Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 961 The last collision of 2014, the breakthrough of the dummy

Tomorrow is New Year's Day.

However, Cao Yang's work has never stopped.

Today, he followed Rao Yongxiang, Zeng Tingting and Li Shigui to Nanshan Robotics to confirm a very special research result.

That is the dummies used in car collision tests.

Many people may be familiar with famous collision test organizations such as C-NACP, US-NCAP, and EURO-NCAP, but many people probably know very little about the collision test dummies that are very critical in car collisions.

As the largest automobile company in China, Nanshan Automobile Group inevitably uses various dummies when developing various models.

"Mr. Cao, we now spend more than 300 million RMB on dummies every year."

"It may not be particularly expensive in terms of the development cost of the entire model, but it is very high if we only count the cost of collision testing."

"There are so many domestic institutions and car companies that invest tens of billions of RMB in dummies every year."

"The key is that if we want to conduct more tests, the cost will double directly."

"So last year, we started to study dummies for collision tests with Nanshan Robotics."

Rao Yongxiang first briefly introduced the general background of the dummy project to Cao Yang.

Although he knew that Cao Yang was very familiar with the development process of automobiles, there were so many things that it was impossible for him to pay attention to everything. .

For example, in terms of knowledge about automobile dummies, Rao Yongxiang felt that he was definitely more professional than Cao Yang.

After all, he had been studying it for a year.

Sure enough, after hearing what Rao Yongxiang said, Cao Yang was also a little surprised and asked, "Is the cost of the dummy so high?"

"Yes, a dummy costs about 10 million yuan. The key is that they offer a price, and you have no right to bargain."

Rao Yongxiang said a little helplessly.

Li Shigui, who was next to him, was responsible for researching dummies. After listening to the conversation between Cao Yang and Rao Yongxiang, he also added some relevant information.

"Mr. Cao, why is this dummy so expensive? Actually, there is a reason."

"First of all, the research and development cycle of test dummies is very long."

"The automobile industry has been around for more than 100 years, but dedicated collision dummies appeared very late."

"The birth of dummies was developed by foreign researchers based on a large number of corpse collision tests and dissections. In order to further enrich the age, gender and body structure of the test, the research and development cycle of a dummy model often takes 10 to 15 years."

Li Shigui said while looking at Cao Yang's reaction.

Feeling that Cao Yang was quite interested in this matter, he continued to introduce it seriously.

"The reason why it takes so long to develop is that they went through three stages of testing dummies."

"In the first stage, corpses were used. According to later calculations, the car design improved by the test data of corpses saved at least 8,500 people every year."

"However, there are very big ethical issues in testing corpses, so it is basically not used now."

"In the second stage, animals were used. In that era, it was common to see large living animals such as dogs, chimpanzees, baboons and pigs tied in cars for collision tests, and the best animals were pigs."

"In 1980, "Highlights" magazine revealed that a French research institute was commissioned by European car manufacturers to conduct animal collision tests. Crash tests use thousands of pigs every year. "

"Animal testing also faces great moral condemnation and is very costly; for example, General Motors alone killed 19,000 animals."

"So the industry evolved to the stage of dummies. In 1966, the United States passed the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, which required cars to be equipped with seat belts and required companies to develop high-precision crash test dummies."

"This should be the beginning of all our current car crash dummies."

Nanshan Robot has spent a lot of manpower and material resources to study dummies, and Li Shigui naturally wants Cao Yang to fully realize the difficulty of developing a dummy.

Otherwise, everyone would think that Nanshan Robot spent more than a year to develop a dummy, and there is nothing to praise.

The R\u0026D investment here may take several years to recover.

"It often takes a long time to develop a product in Europe and the United States. In addition to the special features of the dummy, it is more because those people are not efficient."

"And dummies don't need to be updated frequently."

Combining his understanding of European and American companies, Cao Yang felt that it took more than ten years to develop a dummy, which was definitely as slow as a snail.

The saying of striving for excellence is a bit untenable.

It can only be said that people have exaggerated the difficulty of developing dummies in order to sell them at a good price.

"There are indeed reasons in this regard, otherwise we would not have been able to develop similar dummies in less than two years."

Li Shigui would definitely not deny Cao Yang's words.

But he would definitely take this opportunity to explain the actual situation.

So after he explained it, he immediately said: "In addition to the issue of development time, the selection of materials for dummies is also quite demanding."

"The dummy not only has a human-like appearance, but also has complex ribs, spines, simulated muscles and even bones and organs such as internal organs, and the selection of materials is relatively demanding."

"The dummy's chest, shoulder blades, and fork bones are made of different materials, with many parts and well-made parts. The research and development costs for these parts are as high as several million yuan, or even tens of millions yuan."

"Also, the requirement for accurate data collection will lead to a significant increase in the cost of the dummy."

"During the crash test, the dummy collects data through a large number of sensors installed on its body. Some sophisticated sensors can even accurately detect the degree of damage to each joint."

"Dummies are generally equipped with 60-200 sensors, which mainly measure the dummy's acceleration, angular velocity, force, bending moment and displacement. As the number of sensors increases, the price of the dummy becomes higher and higher."

"Because their bodies are covered with bionic structures and sensors, within 2.5 seconds of feeling the impact, the data channels all over their bodies respond simultaneously, and data collection is completed in the blink of an eye, which is comparable to a high-precision instrument."

Cao Yang naturally understood what Li Shigui said.

Sensors range from very cheap to ridiculously expensive.

With so many sensors used on a dummy, it is indeed difficult to keep the price low.

But it is definitely not as high as tens of millions of dummies.

"Different dummy models can also simulate passengers of different ages, genders, heights and weights, and their body shapes and strengths are also different. The most expensive dummy is worth as much as 11 million."

"So in a crash test, it actually doesn't matter if a few cars are smashed. The dummies inside may be 100 times more expensive than the cars."

After Li Shigui finished speaking, Cao Yang immediately asked, "Are there only a few companies in the world that can produce these dummies?"

Although there are many explanations for the reasons, they sound very reasonable.

But it was still too expensive after all.

In this case, the explanation is that the industry is a monopoly.

Sure enough, Li Shigui's answer did not surprise Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, you have reached the key point."

"The global supply of dummies is actually a monopoly."

"Almost all crash test dummies around the world are developed by the American company Humanetics. This micro-enterprise with only more than 800 people has monopolized more than 70% of the global market and has almost choked the necks of global car companies."

"Although there are several other companies that also produce dummies, such as Kistler Group, Cellbond, and JASTI, their combined share is less than 30%."

"More than 90% of our domestic dummies are purchased from the American company Humanetics."

After Li Shigui finished speaking, Rao Yongxiang couldn't help but add: "The crash test dummies on the market now are expensive, but what's even more unacceptable is that the physical standards of the dummies are also designed according to European and American people. ”

"You know, there is a big difference in body shape between Chinese and European and American people."

"For example, for the same medium-sized male dummy, China's dummy should be 3.48% shorter in height, 13.55% lighter in weight, 4.14% shorter in arms, and 12% shorter in sitting posture than the existing model."

"In computer simulation analysis, there are obvious differences between the injury response of China's human dummy and the current common model."

When Rao Yongxiang explained this, Cao Yang immediately understood the key point.

After all, he has personally participated in the design and development of many models.

For things like crash tests, it would be embarrassing if the data of the dummy could not be fully referenced.

"For C-NCAP, when testing different models, a unified Hybrid III series dummy is used, which will not have any adverse impact on the test results."

"However, the extent of injuries suffered by dummies based on European and American human body dimensions in car collisions cannot fully reflect the injuries suffered by Chinese human beings."

"So this time we worked with Nanshan Robot to develop a dummy similar to the Hybrid III series, but all parameters were adjusted based on the Chinese body structure."

"As long as it can be promoted in the future, the price of this dummy can be reduced to 1 million yuan."

"We will conduct formal crash tests using our own dummy in the crash laboratory later."

Rao Yongxiang knows that no matter how much he talks, the key still depends on the final result.

You can't tell anything about a dummy just by looking at it with your eyes.

It has to be installed on the car and given a good touch to let everyone know how powerful it is.

"I always thought that our automobile industry chain was 100% domestically produced. I didn't expect that there would be so many imported products in the crash test dummies."

"Now that Nanshan Robot has developed our own dummy, we should use it as soon as possible."

"All our own crash tests in the future will use dummies produced by Nanshan Robotics."

"You can also communicate with companies such as Nanshan Hongqi and Changan Automobile to ask them to use our dummies."

"If there are cheap dummies available, I believe that people will not be willing to take advantage of them."

This kind of thing is obviously in line with Cao Yang's advancement ideas, so he will definitely not object.

He even planned to bring up the topic of dummies with his huge influence to attract attention.

If all the OEMs in China use Nanshan Robot's dummies, they can save a lot of money a year.

Of course, Nanshan Robot's dummies are sold to Nanshan Automobile Group for 1 million yuan, and they must be sold to other manufacturers at double the price.

Even if there is a profit of 1 million yuan, the price will continue to increase.

Anyway, compared with the selling price of several million to 11 million yuan, the price of 2 million is not expensive.

After the report in the office, the group came to the collision laboratory again.

Under the recording of various cameras, a special collision test was carried out using the Future S9.

That night, Cao Yang posted a short video of the collision test on his official Weibo.

Then he focused on promoting the situation of the "Huaxia Dummy".

At the same time, Autohome naturally immediately put up a special promotional report.

It introduced the process of Nanshan Automobile Group and Nanshan Robot working together to develop dummies.

And also praised Nanshan Robot's dummy products.

However, ordinary people don't have much knowledge about this matter.

After all, ordinary people don't care about the dummies used in car collision tests.

But the situation is different in the automotive industry and even the aerospace industry.

In fact, dummies were first used in the aerospace industry, and then expanded to the automotive industry.

So Zhao Tianling called Super Indentation as soon as possible to congratulate Nanshan Robot on its breakthrough in a new technology.

"Many of our aircraft tests require the use of dummies, especially in the early development process, the number of dummies used is even greater."

"After testing various data on the model, our test pilots will feel much better when they actually experience it later."

"It's just that the cost of dummies is too high, and we didn't dare to test some tests before."

"Now that you have done it, we at AVIC will definitely support it."

Obviously, Zhao Tianling is sending an order to Cao Yang.

Although for the two of them, the business of a few dummies is a bit low in value.

But taking this opportunity to have a good exchange, there is naturally no harm.

"Mr. Zhao, if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten that dummies can also be used in the development of various aircraft."

"But the current dummies are developed based on the needs of car collision tests."

"We will develop a special dummy suitable for aircraft testing later."

After Cao Yang finished speaking, he felt that his idea was really feasible.

And the difficulty of developing dummies for aircraft is relatively lower than that of car collision tests.

Because the height and weight information of pilots is relatively fixed, unlike the passengers in the car, there is a particularly huge up and down fluctuation space.

This means that it may take more than ten dummies to meet the needs of cars, but two or three dummies are almost enough for airplanes.

"It would be best if a dummy could be developed specifically for aircraft testing."

"In fact, it is not only needed when testing aircraft, but also in many occasions in the aerospace field."

"Venus Technology is now entering the aerospace field on a large scale, and you should be able to use it yourself."

In any company, all information is definitely not completely connected.

And sometimes people have fixed thinking.

Just like when Rao Yongxiang and Li Shigui developed the dummies for car collision tests, everyone was thinking about how to serve Nanshan Automobile Group.

At that time, no one thought that these dummies were actually needed by Venusstar Technology.

Fortunately, it is not too late to continue developing now.

After all, even if we wanted to develop before, we did not have enough time.

If we have not developed a single product and have developed too many series at the same time, it will not make much sense except wasting money.

"Mr. Zhao, just for your reminder on this phone call, we can give a 20% discount if Aerospace Science and Technology purchases our dummies in the future."

"The dummies used in the aerospace field will definitely be launched next year."

Cao Yang's thanks are really not random.

With the previous foundation, the difficulty of developing new products will be much lower.


"Mr. Wang, Nanshan Robot has developed dummies for car collision tests, and Nanshan Automobile Group has already started using them."

"I think the company can consider purchasing a batch, which will not only reduce costs, but also bring it closer to Nanshan companies."

As the dean of Great Wall Motor Research Institute, Zhu Jianbo is naturally very clear about the current situation of dummies in China.

Great Wall Motors has launched many new models in recent years, and domestic regulations have increased the requirements for various collision tests.

Therefore, the cost of purchasing dummies by Great Wall Motors has been rising every year.

If this money can be saved significantly, it can definitely be used for more tests.

"I am really unfamiliar with the dummies used in this collision test."

"I just saw the information on the purchase application form of the research institute before, and I didn't study it seriously."

"I didn't expect that the market was monopolized by American companies before, and they made so much money for so many years."

"Now that Nanshan Robot has developed a domestically produced dummy, we naturally have to support it."

Although Wang Ying had heard some information about the dummy, she was so busy that she naturally couldn't know everything. .

However, she had great confidence in Nanshan's enterprises, and since Nanshan Automobile Group had already started using it, she naturally wouldn't object.

Anyway, it was a way to sell favors and save costs. If she didn't do this, she would be stupid.

"Then I'll arrange for someone to contact Nanshan Robot first, and then submit the purchase application as soon as possible."

Liang Chuanqing was a little surprised that Wang Ying was so easy to say.

It seems that the boss of his company also read the Weibo posted by Cao Yang.

I just don't know if other car companies have also started to communicate with Nanshan Robot so quickly to purchase their dummies.


"Director, Nanshan Robot has done that, and we are a bit passive."

At the C-NCAP Management Center, Wu Wei complained to the director of the center, Zhao Wenming, a little entangled.

As a relatively authoritative collision test organization in China, C-NCAP has to actively or passively conduct collision tests on many vehicles every year.

Although dummies do not need to be replaced every time a collision occurs, they are consumables after all.

The number of dummies purchased by C-NCAP every year should be one of the best in China, and even in the world, it is also a major customer of the dummy company.

Don't think that American companies will not have relationships, they just don't have relationships with you.

People like Wu Wei who have the authority to purchase large quantities of dummies must have a good exchange with him.

What about children studying abroad or traveling abroad? It's a piece of cake.

After all, a dummy costs millions to tens of millions, but the production cost may be less than 1 million.

The profit margin here is not ordinary.

In particular, the dummies on the market have been produced for many years, and their various R\u0026D expenses have long been amortized.

It can be said that every time a dummy is sold, it can make a huge profit.

"Our collision test has strict procedures. Whether the dummy developed by Nanshan Robot can meet our requirements also needs special certification."

"If the other party does not contact us, then don't worry about it for the time being. After all, their dummy may not be developed yet."

"But if they come to our door, let them send a dummy over so that we can study it first and give us a reply later."

Zhao Wenming obviously used a delaying tactic.

Anyway, I won't say that I won't use your robot. After all, if I really don't use it, with the influence of the other party, there may be various ways to force Zhao Wenming to nod.

"This is a good trick."

"Even if they have opinions at that time, they can't say anything."

"It takes more than ten years for European and American companies to develop a dummy, and they need to accumulate a lot of various data to develop it."

"But I heard that Nanshan Robot developed the dummy in less than two years."

"Although it is developed on the shoulders of giants, this speed is also worrying."

Wu Wei smiled flatteringly and nodded, thinking that his director's plan was really good.

In this way, his pressure was reduced a lot.

"Yes, anyway, we don't have to directly go against the Nanshan Group, but there is no need to support them."

In recent years, Nanshan Automobile Group has promoted the development of China Insurance Research Institute, which has reduced the influence of C-NCAP's test in China.

They must remember this tooth mark.

But being in the automotive industry, they are also very clear about the huge influence of Nanshan Automobile Group.

If they keep going against the other party and anger them, they are also worried that they will not have a good result.

So taking some ways that are difficult to blame is a very good solution.

At least that's what Zhao Wenming and Wu Wei think.

So don't look at the huge influence of Nanshan Group's enterprises in China. Whether it is related departments or the public, there is a lot of support.

But there are definitely people who don't like Nanshan Group's enterprises.

The rise of Nanshan Group must have affected the interests of some people.

These situations don't need others to say much, Cao Yang actually knows them in his heart.

If you are not envied, you are mediocre!

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