Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 876: The world's best stealth weapon, the most important weapon of the country, was exp

"Mr. Cao, all preparations for the Skyhawk stealth drone's first flight have been completed and it is ready to take off at any time."

After Cao Yang returned from his business trip to the imperial capital, Daystar had also made preparations for the test flight of the stealth drone.

The name of this aircraft has also been officially determined, it is called Skyhawk stealth drone.

Of course, in order to reduce its military attributes, the word "bombing" is not included in the official name.

Otherwise, if you publicize that the Skyhawk stealth unmanned bomber is a civilian aircraft, it will obviously be unjustifiable.

Of course, even if the word "bombing" is removed, there is still the word "stealth" in it. It doesn't make sense to use it if it has nothing to do with military use.

It can only be said that this is Venus Technology's "self-deception" style of doing things.

This is just like some countries that like to act like hooligans, but they still try to act like they are reasonable.

Cao Yang obviously wanted to put this knowledge into practice.

Although I know you know this is a military aircraft, I don't admit it.

Think whatever you like.

Anyway, the United States has completely blocked companies in the Nanshan Group.

The result is the same whether there is a Skyhawk stealth drone or not.

"This aircraft looks really sci-fi. I didn't expect that our own company could produce similar products so quickly."

Pan Jun naturally came with him today to participate in the Skyhawk's test flight.

Such a memorable moment must be reflected in the documentary.

It will definitely be very memorable when played in the future.

"High stealth, long endurance, fully autonomous, low cost, and large combat radius."

"If this drone were used by a large-scale official hunting-related department, many neighbors would probably have trouble sleeping."

Although Zhao Siyu is not the person in charge of this project, as the general manager of Venus Technology, he is naturally very happy that the company has such a leading product.

Yesterday, he already knew that Daystar Technology was going to participate in AVIC's large stealth bomber project.

It was definitely a larger version of Skyhawk, with a very different meaning.

These are all manifestations of the strength of Daystar Technology.

"Representative Pan, when will this documentary be broadcast? Is there still no final conclusion?"

Cao Yang feels that there is no harm in more publicity, as it can greatly improve the self-confidence of netizens.

However, the relevant departments obviously have some concerns.

"Mr. Cao, after the relevant departments equip the Skyhawk on a large scale, the documentary can be allowed to be broadcast."

"According to your research and development speed, it will be next year at the latest."

"Of course, if you want to release some of the pictures to the public, that's okay, but the specific parameter information must be kept confidential first."

Pan Jun shared the latest information he obtained with Cao Yang.

In his view, the Skyhawk only made its test flight this year, and the relevant documentary will be broadcast to the outside world next year, which is already considered very fast.

Not only China's other weapons and equipment, except for some relatively ordinary products, most of the products will not be announced to the public until they are equipped on a large scale for many years.

There are even some strategic-level weapons that will not release any data to the public even if they have been deployed on a large scale for more than ten years.

It is already very good to have this change now.

Cao Yang understood this situation, so after listening to Pan Jun's words, he didn't force it anymore.

"No problem, just do as you say."

The performance of the Skyhawk UAV is very outstanding, and it is understandable that some performance indicators will not be announced yet.

Soon, after all preparations were completed, Cao Yang officially issued instructions, and the Sky Eagle's first flight began.

I saw a Skyhawk stealth drone, like a vigorous eagle, slowly sliding out of the hangar, ready to spread its wings and fly high.

Its body has smooth lines, like a carefully crafted work of art, and every detail shows the designer's ingenuity.

The fuselage is made of advanced stealth materials, making it shine with a mysterious and deep light in the sun, like a battle armor covered with stars.

The edges of the wings present a sharp cutting feeling, as if they can cut through the air, leading the drone to break through the sky.

The lines on the wings are like the miraculous workmanship of nature, which not only increases the strength of the drone, but also adds a sense of mystery to it.

There is no particularly loud engine sound, and there is no very special sight.

The Skyhawk drone began to glide slowly, like an eagle about to take off.

As the speed increases, it gradually leaves the ground and rushes into the blue sky.

In this process, the Skyhawk drone seems to be integrated with the earth and sky, forming a harmonious picture.

Also taking off at the same time as the Skyhawk was a Scorpion drone, whose mission was to take videos and photos of the Skyhawk.

At the same time, it is also used as a comparison to see if the radar can detect the two targets.

The first flight of Venus Technology's Skyhawk drone was reported to the relevant departments, and the flight route was also fixed.

We took off from Yangcheng and headed northeast quickly along the coastline.

Along the entire Chinese coastline, various radar stations are most densely distributed.

This is also the front line of air defense monitoring, so there are various radars available to monitor the first flight of the Skyhawk drone.

A radar station in Yangcheng.

"A small aircraft was monitored taking off!"

"Repeat, a small aircraft was monitored taking off, coordinates XXX."

Minutes later, a similar report came from a radar station near Huicheng.

Most radar stations have only received the task of detecting drones, but they do not know how many drones took off.

However, some command centers knew that there were two drones flying this time, and a certain distance was maintained between the two drones.

They will not be allowed to fly superimposed because they deliberately want to reduce the radar reflection area.

"Are you sure you only found one drone?"

In a certain command center, a senior colonel frowned, with a serious expression on his face.

In the past two years, relevant radar stations have been equipped with microwave radars in order to detect stealth aircraft.

For example, when the Scorpion drone first appeared, most radar stations could no longer detect its existence.

But now only one drone has been detected.

That situation explains a lot.

"Yes, I have confirmed it with the three radar stations along the way."

"Wait another ten minutes and see!"

According to the report from Daystar Technology, the Scorpion drone will return, allowing the Skyhawk drone to fly independently for a certain distance.

This can also better detect its stealth performance.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

"The drone turned around and returned!"

After this information was reported by a radar station, there was no movement of another drone.

"Activate infrared equipment and sound detection equipment in nearby airspace, and be sure to find the other drone."

Although this drone is China's own product, it cannot be detected by so many ground radar stations. This situation is undoubtedly very serious.

What if a similar product comes out in the United States? Wouldn't it be very dangerous?

This scene is a bit scary when you think about it.

"Infrared detection equipment detected a drone!"

"Sound detection equipment detected a drone!"

"The two are definitely the same aircraft!"

Although several detection methods were used, the results remained unchanged and only one aircraft was discovered.

"Get me connected to the Daystar Technology Testing Center and transfer the relevant monitoring videos."

In addition to arranging for the Twin-tailed Scorpion to be photographed by Skyhawk, Daystar Technology also mobilized a satellite to monitor this test flight.

The Starlink project has launched so many satellites into space. Some satellites are equipped with high-precision camera systems, which can be used for multiple functions when needed.

The high-altitude shooting this time is very special.

The satellite locks directly onto the Skyhawk's unique signal source and can photograph its flight path from start to finish.

"Mr. Cao, the radar station of the relevant department has only discovered the Scorpion drone from beginning to end. The Skyhawk seemed to have disappeared after taking off."

Zhao Siyu continued to receive various messages, and the closer he got to the back, the more smiles appeared on his face.

That smile was as bright as the rising sun, filled with endless joy and joy.

As you can imagine, the Skyhawk's first flight performed very well.

At the same time, near Venus Technology, on the balcony of a community, someone was constantly announcing news to the outside world.

There is a camera with a long lens on the balcony, which can capture the scene over the test flight field of Venus Technology in real time.

He captured the pictures of the Skyhawk drone and the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone just taking off.

Daystar Technology is very strong. In the past two years, relevant personnel from the United States have been squatting to observe the situation.

Relevant departments in China have even arrested several groups of people and gone in.

But the more it looks like this, the more interested people it attracts to explore its secrets.

This time, Venus Technology's Skyhawk drone took off for the first time, and there was no intention to keep the whole process secret, so it was normal for someone to take pictures of it taking off.

The appearance is the same as that of the B-2 stealth bomber, which will definitely give people a very big visual impact.

"Mr. Cao, is this Skyhawk's stealth performance really so good that it can't be detected by so many radar stations?"

Watching the Skyhawk drones begin to return, no radar station has discovered its existence yet.

If there weren't various pictures and videos proving that the Skyhawk was really flying at a height of 100 meters in front of the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone, many people would have suspected that Venus Technology was just flying the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone this time. The test flight is over.

"The Skyhawk UAV adopts an overall layout with high stealth and high aerodynamic efficiency, and also has advanced designs such as new turbofan engines and all-composite structures. It can not only be completely invisible on radar, but also can evade optical and optical signals while cruising in stealth mode. Detection by infrared detectors.”

"In addition, the Skyhawk UAV also adopts a unique fuselage noise reduction technology design, which not only makes it silent while cruising, but also avoids detection by sound detection equipment."

"It is normal for various radar stations to be unable to detect it."

Cao Yang was also in a good mood at this time.

Although when this aircraft was developed, we knew that its performance in all aspects was incredible, and its stealth capabilities were the best in the world.

But now that the first flight has proved this, the meaning is still very different.

"Not only that, the Skyhawk UAV also has a very strong level of autonomy, and can achieve autonomous delivery, autonomous takeoff and autonomous landing."

"It can also perform reconnaissance missions autonomously, autonomous identification and positioning, autonomous return and other super functions, which completely achieves the fool-proof integrated operation of the UAV."

Zhao Siyu added a sentence beside him.

This surprised Pan Jun.

Qingxing Technology is really leading its peers in all aspects in the research of UAV technology.

"The maximum take-off weight of the Skyhawk UAV is 3 tons, the wingspan is about 10 meters, the fuselage length is about 3.5 meters, the maximum payload is 500 kilograms, the air control time is not less than 5 hours, the combat radius is not less than 1,000 kilometers, the cruising altitude is 15 kilometers, the cruising speed is 600 kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed is 800 kilometers per hour, which may be the highest speed among UAVs."

"Pan representative, our factory has been built and we are waiting for orders from relevant departments."

Seeing that everything went smoothly during the test flight, it will only take a few months to enter mass production.

Cao Yang half-jokingly urged Pan Jun about the order.

Such an advanced drone must be restricted from export.

Then it can only be sold to relevant departments.

Cao Yang had anticipated this point during the previous research and development.

After all, although the technology of the previous twin-tailed scorpion drone and unmanned helicopter is also very advanced, it is still inferior to the Skyhawk drone.

Of course, they still have their own advantages when meeting different combat missions.

For example, in order to maintain the stealth performance, the Skyhawk is not suitable for external missiles, otherwise the stealth performance will be greatly reduced.

But if you only hang bombs on the belly, you can only hang one missile.

Although it can also play a certain deterrent role, the bombing effect will definitely be discounted.

Of course, the Skyhawk has such a high autonomy that it is not a problem to solve this problem directly with quantity.

At that time, hundreds of Skyhawks will be dispatched together, even if facing an aircraft carrier formation, it is estimated that they will be able to fight.

"Mr. Cao, don't worry!"

"After the relevant departments confirm the final test results today, the order will be issued immediately."

"I think the first batch of orders will not be less than 100."

Although the final sales price is still unknown, the price of the Skyhawk is definitely not as high as the Kunpeng heavy transport helicopter.

So Pan Jun thinks that the orders from the relevant departments will not be small.

Let alone 100, 1,000 are possible.

After all, the twin-tailed scorpion drone only cost a few million yuan back then. Even if the Skyhawk is more expensive, it is at most 10 million, right?

For the relevant departments, a drone with such outstanding performance, 10 million yuan per unit, is really not expensive.

"Then I'll wait for your good news!"

Cao Yang didn't talk too much with Pan Jun about this topic. Talking too much would not immediately produce results. It's enough to express the meaning.


After completing the first flight, Cao Yang posted a refined picture of the Skyhawk drone on Weibo.

There are no reference objects around it, and you can only see the appearance, and there is no way to directly measure its size and performance.

However, with this picture, Cao Yang's text is "Skyhawk UAV, the world's first in stealth capability".

Such bold statement that his product has the world's first in stealth performance will naturally cause great controversy.

In addition, Cao Yang has a large number of Weibo fans, and the shape of the Skyhawk is very similar to the B-2, so once the photo was released, it immediately became a hot search.

"The drone is also invisible. If the manufacturing cost is not too high and the range is relatively long, it will definitely be a national heavy weapon!"

"Venus Technology already has several drones, right? Unexpectedly, another one was made quietly!"

"Is this B-2? Did Venus make the B-2 an unmanned version?"

"Just looking at the picture, I feel that the technological content is very high, it's amazing."

"Mr. Cao is awesome, and he brings some surprises to everyone every now and then!"

"Drones are good, the more the better!"

"What is the performance of this drone? Announce it to make everyone happy Ah."

"China is a major drone producer with countless drones. In wartime, it will be like a locust passing through without leaving a single piece of armor. Each drone is a soldier, an attack unit, carrying various bombs, without any obstruction, and anti-aircraft missiles are useless like anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes. Heavy tanks, artillery, rocket vehicles, armored vehicles, personnel troops, cars, warehouses, bases, positions, everything on the ground will be destroyed!"

"When will the Sky Eagle also participate in the air show? I am looking forward to it."


Various comments have made many people know about the Sky Eagle drone.

However, this is just a drone product after all. After a day of heat, it slowly subsided.

Most netizens are more concerned about celebrity gossip and various melons.

But for some people with ulterior motives, this matter can't be passed so quickly.

"Kevlar, what do you think of this Sky Eagle drone from Venustech?"

As a representative of the Pentagon, John naturally paid attention to the latest developments of Venustech.

Not to mention that Cao Yang released the official picture, just look at the lively scene on the Chinese Internet, and it is impossible that the relevant departments in the United States did not make any movement at all.

"From a styling point of view, it is highly similar to our B-2, but the internal structure must have changed."

"This is a drone after all, but I don't know the specific parameters."

As a vice president at Northrop Grumman, Kevlar was furious about the Skyhawk's appearance.

In his opinion, Daystar Technology completely copied his own appearance.

Even if the positioning of this drone is completely different from that of the B-2, it cannot reduce his anger.

"Our people have been spreading relevant information since the Skyhawk started taking off."

"But radar stations in Japan and Guam only detected information from a drone."

"But when it took off, there were obviously two of them, one was a Skyhawk and the other was a Twin-tailed Scorpion."

"I suspect that what we detected was only the two-tailed scorpion, otherwise Cao Yang wouldn't be so brazen about saying that Sky Eagle's stealth ability is the best in the world."

After John revealed this information, Kevlar immediately frowned.

When the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone was tested, its stealth performance was also good.

Although the United States obtained a lot of relevant information after the Scorpion drone was sold to the outside world, and after making some targeted arrangements, it was basically able to detect it.

But so soon another drone with more advanced stealth performance appeared, which is still very worrying.

In particular, the shape of this drone is exactly the same as the B-2, and I still don’t know the size information and various parameters of the Skyhawk.

If someone else's drone is about the same size as a B-2, that would be extraordinary.

"The B-2 adopts a body structure that integrates the fuselage and wings. It does not have conventional horizontal tails and vertical tails, which greatly reduces the radar reflection area of ​​the fuselage. It also adopts stealth designs such as serrated air inlets. "

"Coupled with the use of stealth materials, the B-2 has excellent radar stealth performance and is difficult to be discovered by the enemy."

"Now that the Skyhawk has a similar appearance to the B-2, it is likely to be smaller in size, so it is very possible that the stealth performance is better than the B-2."

Kevlar did not deny that Skyhawk's stealth ability was the best in the world.

After all, denying the Skyhawk is to a certain extent denying the B-2.

However, the more this happened, the deeper his frown became.

"I think you can cooperate with General Atomics to launch some similar drones in a targeted manner."

"At the same time, I will also communicate with Raytheon to see how we can produce a radar that can detect such drones."

"Otherwise, the skies and seas of East Asia will be more dangerous for us in the future."

John has always felt that the United States' military strength is the best in the world and no country is allowed to challenge it.

But the current situation is changing more and more.

China's technological progress in various drones and spacecraft is really too fast.

Many roads that the United States took more than ten years or even decades to complete were completed in just a few years.

Who can bear it at this speed?

Especially in the production of warships, I heard that the dumpling mode has been started on the other side of the Taiwan Strait.

The advantageous position of the United States is becoming less and less obvious.

Especially in the waters near China, there is no obvious advantageous position anymore.

This is definitely not the situation John and the others want to see.

"I'll communicate with Print and see how we can cooperate!"

Although Northrop Grumman and General Atomics have a certain degree of competition in the UAV project, cooperation is not impossible.

Kevlar and Print, the vice president of General Atomics, were classmates in college.

With John taking the lead in the matchmaking, it is entirely possible for the two parties to quickly cooperate to produce a drone that is comparable to the Skyhawk.

The premise is that John helps apply for enough funds.

In this regard, Kevlar feels that it is not a problem at all.

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