Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 769 Rocket Advertisement? What a genius idea

"Since there are many people who want to join our company now, let's take advantage of this wave of popularity to recruit a few more people."

"Anyway, there will definitely be a need for constant recruitment in the next few years. Conservative estimates suggest that the number of employees of the five major groups will exceed the 500,000 mark within the next five years."

Cao Yang immediately gave a shocking number.

The 500,000 people at Nanshan Group are not comparable to the 500,000 people at Foxconn and BYD.

Since many products are handed over to BYD for OEM, and its own factories are also highly automated, it is likely that more than 200,000 of Nanshan Group's 500,000 employees will be R\u0026D personnel.

This structure is definitely very rare.

And the combat power behind this structure is also very scary.

"Then I will start recruiting all the talents that need to be recruited for the spring recruitment in advance."

Liu Youmei has also been under considerable recruitment pressure in the past few years.

For Nanshan Group, the popularity of the Polar Bear Branch of Honor Technology is not just an increase in the number of people submitting resumes.

There are also quite a few changes within Honor Technology.

"Mr. Cao, there are many more people in the sales department taking the initiative to apply for posting abroad."

"Then the number of people who want to be rotated internally to the sales department has increased by more than ten times."

"It seems that in the future we won't have to worry about no one willing to go to our branches in Africa, the Middle East and other places."

Xia Qingqing is in a very good mood now.

She took the initiative to report to Cao Yang that she wanted to give high bonuses to the people in the Polar Bear Branch, and she was under a certain amount of pressure.

Now everything was developing in the direction she expected, and the pressure immediately disappeared without a trace.

"It seems that there must be a brave man under the heavy reward."

"Any talk of ideals and future is illusory, but it is more realistic to pay more bonuses."

Cao Yang naturally knows why there are such changes in Honor Technology.

Although the salary of Honor Technology is very competitive in Yangcheng, the annual income of an employee who has just graduated two or three years will definitely not exceed 300,000 yuan.

However, if people of the same length of service go overseas, they can easily exceed this level.

If you're lucky, like this time, the Polar Bear Branch will give you a year-end bonus of more than one million yuan.

This income difference will definitely bring great stimulation to many people.

When traveling abroad for a long period of time, they are not going to places with better economic conditions such as the United States, Japan, and Korea. Many people are definitely unwilling to do so.

But after the money is provided, the situation is completely different.

You can even live a life that is superior to others in some places.

For example, the branch of Honor Technology in Ethiopia can earn a monthly salary and subsidy of 30,000 yuan, not counting the year-end bonus.

But for people in Ethiopia, even those who graduated from regular universities can earn less than 500 yuan a month.

In this case, if you have a salary of 30,000 yuan in that place, you can spend a few hundred yuan to hire a nanny, or even directly support a few local college students.

Many local employees of expatriate companies have similar practices.

This is no secret in the industry.

So as long as you understand the situation clearly, foreigners are not that uncomfortable for some people.

Many young people are even scrambling for good overseas assignment opportunities.

In Honor Technology, if you do not have overseas assignment experience, your promotion will be affected to a certain extent.

Especially in fields such as the sales department that are closely related to overseas branches, overseas work experience is definitely valued.

A similar situation is similar in Warwick.

"Indeed, only companies that can provide employees with competitive salaries are likely to gain high recognition from employees. Otherwise, simply relying on pie-in-the-sky drawings will definitely not be enough."

"If the bonuses of overseas branches are very high for several consecutive years, then overseas sales will definitely increase significantly in the future."

Xia Qingqing is now more confident in the prospects of Honor Technology.

If the company is willing to pay, employees will naturally be willing to work hard.

Honor Technology’s products are not bad at competitiveness, so they can naturally sell well in this case.

"Now even Xingchen Automobile and Honor Technology are doing better in overseas business, but I think Nanshan Equipment actually has a lot of room for growth."

"Especially in Africa and other places, many countries still hope to develop some industries."

"But the equipment in Europe and the United States is too expensive and they can't afford it."

"The opportunity to show our advantages comes at this time."

Nanshan Group wants to go abroad, which is the general direction set by Cao Yang very early.

At present, this general direction is developing quite well.

And the business he wants to expand next is obviously Nanshan Equipment.

Those international equipment giants are often very dark.

Nanshan Equipment can definitely seize part of the market with them.

"Our group's business in Africa and the Middle East has slowly expanded. We can indeed develop the business of companies such as Nanshan Equipment."

"Even Yangcheng Bank can take advantage of the opportunity of our branches to spread all over the world and develop into a multinational bank."

"By then, our Yangcheng Bank will not be very large in scale, but its business will be very comprehensive. It should still be able to attract a group of people to use it."

"For example, with Warwick, we can have a lot of cooperation overseas."

Xia Qingqing's thinking was also relatively divergent, and she thought of the situation of Yangcheng Bank controlled by Nanshan Investment.

Although Yangcheng Bank has limited influence in areas outside Lingnan.

However, since more than half of Nanshan Group's branches now have their accounts opened at Yangcheng Bank, its strength is actually not bad at all.

After several large state-owned banks and commercial banks, Yangcheng Bank is almost the strongest.

"The tool of Yangcheng Bank can indeed be put to good use. After the company becomes internationalized, various businesses need to be connected with domestic and foreign funds."

Cao Yang naturally agreed with Xia Qingqing's proposal.

Soon, relevant actions were taken within the Nanshan Group.

After meeting Xia Qingqing, Cao Yang went to another conference room to listen to Qixing's report.

After a long period of preparation, the launch time of Venus 9 has been initially determined.

Cao Yang's business trip plans have been arranged.

However, a new situation arose on Daystar's side. Zhao Siyu was a little undecided, so he arranged a meeting to report to Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, the situation is like this."

After Cao Yang sat down, Zhao Siyu immediately got to the point.

"Heilan House is willing to spend 60 million yuan to obtain the exclusive naming rights of Daystar No. 9."

"Within one year after the first launch of Venus 9, all rockets will have their names on them."

When Zhao Siyu said this, Cao Yang was immediately stunned.

Daystar Technology Group actually has an advertising business?

Isn't this too exaggerated?

The key is that the advertising fee is as much as 60 million yuan.

This was 60 million yuan in 2013, and the purchasing power was huge.

Normally, if you hire an A-list celebrity to endorse you, the endorsement fee is only 10 to 20 million a year.

The price of 60 million is absolutely sky-high.

The key is that Venus 9 cannot be launched every day, and the popularity will not last forever.

"Are they so generous? Aren't they afraid that the launch of Venus 9 will fail and the advertising effect will be greatly reduced?"

Cao Yang immediately mentioned a very critical issue.

After all, even he himself does not dare to say that the first launch of Venus 9 will be 100% successful.

Even to some extent, the possibility of something going wrong on the first launch is higher.

"There are relevant provisions in the contract. Venus 9 must be successfully launched at least once in the next year. Otherwise, Heilan House can automatically increase the term of the contract by one year without paying additional advertising fees."

When Zhao Siyu explained this, Cao Yang understood.

It seems that the other party must have considered whether the rocket launch can be successful.

If it is true that 60 million yuan can be used to obtain the advertising rights of Venus No. 9 for two years, it is not a bad plan.

At least Cao Yang himself is very optimistic about the prospects of Daystar No. 9.

There will also be various launch missions in the future.

Every mission will bring a great advertising effect to Heilan House.

This marketing plan is quite bold.

"Mr. Cao, actually I think this solution from Heilan Home can be used by Xingchen Automobile or Honor Technology?"

Mi Ying, who had been responsible for recording, suddenly interjected.

In her opinion, Venus 9 will definitely be successfully launched in the future.

The group has invested so much manpower and material resources, there is no reason why it will fail.

So at this time, the advertising effect is worth looking forward to.

"If we use our own brand to advertise, the impact will be much worse."

"But companies outside the group are different."

"Whether it is the sky-high advertising cost of 60 million yuan or the actual publicity effect brought by the advertising, it is all worth looking forward to."

Cao Yang rejected Mi Ying's proposal immediately.

Although it is said that the good news does not go to outsiders, the effect of advertising on Venus 9 is definitely better than that of Xingchen Auto and Honor Technology.

Besides, if Nanshan Group plagiarized the advertising creativity of Heilan House, it would be a bit unethical.

Cao Yang definitely didn't want to do such a thing.

"Indeed, that's why we at Daystar are inclined to accept Heilan House's advertising and immediately arrange for the assembly plant to paint Heilan House's name on the rocket casing."

Zhao Siyu also clearly expressed his views.

"Our launch time has been set, is it still too late to add coatings?"

Cao Yang thought about it and felt that this advertisement was not a bad thing for Daystar.

To a certain extent, this advertisement is a promotion of Lamar House.

But after the advertising effect came out, it was actually promoting Daystar 9.

Even because of the special effects of this advertisement, the popularity and popularity of Daystar 9 will skyrocket.

"There is no problem in terms of time. We have contacted the assembly plant."

"As long as we decide on the painting plan today, they can work overtime tonight to paint it on."

"This kind of painting has no impact on the overall rocket. It can basically be completed quickly."

Zhao Siyu gave the answer with certainty.

Cao Yang naturally had no objection to this.

Soon, Daystar officially responded to Heilan House.

Then the relevant preparation work was carried out quickly.

However, as soon as this action started, the news immediately spread to a small area within the aerospace system.

"Mr. Qian, Venus is so capable of causing trouble. They are actually planning to advertise the company on Venus 9, which will be launched next week."

Zhu Yuanming is Zhao Siyu’s successor within Aerospace Technology.

The movements at the northwest launch site will naturally reach Zhu Yuanming's ears soon.

Some time ago, he had been paying attention to the assembly preparations of Venus 9.

"Rocket commercial?"

"What kind of genius idea is this?"

Qian Junfeng was also stunned after hearing this.

He has been in the aerospace system all his life, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

I have heard of advertisements for naming basketball and football teams, but this is the first time I have heard of naming the Rockets.

The minds of private enterprises are really very flexible.

"Yes, I have confirmed it. They have added advertising paint to the Venus 9 that is about to be launched last night. When the Venus 9 appears in front of everyone, its life will be greatly changed." 'Four words."

"It is said that for these four words, Heilan House gave Venus Technology 60 million yuan in advertising fees."

Zhu Yuanming's information was very complete.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to have a good chat with Qian Junfeng.

After all, in China's workplace, if you don't build a good relationship with your leader, it will be difficult for you to get promoted.

"60 million yuan?"

"That's a lot of money."

Qian Junfeng felt a little sore.

For so many years, aerospace technology has almost always relied on financial allocations to survive.

Although he has accepted some commercial launch missions, he has no idea about advertising.

In the development history of aerospace technology over the past many years, no one has ever thought about advertising.

As a result, something that seemed very unreliable actually happened right under my nose.

"Yeah, I'm surprised too."

"Heilan House is also very courageous. It actually came up with such an ingenious plan."

"It can be expected that after the official launch of Venus 9, the popularity of Heilan House will definitely skyrocket."

"The advertising money they spend should be very effective."

Zhu Yuanming is obviously very optimistic about this advertisement of Heilan House.

To be able to think of such an idea is definitely not simple.

"When Venus 9 is launched, I will go with you to the northwest launch site to observe it on site."

"I heard that Daystar is already contacting the shipyard to arrange the production of a sea launch platform. In the future, rocket launch missions will be transferred to the sea launch platform."

Qian Junfeng is naturally very concerned about China's first rocket launch built by a private enterprise.

Besides, the person behind Daystar is the Nanshan Department, and he knows very well how influential the Nanshan Department is in the country.

"Mr. Zhu, Daystar has sent pictures of the painted rockets."

"Venus 9 will be officially launched in three days."

"This will be the first recyclable rocket launched in the world after entering the 21st century, and the topic will definitely not be low at that time."

As the sales director of Heilan House, Zhou Liqiang was personally responsible for planning the rocket advertising project.

Now that success is imminent, he is definitely very excited.

By then, Heilan House will definitely become famous across the country.

"Let the design department seize the time, and we will launch the same product in the aerospace series as soon as possible. By then, we will take advantage of this wave of popularity to bring our sales and popularity to a higher level."

"As long as this year's performance is good, our plan to go public next year can be achieved perfectly."

As the general manager of Hailan House, Zou Jianping is most concerned about the company's listing.

In fact, in many companies in China, the bosses are very enthusiastic about going public.

On the contrary, some companies with very good profits have no intention of going public.

"Well, as soon as I received the contact from Daystar that agreed to accept advertising, I formally communicated with the design department. At that time, they will launch relevant products quickly and make the most of it. The popularity of rocket advertising.”

Zhou Liqiang, who has been fully prepared, has naturally considered all aspects of the matter.

This made Zou Jianping feel very comfortable.

"I heard that China Station has also arranged special personnel to interview this launch mission. Please prepare the relevant interview transcripts in advance. I think they will also be somewhat interested in us by then."

Zou Jianping's news channels will naturally not lag behind.

Although the influence of Heilan House is not as great as that of later generations, it is still a household name.

Along with various actions inside Daystar and Heilan House, relevant preparations have been completed, waiting for the rocket to officially take off.

"Auntie, why did you personally lead the team to participate in the rocket launch event this time?"

Although Xia Qingqing did not hold a position within the Venus Group, she followed the large army to the Northwest Launch Site.

The launch of Venus 9 is a big event, and various companies in the Nanshan System are paying close attention to it.

Of course, only a few people have the opportunity to come to the Northwest Launch Site to watch the rocket launch.

As the undisputed leader in China's propaganda field, China Television must have specially arranged a relevant team of reporters to be responsible for reporting on this launch mission.

Even China Channel's News 30 has reserved time for the launch of this rocket.

This kind of treatment is definitely not something that ordinary companies can enjoy.

Of course, it is China's first rocket produced by a private enterprise, and it is also the world's first recyclable rocket. This gimmick is big enough.

Therefore, it is reasonable that the Huaxia Taiwanese Association pays more attention to it.

However, the deputy director Xia Hong will personally lead the team to visit the event, which is different.

"You, Daystar Technology, have made the news so big that you even have to broadcast it live on the Internet."

"Now, netizens at home and abroad are very concerned about the situation of you Venus No. 9."

"Even in Europe, some bookmakers have already opened prices for your launch mission."

Many people know about the close relationship between Xia Hong and Xia Qingqing.

Now at the Northwest Launch Site, they didn't shy away from anything at all.

"Venus 9 is indeed a great launch, and the future Venus 9 MAX and starships will be even more surprising."

"Once these rockets are successfully put into operation, they will change the landscape of space."

"Especially after the launch of the Starlink satellite, the entire space will be our eyes."

"This is of extraordinary significance to the whole of China."

Although Xia Qingqing is not from Daystar, she still has a good understanding of a star company like Daystar.

Who hasn’t had a space dream?

Even if I don’t have dreams now, at least I must have had them when I was a child.

"You have burned a lot of money in the past two years, right?"

"Not to mention poaching many experts from polar bears and other places, you have poached at least thousands of people from aerospace technology alone."

"If it weren't for the policy above to encourage private companies to enter the aerospace industry, and you are 100% Chinese companies, I guess this matter wouldn't be so easy to get over."

Xia Hong "inadvertently" revealed a piece of news.

Venus internally may not know this aspect very well.

After all, you are not in that system, so you are not that sensitive to certain news.

"Venus Technology and Nanshan Semiconductor, these two companies are now big money burners in our group."

"The amount of money burned every year is in the tens of billions, which is very scary."

"If it weren't for the support of other brother companies, ordinary companies would really not be able to withstand such a method of burning money."

"However, the money was not wasted in vain. Various achievements continued to emerge, making our group the enterprise with the largest number of patent applications every year in China."

When Xia Qingqing said this, her face was full of pride.

This is also the expression that many Nanshan Group employees often have when introducing their company's situation to people around them.

The experience of staying in a company that gives you a sense of honor is very different.

"Your technological innovation is indeed admirable. I guess the relevant departments will have surprises waiting for you in the future."

Xia Hong faintly revealed another piece of news.

"What surprise?"

Xia Qingqing looked around and asked in a lowered voice.

"We'll find out in a while. I won't tell you anything until it's confirmed."

Although Xia Qingqing is her niece, Xia Hong has no intention of continuing to talk to her on this topic.

Fortunately, the entire Northwest Launch Site is ready for the official launch of Venus 9.

Everyone's attention began to shift to Venus 9.

Xia Qingqing is no exception.

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