Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 590 Challenging the new pattern, chip equipment alliance

Asmail held a meeting with several shareholders and major customers, and the results were not optimistic.

In particular, the questions raised by Samsung’s Lee Jae-lin cast a shadow over all the participants.

Nanshan Equipment has developed a high-end photolithography machine, and it is constantly fermenting.

Of course, international manufacturers use various means to confirm the level of Nanshan Equipment's lithography machines, and this work does not stop for a quarter of an hour.

After all, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be victorious in any battle. This truth is not only understood by the Chinese.

Like a photolithography machine, in addition to the optical system mentioned in the paper, the laser is also a very important piece of equipment.

TRUMPF was originally the monopoly in this field, but now Nanshan Equipment seems to be opening up this situation.

So what exactly is the situation, TRUMPF naturally needs to figure it out internally.

To this end, TRUMPF's German headquarters gave special instructions to the Chinese branch to make sure they understand the relevant situation.

"Chen Liang, I don't care what method you use, you must find out what level the laser used in Nanshan Equipment's lithography machine has reached and how far it is from our products."

As the general manager of Trumpf China Branch, Molde is under a lot of pressure now.

Several big guys at the headquarters have already called and sent him emails, wanting to confirm the same things.

That is the situation of the lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment, or the laser used in the lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment.

"I have collected some of the current information, but there is very little content about lasers."

"Especially regarding the lasers used in DUV and EUV lithography machines, this is a very professional field. I checked reports from various media in China and basically couldn't find relevant information."

"But I heard that personnel from manufacturers such as TSMC and Samsung went to Nanshan last week to inspect equipment. Maybe they have some information that can provide us with reference."

Chen Liang also had a headache.

I am just a sales manager, not a commercial spy.

How is it possible to know everything?

If you ask him how many cars Xingchen Motors sold last year, he can investigate clearly and give you a reply.

Even when asked about the operating status of Nanshan Equipment last year, he was able to compile some information.

But I asked about the level of lasers used by Nanshan Equipment on the lithography machine...

He was really confused.

"We have no direct contact with the personnel at Samsung and TSMC. The lasers are delivered to ASML by the headquarters. Even if we have inquiries, we can only go to the headquarters for consultation."

"But before replying this news to the headquarters, we definitely need some information ourselves."

"Even if there is no accurate source for this information, we still have to compile some relevant intelligence."

"After all, if even our Huaxia branch can't figure it out, wouldn't the headquarters be even more confused about everything?"

Chen Liang had no way to refute Molde's statement.

The big guys at the headquarters will definitely pass the blame to the Huaxia Branch in the end.

In the end, you still need to do these things yourself.

That means forcing yourself to compile information?

Do you need to make it more reasonable?

"Molde, I think if we must report to the headquarters, we can start with ordinary laser cutting equipment and introduce the achievements of Nanshan Equipment in this area to the headquarters."

"Then we will give some speculation based on this information to see how the laser technology of Nanshan equipment is and whether it can reach the level we supply to ASML."

There was no way to escape anyway, so Chen Liang naturally had to find a plan for himself quickly.

Otherwise, the next step will be Molde's turn to be hungry every now and then.

"No problem, as long as you can give some meaningful reference information."

"Although we basically don't do the business of lithography lasers in China, the headquarters attaches great importance to it."

"Although the annual output of this kind of thing is not very high, the profit is very considerable."

"It can even be said that it is a hugely profitable product, and there is no room for error."

After all, Molde has been at the German headquarters for more than ten years, and he has a relatively good understanding of the situation there.

Trumpf's production of lasers for lithography machines is no longer a matter of one or two days.

Companies such as ASML and TRUMPF will be concerned about the situation of the lithography machines of Nanshan Equipment. As the first Modu Microelectronics to get accurate information, this is naturally even more so.

Combining information from all aspects, a high-level meeting was held within Modu Microelectronics.

"Mr. He, judging from the various information collected so far, the lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment may indeed have reached the same level as ASML."

"Nanshan Semiconductor has introduced four photolithography machines at once, and plans to use more related products in the future."

"Although they have a special relationship and are from the same group, if Nanshan Equipment's products are not good, Nanshan Semiconductor will definitely not dare to use them."

As the chief engineer of Modu Microelectronics Equipment, Du Xinqiang has been busy with the lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment during this time.

Last time I followed He Guangming to the Nanshan Group for sales promotion, but he came back with bad news.

During this time, the atmosphere within the entire Magic City Microelectronics has changed.

After all, the information about Nanshan Equipment is flying all over the place, and it’s impossible for employees not to know about it.

Even if you want to fool people, you can't.

"There's no chance of us catching up?"

"One year won't work for two years, two years won't work for three years!"

"You can always catch up, right?"

He Guangming looked at Du Xinqiang reluctantly.

This result is definitely not what he wants to see.

Although I already have expectations in my heart, it is still very difficult to really accept it.

"Mr. He, there is at least a five-year gap between us and ASML and Nanshan Equipment in the level of lithography machines. From now on, Nanshan Equipment cannot stand still and wait for us to catch up."

"The most important thing is that I heard that SMIC asked Nanshan Equipment to quote a price, and the price was 10% cheaper than ours."

"The performance is better than ours, and the price is cheaper than ours. In this case, we have no way to survive at all."

"For things like photolithography machines, it is very stressful for a country to support a manufacturer."

"Unless we only make very low-end lithography machines in the future and rely on low prices to obtain orders."

"But low selling price means no profit. Nanshan equipment may even further reduce the selling price of lithography machines, leaving us with no way to survive even in the low-end market."

As soon as Du Xinqiang said these words, the conference room fell into silence.

A month ago, everything was still going strong. Modu Microelectronics was expected to become China's ASML, enjoying the dividends of the rapid development of the semiconductor industry.

Why did the situation change so quickly?

According to the current rhythm, let alone being prosperous, there is no telling whether we can still survive.

Naturally, few people can accept the feeling of being in the world of ice and fire in such a short period of time.

"Modu Microelectronics is an innovative enterprise focused on construction by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Modu City, and plays a pivotal role in the entire industrial chain layout."

"If Nanshan Equipment doesn't give us a way to survive at all, can we consider communicating with shareholders?"

Although He Guangming is the general manager, he definitely doesn't want to take responsibility alone when encountering such a thing.

Everyone makes collective decisions.

"The dean of the Government Affairs Council just went to Nanshan Equipment and spoke very highly of them."

"The Lingnan Province side cares about the Nanshan Group like a treasure. In this case, even if the Magic City or the Chinese Academy of Sciences come forward, it won't work, right?"

"Even shareholders don't necessarily want to be involved."

When Du Xinqiang said this, the conference room fell into silence again.

The situation is a bit embarrassing.

He is like the little boy in "The Emperor's New Clothes", who immediately reveals everyone's disguise.

Although the shareholders of Modu Microelectronics Equipment are very powerful, even before the emergence of Nanshan Equipment, they were shouldering the important task of revitalizing China's semiconductor industry equipment.

However, eight years have passed since its establishment in 2002, and they have only produced a low-end lithography equipment that is barely usable.

If you have no choice, then at least Modu Microelectronics Equipment has solved the problem of whether the photolithography machine is available.

On some low-end chips, such as those on various toys, it can still be processed using it.

After all, the manufacturing processes of those chips are backward technologies from more than ten years ago.

Not to mention the chip industry, which abides by Moore's Law, even in other ordinary industries, the technology is more than ten years apart, and the difference is huge.

It's simply not enough to attract the attention of competitors.

Be afraid of comparison in everything. Without comparison, there will be no harm!

The lithography machine of Nanshan Equipment came out of the blue, which immediately put other domestic chip manufacturers in shame.

"Actually, I think there is another option. Is it possible to have a good communication with Nanshan Equipment?"

Sales Director Cui Minghua’s words broke the silence.

Everyone's attention immediately shifted to him.

"Mr. Cui, what are your plans?"

He Guangming looked at Cui Minghua expectantly.

People who engage in sales tend to have more flexible minds, and He Guangming is quite clear about Cui Minghua's abilities.

"Nanshan Equipment started with high-precision stamping equipment. Its products cover various machine tools, laser cutting, battery processing, carbon fiber processing and other equipment. Semiconductor processing equipment is just one of its many businesses."

"Although due to Nanshan Semiconductor, Nanshan Equipment has recently paid more attention to the research and development of semiconductor equipment, but after all, this is only a part of its business, not even the most important business."

"And there are many types of semiconductor processing equipment, and it is simply not possible for one equipment manufacturer to handle them all."

"Wafer manufacturing equipment is the area with the greatest demand in the semiconductor equipment industry, with photolithography, etching and deposition equipment being the main components."

"I heard that Nanshan Equipment is planning to build these projects, or is already working on them."

"The three major processes of chip manufacturing: photolithography, etching, and deposition, as well as the four smaller processes of ion implantation, cleaning, oxidation, and detection, require a lot of equipment. There is not just one photolithography machine."

"We have now successfully developed a 90-nanometer lithography machine. Although there is still a gap with Nanshan Equipment's products, it at least shows that our R\u0026D strength is still very strong."

"If we can form a domestic chip equipment alliance with Nanshan Equipment, and we all work together to localize all equipment, then the market will definitely be huge."

"We can even combine with Nanshan Equipment to bid for equipment orders from some chip manufacturers. We provide one or several of them, Nanshan Equipment provides part of it, and then buys part from other places to provide customers with a package solution."

"I believe many manufacturers should be interested."

Cui Minghua put out this plan, and everyone was thinking about it with interest.

According to this plan, Nanshan Equipment will definitely take the lead in this cooperation, but as long as Nanshan Equipment is willing to play with Modu Microelectronics Equipment, then everyone will have something to eat.

With so much equipment, it is indeed impossible for Nanshan Equipment to do everything.

Rather than letting Nanshan Equipment find some other manufacturers to cooperate in producing supporting equipment, it would be better for Modu Microelectronics to do so.

After all, they are a medium-to-large enterprise with more than a thousand R\u0026D personnel, and the experience accumulated over the years is still somewhat useful.

Top-notch equipment may not be available right away, but there are still no problems with some equipment that is not that difficult.

"I think Mr. Cui's words are quite reasonable. In the previous equipment bidding for the automobile stamping workshop, it was said that Nanshan Equipment often cooperated with Ji'er Machine Tool Factory. Nanshan Equipment provided CNC systems, robots and other related products. Ji'er Responsible for the production of large-scale stamping machine tools, the two parties have jointly won many equipment orders for the stamping workshops of domestic and foreign OEMs."

"In the field of lithography machines, Nanshan Equipment is better than us, so the lithography machines can be produced by Nanshan Equipment."

"We can definitely produce other products that are slightly less difficult than photolithography machines."

"For example, the etching machine is a good entry point."

"Of course, if there is demand from other manufacturers for the 90-nanometer and lower-difficulty equipment that we have conquered, we can naturally continue to produce it. After all, Nanshan does not like this piece of equipment."

"We can even exchange some technologies according to the divided fields."

"For example, if the lithography machine is allocated to Nanshan Equipment, then we will share some core technologies of the lithography machine with the other party. I believe that even if Nanshan Equipment has more advanced technology than us in this area, it is still interested in our technical talents. of."

"On the other hand, if the etching machine is assigned to us, then Nanshan Equipment can also be used to support us."

"I have studied the layout of Nanshan Semiconductor. They should still be very ambitious and want to make domestic chips bigger and stronger."

"This means that Nanshan Semiconductor is likely to become the largest chip purchasing manufacturer in the country in the future."

"If we can form an alliance with Nanshan Equipment, we can also take this opportunity to obtain orders from Nanshan Semiconductor."

"Perhaps the company's development can take a faster path in the future."

Du Xinqiang talked more this time, but no one disliked him for not being able to speak.

After all, he has opened a brand new window for everyone and found a new development path for Modu Microelectronics Equipment.

Compared with the previous dead end, this road is obviously worth looking forward to.

And the future is worth looking forward to.

Judging from the past situation, companies that cooperate with Nanshan Group seem to have better development opportunities.

On the contrary, companies that oppose Nanshan Group will most likely fail in the Chinese market in the end.

"Mr. Du's idea is very good. Whether it is an etching machine, physical vapor deposition equipment, or electron beam lithography equipment, you can consider it."

"We will combine our previous R\u0026D experience and related equipment correlations to make a plan as soon as possible. Then I will go to Nanshan Group and have a good chat with Mr. Cao!"

He Guangming was in a much better mood at this time.

Now that the company has hope, his pressure will naturally be reduced a lot.

Nanshan Group is now one of the top 10 domestic companies, and only a few companies such as tobacco and petrochemicals are larger than it.

Coupled with the fact that they have won various awards at the National Science and Technology Awards for many consecutive years, the style is even higher.

It doesn’t seem like it’s a shame to be defeated by the Nanshan Group?

He even had the opportunity to develop with the Nanshan Group, and it proved that the technology of Modu Microelectronics Equipment was very good.

Otherwise, if you just want to cooperate with Nanshan Equipment, others will look down on you, let alone the establishment of a chip equipment alliance and other topics.

This is like you, a TV University in a small 18th-tier city, keep talking about cooperating with Qingbei. Who is criticizing you?

After having a direction, Modu Microelectronics immediately took action within the equipment.

Cao Yang also quickly received relevant contact.

Having correctly recognized the gap between them, this time Modu Microelectronics Equipment informed them in advance of the topics to be communicated during their visit.

Regarding this, Nanshan Group also convened Nanshan Semiconductor, Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Chemical to discuss it.

The chip industry chain is very long, requiring not only a variety of equipment, but also a variety of raw materials.

Chemicals such as photoresists may not be used in particularly large amounts, but they are indispensable.

Previously, Nanshan Group did not plan to produce everything by itself, but wanted to make everything localized.

It is naturally possible to purchase some things from other equipment in China.

Nowadays, Modu Microelectronics Equipment, a well-known company in the domestic semiconductor equipment industry, offered to be its younger brother and cooperate with Nanshan Equipment to develop chip equipment. Cao Yang had no reason to refuse.

After all, no matter how powerful the Nanshan Group is, it is impossible to do everything by itself.

An important shareholder of Modu Microelectronics Equipment is the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

As the top scientific research institution in the country, its strength cannot be underestimated.

The most important thing is that it has a layout in almost all walks of life, which is very powerful.

Especially in areas where Nanshan Group is relatively weak, such as basic physics, there is still a lot of room for cooperation.

Don’t look at the monk’s face and look at the Buddha’s face. Giving Modu Microelectronics Equipment a way to survive is actually giving other domestic semiconductor manufacturers a way to survive and giving Nanshan Equipment an opportunity to integrate industry resources.

The higher-ups would be happy to see this kind of thing.

After all, with each country operating independently, it is almost impossible to see a specific time point for China's semiconductor equipment to be fully localized.

Especially these days, there is a lot of emphasis on international division of labor and cooperation, and 100% localization is not the mainstream.

"Mr. Cao, I think Modu Microelectronics Equipment is quite sincere this time."

"According to the analysis of my technical staff, they are considered to be the manufacturers with the best photolithography machine technology among all domestic manufacturers."

"Without us, they will be the hope for localization of photolithography machines for a long time to come."

"And the topic of the chip equipment alliance they raised, I think is very interesting and worth pursuing."

"We can even continue to let them make photolithography machines, but they are not pre-process photolithography machines."

As the general manager of Nanshan Equipment, Pan Jinxing's opinions are naturally very important.

He originally came from a state-owned enterprise and recognized some of the technical capabilities within the system.

Especially after he has fully understood the situation of the domestic semiconductor industry in the past two years, he feels that domestic manufacturers that can still persist in manufacturing semiconductor equipment are worthy of respect.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, we prefer to go to the tiger mountains. This spirit is worthy of encouragement.

Compared with those companies that only know how to assemble computers and mobile phones, Modu Microelectronics Equipment is much better.

"Let Modu Microelectronics continue to make lithography machines. Mr. Pan, do you mean to let them make back-end packaging lithography machines?"

As a semiconductor expert, Zhang Jing naturally guessed what Pan Jinxing meant.

Lithography machines play a vital role in the chip manufacturing process, and back-end packaging lithography machines are the key to achieving high-performance advanced packaging.

Although the technical difficulty of back-end lithography machines is relatively small compared to front-end lithography machines, their position in the chip manufacturing process is indispensable.

It is really feasible to hand over this equipment to Modu Microelectronics for production.

In this way, the other party's professional skills will not be wasted.

"Yes, cost-effective products and services can better meet customer needs. By then, their post-process lithography machines will still have a chance to win foreign markets."

Although Nanshan Equipment has a clear understanding of the positioning of semiconductor equipment internally, it knows that its key battlefield is domestic.

However, some equipment that is not so critical may still have the opportunity to enter the international market if it is done well.

After all, if one product with the same performance sells for 20 million US dollars and the other sells for less than 10 million US dollars, would anyone be interested?

It may be difficult at the beginning, but once Nanshan Semiconductor is used extensively and proves that there is really no problem with performance, other manufacturers will definitely be interested.

After all, in the international market, in addition to wealthy tycoons such as TSMC and Samsung who focus on high-end chips, there are still some chip companies whose technology is not so high-end and whose product positioning is not so high-end.

Their sensitivity to equipment costs is much higher.

This is the opportunity for China’s domestic semiconductor equipment manufacturers.

"There are too many equipment and materials related to the semiconductor industry, and an influential alliance is not a bad thing for us."

"Especially if we are the leader of this alliance, then it will be even more worthy of attention."

"Modu Microelectronics Equipment has taken the initiative to form such an alliance this time. I think we should just follow the trend and establish a chip equipment alliance under the Semiconductor Association. The person in charge of the alliance is our Nanshan Equipment."

"After all, as the vice-president unit of the Semiconductor Association, it makes perfect sense for us to take on the work of a subordinate alliance."

Pan Jinxing was also in high spirits at this time.

Something that I wanted to do but hadn't started yet, someone took the initiative to propose it.

Why not do this kind of thing?

If it succeeds, then the influence of Nanshan Equipment in the country will reach a higher level.

By then, even if the turnover of Nanshan Equipment is not as good as that of several other brother companies, its status in the country will definitely not be lower.

After all, they are also powerful car companies. Although you can't find them in China, there are still many inferior ones.

However, there are no traces of equally powerful equipment companies in China at all, not even one level lower.

It’s not like the people above don’t know the importance of equipment, so how could they not pay attention to Nanshan’s equipment?

"Since everyone thinks that the solution of Modu Microelectronics Equipment is feasible, let's have a good chat with each other this time."

"However, the scale of this chip equipment alliance does not need to be particularly large. It is best to have only seven or eight manufacturers."

"With these seven or eight manufacturers as the core, we can then find some cooperative equipment manufacturers from outside to do other supporting work."

"This kind of alliance is more effective in execution and more cohesive."

“Only in the end can we challenge the new pattern of equipment in the chip industry and make those major international manufacturers change their attitudes.”

“Otherwise, it will be like an industry association, with everyone working independently and ultimately not having any substantive effect!”

The soldiers should be more refined than more numerous.

When it comes to chip equipment, it makes no sense to bring together a lot of manufacturers.

When the time comes, there will be more people making soy sauce and less people working, which will be detrimental to the development of the industry.

Cao Yang also has a very clear understanding of this.

Soon, following this discussion within the Nanshan Group, Modu Microelectronics Equipment paid another visit, which was naturally fruitful.

"Mr. He, I am familiar with Mr. Yin from China Microelectronics Semiconductor. I think we can recommend them to Nanshan Equipment, which is responsible for the processing of etching machines, and then recommend a few others to Nanshan Equipment for inspection. Then, in this chip equipment Within the league, we can also have some influence.”

That night, after the communication and dinner with Nanshan Equipment, He Guangming immediately summoned several key personnel to summarize today's exchanges after returning to the hotel.

For Modu Microelectronics Equipment, today's exchange was quite successful.

At least they achieved what they wanted.

"No problem. The threshold for etching machines is also relatively high, and China Micro Semiconductor has a relatively large accumulation of technology in this area."

"If they can merge with us or cooperate in depth, then our influence in the chip equipment alliance will be greater."

From a pure perspective, China Micro Semiconductor is definitely not as good as Modu Microelectronics Equipment.

After all, the situations of shareholders are completely different.

But in the segmented fields, their strength is still very good.

Both Du Xinqiang and He Guangming knew this.

"This time Nanshan Semiconductor will try to purchase a lithography machine for the packaging and testing section produced by us. If it can meet their performance requirements, this equipment will be officially handed over to us in the alliance for production in the future."

"Compared with the front-end photolithography machine, I actually think this segment is more suitable for us."

"After all, we don't have to compete with giants like ASML, Nikon, Canon and Nanshan Equipment. It may be a decision that is more in line with the company's interests."

As the sales director, Cui Minghua is in a good mood today.

After all, the company now has a clearer business, and as long as he firmly holds Nanshan Semiconductor's thighs in the future, his life as the sales director will be easier.

During today's exchange, Cao Yang appropriately revealed to everyone the next step of Nanshan Semiconductor's layout.

The current scale of construction seems large, but compared with the future volume, this is just the beginning.

In addition to Nanshan Semiconductor, other domestic chip manufacturers also have strong demand for equipment.

So as long as we get it right, we don’t have to worry about the future at all.

"Mr. Cao said that our chip equipment alliance needs to adjust to a new pattern. If each of us achieves the best or second best position in the industry in each segment, then our chip equipment alliance will have sufficient competitiveness in the industry."

"Domestic manufacturers dare to use us and even export to other countries in the future."

"But I think it might be better to keep a low profile on this matter."

"After all, the goal of the Chip Equipment Alliance is to replace international equipment giants, which represents many interests."

"If we make too much noise, it is very likely that the project will not be successful, and various problems will occur."

"It's possible that there may even be some inappropriate voices from our shareholders."

When Du Xinqiang said this, He Guangming immediately thought of something.

This is a good idea, finalize it as soon as possible, and then develop it in a low-key manner.

By the time ASML and other international chip equipment giants discovered how powerful the equipment alliance that emerged from China was, they had no way to suppress it.

In turn, it will even be the turn of the chip giants to have internal strife.

"I think Nanshan Group should consider more in this regard, and they are more experienced."

"We just listen to each other's arrangements."

"Since I have taken the initiative to worship the terminal, I will definitely use Nanshan Equipment as the leading company in the future and follow him to enter Nanshan Semiconductor's large equipment orders."

"In the future, we will use the profits generated from chip sales to continue to subsidize this area of ​​research and development."

He Guangming expressed his innermost thoughts very directly.

At this time, there is no need to hide everything.

From now on, it depends on fate whether you eat meat, drink soup, or drink the northwest wind!

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