Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 573: No. 1 in the country, Cao Yang’s gift to Yangcheng

"Mr. Cao, our group is now considered a benchmark enterprise in Yangcheng City and even Lingnan Province."

"Although various business divisions have built some office buildings before, there is still a lack of a landmark building."

"According to the opinions given by the consulting company, the domestic real estate market is expected to usher in a new wave of development, and the price of commercial land will definitely skyrocket by then."

"If our headquarters building is built late, the money we will need to spend may be much larger."

"I think we should consider finding a piece of land in the district to build a more distinctive landmark building?"

Although Xia Qingqing didn't know the specific financial situation of Nanshan Group, based on the information she learned, she knew that the group was not short of money.

Besides, even if the money is short, with the influence of Nanshan Group, it would be no problem to borrow tens of billions.

Don't just look for a bank.

"Now that the company has more and more employees, it is indeed necessary to build a headquarters building."

"Even Nanshan Batteries, Future Cars, and Honor Mobile can build their own office buildings and R\u0026D centers."

Liu Youmei also chimed in.

In the past two years, although Nanshan Group has built a lot of factories and office buildings, the number of employees has increased very quickly. Taking advantage of the fact that costs in all aspects are still relatively low, there seems to be no harm in building a few more buildings.

Otherwise, when such a large company appears, it will be difficult for everyone to reserve a conference room for meetings, which will be embarrassing.

Besides, this kind of headquarters building actually has certain benefits in improving the cohesion and sense of honor of the company's employees.

"It is indeed necessary to build some office buildings. They don't necessarily have to be as high as the CBD in Zhujiang New Town."

“But the area must be sufficient and future development needs must be taken into consideration.”

Zeng Tingting naturally supports the construction of the headquarters building.

A landmark building does not necessarily need to be built very high, as long as it has characteristics that people will not forget after seeing it at a glance.

"I think there should be no problem in acquiring land. Both Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City hope that we can develop more boldly. Whether it is building a factory or building an office building, there will definitely be no problem."

"Even the subway in Nanshan Industrial Park and the Automobile Town has opened a line today, and a new line will pass by in the future."

"The place that used to be like a countryside is now no worse than Tianhe."

As the vice president of the group, Rao Yongxiang also supports the company in building landmark buildings.

In this era, everyone is very concerned about this kind of thing.

Cao Yang, who knows the general trend of real estate development in the future, naturally has no objection to this.

"Since we are going to do it, we should move quickly. On the one hand, we will ask for land in Yangcheng City, and on the other hand, we will start arranging architectural design institutes to help design the plan. Construction will officially start in the first half of this year and we will strive to complete the construction next year."

"At the same time, the construction of employee dormitories can also be carried out simultaneously to provide everyone with a more convenient accommodation environment in the automobile town."

"Especially in some factory areas with a large number of workers, many employees are migrant workers and need to rent accommodation."

Cao Yang has no intention of entering the real estate industry, but he must reap some of the dividends from real estate development.

Whether you buy a community to use as dormitories for employees or build employee dormitories, these are all matters that allow you to enjoy real estate dividends.

Even if you go too far, you can directly ask the local area to provide residential land while building the factory, directly build supporting commercial housing, and then sell it as welfare housing to employees, which is also something worth looking forward to.

Of course, this plan goes against the trend of the times.

Under the policy of the group providing interest-free loans to support employees in buying houses, Cao Yang didn't want to bother too much.

I have already said that if the house purchased falls within ten years and can be redeemed, if the employee still does not have a house to live in, then it is really his own problem.

The dividends of the times have been delivered to your hands, but you dismiss them.

In this case, who is to blame?

And when the news that Nanshan Group was going to build a headquarters building reached Liu Tianwu, he finally couldn't bear it after enduring it for a long time.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that Nanshan Group's turnover this year exceeded 500 billion?"

Last year, Liu Tianwu attended the summary meeting of Nanshan Group as an invited guest. This year, his identity has changed, and it is not so appropriate to continue attending the meeting.

Although he can also obtain some data through the tax bureau, the information is not as reliable as the boss Cao Yang.

"Thanks to the support of Yangcheng City, our group has achieved this result."

"According to the data compiled by our finance department today, last year's turnover was 529 billion, achieving leapfrog development."

"Next year we hope to reach a higher level and challenge the high goal of 700 billion."

The rapid development of Yangcheng in recent years, even surpassing the Imperial Capital and becoming second only to the Magic Capital, has a lot to do with the Nanshan Group.

According to Liu Tianwu's estimation, if the development speed of Yangcheng can be maintained, there is hope that it will surpass the Magic City and become the number one existence in China in the next two years.

After all, the current GDP of the Magic City is only over one trillion.

The Nanshan Group in Yangcheng has contributed more than 500 billion, and even including the industrial chain, it is far more than this figure.

Then it is possible that the GDP of Yangcheng will surpass that of Shanghai in 2009.

It's just that this data usually doesn't come out that quickly. Relevant information won't be available until after the Spring Festival.

Once this goal is really achieved, it will definitely be a breakthrough for Liu Tianwu.

Now is an era in which the economy takes the lead, and GDP growth is the most impressive result.

In Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, Yangcheng used to be the third child.

Now if you can become the boss, the meaning will be really different.

After all, others are municipalities directly under the Central Government, and Yangcheng is just a prefecture-level city.

Although it is a provincial capital city, everyone's administrative level is half a level lower.

Logically speaking, Lingnan Province should be compared with the Imperial Capital and the Magic Capital.

"It's really more than 500 billion, and it suddenly increased by 200 billion?"

"This is really great!"

Liu Tianwu made a quick calculation in his mind.

In 2008, the GDP of Magic City was slightly higher than that of Yangcheng, but now that Yangcheng has increased its GDP by hundreds of billions a year, the possibility of successfully overtaking it is too high.

Anything that can be ranked first in the country is not easy.

As long as the economy of Yangcheng can be stabilized and continue to rank first in the country, Liu Tianwu feels that he has hope of becoming the economic leader of Lingnan Province or other provinces within ten years.

This is definitely a life leap for him.

Cao Yang gave such a big gift to Liu Tianwu and gave such a big gift to Yangcheng. It would not be a problem at all to get land or something later.

A special leadership group has even been established under Yangcheng City to assist in handling various matters related to Nanshan Group. It is necessary to ensure that Nanshan Group can develop lightly and quickly, and make greater contributions to the economy of Yangcheng.

Although no media attended the Nanshan Group's summary meeting, most of the information was kept confidential.

However, the news that Nanshan Group's turnover exceeded 500 billion obviously cannot be concealed.

After all, Yangcheng City also hopes to make full use of this news to publicize its achievements and provide some assistance for attracting investment.

So soon, various media began to report the news.

"Editor Fang, the financial channel went too far. They got the news first and didn't tell us. They reported it directly."

Lin Jiayan came to work early in the morning and found that NetEase Financial Channel reported the news that Nanshan Group's turnover exceeded 500 billion.

This news, the car channel has not moved yet.

Although Nanshan Group does not simply produce cars, the entire Nanshan Group's industry is basically related to the automobile industry.

Normally, it is more appropriate for Nanshan Group-related news to be reported by the Automobile Channel.

Who knew that this time the financial channel would take the lead.

This made Lin Jiayan feel shameless!

"More than 500 billion yuan!"

"Calculated based on the average exchange rate of RMB against the U.S. dollar last year, this is a turnover of more than 70 billion U.S. dollars. This achievement will definitely make it into the top 100 of the Fortune 500, right?"

"Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that financial channels are rushing to report on it."

As the editor-in-chief of the channel, Fang Dawen would definitely not be able to quarrel with other channel editors casually.

In particular, the financial channel is one of the more powerful channels in NetEase, and the editor-in-chief of the channel is also the deputy editor-in-chief of the entire website.

In this case, Fang Dawen had no choice but to comfort Lin Jiayan.

After all, this situation is indeed quite special.

Even Lin Jiayan herself has a hard time denying it.

"Nanshan Group has never disappointed anyone. I remember that in the past few years, it was still working hard to achieve a turnover of 100 billion, but now it has directly exceeded 500 billion, which is equivalent to an increase of nearly 200 billion in sales last year. Forehead."

"This number is still very alarming."

"No wonder Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City regard Nanshan Group as their own son and do not allow any media to report negative news about Nanshan Group."

"Even newspapers that are always quick to talk will not say bad things about Nanshan Group easily."

Lin Jiayan's mood became even more complicated as she watched the Nanshan Group develop and grow.

In particular, I heard that Nanshan Group’s bonuses this year will hit a record high. Basically, the bonus at the end of the year is equivalent to an extra year’s salary.

It takes one year for someone else to do as much as two years for you.

If you include the difference in basic salary, someone else's job for one year may be better than your job for several years.

In this case, it would be strange not to be stimulated.

"Nanshan Group has not only won the National Science and Technology Progress Award repeatedly, but also has many other achievements that have won national, provincial and municipal awards. It is indeed different from ordinary enterprises."

"If we in China had more companies like Nanshan Group, it wouldn't be that difficult to catch up with Japan's economy."

In 2009, China's economy was only the third largest in the world.

It is just a little bit away from Japan, which is second.

But there is still a big gap with the United States, which ranks first.

Compared with later generations, everyone's self-confidence is still very different.

"In the future, we will set up a special team in our automotive channel to be responsible for following up on various news about Nanshan Group."

"I heard that they will make many big moves this year, and it will be very important to get first-hand news when the time comes."

If Fang Dawen and Lin Jiayan can still view the changes in Nanshan Group relatively calmly, then people from other car companies have complicated feelings.

"Mr. Zhu, our group's turnover is 260 billion, which is almost half of Nanshan Group's."

"Modu Automobile Group's turnover this year is about 380 billion, which is still far behind Nanshan Group."

"As for Zephyr Motors and Imperial Motors, the gap is even greater."

Tao Wen knew that Zhu Zhengfeng was very concerned about Nanshan Group's affairs, so after it was reported on the Internet that Nanshan Group's revenue reached more than 500 billion, he reported to Zhu Zhengfeng.

In fact, strictly speaking, Spring City Automobile Group's turnover of more than 260 billion is very high.

Because its main income is contributed by various joint venture companies.

If you really have to look at their own sole proprietorships, or calculate their turnover based on shareholding ratio, the data will be almost halved.

Of course, this situation is also the same for other car companies such as Modu Auto.

When you count China's car sales every year, you will find a funny thing.

That is, the sales volume announced by several large automobile groups and the sales volume announced by various automobile giants combined have exceeded China's total automobile production.

It seems that the sales of other independent brands have disappeared.

In fact, this is a question of statistical caliber.

For example, Spring City Toyota and Yangcheng Toyota are joint ventures of Toyota Motor. Toyota will include them when it releases its sales.

When Spring City Automobile Group and Yangcheng Automobile Group release their sales, they will also be included in their respective calculations.

Therefore, the sales volume of the joint venture was double counted.

Fortunately, the China Automobile Association is well aware of this situation and will not directly use the data of each automobile group, but will make statistics according to each company.

"The development speed of Nanshan Group is too exaggerated. It was still relatively weak in front of us before, but now it has far surpassed us."

"At this pace, the gap between everyone will become even greater in the future."

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing for our cooperation with them?"

Zhu Zhengfeng's mood was a little tangled.

Spring City Automobile Group now has more and more intersections with Nanshan Group.

Or to put it another way, Spring City Automobile Group is becoming more and more dependent on Nanshan Group.

"I think there may be pros and cons. On the one hand, Nanshan Group has grown in size. When we deal with them in the future, the other party may be more powerful."

"On the other hand, the stronger they are, the better it is for our cooperation projects."

"Just like Nanshan Hongqi, if it weren't for the cooperation with Nanshan Group, it might take several years to achieve the current sales volume."

"But now not only the sales volume is rapidly exceeding 100,000, but after the new car is launched this year, the annual sales volume is likely to exceed 200,000."

"Although there is still some gap compared with Chery and BYD, after raising the price to 200,000 yuan, the development of the Hongqi brand is on the right track."

"And if we want to continue producing Dahongqi, the other party will not set any threshold for large-displacement engines."

"Even when we need some policies, we don't need to rely solely on the influence of our group. Letting the Nanshan Group take action can also have unexpected effects."

After Tao Wen explained this, Zhu Zhengfeng felt a lot more comfortable.

When two people cooperate and the other partner suddenly becomes very powerful, everyone's mentality will definitely change.

If adjustments cannot be made, then perhaps everyone’s cooperation will not continue.

Zhu Zhengfeng also hoped that after completing Nanshan Red Flag, he might be transferred to an administrative position.

After all, as the general manager of Spring City Automobile Group, he is also at the deputy ministerial level. As long as he has the opportunity to go to local places, he can directly serve as a senior official.

But the prerequisite is that he must have outstanding results and be appreciated by others.

"You are right. Nanshan Group has become stronger, which is good for the development of our joint venture."

"We will have more choices in the future. Jiefang Trucks can also consider purchasing some large-displacement diesel engines from Nanshan Engine, so that our commercial vehicles can regain the number one position in the country."

As the earliest truck in China, the Jiefang truck has the same meaning to China as the Hongqi sedan.

However, in recent years, several other heavy truck companies have also developed very rapidly.

On the contrary, Jiefang Truck is a bit behind.

Although ordinary people don't care much about commercial vehicles, because trucks are multi-purpose vehicles, they can not only be used for civilian purposes, but also have their own needs in the military.

Therefore, if the technical level of Jiefang Trucks does not improve much, it will naturally be stressful for Spring City Automobile Group.

However, the development difficulty of large-displacement diesel engines is no less difficult than that of large-displacement gasoline engines.

Until now, although Spring City Automobile Group has its own mature R\u0026D system and supply chain, the level of diesel engines still lags behind that of Nanshan engines.

That is to say, Nanshan Engine has not made small-displacement diesel engines in recent years. Otherwise, the domestic truck power market will undergo another big change.

Sometimes it is not the people within the industry who break the state of the industry, but the outsiders who come in.

Nanshan Engine did not produce diesel engines before, but since they started producing diesel engines, no domestic manufacturer can rival it in terms of large-displacement products.

Even Cummins and other foreign giants are willing to bring more advanced products to China.

Because you always point out the backward technology of Nanshan Engine, other companies are not stupid and do not want to buy your products.

"Nanshan Group probably has no intention of producing commercial vehicles on its own. It was taken advantage of by Yangcheng Automobile Group before."

"I think whether it's Jiefang trucks or buses, we can consider cooperating with Nanshan Group so that we can also enjoy the dividends of Nanshan Group's rapid development."

When Tao Wen said this, Zhu Zhengfeng became interested immediately.

He was a bit hesitant to directly take out Jiefang Brand as a joint venture.

After all, compared to the dying Hongqi sedan at the time, Jiefang Truck's operating conditions were relatively stable.

It’s nothing more than making less money.

Therefore, if Jiefang Brand were to join a joint venture with Nanshan Group in this situation, there would be huge internal opposition.

But other ways of cooperation are completely conceivable.

"The trucks of Zeifeng Motors basically use Zephyr Cummins engines."

"If Nanshan Engine is willing to jointly establish Spring City Nanshan Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. with us, then in the future we can hand over the engines for Jiefang heavy trucks to the joint venture for production."

"This should also be an unexpected surprise for Nanshan Engine. After all, we rarely buy their diesel engines now."

Zhu Zhengfeng said while quickly weighing the feasibility of this matter.

Establishing a joint venture to supply parts is a very common practice in the domestic automobile industry.

Now that two Chinese companies have established a joint venture, there will be no obstacles.

The key is that both Spring City Automobile Group and Nanshan Engine must agree to this plan.

"As long as the conditions we provide are good enough, Nanshan Engine should be willing to cooperate with us."

"But it's very likely that they just put the production factory here in Spring City and won't share R\u0026D-related resources with us."

“In the end, we may not necessarily be able to learn any technology through the joint venture.”

Tao Wen made the situation very clear.

There are so many joint venture car companies in China, but in fact, the Chinese automobile group has not learned any special R\u0026D technology.

Because people treat you as a production factory.

The same situation will naturally occur in the joint venture between Nanshan Engine and Spring City Automobile Group.

This is almost expected.

After all, Nanshan Group is not stupid, so how could it teach you its special skills so easily?

"We are all Chinese companies. It doesn't matter whose hands the technology is in, as long as our Jiefang trucks can be used."

"Please make arrangements and try to communicate with Mr. Cao in person before the Chinese New Year and finalize this project as soon as possible."

After thinking clearly about the feasibility, Zhu Zhengfeng couldn't wait.

China's automobile industry developed rapidly last year. Not only the sales of passenger cars are increasing, but also commercial vehicles.

According to current trends, many infrastructure projects will be launched in the next few years, and the demand for commercial vehicles will continue to increase.

It would be a pity if Spring City Liberation missed this opportunity.

Taking advantage of the current popularity of Nanshan Group, cooperating with the other party and using Nanshan Engine's products may help Chuncheng Jiefang return to its former glory.

Zhu Zhengfeng was full of expectations for this.

Nanshan Group has brought so many surprises to everyone, and it can also bring surprises to Spring City Automobile Group.

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