Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1229: Layout

Chapter 1229 Arrangement

In the Tianhan Sect, the discussion about the appearance of Shenlong in Yongjiang was extremely heated.

Every disciple of the Heavenly Han Sect was extremely excited when talking about the sights he saw that day. After all, Shenlong is the supreme creature in the legend. They still feel that this reality is too incredible. The Shenlong has always been with them. In the sect.

Regarding the reason why the emperor Lin Hao ordered the blockade of the Yongjiang area, it naturally surfaced. With the spread of some news, the dragon vein transforming the dragon is no longer a secret. Lin Hao guards the dragon disaster, and more It was regarded as a beautiful talk by all the disciples of the Tianhan Sect!

The ambassador of their Heavenly Han Sect is not only the great hero of the Eastern Territory Human Race to solve the disaster of foreign races, but also helped a dragon vein to successfully transform into a dragon, creating a legend!

Every disciple of the Heavenly Han Sect has an infinite yearning for their sect chief, and looks forward to one day, like Lin Hao, to create a legend and become famous in the world.

Tianhanzong beside the Yongjiang River.

Although this area has no dragon veins, it is still listed as a forbidden place in the Heavenly Cold Sect.

Lin Hao’s father, Lin Zhentian, had previously returned to the Heavenly Cold Sect in the Eastern Origin Realm, and now he is also named an elder of the Heavenly Cold Sect. In the past few days, both Lin Zhentian and Lin Hao and his son have stayed in Yongjiang. This area can be considered a rare time for father and son.

When Lin Zhentian returned to the Eastern Origin Realm last time, his cultivation was stuck at the peak of the Yuanhuang Realm. Now he has only half-footed into the Yuanzun Realm. Lin Hao took advantage of the trend to help him step into the Yuanzun Realm, leaving some After practicing the materials, he set off to return to the sky fire state.


Returning to the family land of the Infinite Qin Family in the Skyfire Realm, Qin Wentian immediately came to see him and told Lin Hao about the situation of the outside world when Lin Hao was guarding the Dragon Calamity.

After the Hualongchi space channel appeared, there were more than 370 channels in the Eastern Region. Jiang Family, Danbao Pavilion, Demon Emperor Mansion, Wuya Mountain Villa, Cangxing Martial Academy, etc., all sent a large number of people to guard it. aisle.

Outside of the Eastern Region, there are not many passages, but the human race is basically helping to guard the passage, and even taking this opportunity, the other regions have launched a beautiful counterattack war against the alien race!

Among them, there was a news that caused a lot of fluctuations in Lin Hao's heart.

Jiang Chen, Yu Jianxin, and Feng Dongyu, the tianjiao, united together. At the junction of the Eastern Region and the Southern Region, they abruptly defeated a powerful opponent of the Southern Purple Blood Race who entered the Emperor Realm. Everyone was seriously injured, especially Yu Jianxin, almost collapsed.


Not long after Lin Hao came back to the family land of the Wuxiang Qin family, Xia Jiuyou came up.

Before, Xia Jiuyou accompanied Lin Hao to the Heavenly Cold Sect. Later, when the Hualongchi passage appeared, Xia Jiuyou went elsewhere to help guard.

The moment he saw Xia Jiuyou, a smile appeared on Lin Hao's face and said, "Congratulations!"

The body of Xia Jiuyou is the Nine Nether Sparrow, which is a big fierce monster in the legend of the Southern Territory. It was awakened by Lin Hao, controlled by the **** seal, and then fought side by side, each gaining the trust of each other. Lin Hao lifted the seal of control, and Xia Jiuyou has now become an indispensable top power on Lin Hao's side.

Xia Jiuyou’s strength has long been in a state of extremes, one foot has already stepped into the Divine Fire Realm, and now, Lin Hao clearly feels the faint divine power fluctuations on Xia Jiuyou. .

Therefore, he only saw Xia Jiuyou and said congratulations.

"Our family, from ancient times to the present, few people can step into the Divine Fire Realm, and I did not expect that my chance of entering the Divine Fire Realm is actually in the body of a human warrior like you." Xia Jiuyou said this. At that time, there was a sigh.

He has been attacking the Divine Fire Realm for many years, and has not found the slightest direction. He has no choice but to sleep in the endless void. After being awakened by Lin Hao, it has only been half a year before he has found the direction to step into the Divine Fire Realm. Even took a big step...

"This is a world of great controversy. In a crisis, along with opportunities, what kind of result will be reaped from the chosen cause." Lin Hao also sighed.

If Xia Jiuyou didn't choose to trust Lin Hao, then Lin Hao would control him with the Divine Seal, and he would be bound. Even after experiencing the same battle, he would not be where he is today.

Moreover, Xia Jiuyou chose to stand on Lin Hao's side, and the battles he experienced were extremely dangerous. Killing the power of the God Fire Realm of the Sky Clan, and the ancestor of the Cang Clan, Xia Jiuyou also risked his fall. Hao fights.

His choice brought him everything he has now, and he enjoys the blessings of this world of great controversy in the Eastern Region!

Xia Jiuyou greeted Lin Hao and entered a state of retreat.

Although it was only the last step to ignite the sacred fire and step into another life level, no one knew how long this step would take.

But the only certainty is that Xia Jiuyou will definitely be able to take this step.

Once Xia Jiuyou ignites the divine fire, with its natural Nine Nether Sparrow's talents, even if it is not as superb as Jiang Huanyu's strength, it will not be weaker than another strong divine fire in the Jiang family.

At that time, there will be three powerhouses of the Divine Fire Realm sitting in the Eastern Region. Even if there are foreign races who are still thinking about the Eastern Region, they don't have the guts to come to the Eastern Region!

In the family land of the invisible Qin family, the fat man Chen Hui who steals the sky, and the sky-swallowing beast Wu Hanfei, are all in retreat. Lu Yi's ambition has been exposed, and they all feel the strong A sense of crisis, so I practiced extremely hard and didn't want to waste any time.

Lin Hao spent seven days and seven nights in a forbidden area on the Qin family's side!

In the past seven days and seven nights, he extracted all the laws of the holy world extracted from the body of the strong saint who had been killed by the guarding dragon robbery, and distributed them in a large formation of rank ninth.

In this way, even if he is not in the Wuxiang Qin Family, as long as there is a warrior from the Qin Family who stepped into the peak of the Yuanzun realm, they can enter this place, use the means he arranged, feel the law, and step into the holy realm road.

When Lin Hao arranged all this and walked out of the forbidden area, he found Qin Wentian and explained some of the things in the forbidden area.

"Young Master, are you leaving the Eastern Region?" Qin Wentian keenly caught some key things and asked.

Lin Hao didn't hide it, nodded, and said, "On the Eastern Region side, the big deal is over. I still have a lot of things to deal with. I have to leave for a while."

Qin Wentian said, "Young Master, I would like to serve you like the ancestors of the Qin family."

Lin Hao shook his head and said with a smile: "Old Qin, no need to manage the Qin family well. In the future, there will be more difficult situations. At that time, I need a powerful force that I can absolutely trust!"

Qin Wentian looked solemn and said, "Please don't worry, Young Master, as long as the Young Master is in need, the Qin family will go through the waters and fire, and will not hesitate!"


After leaving the Wuxiang Qin's house, Lin Hao went to Cangxing City again, said hello to Tao Yuan and Feng Wuya, and set off again to Jiang's house.

This time, he might leave the Eastern Region for a long time, and there are certain things that he has to explain to Jiang Huanyu himself to be truly relieved.

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