manner.

I'm not interested in knowing much else.

After all, the gap between everyone is too big.

People have already achieved large-scale mass production of T300 to T700 and T800 in the 1980s and 1990s. However, before the emergence of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, China had not yet completed the mass production of T300, let alone other advanced products.

However, after the emergence of Nanshan carbon fiber, the situation began to change.

Toray's carbon fiber exports immediately experienced a collapse.

The news that Nanshan Carbon Fiber has developed T300, T400, and even T700 spread quickly.

After all, the National Science and Technology Progress Awards are awarded and can be purchased on the market, so it is not particularly difficult to get relevant information.

The scale of the carbon fiber production line is relatively large, and it cannot be done by just a few people staying in the laboratory.

Such a large factory is built in Chang'an City, so it is impossible to keep it completely secret.

So soon, Toray and Hexcel also knew that Nanshan Carbon Fiber had mastered T800 technology.

In this way, Nanshan Carbon Fiber is completely regarded as its number one competitor by Toray and Hexcel.

If a new technology material cannot be produced in China, the price will definitely be very high.

It's obvious that they just want to steal your money, but you don't need it if you have the ability?

But once China can realize domestic production, the price will definitely usher in a plummet.

Carbon fiber is no exception.

Because of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, the profits of Toray and Hexcel have been declining for several consecutive years. Even if the other party wants to ignore the existence of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, it is impossible.

Therefore, this time about the small batch roll-out of Nanshan Carbon Fiber T1100, some information was more or less obtained by the personnel arranged in advance by the other party.

"Kondo, is what you reported true?"

"Toray has been researching T1100 for 20 years but has yet to achieve large-scale mass production. Now you tell me that the Chinese people have started to build production lines and realize small batch trial production?"

Saganu stared at Taro Kondo with confusion on his face.

To him, the news was simply unbelievable.

He wouldn't find it strange if America's Hexcel made a breakthrough in T1100 technology and produced IM8 or even IM10.

After all, it is the official carbon fiber manufacturer of American military industrial enterprises, and its technical strength is not much worse than Toray.

But Nanshan Carbon Fiber…

That was just a rising star who somehow managed to break through some carbon fiber technologies and caused heavy losses to Toray.

In recent years, Toray has also made considerable efforts to understand the situation of Nanshan carbon fiber.

The fact that Kondo Taro was able to get part of the news so quickly this time was also related to the previous arrangements and efforts.

“Although I don’t know why they were able to develop and mass-produce the T1100 in such a short period of time, this news should be accurate.”

"And we inquired about a factory in Nanshan Carbon Fiber, and the level of vigilance has been increased."

"Once this news officially spreads, it will definitely be a major negative news for our stock price."

Toray's current situation is already a bit tragic.

But after all, T800 has always been the most advanced carbon fiber material in the world.

Without the Huaxia Market, it would not be impossible to survive.

But if the T1100 comes out and the manufacturer is not Toray, the situation will be a bit serious.

Even for Toray, this is fatal news.

"Arrange people to further inquire about the specific content behind this news, and get a clear understanding of the actual situation of Nanshan Carbon Fiber as soon as possible."

"In addition, the company will immediately allocate a group of R\u0026D personnel to be responsible for the commercial production of T1100, and strive to achieve mass production as soon as possible in the next few years."

Although Saganu was very anxious inside, he had not completely lost his composure.

T1100 is not a new product for Toray. They have produced this material in the laboratory a long time ago.

Even for the large-scale mass production of T1100, they have been doing research for many years.

Now it's just the last step.

Of course, Toray has been struggling with this final step for several years, and may need to continue struggling for several more years. Maybe it will be done next year.

What it will look like in the end, no one can say.

Things in the field of materials science are often a matter of trial and error.

You have no way to accurately predict what the final situation will be and when a breakthrough will be achieved.

If you're lucky, maybe you can do something that others haven't done for years, but you can do it in a month.

If you are unlucky, you may never achieve anything in your life.

Therefore, many companies are reluctant to engage in basic scientific research such as materials. The ratio of input and output is really inconsistent.

The key is still full of uncertainty.

If you go to solicit investment, few investors will be interested in such an uncertain project.

"President, currently only Nanshan Carbon Fiber has mastered the mass production technology of T1100 in the world. There is no news about this in the United States or Europe."

"Should we also disclose this news to rivals such as Hexcel America to see if they have any way to stop the continuous progress of Nanshan Carbon Fiber?"

If you can't take care of yourself, then go and take care of others.

As the head of Toray's sales department, Taro Kondo has used various methods.

This time he had to deal with Nanshan Carbon Fiber, so naturally he would not just watch and do nothing.

"How would Hexcel react if he knew that Nanshan Carbon Fiber's technology was more advanced than theirs?"

Saganu did not reject Taro Kondo's proposal, but he also began to consider the pros and cons of doing so.

Although it is said that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, Saganu really can't say that Tori and Hershey are friends.

We are all real competitors.

"High-end carbon fiber technology is definitely the first to be used in the military. Missiles, satellites, and fighter jets are all important application scenarios for high-end carbon fiber."

"Heshe should be very vocal in this regard."

"For the United States' military industry to be so developed, Hershey also has a share of the credit."

"Now Huaxia has not only mastered T800, the most advanced carbon fiber technology in the world, but has also taken the lead in breaking through T1100 technology, completely leading the way in the world."

"This means that their satellites can be made lighter, their intercontinental missiles can be launched farther, and the structure of their fighter jets can be further optimized. This is something that many people cannot accept."

"We just need to pass the information to each other. As for how they will react, I think we just need to see the results."

Taro Kondo did not want to say too many speculative words.

After all, he really couldn't guess the reaction from the United States. .

But based on my past understanding of Heshe, it was impossible for the other party to remain indifferent.

If Toray is the first to break through T1100 technology, then Hexcel's reaction may not necessarily be particularly violent.

After all, everyone is very clear about the situation in Japan and the United States.

At that time, the first breakthrough was China's Nanshan Carbon Fiber. This situation is completely different.

To put it bluntly, in the carbon fiber industry, the sky is falling!

"Then share the information we have with the other party as soon as possible."

"I believe that the other party is of the same mind as us when it comes to dealing with Nanshan Carbon Fiber."

Saganu did not hesitate this time and gave clear instructions directly.

Following Toray's move, American Hexcel immediately took action.

"David, although our Hexcel IM10 carbon fiber has also reached a critical research and development period, we can complete the technical preparations for large-scale mass production at any time."

"But no one knows when this day will come."

"Now that the Chinese have developed it in advance, they will definitely be the first to use it in the military industry."

"And the other party definitely has no intention of exporting this high-performance carbon fiber material. Otherwise, such a major technological breakthrough would have been broadcast on the China News Network long ago."

"In this case, we need to carefully consider what response plan we need to take."

Hexcel is just a materials supplier, and it is not a large-scale enterprise like 3M.

Therefore, relying solely on their own strength, there is definitely no way to achieve their goals.

However, Hexcel's own influence is not enough; its customers' influence is enough.

Boeing and Lockheed Martin are all its customers.

Today, Hexcel’s president Thomas came to Boeing’s purchasing director David to discuss the supply of carbon fiber materials.

Since Boeing is such a big company, it is naturally difficult for Thomas to talk directly to the president of Boeing.

It is more feasible to communicate with the purchasing director first, and then let the other party communicate within the company.

"Our aircraft, missiles, and satellites use a large amount of carbon fiber composite materials, which is an important guarantee for product performance."

"In the past, we restricted the export of T700 and T800 products to China, but now the other party has not only made breakthroughs in these technologies, but has also taken the lead in achieving large-scale mass production of T1100. This is definitely an unacceptable thing for us."

"Just because of the existence of Nanshan carbon fiber, the competitiveness of our military industry cannot be reduced."

Although David is engaged in purchasing, being the purchasing director of Boeing Company is not something that ordinary people can do.

After hearing Hexcel report the new situation in the carbon fiber industry to him, he immediately had an idea.

We cannot let the development of Nanshan Carbon Fiber go unchecked!

Even Nanshan Carbon Fiber cannot successfully achieve large-scale mass production of T1100 carbon fiber.

You have to find some problems for them.

"Yes, I thought so too, so after learning the news, I contacted you immediately."

Thomas naturally fully agreed with David's statement, otherwise he wouldn't have come specifically to see him today.

"When will Hexcel's T1100 product be produced?"

Before determining how to take the next step, David obviously also wanted to confirm the specific situation on Heshe's side.

If the same T1100 material can be produced quickly, then this matter will not be so serious.

At most, China's carbon fiber has already been in line with international standards.

But if it wasn't like that, the situation would be completely different.

"We are currently developing IM8 and IM10 simultaneously."

"So far, the progress is relatively smooth, and a breakthrough may be achieved at any time."

"But I can't give you a specific time. Maybe within this year, maybe next year, maybe in a few years. These are all possibilities."

"David, you must also know that the development of new materials is often full of uncertainties."

"I also want to know the specific time, but I really can't give it."

Although Thomas's answer was not what David wanted to hear, after hearing it, he had an idea.

Nanshan Carbon Fiber cannot be allowed to develop like this!

If normal competition cannot defeat you, then you need to consider other options.

"Thomas, according to the information you heard before, in the Chinese carbon fiber market, T600 and T700 products are basically only supplied by Nanshan Carbon Fiber, right?"

David quickly thought of solutions in his mind while confirming the news.

"Yes, other carbon fiber companies in China can only produce T400 at most, and this is also the case when Nanshan Carbon Fiber's technology is used."

"So in a short period of time, only Nanshan Carbon Fiber is producing high-end products above T400, and other Chinese manufacturers are still far behind."

Although he was a little confused about what David wanted to do, Thomas quickly told him the information he had.

If Hexcel wants to deal with Nanshan Carbon Fiber, it will definitely need the help of major customers like Boeing.

And if you want others to help, the information you provide must be as accurate as possible.

"The materials that Chinese people can produce are often very competitively priced, and carbon fiber should be no exception, right?"

When David said this, Thomas looked slightly embarrassed.

He was a little unsure of what the other party meant.

Do you want to take this opportunity to beat yourself up?

It shouldn’t be!

Everyone’s relationship is so good!

"Their labor costs are very low, and workers' labor hours are long, so the material costs are indeed lower than ours."

Although I can't figure out the other party's true purpose, it's hard not to answer the question.

"So, Nanshan Carbon Fiber's products should be very competitive in the international market, right?"

David asked a further question.

"Yes, because of the emergence of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, we have lost many customers. There are even some manufacturers in Japan who purchase materials from Nanshan Carbon Fiber."

Having already communicated to this point, Thomas simply broke the pot and threw it away.

"High-end carbon fiber is basically prepared for the military industry. Nanshan Carbon Fiber's products are sold in the international market, so nine out of ten they are also sold to countries such as Persia, right?"

When David asked, Thomas' eyes immediately lit up.

People in this industry are very sensitive.

David's meaning was so obvious that Thomas couldn't understand it.

"David, can we use the other party's carbon fiber sales for military purposes to countries such as Persia to make a fuss?"

Seeing that he was about to find a solution to the problem, Thomas' tone of voice was a little different.

Being able to use some simple and crude methods to solve the problem, he naturally doesn't want to make it complicated.

"That's right!"

"We can definitely seize this matter and ask Congress to come up with a sanctions list, and then Nanshan Carbon Fiber will be included in it."

"In the future, our companies will not be allowed to sell all the equipment and raw materials that Nanshan Carbon Fiber needs to other parties. We will hold anyone accountable even if they sell the corresponding equipment to Nanshan Carbon Fiber."

At this point, Thomas finally understood what David was thinking.

This idea seems completely feasible.

And when the time comes, we can take this opportunity to muddy the waters and see if we can fish in troubled waters.

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