Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 871 Venus Technology: Everyone here is rubbish

As the world's first mass-produced recyclable rocket, Venus 9 is very well-known in the industry.

Throughout 2013, Venus Technology entered an intensive rocket launch stage.

On December 28, December 29 and December 30, for three consecutive days, Venus Technology launched a rocket every day.

This kind of transmission frequency is absolutely unmatched by any organization.

Especially the rocket launched on December 30 was the tenth launch mission, which was definitely a huge breakthrough.

Until now, no rocket had been able to be reused ten times.

According to the current situation, Venus Technology is also preparing to continue to use this rocket to perform launch missions next year.

After the successful launch of Venus 9 on December 30, Venus Technology's last launch mission in 2013 will be completed.

"Mr. Cao, we have launched a total of 64 rockets this year, 51 of which are for the group's own Starlink satellite project, and the rest are for other customers."

"According to our preliminary statistics, Venus Technology's rocket launches accounted for more than half of the world's rocket launches in 2013."

"If you exclude the launches of SpaceX, we account for 70% of the world's launches."

Zhao Siyu must have wanted to publicize such outstanding results.

So before 2013 was over, he summarized the situation of global rocket launches.

Anyway, everyone's launches are basically planned, and the impact in the last one or two days can be completely calculated, or even ignored.

After New Year's Day, all walks of life are releasing their own data.

Daystar Technology is planning to steal a chicken and release this blockbuster news directly at the end of the year to attract a wave of attention first.

This can also appropriately relieve Zhao Siyu's pressure.

"That's more than half of the world's launches?"

"Aerospace science and technology, NASA, Polar Bear United Rocketry and Space Agency and the European Space Agency and so many other agencies combined have not launched as many times as we have?"

Although Cao Yang knew that Daystar Technology was very good at it, he was still a little surprised that it was so good now.

I don’t know if I don’t have statistics. I’ll be shocked when I get statistics.

It seems that in the aerospace field, the strength of competitors is not as strong as I imagined.

"They all use traditional rocket launch methods. China's aerospace technology launches more than 20 times a year, which is considered very high."

"For example, at the European Space Agency, the number of rocket launches throughout the year has not exceeded double digits."

"Things are a little better over there with the polar bears, which is about a dozen times."

"As for NASA, it is now slowly handing over some rocket launch tasks to the Space Exploration Technology Company."

"I estimate that in a few years, 90% or even more than 95% of the world's rocket launch missions will be divided between us and the Space Exploration Technology Company."

Zhao Siyu said quite confidently.

Recyclable rockets are so disruptive.

Especially Venus Technology has reached 10 times of use.

In addition, Venus 9 itself uses a lot of disruptive designs and uses an assembly line mass production method to produce it.

In the industrial field, the cost of small-scale production of one or two products is completely different from large-scale production.

Although Venus Technology is only planning to produce a hundred or so Venus 9s, it is already a large-scale production for a rocket.

Especially in terms of engines, which have a greater impact on costs, one rocket uses 9 engines, and Venus 9 MAX will continue to be used in the future.

As a result, the number of engines produced has reached thousands, or even more.

Producing thousands of engines is not the same concept as producing three or five engines. The cost of a single engine is definitely not the same.

Maybe NASA needs to spend 10 million US dollars to produce an engine, and aerospace technology also needs to spend 10 million yuan.

But when it comes to Venus Technology, R\u0026D costs and mold costs have been greatly amortized, and production costs can be directly reduced to the level of 1 million yuan.

Even lower.

It is conceivable how much this large-scale industrial production has contributed to the reduction of rocket costs.

"The Space Exploration Technology Company is also expected to start exploding production capacity next year."

"Taking advantage of the fact that their launches are not particularly large this year, we really want to promote Venus Technology."

"Let everyone know that this is the world's top aerospace company, and leave a deep impression on everyone first."

Cao Yang has always attached great importance to publicity work.

Propaganda work done well can often achieve twice the result with half the effort.

On the contrary, it is half the result with twice the result.

As long as everyone knows that Venus Technology alone launched more than half of the world's rockets in 2013, netizens will figure out what makes Venus Technology awesome.

After all, this is a rocket, not a paper plane.

"Yeah, that's what I thought too."

"So after reporting to you today, the company will immediately start related publicity."

"At that time, we will let netizens at home and abroad know the name of Venusstar Technology, so that more potential customers who are still hesitating will contact us."

"There are not so many organizations that have the ability to send rockets into space."

"There are still many customers who have the idea of ​​launching satellites, but they think it is difficult and costly, so they have not taken action."

"Through this publicity, more people will know that Venusstar Technology can use low-cost methods to send satellites into space, which should be very beneficial for us to obtain more commercial aviation contracts in the future."

Zhao Siyu naturally fully supports Cao Yang's decision.

He will definitely benefit a lot from promoting Venusstar Technology.

Especially since he just became an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering this year, he hopes to make Venusstar Technology a world-famous company.

[Breaking the space record, Venusstar Technology's first 10-hand rocket was born]

[In 2013, Venusstar Technology's annual launch number exceeded that of the United States for the first time]

[Venusstar Technology: Everyone here is garbage]

[64 times, Venusstar Technology refreshed the annual rocket launch world record]

[Incredible, Venusstar Technology has launched 64 rockets this year, and Venusstar 9 has been reused 10 times]

[Breaking the record, Venusstar Technology's rocket launch number this year hit a new high]

After Zhao Siyu and Cao Yang finished their reports, related articles soon appeared on various media.

Venusstar Technology's official website and official microblog also released some related information simultaneously.

Cao Yang's own personal Weibo even published the fact that Venusstar Technology launched 64 rockets in 2013, of which Venusstar 9 had been repeatedly launched more than 10 times as the main promotional content.

As the most influential entrepreneur on the entire network, Cao Yang's number of fans is comparable to that of super-first-line celebrities, and his influence is amazing.

In addition, the content released is so impactful that it naturally landed on the hot search as soon as it was released.

"Better than the national team, Venustech is so awesome."

"Destroyed all countries, really awesome!"

"What is far ahead? This is really far ahead."

"Is the catfish effect of the aerospace industry coming? I am looking forward to the changes brought by Venustech, the catfish."

"Since the birth of Venustech, various media seem to have less hype about aerospace technology."

"This data makes Aerospace Technology and NASA very anxious."

"Seeing these numbers is like watching a science fiction movie. I have to say that Mr. Cao is really awesome."

"Venustech is really awesome, but it is not an exaggeration to say that others are garbage. In the field of manned spaceflight, Venustech is still relatively weak."

"Cao Yang is really awesome for turning business into a career and entrepreneurs into scientists."

"Really awesome, the key is that the salary is also awesome."

"Haha, when it comes to making space junk, Venustech is far ahead."

"NASA is the worst. Several years of hard work are not as good as one year of Venustech."


Various comments have made this matter more and more popular.

Not to mention that Venusstar Technology's own employees are very proud, all the Nanshan employees are also proud of it.

"Minister Liu, several of my classmates have consulted me, saying how to join Venusstar Technology."

"Can we let the company open an internal referral channel so that more outstanding talents can enter the company?"

Xiao Rong joined Nanshan Automobile in 2003 and became an employee of the Legal Department.

After ten years of hard work, she successfully became the deputy director of the Legal Department of Nanshan Automobile Group.

This is more or less related to the fact that her mentor is the most famous law professor of Lingnan University of Technology.

Of course, more of it is her own efforts.

Many of her college classmates, although they are doing well outside, are really not more successful than her.

This time Venusstar Technology has become popular again, and many classmates have come to chat with her, and some of them have expressed their desire for her to help recommend them to Venusstar Technology.

"Your proposal is indeed very good. The company has always felt that internal referrals are easy for people to take advantage of loopholes."

"However, after so many years of development, each business unit has also entered the right track, and each department has its own work process."

"The benefits of internal referrals are more obvious than the disadvantages."

As the head of human resources of the Nanshan system, Liu Youmei is also a high-ranking official.

For this kind of advice that obviously has a certain reference value, she is still very willing to listen to it.

In addition, there are many talents in the Nanshan system who were originally poached from external companies.

Let these people play to their strengths and recommend some colleagues, classmates, and friends to come, which is actually a way to save recruitment costs.

Of course, in this process, we must also do a good job of screening.

Don't let internal referrals become a way for some people to seek personal interests.

"Yes, we are often familiar with the people who are recommended internally, and we know whether they are suitable for the company."

"It is equivalent to the first screening."

Xiao Rong didn't expect Liu Youmei to agree to her proposal so directly this time.

This is definitely a happy thing.

At that time, people who enter the company through internal referrals will more or less receive a favor from themselves.

This will definitely be beneficial to her further promotion.

The Nanshan Group is now a big company, and many middle and high-level managers naturally hope to continue to advance.

The pay in the Nanshan system is very good. The higher you go, the richer the various year-end bonuses are.

Compared with the excitement inside Nanshan Group Enterprises, the mood of people outside is different.

"Mr. Qian, many netizens on the Internet are ridiculing us."

"Especially on our official WeChat account, there are very few comments that have good things to say."

"Obviously our results in 2013 were better than those in 2012, but we definitely encountered all kinds of dissatisfaction."

Early in the morning, Zhu Yuanming came to Qian Junfeng's office very depressed.

As the person in charge of the rocket project, he is very concerned about news related to rocket launches.

Objectively speaking, the performance of aerospace technology in the industry is still remarkable.

That number of launches is not only more than that of Polar Bear United Rocket and Space Company, but also more than NASA.

As for comparing with European Space Agency, Tianzhu and other competitors, it is even better.

But there was Venus Technology in front of them, and its dazzling data directly overshadowed everyone else's.

"Netizens' ideas come and go, and whatever comes to mind is what they think."

"We have to look not only at the number of rocket launches, but also at what was launched."

Qian Junfeng was naturally a little depressed about this situation.

Those comments on the Internet will more or less affect his reputation, making relevant departments feel that aerospace technology is not developing very well under his leadership.

A large amount of money is spent every year, but the result is that it cannot even compare with a private enterprise.

Some extreme negative comments will pop up quickly.

Qian Junfeng has seen similar things before.

"Yes, Venus Technology basically launches Starlink satellites, and every launch mission is very similar."

"The various preparations are much faster and simpler to do."

"But people on the Internet can't see this at all. They just curse people there blindly."

When had Zhu Yuanming ever been scolded like this?

After all, he is also a technical expert and is the person in charge of the rocket project of aerospace technology.

"In fact, we can promote it from another angle. With Venus Technology and our rocket launches, China's rocket launches account for more than 70% of the world's share."

"Isn't this something that everyone should be proud of?"

When Qian Junfeng said this, Zhu Yuanming's eyes lit up.

Yes, if promoted according to this dimension, it seems to be a very good thing.

Aerospace science and technology has always been not very good at publicity, but it does not mean that they do not know the importance of publicity.

The level is over there. If they want to find some media to help promote it, there are still many ways.

"Mr. Qian, shall we ask the publicity side to take action as soon as possible?"

"Go ahead and act quickly while the heat is at its highest."

Compared with the situation on the aerospace technology side, NASA is a bit uncomfortable.

The news from China was also reported by the American media.

Daystar Technology is the leader. One company has launched more rockets than the entire United States, and the number is not one or two.

In this case, Griffin, the director of NASA, will definitely be criticized.

"Masco, has SpaceX's launch plan for next year been confirmed?"

Griffin knew that it was impossible to surpass Venus Technology in counting on NASA's own launch missions.

So depressed, he called Masco.

The achievements of Space Exploration Technology Company today are inseparable from his support.

Now that we encounter a problem, we naturally have to discuss it with the other party.

"It's almost settled. We plan to launch 50 rockets next year, breaking the American record in one fell swoop."

When Masco said this, Griffin was not happy and said: "Venus Technology has already launched 64 times this year. Will you only launch 50 times next year?"

Obviously, Griffin is now staring at Daystar Technology.

The media always talks about Venus Technology. Naturally, he hopes that the Space Exploration Technology Company can be more competitive and overtake Venus Technology.

In this way, the media will not keep chasing NASA.

"Griffin, 50 times is already a very big challenge for us."

"After all, our improved Falcon 9 has just been successfully developed this year. It is impossible to surpass Venus Technology next year."

"They have launched 64 times this year, and next year they are expected to exceed 100 times."

"In this case, it will be at least another two years before we have any chance of surpassing them."

Masco naturally knew why Griffin made such a request.

But what can't be done just can't be done.

He didn't want to compromise blindly.

Otherwise something will happen by then.

Why has NASA's development stalled?

In Masco's opinion, it is because of the management system.

Everyone is looking forward and backward, or making decisions by patting their heads. Many problems that should not have occurred have occurred, and time that should not have been wasted has been wasted.


"If Venus Technology launches more than 100 times next year and you launch more than 50 times, then the proportion of Venus Technology's launches in the number of global launches may increase further."

"If you include the rocket launch situation of China Aerospace Science and Technology, the situation will be even more unfavorable for us."

Griffin is a bit over the top.

Although this matter doesn't mean anything, ordinary people don't care about you that much.

Their first reaction was that the United States was lagging behind China in the aerospace industry.

There is no way to accept this.

Then the position under Griffin's butt may need to be moved.

This is obviously not a situation he wants to see.

"The progress at Daystar Technology is indeed very fast. I heard that they have now started research on a super large rocket starship project."

"But we are still working hard on the development of the Falcon 9 heavy rocket."

"Griffin, can NASA continue to support a group of technical experts?"

Masco would definitely not want to miss such a good opportunity.

If space exploration technology companies want to accelerate their development, in addition to investing money, talent is also essential.

Anyway, the source of many of the previous technologies was NASA, and now he continues to look for NASA support talents, and Musk has nothing to be embarrassed about.

It’s not like I don’t want to pay.

"If we continue to support you with talents, NASA itself will not have the ability to develop new technologies in the future."

Griffin said a little confused.

Although supporting the development of private enterprises such as Space Exploration Technology Company in the aerospace industry is in line with NASA's development policy.

But he doesn’t want NASA to be abolished.

It's not in his interest to look that way.

"Griffin, NASA no longer has the R\u0026D capabilities for new products. It is enough to make existing products well."

"The development of brand-new projects is directly entrusted to Sky Exploration Technology Company, which can not only significantly save the development schedule, but also save a lot of money."

"I guarantee that as long as there are enough talents, the Falcon Heavy rocket will be able to achieve its first flight in 2014 and be put into commercial launch missions in 2015."

"At the same time, we will also launch projects similar to starships like Daystar Technology."

"We will strive to achieve the first flight of the starship within the next five years and send our astronauts to Mars within the next ten years."

If you want others to contribute, naturally you have to paint a big picture.

Otherwise, NASA would definitely not be happy.

At this point, Musko is quite familiar with it.

For Griffin, he has invested a lot of resources in Space Exploration Technology Company.

It can be said that the cost of silence is relatively high.

So besides choosing to continue supporting Musko, he didn't have many better choices.

Although America has some other private aerospace companies, in the field of rocket launches, obviously no one is doing better than Space Exploration Technologies.

So even if he felt a little unhappy, he could only accept Masco's proposal.

However, he also emphasized it and said: "In terms of talents, NASA is not completely unable to support it. Even some large engines in the past can provide some solutions for your future starship projects as a reference."

"But at the latest in the year after next, our number of rocket launches in the United States must not be surpassed by China again."

"Otherwise I wouldn't be able to explain it to everyone."

Regardless of whether this goal can be achieved, Griffin must first throw out the goal.

Otherwise, if there was no pressure from the Space Exploration Technology Company, it would definitely be difficult to surpass Daystar Technology.

If there were a wave of publicity campaigns like now every year, he would be very passive and feel very uncomfortable.

"I try my best!"

"What Space Exploration Technology Company needs to do is to become the world's leading aerospace company. It is not our dream to surpass Venus, but to become the world's number one."

Masco naturally knew that Griffin should be given a step down at this time.

Otherwise, if the other party really does not agree to support talents, it will naturally be of no benefit to the development of the space exploration technology company.

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