Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 591 A large factory with 100,000 people kills its opponents

Business war is not about treating guests to dinner.

International equipment giants are not believers either.

When facing competition, they often show their shrewdest and most vicious side.

This time, the chip equipment giants headed by ASML began to feel the threat posed by Chinese manufacturers, and naturally they would not take any action.

In particular, the establishment of the Chip Equipment Alliance has allowed ASML to win a group of supporters from international equipment giants.

It has also reached some consensus with the chip giant.

"Ou Ningde, I think Intel needs to pay attention to the lithography machine crisis in Nanshan equipment. Once China completely breaks through the barriers to lithography machines, chip processing equipment will not be a particularly big problem for them in the future."

"After all, the lithography machine is the most difficult equipment among all equipment. If such a difficult equipment can be solved, it will only be a matter of time before other equipment is conquered."

"In particular, we got the news that Nanshan Equipment has joined forces with Chinese chip equipment manufacturers such as Modu Microelectronics Equipment to establish a chip equipment alliance to specialize in so-called equipment localization."

"Chips are now China's largest imported product, and they are also related to the core interests of many companies, including Intel and ASML."

"This approach by Chinese companies is completely damaging our vested interests and is absolutely unacceptable."

Christopher personally flew to the United States to lobby Intel's CEO to stand with ASML to deal with Nanshan equipment and China's chip equipment manufacturers.

The more information he learns, the more threatened Christopher feels.

A few years ago, he would not have believed that Chinese manufacturers could pose a threat to them in the field of lithography machines.

This is a product produced and assembled by integrating a large number of top suppliers from high-tech countries. The threshold is not generally high.

Especially in recent years, the requirements for processing technology have become higher and higher, and the requirements for photolithography machines have also become higher and higher.

In this case, the threshold for photolithography machines is getting higher and higher.

Just at this time, Nanshan Equipment said that it had completed the photolithography machine.

If it was just a simple publicity that he had done it, Asmai probably wouldn't take it too seriously.

However, Nanshan Semiconductor is already preparing to officially purchase these lithography machines, and the president of China's Government Affairs Council also personally inspected it, and there were a series of reports within China.

In this case, Asmai had to consider the authenticity of this matter even if he didn't believe it.

Especially during this period, they collected information about Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Group. After knowing the development history of Nanshan Group in the past many years, they felt even more panicked.

This is an unusual company.

Even T800 carbon fiber and even T1100 carbon fiber are rumored to have achieved mass production. Does it seem impossible for a company that breaks the international blockade to have a breakthrough in photolithography machines?

After all, high-end equipment such as large-scale high-precision five-axis CNC machine tools also achieved breakthroughs in the hands of Nanshan Equipment.

With a series of achievements there, Asmai couldn't remain calm no matter how calm he was.

That's why Christopher hurriedly came to the United States and found a giant in the chip industry for help.

Everyone must stand up together to resist and condemn China's rule-breaking behavior.

"Is it possible for us to suppress China's lithography machine industry by relaxing the sales restrictions on low-end lithography machines, and at the same time launch our new generation of lithography machine products as soon as possible?"

"For example, can the EUV lithography machine be launched next year?"

Otellini is naturally quite familiar with the situation in the international chip equipment industry. It is not like he has not heard of such a big commotion in China.

After all, the photolithography machine is quite sensitive.

It has always been a few companies such as ASML and Japan's Canon that have developed within the rules of the game.

Now that an outsider has broken in, this situation will definitely harm the original interests.

"If Nanshan's equipment is like other Chinese manufacturers and the lithography machines it produces can only be used to make 200-nanometer or even lower-end chips, then there will naturally be no threat to us."

"It's even the same as Modu Microelectronics Equipment, which can only produce chips of about 90 nanometers, so the threat to us is very limited."

"But based on our understanding, their lithography machines are fully capable of producing more advanced chips."

"Even according to some information in the paper, even if the chip technology breaks through 28 nanometers or even 14 nanometers in the future, using their set of theories, corresponding photolithography machines can be produced."

"Nanshan Group, where Nanshan Equipment is located, is an enterprise in China that attaches great importance to research and development. It has more than 100,000 employees of various types, and the proportion of R\u0026D personnel is very high."

"Not only that, their employees are also very hard-working and work many more hours than us every day. The workload of 100,000 people is estimated to be more than that of our 200,000 people."

"In this case, the threat they pose to us is too great."

"Today there may be a breakthrough in the lithography machine, but tomorrow maybe all their chips will be domestically produced."

"At that time, whether Intel or Infineon, everyone's interests will suffer huge losses."

Christopher gave his opinion very seriously.

This made Otellini pay more attention to it.

100,000 employees?

The proportion of R\u0026D personnel there is still high?

Is this a big deal?

Everyone must cooperate to suppress Nanshan Equipment!

Along with Christopher's lobbying, various chip giants also expressed their support for ASML's views.

So soon, ASML issued a statement.

ASML made it clear in this statement that although it appreciates China's technological progress, independently developed photolithography machines may cause serious damage to the global semiconductor supply chain.

This behavior should stop immediately!

After this statement reached China, it immediately caused an uproar.

"Mr. Cao, is Asmai really so shameless?"

"They even said such ridiculous things as causing damage to the global supply chain. Didn't they think it would damage the supply chain when they didn't sell the lithography machines to China?"

Pan Jinxing came to Cao Yang's office angrily and scolded Asmai.

"Old Pan, let me use a vivid metaphor to describe the current situation."

"Now it's a boxing match. Other countries are using all kinds of gangster tricks and hidden weapons without any bottom line, but we have to abide by the rules."

"At this time, the opponent locked our throats. We tried our best to break free and gave him a punch by the way."

"But he said that our resistance violated the rules and was not conducive to unity. This is naked gangster thinking!"

"To break the gangster mentality of those international equipment giants, it is useless to be angry. We just need to respond to them with more advanced technology."

Cao Yang calmly poured a cup of tea for Pan Jinxing and sat across from him.

Whether it is ASML, Intel, or other international giants, despite their usual elegant and civilized appearance.

But once their core interests are involved, their true nature will be exposed immediately.

Any disgusting means may be used.

Pan Jinxing may not have seen much of this kind of thing, but Cao Yang saw it too much in later generations and saw through it.

"Indeed, I have always felt that these people have formulated international trade rules. Everyone must hope that all parties can compete freely within the rules and promote the development of the entire industry."

"I didn't expect that other people's free competition is just an attitude when they master the core technology."

"Once our technology surpasses theirs, the so-called free competition will be a joke."

"All kinds of interventions will pop up, completely refreshing everyone's understanding."

Although Pan Jinxing could understand what Cao Yang said, he was still angry.

In fact, many people in China feel that the giants in Europe and the United States are very friendly and give everyone a chance to compete fairly.

Only when China's technical level becomes higher and higher and those giants can no longer remain superior, will you find that those friendly gestures are often just a gesture.

It's like you can show sympathy to an opponent who is much weaker than you and show your noble character.

But once this opponent becomes powerful and begins to threaten your interests, your approach to dealing with it will be completely different.

"This is just the beginning. After all, our lithography machines have not yet been put into use in large quantities."

"In the future, if they know that our lithography machine technology is the best in the world, the situation will be the most complicated at that time."

"It is estimated that by then their approach will not be to simply issue a statement, nor to simply force other giants to impose some restrictions on equipment procurement."

Although Pan Jinxing thinks Asmer's current approach is disgusting and double-standard.

Nanshan Equipment produces lithography machines, does it actually threaten the stability of the supply chain?

What kind of joke is this?

How could someone say such a thing?

But compared with some future practices in the United States, Asmer's statement pales into insignificance.

There is no need to be angry at all!

After all, there will be more irritating things in the future.

What Nanshan Equipment needs to do is to thoroughly localize the relevant equipment. From now on, even if someone wants to overturn the table, they can still survive.

That way, maybe you can force the other party to invite you to sit down and have a good talk.

After all, only when your strength is sufficient will the other party take you seriously.

Otherwise, you can only curse and lose your temper.

"Mr. Cao, I think the chip equipment alliance can be further promoted in the future."

"And we require manufacturers in the alliance to achieve 100% localization of equipment components."

"When the equipment manufacturers in the alliance supply us, the price must be lower than the level sold to other customers."

"Then it is necessary for us to further increase investment in research and development and achieve localization of these equipment in the shortest possible time."

Pan Jinxing originally thought that the profitability of Nanshan Equipment could become better in the next few years.

But now I find that I still need to continue to invest more, leaving the matter of making money later.

Cao Yang naturally supports this view.

“No problem, spend money where it’s time to spend, and hire people where it’s time to hire!”

"A few days ago, our official Weibo announced the news that the group's 100,000th employee has officially joined the company."

"It seems that the staff size is quite large, but I think it is completely insufficient."

"In the future, the number of employees of Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment alone will need to reach the level of 50,000."

"Coupled with other business units such as Xingchen Automobile, Future Automobile, Nanshan Engine, etc., not to mention 100,000 employees, even 200,000 employees are not that many."

"Even after new factories are built in the future, it is not impossible for the number of employees to exceed 300,000!"

Nanshan Group is now one of the top 10 large enterprises in China, and naturally has a lot of employees.

And compared with ordinary large companies, Nanshan Group has a very high proportion of employees and R\u0026D personnel.

This is also a relatively rare situation in the country.

With a staff size of 100,000, many international giants are already suffering.

In the future, when the number of employees expands to 200,000 or 300,000, it is estimated that more giants will start to cry.

As long as the money is in place, the level of productivity of Nanshan Group's employees will definitely refresh the understanding of international giants.

Cao Yang did not simply want to squeeze employees, but he felt that he should not take advantage of the relatively good international situation in recent years to make Nanshan Group bigger and stronger.

If you want to develop in the future, it will be much more difficult.

After all, no matter how hard Nanshan Group promotes localization, it is impossible to really do everything within China.

The simplest thing is that crude oil and iron ore are theoretically the basic raw materials used by Nanshan Group, but are only used by their suppliers.

It is impossible for China to handle these things 100% domestically.

There are also some high-end measuring instruments or software. It will take a long time to fully realize localization.

There is a high probability that the United States will not be able to help but take action before Nanshan Group has completed this road.

"Mr. Cao, then I will boldly recruit people!"

"Taking advantage of the fact that our photolithography machines have become famous, we will further recruit a group of R\u0026D personnel for other equipment."

"Strive to completely realize the localization of all major chip production equipment within three years, and achieve 100% localization within five years."

Pan Jinxing patted his chest and set a goal for himself.

Although it may seem like there are still a few years left, it is actually very difficult to be complete.

Being able to assemble production equipment domestically can be regarded as achieving localization.

But every part inside, even a chip and plug, is produced domestically. That is 100% localization.

This task is not easy at all.

Even in other companies besides Nanshan Equipment, this is simply an impossible task.

If Nanshan Equipment wants to make the impossible possible, it needs more R\u0026D personnel to start involving those international equipment giants.

However, the volume of Nanshan's equipment may further stimulate some opponents to make more violent moves.

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