Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 958 Breakthrough progress, official announcement of 7-nanometer process technology

Changan Automobile wants to follow Nanshan Hongqi to increase its overseas expansion, and Cao Yang naturally supports it.

So Cao Yang gave a positive response to Yi Jia's call.

And taking this opportunity, he also specifically promoted the ro-ro ship and transportation company that Wenchong Shipyard is building to Yi Jia.

At that time, all models of Changan Automobile will follow Nanshan Automobile Group's ships to go to sea, which is also in the interests of Changan Automobile.

After all, Nanshan Automobile Group must have more experience in overseas markets.

It can also deal with various risks more flexibly.

The call between the two ended happily.

And Great Wall Motors also felt threatened by Nanshan Hongqi's various actions.

Compared with other independent brands, Great Wall Motors expanded its overseas market very early.

Their pickup trucks began to be exported more than a decade ago, and now they have accumulated relatively rich experience, with annual overseas sales exceeding 100,000 vehicles.

This is also a very good result for China.

"Mr. Wang, Nanshan Automobile Group has been very supportive of Nanshan Hongqi in recent years. I heard that they have already set a sales target for next year, which is to exceed 1 million vehicles, and then exceed 1.2 million vehicles in 2016, reach 1.5 million vehicles in 2017, and reach a sales target of 2 million vehicles before 2020."

"In order to achieve these goals, they are now accelerating their efforts to go overseas, and the first market to focus on is the market in Africa."

"We have a good relationship with many African countries, and have organized several large-scale bilateral activities in recent years."

"As the first automobile company in China, Chuncheng Automobile Group has a great influence on relevant departments."

"I heard that the official cars of overseas institutions will all be replaced with Nanshan Hongqi products in the future."

"By then, various models of Nanshan Hongqi are likely to become official cars for many countries in Africa."

It has to be said that Lian Furong's speculation is still very reasonable.

Domestic joint venture car companies have fallen into a development dilemma, so Great Wall Motors has begun to focus more on domestic independent brand car companies such as Nanshan Hongqi, Chery, Geely, Changan and BYD.

The competition between everyone has naturally become more intense.

Of course, due to the special existence of Nanshan Automobile Group, the competition between other independent brands has not been torn apart.

Everyone knows that Nanshan Automobile Group hopes to unite multiple forces to deal with international automobile giants. If any independent brand takes the lead in making trouble, it may get less support from Nanshan Automobile Group.

This is obviously something that no car company can ignore.

"I have also seen some related reports. Several employees who recently resigned from the sales department have also gone to Nanshan Hongqi."

"I even heard that they have poached salesmen from many other peers to expand the market."

"At the same time, the number of foreign language majors recruited on campus by Nanshan Hongqi has also increased a lot."

"English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, the number of students recruited in these majors has exceeded 500."

"This is also a relatively rare situation."

Such an important thing happened in the Chinese automobile industry. Naturally, Wang Ying knew a lot of news without waiting for Lian Furong to report.

She has even been thinking about how Great Wall Motors should deal with this situation.

In the past few years, although Great Wall Motors has been increasing its efforts to export automobiles, the increase is still relatively limited.

In order to change this situation, they are even considering building factories or CKD factories overseas.

Unexpectedly, some new situations have emerged at this time.

Nanshan Hongqi has such a strong momentum. With the support of two special shareholders, Chuncheng Automobile Group and Nanshan Automobile Group, it is really possible to emerge in the overseas market in the future.

In this case, Great Wall Motors must consider following the footsteps of Nanshan Hongqi.

However, similar to Changan Automobile, Wang Ying does not want to offend Nanshan Hongqi because of this move.

If the two companies compete in the African market, the result will be completely different.

"Yes, considering this information, it should be a fact that Nanshan Hongqi wants to make efforts in the African market and is optimistic about its performance in the African market."

"Now we need to consider whether to focus on the African market in the same way as Nanshan Hongqi."

"Of course, in this process, we must not offend Nanshan Hongqi's relationship."

"After thinking about it, I think the company's pickup trucks and other products can be used as the focus of marketing in the African market."

"The traffic conditions there are relatively poor, and pickup trucks are more suitable."

"And there are wars in many places. If the pickup trucks are slightly modified, machine guns can be mounted on them and used as tanks."

"And Nanshan Hongqi has no intention of producing pickup trucks so far. Our pickup truck models follow the rhythm of the other party to go overseas, which should not make them dissatisfied."

"Even after everyone forms a group, it can play a better publicity effect and enrich everyone's choices."

When Lian Furong said this, Wang Ying's eyes lit up immediately.

The pickup truck category is what Great Wall is best at, and it is also the product that they started with.

It is a good idea to focus on expanding the African market.

Don't say too much, as long as 100,000 pickup trucks can be sold in Africa a year, she thinks it is very good.

"You arrange it and ask the International Business Department to come up with a specific plan to expand the African market."

"Then arrange personnel to take action as soon as possible."

Without much hesitation, Wang Ying decided on this matter.

Great Wall Motors already has various businesses overseas, and also has some businesses in Africa.

Now it is just to adjust the development focus, and there is no need to report to the board of directors in advance.


Seeing that 2014 is coming to an end, all companies are working hard to achieve the annual sales target.

At this time, Nanshan Semiconductor is preparing to launch another satellite for everyone.

"Mr. Cao, according to the results we have confirmed, the company already has the ability to develop and produce 7-nanometer process chips, and has produced 7-nanometer chips in the laboratory."

"As long as we rebuild a 7-nanometer process factory, we can start large-scale mass production of 7-nanometer process chips in 2016."

"At that time, all products of Honor Technology can be the first to use 7-nanometer process chips, and some smart cockpit chips of Nanshan Automobile Group can also be produced using the most advanced technology."

Zhang Jing reported a major surprise to Cao Yang right away.

7-nanometer process chips, this is something that China had not yet figured out when Cao Yang was reborn.

I didn't expect that Nanshan Semiconductor would be the first to come up with it.

The 14-nanometer process chip was first launched by Nanshan Semiconductor and Nanshan Equipment.

Although Intel, Samsung and TSMC soon followed suit, Nanshan Semiconductor's influence in the industry has also risen a lot.

If Nanshan Semiconductor can once again take the lead in launching 7-nanometer chip technology, it will be a solid foothold in the international semiconductor industry and a top-tier semiconductor company.

In the future, when all semiconductor industry personnel study semiconductor-related technologies, they will inevitably analyze and speculate on the situation of Nanshan Semiconductor.

When making any important decisions, they will not be able to help but compare the things of Nanshan Semiconductor.

Industry benchmark!

After more than ten years of hard work, Nanshan Semiconductor has finally come out of the situation that everyone is not optimistic about and has become a benchmark in the industry.

This is absolutely remarkable.

"Are the various research projects of this process mature?"

"Does Nanshan Equipment also need to upgrade various equipment such as lithography machines?"

Although this is good news, Cao Yang also wants to confirm it.

Don't make any mistakes, it will not look good.

With the development of chip technology to the present, the investment scale of chip factories with new processes is getting bigger and bigger.

If the 7-nanometer chip technology is really mature, then Nanshan Semiconductor will definitely invest heavily in various chip factories starting next year.

This investment scale is likely to be the largest in the history of Nanshan Semiconductor's development.

After all, Cao Yang knows very well that after the chip technology has evolved to the 7-nanometer process, it will be very difficult to continue to improve.

The most important thing is that the production cost of the chip after further improvement will be much higher, and the cost performance is not very high.

Except for a small number of special usage requirements, most chips do not actually need to use such an advanced process.

Therefore, in the future, the 7-nanometer process chip will be developed as the flagship product of Nanshan Semiconductor.

As for the 3-nanometer or 2-nanometer chips in the future, only one factory will be built to produce a small number of chips.

In other words, how much money Nanshan Semiconductor can make in the future depends mainly on the performance of the 7-nanometer process factory.

In this case, it is naturally right to be cautious.

"The overall structure of the lithography machine has not changed, but many of its components need to be upgraded, and other etching machines and other products also need to be upgraded synchronously."

"Even the raw materials such as photoresist provided by Nanshan Chemical need to be upgraded synchronously."

"Although we are currently confirming the relevant technologies in the laboratory, we have also simulated the large-scale commercial application scenarios of these technologies."

"Although we dare not say that there are 100% no problems, we all agree that the 7-nanometer process chip technology has been successfully developed and has the conditions for investing in the construction of a factory."

Pan Jinxing gave a very affirmative answer.

They must have confirmed Cao Yang's concerns in advance.

After all, a large chip factory often involves an investment of tens of billions or even two or three billion yuan.

With such a large investment, if there is any problem, no one can bear the responsibility.

As the most advanced chip factory of Nanshan Semiconductor, it will definitely attract the attention of many people.

Even at that time, many leaders from relevant departments will come to visit.

"We have also communicated and confirmed with manufacturers of the chip equipment industry alliance such as China Micro Semiconductor and Magic City Microelectronics, and used their equipment to conduct some experiments, and finally they can meet the requirements."

"So we are ready to officially announce the successful development of the 7-nanometer process technology, so as to thoroughly establish our high-tech advanced image in the international semiconductor industry."

Zhang Jing directly expressed his idea.

Although Nanshan Semiconductor's reputation was not small before, it produced semiconductor components after all, and did not directly contact ordinary people.

So its popularity cannot be compared with Honor Technology, and there is even a big gap compared with Venus Technology.

In this case, Zhang Jing naturally wants to use various methods to enhance the reputation of Nanshan Semiconductor.

"If everyone confirms that this technology has been mastered, then it is natural to release it as soon as possible."

"And our new factory planning and construction should also be officially considered."

Since the technology has been mastered and it is to be announced to the outside world, the construction of the factory must be accelerated.

Otherwise, it will stimulate competitors at that time, and others will build a factory with 7-nanometer process technology faster, which will be embarrassing.

"Mr. Cao, this is what we think."

"After the 7-nanometer process chips are put into production in the future, they will definitely be used in consumer electronics products first."

"According to the current sales volume of Honor Technology, we are only building one factory, and the production capacity may be a bit tight."

"In addition, our chips are also sold to the outside world, so if we want to build a new factory, it is best to start two factories at the same time."

Zhang Jing said while watching Cao Yang's reaction.

The chip factory investment is huge, and he is not sure how Cao Yang will react to the construction of two factories at the same time.

"Are two factories enough?"

"If four factories are built at the same time, will there be any problems with the personnel correspondence at Nanshan Semiconductor?"

Since it has been determined that the 7-nanometer process chip will be the most core product of Nanshan Semiconductor in the next ten years, then the capacity layout must be fully considered.

The share of China's consumer electronics market has been slowly taken away by manufacturers of independent brands, and to a certain extent, the market for this part of semiconductor components has also been taken away.

So in the future, China's demand for various chips will definitely continue to increase.

Cao Yang doesn't want to see a customer ordering chips from Nanshan Semiconductor, but can't deliver the goods because of insufficient production capacity.

That would be a pity.

"Mr. Cao, if four factories are built at the same time, the investment amount may exceed 50 billion yuan."

Zhang Jing suppressed his excitement and reminded him.

The more factories are built, the larger the scale of Nanshan Semiconductor will be.

This is definitely something he would like to see happen.

However, building four chip factories at the same time is a big deal that no chip company has ever done.

Zhang Jing is also worried about risks.

Especially in terms of investment, the investment of more than 50 billion yuan may even be more.

If there is any problem in the middle, it will be troublesome.

Nanshan Semiconductor has not made a profit of 50 billion yuan since its establishment.

"Money is not a problem. The chip industry itself is a capital and technology intensive industry. As long as we seize the opportunity, these investments will be recovered in a few years."

"In order to reduce risks, we can directly amortize the various depreciations of the equipment on the products in the first three years after production."

"In this way, no matter how the industry structure changes in the future, there will be no large losses."

Advanced products must be expensive.

If you sell too cheaply, it will not reflect the advanced nature.

So even if the usual practice in the general industry is to amortize equipment investment according to ten years, Cao Yang plans to let Nanshan Semiconductor amortize it according to three years.

In this way, the pressure in the future will be much less.

Who knows, in five years, Nanshan Semiconductor's annual profit will exceed 50 billion yuan.


After hearing what Cao Yang said, Zhang Jing had an idea in his mind.

"If we build four factories at the same time, the cost of construction will actually be lower."

"Whether it is Nanshan Equipment or other equipment manufacturers, they can prepare equipment for four factories at one time, which can greatly reduce the production cost."

"During the construction process, we can also fully compare the progress of the four factories, find the differences, and discover problems in time."

"As for manpower, it is not a big problem."

"At that time, we can transfer a group of people from other factories, and then divide the entire factory construction project into several parts."

"The construction content of the same part will be assigned to the same team to track."

Zhang Jing quickly gave his own solution.

For the matter of building four factories at the same time, his enthusiasm is absolutely very high.

As long as these four factories are completed, Nanshan Semiconductor will not only be the most technologically advanced semiconductor company in the world, but also the semiconductor company with the largest production capacity.

At that time, it will have extraordinary significance for both Nanshan Semiconductor and Huaxia.

"Okay, then you can proceed in this direction and take action as soon as possible."

Following this report, Nanshan Semiconductor soon officially announced that it had broken through the 7-nanometer process technology.

It also announced that it will build a new factory to produce 7-nanometer chips.

Of course, the specific information of the factory has not yet been discussed, so there is no announcement yet about how many factories will be built.

This will also make it easier to negotiate preferential terms with various places.

Immediately afterwards, Honor Technology also officially announced that its new products to be launched in the year after next will use 7nm process chips.

As a result, the pressure was immediately passed on to other semiconductor companies.

"Pat, Nanshan Semiconductor announced that it has mastered the chip technology of the 7-nanometer process. How true do you think this is?"

Otellini called CTO Pat to his office early in the morning and asked about 7-nanometer process chips.

Intel has now mastered the chip technology of the 14nm process and has built a dedicated chip factory.

At the same time, they are also arranging personnel to research and develop 7-nanometer process technology.

Don't look at it as if we are just following Moore's Law to evolve chip technology, but the further we get to the future, the more difficult it will be to achieve technological breakthroughs.

Otellini is also very clear about this.

That’s why Nanshan Semiconductor launched the 7-nanometer chip technology so quickly and is about to start building factories.

This made him feel a little incredible.

Although Nanshan Semiconductor was the first to launch 14-nanometer chip technology, Otellini had already seen the power of this competitor.

There is even a gentleman's agreement between Intel and Nanshan Semiconductor in order to prevent the other party from continuing to expand its business in computer CPUs.

I didn’t expect that the other party would break through the 7-nanometer process technology so quickly.

"Otellini, we currently have relatively little information on Nanshan Semiconductor's 7-nanometer process chip technology."

"However, the other party's 14nm process chip technology was successfully developed two years ago, and now it has also broken through the 7nm process. It is theoretically possible."

Although Pat hopes that what Nanshan Semiconductor announced is false news, he feels that the possibility is very low.

So it would be better to lower Otellini's expectations from the beginning, which would be beneficial to him.

"When will our 7-nanometer process chip technology be available next year?"

Intel used to be the leader in the chip industry, but since the beginning of the 14nm process chip technology, they have fallen behind a bit.

This is something Otellini finds difficult to accept.

When did China become the world leader in the chip industry?

What technological advantages can the United States maintain in the future?

"This situation depends on when ASML will release a photolithography machine capable of producing 7-nanometer chips."

"It is also closely related to the progress of other equipment manufacturers."

"Based on the current situation, we will not be able to break through the 7-nanometer process chip technology until the second half of next year at the earliest."

Pat knew that Otellini would definitely ask this question, so he was not surprised and answered easily.

However, he knew that Otellini would definitely be dissatisfied with this answer.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Otellini immediately said: "I don't care what method you use, our 7-nanometer chip factory must start construction in the second half of next year."

"Tell ASML that if they still can't get the photolithography machine in the first half of the year, then we will consider purchasing it from Nanshan Equipment."

Although Otellini's words were angry, it is impossible for Intel to purchase lithography machines from Nanshan Equipment.

Even if they were willing, the relevant American departments would not agree.

After all, they have used various means to suppress Nanshan Equipment. If they were to break through, it would definitely be a slap in the face.

But from these words, Pat also knew that Otellini was really anxious.

Intel's stock price is expected to fall in the next six months.

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