Rebirth 99 to become a car giant

Chapter 988: Rejection of insurance! Various big moves emerge

"What hot news has come out on the Internet again?"

Cao Yang looked at Mi Ying calmly.

There are so many companies in the Nanshan Group, and each of them has a great influence. Almost every day, some companies will be on the hot search.

Most of the time, it is good news. Even if it is bad, Cao Yang is not particularly worried.

With the size of the Nanshan Group, as long as he does not make principled mistakes, there is no bad thing that cannot be solved.

"A Yangcheng Aion car owner broke the news that his electric car was rejected by several insurance companies."

"Then after the popularity of this topic came up, many other electric car owners also broke the news that their electric cars were rejected or the premiums rose sharply."

"This situation is likely to have a certain impact on the sales of electric cars."

After Mi Ying said this, Lin Cheng understood why she said that before he left.

It turned out that this matter really had something to do with him.

If the sales of electric cars are affected, then the performance of Nanshan Battery will definitely be affected.

This issue really needs to be taken seriously.

Once the entire insurance industry spreads, and electric vehicles are refused insurance, or the insurance premiums for electric vehicles are arbitrarily increased, it will be very detrimental to the development of electric vehicles.

"Did the insurance company explain why it refused insurance?"

When Cao Yang heard Mi Ying talk about the refusal of insurance, he immediately thought of many similar cases in the future.

After all, the situation of electric vehicles is quite special. Once the battery is damaged, the cost of repair is very high.

And with the increase in the number of years of use, the risk of accidents has also increased a lot.

It is estimated that most insurance companies have not made money on electric vehicles.

It is not particularly strange for people to refuse insurance at this time.

"The other party did not give an explanation, but it is nothing more than that they think the risk of insurance is relatively high, so they do not insure."

After Mi Ying finished speaking, Lin Cheng next to her continued, saying: "Most of Yangcheng Aion's electric vehicles are bought by people to run online ride-hailing cars, and they travel a lot of mileage every year."

"In this case, the proportion of car accidents is also relatively high, and once a car accident occurs, the amount of compensation is also very high."

"Almost all electric vehicles running online ride-hailing cars will have accidents every year. The insurance company should be a little overwhelmed by the compensation, so it refuses."

As the general manager of the largest battery manufacturer in China, Lin Cheng is more concerned about the electric vehicle industry.

The news that Mi Ying just mentioned is actually not without any signs.

Some insurance companies have leaked some rumors to the outside world before, saying that they will adjust the premiums based on the situation of the car model.

And the premiums of car insurance have always wanted to rise.

This situation is indeed a bit complicated.

"Mi Ying, ask Zeng Tingting if Future Auto has encountered similar situations?"

Although it is Yangcheng Aion that is on the news now, Cao Yang's first thought is Future Auto.

Although no one will buy a car to use for online ride-hailing in the future, the situation of electric vehicles facing insurance difficulties is somewhat similar.

Soon, Zeng Tingting came directly to Cao Yang's office.

"Mr. Cao, I just saw the news. In fact, this situation exists more or less in electric vehicles."

"Many insurance companies have adjusted the insurance premium rules for electric vehicles."

"For example, for a 200,000 yuan car, the insurance premium for a fuel car may be only 5,000 yuan, but the insurance premium for an electric car is 6,000 yuan or even 7,000 yuan."

"In extreme cases, people don't give you a quote at all and directly refuse to insure you."

"Especially on the Internet platform, similar situations should be uncommon."

Zeng Tingting is very smart. Mi Ying simply called her and told her what Cao Yang's focus was.

"Do you think it will be effective if the Automobile Industry Association communicates with the Insurance Association about this matter?"

This problem must be solved.

As the leader of the auto industry, Nanshan Automobile Group must also stand up and think of a solution at this time.

Otherwise, it will definitely affect its prestige.

"It may be a bit difficult. Insurance companies will refuse to insure electric vehicles. From their point of view, they may think that they are very reasonable."

"Because the risks of electric vehicles are relatively large, the insurance companies may not be able to compensate for the few thousand yuan of premiums they collect."

"I think it is possible to consider the various car companies to unite and set up their own insurance companies to insure electric vehicles?"

Zeng Tingting made a unique suggestion.

If others do not insure electric vehicles, then set up their own insurance company.

General companies cannot do this, but if Nanshan Automobile Group wants to do it, it can definitely do it.

The major domestic car companies also have the ability in this regard.

"In theory, it is the most appropriate solution for various car companies to unite and set up an insurance company, but in fact this solution may not be feasible."

"After all, different car companies have different positions and different models."

"For example, the electric vehicles produced by Yangcheng Aion are mainly used in the online car-hailing market, while Changan Automobile is mainly used for home use."

"Our future cars will take the high-end route, and the situations are different, and the demand for insurance and compensation risks are also different."

"How to formulate the insurance standards at that time will be a headache."

"So it would be best if Nanshan Automobile Group and Yangcheng Bank cooperated to set up an insurance company by themselves. While meeting the needs of Nanshan Automobile Group, they could also accept insurance business from outside."

Lin Cheng put forward his own views based on his understanding of the electric vehicle industry.

Objectively speaking, his view is still very reasonable.

Cao Yang is also very clear.

Of course, to set up an insurance company, you can't just register it casually.

Things involving the financial industry are often more complicated, and there are many regulatory policies.

Cao Yang handed it over to Zeng Tingting for this matter.

Just after the meeting, Zhang Jiaqi of Yangcheng Automobile Group called Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, now all insurance companies are very unfriendly to our new energy vehicles. Do you have any ideas from Nanshan Automobile Group?"

The batteries used on Yangcheng Aion are all produced by Nanshan Battery.

Now that they have encountered the problem of refusal of insurance, Zhang Jiaqi naturally wants to communicate with Cao Yang to see what Cao Yang thinks.

After all, Nanshan Automobile Group is a giant in China's automobile industry, and many things can be done by following their pace.

"I was just discussing this topic with Zeng Tingting. Nanshan Automobile Group is going to set up an insurance company with Yangcheng Bank. From now on, all kinds of models produced by Nanshan Automobile Group can be insured in this insurance company. Not only will the cost not increase, but it will also decrease."

This matter will be spread sooner or later, and there is nothing shameful about it.

So since Zhang Jiaqi called, Cao Yang said it directly.

"Set up an insurance company by yourself?"

"This is indeed a permanent solution to the problem."

"We Yangcheng Automobile Group also had an insurance company before, but the business was relatively small. Taking this opportunity to expand the auto insurance business seems to be a good choice."

Zhang Jiaqi was relieved after hearing what Cao Yang said.

The solution chosen by Nanshan Automobile Group is similar to what he thought, which means that his choice is correct.

"There will definitely be more and more problems with electric vehicle insurance in the future."

"While things are just beginning to happen, we should solve them from the source, which is also a good solution."

Cao Yang had a brief exchange with Zhang Jiaqi and reached a consensus.

Afterwards, Changan Automobile and BYD also called to discuss similar topics, and everyone began to adopt similar solutions to deal with them.

Soon, various automobile companies officially announced the establishment of their own insurance companies to ensure that all car owners can find insurance companies to insure.

The topic of electric vehicle refusal to insure, which had just become popular, soon cooled down.

The sales of electric vehicles were not affected by this incident.

Even throughout October, the sales of electric vehicles continued to rise.

When the sales in October came out, everyone found that the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China had unknowingly reached 10%.

Don't underestimate this data. Considering the sales of automobiles in China as a whole, this means that the annual sales of new energy vehicles have reached more than two million.

Many countries do not sell that many cars a year.

This change has caused a lot of anxiety in the hearts of some international automobile giants.

"President, the development of new energy vehicles in China is in full swing, and our layout in this regard seems to be a bit behind."

Kobayashi Tetsuaki came to Akio Toyoda's office with a document, his face full of worry.

Toyota's global situation this year is not particularly ideal.

In the United States, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler are still continuously suppressing Toyota and other Japanese and Korean car companies, and Toyota's sales have never fully recovered to normal levels.

Not to mention in China, Toyota's sales have not improved.

In other markets around the world, Toyota is also facing competition from Chinese independent brand car companies.

The pressure brought to Toyota by Chinese independent brand car companies that have begun to go overseas on a large scale cannot be ignored.

"Electric vehicles are actually not a very suitable choice for us in Japan. Whether it is Toyota, Honda, Nissan, or Mazda, everyone has this understanding."

"FHEV models are enough. If we want to develop further, we should develop fuel cell vehicles."

This point of view of Akio Toyoda is not the first time today.

This voice is very popular within Toyota.

Even if the development of new energy vehicles in China is completely different from what they imagined, it is very difficult to completely change their ideas.

"But now BMW, Volkswagen and General Motors are increasing their research and development and investment in electric vehicles. If we fall behind, it will be more passive to catch up in the future."

Although Kobayashi Tetsumin can understand what Akio Toyoda said, he thinks it is still necessary to consider it in combination with the actual changes in the market.

You can't just not do it if you think it's not suitable.

"We have R\u0026D institutions in the United States and China. Facing these two markets, we can consider developing some special electric vehicles, but I don't think it's necessary to launch electric vehicles in Japan."

Akio Toyoda is not someone who is easily persuaded.

Globally, electric vehicles are not popular in every place.

At least he thinks so.

"If we develop in this way, our development costs will be relatively high."

"In the past, our models were developed globally, and the amortization amount was very large, so the amortization cost of each vehicle was relatively low."

"But if China develops its own electric vehicles in the future, and America does the same, then the amortization development cost will increase by dozens of times."

Kobayashi Tetsuaki expressed his concerns.

But Akio Toyoda can't care so much.

The boss's attitude is so firm that Kobayashi Tetsumin can only compromise.

But he is also a very smart person. Within two weeks, he came to China in person and held a press conference with Chuncheng Toyota and Yangcheng Toyota.

At this press conference, Kobayashi Tetsuaki, as the vice president of Toyota Motors, officially announced that it will increase investment in the Chinese market.

In the next three years, no less than 10 new energy vehicles will be launched in China, and R\u0026D investment in China will be increased.

These new energy vehicles will be developed locally by the research and development institutions in China.

Anyway, after Kobayashi Tetsumin's artistic processing, the situation presented gives people the feeling that Toyota attaches great importance to the Chinese market and Chinese consumers.

As a global auto giant, after Toyota took the lead, other automakers naturally did not want to lag behind.

Volkswagen also took action soon.

"Vondel, did the headquarters really agree to develop all electric vehicles in the Chinese branch?"

Strauss looked at Vondel in surprise. This information had a great impact on him.

Volkswagen has always been relatively conservative, but now it is willing to delegate power.

"Yes, our new generation of electric vehicles has been determined to be called the ID series, and they will be developed in China at that time."

"Some models will even be produced in China and exported overseas for sale."

"After all, the cost of three electrics in China is the lowest in the world, and it is difficult for other places to compare."

Vondel gave his answer very affirmatively.

For this result, he also made a lot of efforts.

Otherwise, the headquarters would not agree easily.

Although it is only developed in China, it means some important adjustments to Volkswagen's decisions.

"That's right. The pattern of the automobile market has changed a lot now. Putting electric vehicles in China for development and production is the most advantageous solution to reduce costs."

Strauss naturally agrees with this view.

After all, he has been in China for so many years, and he can see clearly how the market changes.

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