Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 808: Taking the lead for the first time, a new record for Honor mobile phones

Trends are amazing.

In every corner of the world, whether it is individual life or global development, trends are a force that cannot be ignored.

It is like an undercurrent, silent but extremely powerful, shaping our future.

Once this trend is formed, it will develop forward like inertia.

Various enterprises in the Nanshan system have formed a trend of rapid development.

Especially Honor Technology has seen a complete rise.

Especially after entering 2013, the development of Honor Technology has become more stable, and sales have gradually increased.

Although it is not an explosive increase of hundreds of percent, the continuous increase step by step has made its position in the consumer electronics field in China and even the world become more and more solid.

"Mr. Cao, the sales volume of our HONOR mobile phone series reached 12.5 million units in April."

"Among them, domestic sales exceeded 7 million units and foreign sales exceeded 5 million units, both setting new highs."

"According to incomplete statistical data, our share of the domestic mobile phone market has reached about 25%."

"If we simply count the smartphone business, our domestic market share has reached more than 30%."

"With this sales data, even if we simply calculate the domestic sales, we are firmly number one in China."

Xia Qingqing made an appointment with Cao Yang for an hour today to report on the market performance of Honor Technology in the past April.

Just like various car companies will actively announce their sales volume at the beginning of every month once their sales are relatively good.

Basically, Honor Technology will officially calculate the sales data of the previous month on the first or second day of each month.

The whole company can be said to be in a prosperous situation.

"Is the second place still Samsung?"

In the Chinese mobile phone market, Apple mobile phones have been kicked out, and the only one that Cao Yang can pay attention to is Samsung mobile phones.

In addition, although Lenovo’s sales are good, they are not enough to pose a threat to Honor Technology.

As for rising stars Huawei, Xiaomi and other companies, the gap with Honor Technology is still relatively large.

"Yes, the second place is still Samsung. Their sales in China in April were 4.5 million units, of which more than 3 million were smartphones and nearly 1 million were feature phones."

"Although their overall sales volume is still relatively high, if you calculate the turnover, it is actually only one-third of ours."

"As for Lenovo, which ranks third, it still occupies a place in the fifth- and sixth-tier markets and rural markets by relying on various models of feature phones."

"So we can barely maintain sales of 3 million units per month."

"On the contrary, Warwick, which ranks fourth, although its domestic sales are only about two million units, it has close to two million units abroad, and its global sales have reached almost 4 million units."

Xia Qingqing commented on the situation of the second, third and fourth children in one breath.

There is no doubt that Honor Technology is the most handsome guy.

“What were Samsung’s global sales last month?”

Obviously, Cao Yang has always regarded Samsung as his main competitor.

Whether last year or this year, Samsung will definitely continue to be the number one company in the global mobile phone industry.

This pattern may take several years to reverse.

It won't be possible to truly surpass Samsung until Honor Technology's overseas sales completely explode.

It is really difficult for Chinese companies to truly become bigger and stronger in the international market.

Not to mention other things, if you do not perform well in the three markets of the United States, Europe and Japan, it will be very difficult to surpass other companies.

"Samsung's global sales last month can be considered a record, reaching 29.5 million units, and it is estimated that it may exceed the 30 million mark this month."

"Compared with them, we still have some gaps."

"Even if we are simply competing on smartphones, our monthly sales have reached more than 20 million units."

Although Xia Qingqing doesn't like Goryeo, the performance of Samsung mobile phones in the world is indeed very good.

Whether it’s chips, screens, or batteries, Samsung can produce them within the group.

This ensures that the cost and price of Samsung mobile phones are sufficiently competitive globally.

Except for a few companies such as Honor Technology and Apple Mobile, it is difficult for other companies to compare with this advantage.

Therefore, the number one position in the world is relatively stable.

You know, Nokia, which was ahead of Samsung back then, has now been slowly forgotten.

However, Samsung mobile phones were able to quickly switch from traditional feature phones to smartphones. Not only did their sales not fall, but they became the number one in the world.

"Samsung mobile phones are facing competition from Apple mobile phones in the United States. It is estimated that it will be very difficult for sales to continue to increase."

"On China's side, we will not continue to give it room to grow."

"Remaining in other markets such as Europe, we have to find ways to squeeze the living space of Samsung mobile phones and slowly reduce their sales."

"During this process, we can bring together Huawei, OPPO and other domestic mobile phone manufacturers to work together to develop overseas markets and seize the market from Samsung."

Cao Yang feels that with the development of Honor Technology, if we want to achieve a significant increase in sales, we must start to increase the intensity of suppressing Samsung mobile phones.

Otherwise, the size of the global mobile phone market is relatively fixed, and there is no way to free up a huge space of one or two billion for Honor Technology to develop.

"We are already working hard in this regard, and we have even set up a branch in Korea to sell our mobile phones and other products."

"As for Japan, sales are now starting to pick up."

"Conservative estimates suggest that our global mobile phone sales will exceed 150 million units this year."

Xia Qingqing naturally hopes that Honor Technology can continue to develop and grow, so that her status in the Chinese business circle will be further improved.

Mobile phones, PADs, laptops, smart watches...

Honor Technology's product line continues to be enriched. If sales are satisfactory, this year's turnover will exceed the one trillion yuan mark.

This is definitely a very representative event.

"Find someone to keep an eye on Samsung's news, and collect and verify any bad information that appears on the market in a timely manner."

"Let's see if we can find any opportunities later to give Samsung a fatal blow."

Since we want to deal with Samsung, we must find a powerful measure.

Otherwise, relying solely on public opinion offensive will produce slower results.

Unless there is something particularly significant that has a huge impact, they can be killed directly.

And while Xia Qingqing and Cao Yang were reporting on the market performance of Honor Technology in April, Warwick was not idle either.

"Mr. Xu, although our domestic sales in March were fourth, our turnover has actually surpassed Lenovo and ranked third."

"However, there is still a clear gap between us and the second-placed Samsung."

"It is estimated that the scale of the domestic mobile phone market will be difficult to expand significantly. It will be more about competition in the existing market."

"Under this situation, if our sales continue to increase, we can only seize the market from other mobile phone manufacturers."

Lian Zhitian is generally satisfied with the performance of Warwick mobile phone sales in April.

In particular, Warwick mobile phones are performing very well in overseas markets. They are already on par with, or even surpassing, domestic phones.

For most Chinese companies, it is rare for foreign sales to exceed domestic sales.

Of course, except foreign trade companies.

"Indeed, it is possible to capture some of the markets of Samsung and Lenovo if they think of ways."

"Honor mobile phones have a relatively high positioning and have relatively little interaction with us. We currently focus on cooperation."

"But to deal with Samsung and Lenovo, in addition to relying on product competitiveness, we may also have to think of other ways."

After Xu Jun took charge of the mobile phone business, he had a fuller understanding of the fierce market competition.

Product strength is the core, but strong product strength does not necessarily mean it will sell particularly well.

Various marketing plans and various means are also indispensable.

"I'll discuss it with Honor Technology later. They should have some ideas."

"Last year, Mr. Xia proposed the idea of ​​​​continuously suppressing Samsung mobile phones in public opinion."

"I think if we find the right opportunity, we can implement this plan properly."

"In addition, we also have cooperation with Honor Technology in the Japanese market, and we can consider further cooperation in other markets."

"The overseas market is so big that it is completely enough to accommodate Honor Technology and Warwick Mobile Phones."

Not surprisingly, Lian Zhitian's proposal was supported by Xu Jun.

The man is affectionate and the concubine is interested.

The marketing teams of the two companies immediately started various contacts.

With China's mobile phone industry in such a prosperous situation, media like Zhongguancun Online are naturally having a very easy time.

"Editor Wu, I did statistics and found that the volume of mobile advertising this month increased by 34% year-on-year and 12% month-on-month. It has become the largest category of advertising revenue on our platform."

As the senior editor of Zhongguancun Online, Xie Min not only needs to consider the writing and approval of articles, but also needs to consider advertising revenue.

As a website, their main revenue is advertising revenue.

It can be said that advertising revenue is not only related to the life and death of the company, but also closely related to the interests of every employee.

For example, Xie Min is mainly responsible for mobile phone-related channels, so if there are more mobile phone-related advertisements, her bonus will be larger.

Even to a certain extent, advertising revenue is commissioned.

“Has mobile advertising revenue surpassed that of computers?”

Wu Xuebin really didn't expect that the mobile advertising business would one day surpass the computer business.

Computers have always been the core business of Zhongguancun Online.

Whether it's a desktop computer or a laptop, whether it's a complete computer or a built-up computer, there are a lot of related articles every day.

There are also many brands that need to advertise online in Zhongguancun, or publish soft articles for promotion.

Computer companies have always had the most activities.

Some editors who used to be responsible for the computer business almost all turned into trapeze artists, either on business trips or on the way to prepare for business trips.

Relatively speaking, the salary income of those responsible for the computer business is higher than that of the mobile phone business.

I didn't expect this situation to change so quickly.

"Yes, as mobile phones enter the smartphone era, the entire industry has undergone considerable changes."

“In the past, in the feature phone era, due to the existence of copycat phones, the main thing everyone competed for was price, and the ones that advertised were mainly mainstream companies.”

"But after entering the era of smartphones, in addition to competing on price, it has become more and more important to let consumers know how good they are and let everyone see the beautiful appearance of the mobile phone."

"Of course, competition in the smartphone era has slowly turned into competition between mainstream mobile phone manufacturers."

"Once they decide to compete in the market, they will be much more generous in their advertising expenses."

“This should be the main reason why mobile advertising business continues to rise.”

Since he wanted to mention the growth of mobile advertising business to Wu Xuebin, Xie Min must have sorted out the relevant situation in advance.

So when it comes to some related reasons and data, she is also at her fingertips.

"Honor mobile phones have now completely dethroned Samsung. No matter which dimension we compare, they are number one in the Chinese market."

"With this historic achievement, I estimate that it will be a big stimulus to mobile phone manufacturers such as Samsung and Lenovo."

"In order to compete with Honor phones and maintain or improve their market position, their advertising will only increase, not reduce."

"In the coming period, I feel that the mobile advertising business can still maintain a stable and rising situation."

"It depends on whether you can seize the opportunity."

Wu Xuebin gave his own judgment based on other information he learned.

Good times are coming for the Zhongguancun Online mobile channel.

Everyone can eat meat and drink wine.

"I think so too. In the next article, I am going to stir up competition between these companies."

"Through some guidance and pressure from public opinion, various mobile phone companies are forced to increase their marketing efforts."

"That way we can eat both sides."

Regarding the current situation, Xie Min quickly came up with some ideas of his own.

People in the media have great minds.

If they want to expand advertising revenue, they still have many methods.

Sometimes, phrases like "blackmail" can even be used to stimulate mobile phone manufacturers to advertise on their own platforms.

Zhongguancun Online has done similar things before.

"This can be done. Smartphone competition is fierce, and there will be various small moves among various mobile phone manufacturers."

"As long as we add fuel to the flames behind the scenes, or even deliberately create some controversial content, we can quickly intensify the conflicts between the two parties."

Wu Xuebin is also a veteran.

He must be very supportive of this kind of thing that is beneficial to Zhongguancun Online.

Anyway, there will definitely be no proof in the end. Even those mobile phone manufacturers who have been "framed" will feel that it was their competitors who did it.

And just as Xie Min and Wu Xuebin were discussing how to intensify the conflicts in the mobile phone industry, Samsung, the source of the conflicts, was already taking action internally.

"Chaihang, Honor Technology's mobile phone sales continue to rise, and now they have completely surpassed us in China."

"We have launched several new products in the past year, but our overall sales have not increased."

"Now the performance of our Chinese branch has been lagging behind the world."

After Li Zailin saw the sales data for April, he immediately called Chaihang to his office.

He kept a straight face, pointing one hand at his computer screen from time to time, and at Chai Hang from time to time, with a very unkind tone.

In his opinion, these employees of China should be grateful to Samsung.

As a leader, it is natural for me, as a leader, to scold them.

"Mr. Li, since local companies in China's automobile industry began to encircle Hyundai and Xifeng Yueda Kia, the public opinion situation about Goryeo on the Chinese Internet has begun to change."

"This public opinion development is very detrimental to our sales growth."

"Coupled with the rise of local Chinese mobile phone brands such as Honor Mobile and Warwick Mobile, our ability to stabilize the current situation is actually the result of the extremely hard work of our dealers and sales teams."

Chaihang certainly cannot take the blame for poor performance.

Otherwise, this year’s bonus will probably be wasted.

It is even possible that the position below the buttocks cannot be saved.

Of course, from his perspective, what he said makes sense and is not unreasonable.

It's a pity that Li Zailin doesn't think so.

"Samsung's mobile phone sales are constantly increasing around the world. We provide consumers with mobile phone products at various price points, and the price/performance ratio is also very high."

“Don’t Chinese consumers care most about cost-effectiveness when buying things?”

"It's obvious that your marketing plan is not as good as other competitors, but you still have the nerve to say that you have worked hard?"

"Do you have any sense of self-awareness?"

Li Zailin pointed at Chai Hang's nose and cursed.

With his current results, he knew that when he reported to the headquarters, he would definitely be scolded badly.

Relieving his stress in advance can be regarded as a way for Li Zailin to relieve his emotions.

The local employees of Chaihang and other Chinese companies have become his emotional trash can.

"Mr. Li, I think that in order to completely increase the sales of our mobile phones in China, we must start from the perspective of public opinion."

"Everyone must accept that the quality of Samsung mobile phones is better than that of Chinese mobile phones."

“We need to make everyone accept that using Samsung mobile phones is more respectable than using Chinese mobile phones.”

"We need to make everyone accept that buying a mobile phone has nothing to do with being patriotic or not. Just buy what you like."

Chai Hang felt uncomfortable being sprayed, but his desire to survive was still very strong.

At this time, Li Zailin must be given some reasonable-sounding plans, otherwise he will have to take advantage of being sprayed.

"What you said is very nice. How can we do it?"

Li Zailin's tone softened slightly, but he still stared at Chai Hang with a somewhat unkind expression.

"This is hard to say, easy to say."

"The headquarters has a very high influence in Korea. We can consider promoting communication between Korea and China."

"At least on the surface, it needs to look harmonious and a good relationship."

"Then the company must specifically approve relevant marketing expenses, cooperate with some local consulting companies or marketing companies, and let them launch various public opinion offensives on the Internet."

"And these movements cannot be just like a gust of wind, they must last for a relatively long time..."

Chai Hang saw that Li Zailin seemed interested in his suggestions and immediately became more active.

If these plans can be implemented, they will definitely be beneficial to increasing the sales of Samsung mobile phones.

By then his life will be much better.

"You formulate a specific plan and I will report it to the headquarters."

"Mr. Yang, the gap between us and Samsung mobile phones is constantly narrowing. By next year, we are expected to surpass them and become the second in China."

Zhang Rongji is quite satisfied with the performance of Lenovo mobile phones in the past few months, otherwise he would not go directly to Yang Erqing's office to claim credit.

"We will re-launch Motorola mobile phones in China starting this year, and sales should be able to reach a higher level by then."

"Your sales department must work hard and strive to surpass Samsung as soon as possible."

The biggest thing Yang Erqing did during his tenure was to buy back Motorola's mobile phone business from Google.

Although the cost was a bit high, he felt it was worth it as it gained a lot of reputation internationally.

After a year of integration, he felt that the power of acquiring Motorola was beginning to show.

"Other mobile phone companies on the market are thinking of suppressing Samsung, and we can also push behind it."

"Among Samsung's sales in China, there are still over one million traditional feature phones. This part of the market is the easiest for us to capture."

"At the same time, we will also launch some mid-to-high-end products to compete with Samsung with extremely high cost performance."

Zhang Rongji was encouraged and his enthusiasm was very high.

In his view, the mobile phone industry still has great potential.

“Not only can we try to get Samsung behind our back, but Honor Mobile, Warwick and Xiaomi are also our competitors.”

"As long as there is an opportunity, you can mess with them behind their backs, or even stir up discord and let them fight among themselves."

When Yang Erqing said this, Zhang Rongji's eyes immediately lit up.

He is very good at these things.

And he also has some connections in this area that can be put to good use.

If it can really pull down the sales of its competitors in one go, Lenovo's mobile phone sales may not be the second in China, but the first in China.

This is definitely a very tempting thing for Zhang Rongji.

And with the small moves of various companies, the chaos in China's mobile phone industry is about to begin.

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