Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1228: Tianhan Sect general trend

The first thousand two hundred and twenty-eight chapters

Lin Hao and Long Cang stood in the endless void, Long Cang was not anxious to continue talking, but kept staring at Lin Hao.

"Senior Long, if there is anything else you want to ask, if you can tell, this junior will definitely not hide it." Lin Hao broke the silence and said.

Long Cang smiled and said, "In fact, it's nothing, just curious about what your divine power is. Before reaching the divine fire state, like you, you can explode a lot of divine power. You should know what this means. Right."

Lin Hao nodded.

He really knows the special significance of this situation in his own body for the entire spiritual world.

If this method can be disseminated, it will really completely subvert the cognition of all martial artists in the practice world.

At that time, it will be impossible to judge the strength of combat effectiveness based on the level of cultivation.

"My way of exploding divine power was done by coincidence. There is basically no possibility of promotion." Lin Hao said.

Long Cang no longer entangled with this issue. He turned around and said: "The nine channels of reincarnation have basically surfaced, and some hidden things will soon appear in front of the world. Lu Yi is ambitious and has a deep and complicated mind. This time he was able to freely enter the Hualongchi space, which has proved something. He has some extremely powerful means to hide from the sky and cover up his aura. Even the rules and order between heaven and earth cannot control his body.

Moreover, his ascension speed is extremely terrifying. It will not take long to ignite the sacred fire, and it may even be completely unaffected by the attraction of the gods. In the true martial realm, it can explode without any scruples. Power fighting.

With deep scheming and tyrannical strength, this is an extremely terrifying opponent, Lin Hao, I have to remind you, if you can’t do anything, don’t use your arrogance, your future is limitless, and you’re not afraid of not having it. Firewood.

Do you understand what the old man means? "

Lin Hao faintly smiled, Long Cang was not the first person to say this to him. For example, Tao Yuan, the old man on the wooden camel, etc. had all said similar words to him.

"Senior Long, please don't worry, the younger ones know how to judge the importance." Lin Hao said.

"Although we dragons rarely participate in the grievances and entanglements between the heavens and the earth, but in fact, the human race and the gods have always been on the side of the human race. You are the biggest in the world of real martial arts. The variable is also the most promising talent that the old man has encountered in countless thousands of years. The old man also hopes to see you go further and higher on this road of cultivation."

"Okay, let's go and see how this little guy is." Long Cang smiled, and then took Lin Hao into the Hualongchi space.

According to normal circumstances, the current Hualongchi space can only go out and not enter, but this restriction can be completely ignored for Long Cang, and the barrier of the Hualongchi space is easily opened.

When Lin Hao left the space of Hualongchi, the Tianlong that had just passed through the disaster of the dragon was thousands of meters long.

But now, the body of Tianlong is only 100 meters long.

However, the body of the heavenly dragon, with the shining light all over, is even more dazzling, and the power it exudes is far from comparable to before.

This is a manifestation of solid strength.

As for the colorful Tianlong Fuze Xiaguang, it is already very thin. Obviously, the whole process of dragon veins transforming into a dragon is about to come to an end.

Under the gazes of Lin Hao and Long Cang, the remaining Tianlong Fuze glow flooded into Tianlong's body. Tianlong glanced at Lin Hao, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he was about to fly towards Lin Hao, but suddenly In between, the breath that it exudes suddenly weakened.

Long Cang seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, and with a wave of his hand, an extremely pure dragon yuan was injected into the Tianlong body, and then the Tianlong immediately fell into a deep sleep, being dragged in the air by a gentle force from the dragon. .

Lin Hao frowned, a little nervous, and said, "Senior Long, why is this?"

Long Cang said: "This little guy, I have given you the innate origin dragon qi twice before, although the old man helped him replenish the consumed origin, but after all, he still couldn't achieve Consummation.

Moreover, this time the Dragon Transformation Tribulation, there were a lot of strong people who appeared in the Dragon Transformation Pond space, and the power of the Dragon Transformation Tribulation was also very terrifying.

After the Dragon Transformation Tribulation is over, a part of the Heavenly Dragon Fuze Xiaguang enters your body again, which causes the energy consumed by this little guy to be unable to replenish, so this kind of innate origin is somewhat insufficient. "

Lin Hao's heart tightened. The reason for the Tianlong that had just successfully survived the catastrophe was closely related to him. Even though he was even more nervous, he asked, "Senior Long..."

Before Lin Hao finished speaking, Long Cang smiled and said, "You don't have to feel guilty. This is the little guy's choice, and you have done enough.

Don’t worry, the Heavenly Dragon formed by the dragon veins is the existence that gathers the atmosphere of the heavens and the earth. Even if there are some congenital shortcomings, it is not a problem. Luckily, we, Tianlong clan, also have other methods that don't get in the way. "

Lin Hao was a little relieved now.

Long Cang continued: "Lin Hao, for this matter, the old man still has to thank you again. Without you, we will fight for life and death, and we cannot have one more dragon vein transformed into a heavenly dragon. Now I will bring This little guy will return to the clan of the dragon clan. If you want to go to the endless sea, or if you encounter something difficult to solve, you can smash this dragon scale, and the old man will come to support you as quickly as possible."

With that said, Long Cang handed Lin Hao a palm-sized golden scale.

Lin Hao took the dragon scale and walked towards Long Cang to thank him, and then Long Cang's figure flashed, and then disappeared from Lin Hao's eyes with the sleeping dragon.

And this Dragon Pond space began to gradually appear illusory and transparent. After a while, it disappeared completely. Lin Hao floated above the Eastern Origin Realm Tianhan Sect again. He glanced below and his figure flashed. , Then returned to the bank of Tianhanzong Yongjiang.

Looking at the Yongjiang River again, there seems to be no difference compared with before.

But in fact, in a few days, the condensed Qi Luck on the Yongjiang River will dissipate, and it will no longer be able to benefit the Heavenly Cold Sect as before.

However, this will not have much impact on the Heavenly Frost Sect. The current Sky Frost Sect has already developed. In the sect, there are already two holy realm powerhouses, Li Qianjue and Liquor Madman, and Sun Wuji is also saint The situation is imminent, and among the younger generation of disciples, geniuses are also emerging in endlessly.

What's more, peace is now in the entire Eastern Region. The great hero Lin Hao of the Eastern Territory, Yu Jianxin, the only personal disciple of the Tianji Pavilion old man, and Feng Dongyu, the personal disciple of the Wolf Emperor of the Demon Emperor Mansion, are all from the Heavenly Han Sect. .

The small sect that was once inconspicuous in the Eastern Origin Realm will not be long before it will have an extremely resounding name in the entire Eastern Region!

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