Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 812 Kneel down. I wanted to save myself but ended up committing suicide with a knife.

"Mr. Cao, our mobile phone shipments have increased significantly in the past few days. I personally went to several Samsung mobile phone stores and found that the flow of people was much less than before."

"I heard that their Note4 is completely unsaleable."

Xia Qingqing's current mood is like eating honey, extremely sweet.

Although Honor Technology is already the largest mobile phone company in China, looking at the world, the gap with Samsung is still relatively large.

It would be best if we could take advantage of the explosion of Samsung's flagship mobile phones to drive down their sales.

"Is there any news in this regard in the United States and Europe?"

Although what Cao Yang cares about most is definitely the performance of the Chinese market.

But to suppress Samsung, we definitely cannot rely solely on the Chinese market.

"Relevant media have already reported on this aspect, especially in the United States. The previously exposed explosion case has been revealed again."

“I feel like Samsung’s hard days are coming soon.”

To attack Samsung, Xia Qingqing will definitely not fail in any means or in any market.

Of course, at this time, Samsung's other competitors must also add insult to injury, otherwise they will all be sorry for themselves.

"This time the mobile phone explodes, we must make good use of it."

"The situation in China is developing very well now. As long as it continues, Samsung's mobile phones will basically become popular in China."

"Our influence abroad is relatively limited. As long as Samsung is willing to spend money, we may be fooled by them."

When Samsung Note7 exploded and caught fire in the previous life, although Samsung's mobile phone sales were affected in the short term, they slowly recovered.

Samsung mobile phones have always been ranked number one in the world.

This situation is definitely not what Cao Yang wants to see.

"Yes, so I took the initiative to find people from Apple China and suggested that they continue to communicate and report to Apple headquarters to push Apple to suppress Samsung mobile phones in markets such as the United States."

The enemy of your enemy is sometimes your friend.

Samsung mobile phones are not only rivals of Honor Technology, but also rivals of Apple mobile phones.

Xia Qingqing also saw this very clearly.

"Well, then let's continue at the current pace and make Samsung uncomfortable."

While Cao Yang and Xia Qingqing were chatting about the situation at Apple China, inside their company,

"Mr. Wang, I asked around and found out that the Samsung mobile phone user is a sales manager of SKF China. Their relationship with Nanshan Group should be quite bad."

"So there is a high probability that this person is not a trustee arranged by Honor Technology."

Lin Rong came to Wang Ziming's office with a complicated mood.

In the past two days, Xia Qingqing from Honor Technology has specifically communicated with Wang Ziming, reminding Apple to seize the opportunity in the United States and other places to make the Samsung mobile phone explosion a big issue as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will not be so easy to deal with Samsung in the future.

Lin Rong completely agreed with this point.

However, this matter also made Lin Rong have many more guesses in her mind. She wanted to find out whether her guesses were right or wrong.

"Although this incident is a coincidence, Honor mobile phones should not be so bold as to make fun of the lives of people on a plane."

"This is something that will make you lose your head. They are people wearing shoes and they don't do things like this."

"Now that you have investigated clearly, the situation is consistent with this logic."

"It can only be said that Samsung's flagship mobile phone really has a problem with the battery quality."

"Their luck this time is not very good."

Lin Rong didn't want to accept Wang Ziming's statement, but she also knew that it was probably the truth.

"The development of Nanshan Group has been so smooth in recent years. It seems that there is a pair of invisible hands driving their development behind the scenes."

"No other company in China can compete with it."

Although Lin Rong didn't want to admit that Apple was failing in China, it was the fact.

Even if Apple phones are allowed to continue to be sold in China, they will definitely not be able to surpass Honor phones.

"They are so different from ordinary Chinese companies. They are always able to take the lead in some new technologies."

"The key is that even if their technology is great, their marketing level is also very high and they are very good at seizing some special opportunities."

"I'm afraid it won't be that easy for foreign companies to make money in China in the future."

Wang Ziming is now beginning to worry that he will not be able to retire at Apple.

The salary of this job is still very good, and he is willing to continue doing it.

But no one knows what will happen in the future.

"Yes, I still don't know what camp plan Samsung will adopt."

"They are also considered to be the world's top companies, and they should also take various actions."

Lin Rong felt that Samsung's desire to survive should be very strong, and there must be people within them who are aware of the dangers of this matter.

While Lin Rong and Wang Ziming were discussing this topic, Samsung specially invited major domestic dealers to gather together and convene an ordering meeting to lay out the next development.

Many companies can do this kind of ordering conference.

It is also considered a routine activity for Samsung.

However, in previous years, it was usually held at the beginning of the year and in the middle of the year. This year, due to huge changes in the situation, it was moved forward.

"There was nothing wrong with the Samsung phone. The user put the phone in the microwave, so it exploded."

During the speech at the order meeting, Li Zailin gave his answer "full of confidence".

Obviously, this is in response to the recent spate of reports on the Internet about the reasons why Samsung mobile phones exploded and caught fire.

As soon as the results of this survey were announced, the dealers who came to the ordering meeting looked at each other in shock.

Airlines have banned Samsung Note4 from flying, and there is a video that proves the truth about the explosion and fire on the plane.

It certainly couldn't have been the flight attendant who helped heat it in the microwave, right?

If this incident had not occurred, then some people would probably believe other cases where the explosion was caused intentionally by microwave heating.

Now, few people are willing to believe it.

After all, experts on Weibo and other websites have definitely analyzed the causes of Samsung mobile phone explosions.

According to these experts, problems with Samsung phones are mainly caused by defects in battery design or manufacturing.

As for why there are explosions and fires on airplanes, it is because during flight, changes in cabin pressure and external environment may have an adverse effect on mobile phone batteries, increasing the risk of battery problems.

This is why the airline later issued a special notice requiring Samsung Note4 mobile phones not to be brought on board for the safety of passengers and aircraft.

It is simply impossible for Samsung to clear up this matter.

However, after Li Zailin reported to the headquarters, he was instructed to completely deny these issues.

Of course, along with these denials, Samsung China must also have some other actions.

During the thank-you dinner in the evening, all senior executives of Samsung China came on stage together.

Normally, this is the time for everyone to raise their glasses and toast.

But Li Zailin personally led everyone to kneel on the stage and said he wanted to apologize to dealers and consumers.

Kneel down and apologize!

This kind of thing rarely happens in China, and it is often considered a shameful thing.

Therefore, some Chinese people in Samsung China are definitely not willing to kneel down.

But at this time, there were some people behind them, holding them down and kneeling down.

The scene of a row of more than a dozen executives kneeling on the stage was immediately photographed by many dealers.

These photos spread quickly through various channels such as WeChat and Penguin Group.

"Xie Min, please turn on your computer immediately and write a few comment articles on the incident of Samsung China executives kneeling down."

"Then this is a good refutation of the conclusion given by Samsung China that 'there is no problem with Samsung mobile phones, it was the users who put the mobile phones in the microwave oven'."

"Since we have rejected Samsung's advertising, we must clearly state our attitude."

"Otherwise, Honor Mobile won't accept our favor."

After learning the news, Wu Xuebin immediately called his capable subordinate Xie Min and asked her to work overtime to write the manuscript.

As the largest IT website in China, Zhongguancun Online definitely cannot miss such a big event.

Otherwise, other platforms will have reported this matter on a large scale by then, but there is no information on Zhongguancun Online, and a large number of users may have been lost.

"I just saw those pictures and some comments, which are too nonsense."

"The people from Samsung China are out of their minds to do such a thing, right?"

Xie Min also felt speechless.

Samsung is making frequent mistakes.

Although everyone knows that Samsung has been under a lot of pressure recently, they are definitely thinking about saving themselves.

But forcing senior executives to kneel down, especially when senior executives from China were unwilling to kneel down, they actually forced them to kneel down.

This kind of news has never been heard before.

It is estimated that not only professional media such as Zhongguancun Online, but also several major portal websites will regard this news as popular social news.

There is no need to wait until tomorrow, this news is already the top trending search topic now.

Even the top three most searched items are Samsung-related news.

Normally, everyone would be envious of this kind of trending search without spending any money.

But now absolutely no company will envy Samsung.

After all, none of the news on Weibo’s hot searches is a good thing.

"They probably did this under instructions from Samsung headquarters."

"Those people are not familiar with the situation in China, but they like to give random orders."

"Now that something has happened, the situation becomes interesting."

Wu Xuebin can completely imagine what kind of situation Samsung will face in China in the next period of time.

Not to mention a complete collapse, but Samsung mobile phones will definitely have nothing to do with the TOP3 in the future.

It’s hard to say whether it will even fall out of the TOP5.

Just when Zhongguancun Online and other media were thinking about how to report this news, Fang Sisi also received this content early.

"Samsung is now the hottest topic on Weibo. They are seeking death."

For general hot searches, the people on Weibo will definitely not report to the president Fang Sisi.

At least there won't be sudden phone calls late at night to report.

But Fang Sisi had told her to tell her immediately if there were hot searches related to Nanshan Group.

Honor Technology and Samsung Mobile have been fighting fiercely recently, and people on Weibo know it very well.

Therefore, Samsung was on the hot search, and the staff reported to Fang Sisi in a timely manner.

In this way, before Honor Technology figured out the situation, Cao Yang already knew the main information through Fang Sisi.

"Samsung has a lot of bad teammates, which is a good thing for us."

Cao Yang didn't expect that Samsung's flagship phone exploded earlier than expected, and that he would encounter the same "kneeling scandal".

The brains of these Korean people are really interesting.

"That's true. From now on, we no longer have to worry about whether the sales of Samsung mobile phones in China will exceed that of Honor Technology."

"If the explosion scandal and the kneeling scandal happen together, Samsung mobile phones will be completely out of date in China."

"I guess those dealers are also worried now."

Honor Technology is now second only to Nanshan Automobile Group in the Nanshan System.

It not only contributed huge turnover to Nanshan Group, but also contributed huge profits.

Honor Technology, which has successfully taken the high-end mobile phone route, has now come to enjoy the dividends.

Not to mention further development and growth, as long as it can maintain its current scale, it will still be a giant.

The money earned every year is unmatched by giants like China Mobile and China Unicom.

"In the past month, Weibo has been able to recommend Samsung-related content to various users, so that everyone can clearly see the faces of Korean people."

"It just so happens that the relevant departments have also issued documents to suppress the Korean Wave. This matter is also very beneficial to suppressing the Korean Wave."

Cao Yang's previous layouts, combined with the current situation, definitely play the role of one plus one being greater than two.

Now is the time to start reaping the fruits of success.

"Well, this is the same."

"Relevant departments have been meeting in the past few days to prepare for large-scale promotion of cultural confidence."

"As long as we can relate the suppression of Samsung to this cultural self-confidence, then there will be reasons to arrange for people to do some data processing alone in the background."

Fang Sisi is not the kind of rigid person.

Dealing with Samsung is definitely in the interest of Nanshan Group, so we must find some reason to help.

As for whether this matter will have any negative impact on Weibo if it spreads in the future, you need to find some reasons in advance.

"Mr. Yang, I feel like Samsung is being targeted."

"Kneeling down is a very serious matter in China."

"But in Korea and Japan, the situation is actually different."

On the Lenovo mobile side, Zhang Rongji naturally paid attention to the hot news on the Internet.

Samsung is completely popular now!

What a pity it’s black and red!

Regarding this situation, Zhang Rongji is also happy to see the results, and is even willing to push behind the scenes.

However, he felt that the true development of this matter still needed to be clarified.


"Why do you think so?"

Yang Erqing looked at Zhang Rongji, obviously interested in hearing the reason behind it.

"Although they both belong to the East Asian cultural circle, the Korean people's attitude towards kneeling is obviously completely different from the Chinese people."

"In the eyes of Chinese people, kneeling can only mean 'kneel to the sky, kneel to the ground and kneel to your parents', and you cannot kneel down easily. The Koreans will kneel down on many occasions."

"For example, every year before the university entrance exam, junior students will kneel down to their seniors, supposedly to wish them good results."

"Another example is that in the entertainment industry, it is very common for celebrities to kneel down to thank their fans. Some male and female bands have kneeled down to thank their fans at concerts, which made fans feel distressed and excited."

"Also, after the Korean team won the runner-up in the men's 5,000-meter speed skating relay at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, several contestants collectively placed the national flag flat on the ice and knelt down on their knees to celebrate."

"In the eyes of the Chinese, there is gold beneath a man's knees. 'Kneeling' carries a layer of humiliation and submission."

"But in the eyes of the Korean people, 'kneeling' is a etiquette, a culture, and a way of gratitude."

"It can be said that kneeling and worshiping is an important etiquette for the Korean people and has penetrated into all aspects of Korean society."

"This time Samsung China's senior executives knelt down to the dealer, which is relatively normal in Korea."

Zhang Rongji spoke eloquently and demonstrated his erudition in front of Yang Erqing.

And this analysis also supports his own speculation, indicating that someone is behind Samsung.

"What you said may be true, but this is China."

"It is estimated that few Chinese people will be able to accept Samsung's approach."

"So even if there are no competitors behind it, this matter will probably cause a big fuss."

Yang Erqing's judgment is quite reasonable.

Zhang Rongji will definitely not refute.

"It is indeed true, and at this order meeting, Samsung still refuses to admit that its flagship mobile phone has quality problems, acting like a stubborn duck."

"This should be something that makes many netizens very dissatisfied."

"If the same thing happened in the United States, maybe they would adopt completely different responses."

"Chinese consumers who have been treated with double standards for so many years are now much less tolerant."

As a Chinese, Zhang Rongji naturally dislikes Samsung.

Not to mention that Lenovo mobile phones are now trying to knock Samsung out of the second place in the Chinese market.

"While consumers are very dissatisfied with Samsung, your sales department has communicated with various dealers to conduct more marketing activities during this period to increase our sales as much as possible."

Although Yang Erqing sympathized with Samsung, he still had to take action when it was time to take action, and he would not be polite.

Similarly, other mobile phone manufacturers such as Huawei, OPPO and Xiaomi will not be polite.

As for Honor mobile phones, it goes without saying.

It can be said that after Samsung's "explosion door" and "kneeling door" continued to become popular, the sales of Samsung mobile phones fell off a cliff.

Not only the flagship phone Note4 cannot be sold, but also other models of mobile phones.

This situation is absolutely catastrophic!

"We have all apologized, we have all knelt down, why do you Chinese people still hold on to me?"

"Is this interesting?"

"How can the quality of our Samsung mobile phones be worse than the mobile phones produced by your Chinese company?"

At Samsung China, Li Zailin called Chai Hang to the office and had a blast.

Although Chai Hang felt very unhappy, he couldn't bear anything when he thought that his family's mortgage loan still amounted to more than two million yuan.

"Mr. Li, in the past few days, more airlines have announced that they will ban our flagship mobile phones from being carried on board."

"China is now suppressing the Korean Wave and suppressing the development of Korean companies."

"Under this situation, if we never admit that Note4 has quality problems, we probably will never be able to resolve this matter."

"I think it may be the least damaging way for the company to simply recall this batch of Note4 phones."

Chaihang boldly mentioned a plan.

However, for Samsung, this plan is very difficult to make up its mind to implement.

Although this mobile phone has sold less than 1 million units in China, there are millions of units sold worldwide.

If millions of flagship phones were recalled, the cost would be very high.

Because in this case, the recalled mobile phones may only be refunded, rather than simply replaced with a battery.

Li Zailin cannot afford such a price, and Samsung cannot afford it.

The most important thing is that even if it is recalled, this matter does not necessarily end.

"So far, there has been no large-scale recall of mobile phones in the Chinese market, and there are no relevant laws and regulations with mandatory requirements."

"In this case, there is absolutely no need for us to be the first to take the lead."

"Besides, our R\u0026D and technology have been confirmed internally many times, and we believe that Note4 is an excellent product without any problems."

"All kinds of rumors on the Chinese Internet are caused by competitors trying to hack us."

"Especially Honor Technology, they are the best at doing this kind of thing."

"Nanshan Group has done similar things before, and this time it will definitely have something to do with them."

Li Zailin's hatred for China is deeper than ever.

Every time he has a meeting with the headquarters these days, he gets sprayed with blood.

If he hadn't hugged the Samsung Electronics president's thigh in time inside the company, he probably wouldn't have been able to keep the position under his buttocks.

"No matter what the actual situation is, Chinese consumers now think there is something wrong with our mobile phones."

"So many consumers gave up on purchasing our products when there were other options."

"Once this trend continues, our mobile phones will no longer be sold in China."

Chai Hang felt that he still needed to explain the situation clearly.

Otherwise, he will definitely take the blame when the time comes.

"You can sort out your proposal and we will report it to the headquarters."

"If the headquarters agrees, I won't have any objection!"

Li Zailin will definitely not bear this pressure by himself.

The company doesn't belong to him, so if it doesn't work, just report it to the headquarters.

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