Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1233: The mystery of the endless sea

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-three chapters of the mystery of the endless sea

It is not the first time that Lin Hao has entered Luoying Shrine.

For the first time, he entered the Void God Realm and helped Luoying Shrine to win a **** seed from the hands of the Protoss, and he was taken to the Falling Shrine.

However, at that time, the people in Luoying Shrine, even if they knew that Lin Hao was carrying a war body, didn't think much about it, but regarded it as a kid with great opportunity and got a war body inheritance in the real martial arts world. So he also helped inform the God of War Palace and arranged for Lin Hao to stay in Luoying Shrine at will.

But now, Lin Hao's identity is no longer a secret. He is one of the four most distinguished persons in the God of War.

Huo Cang in the Palace of the Gods of War, a super-powerful who has walked out of the path of the invincible king, Nie Ru, a pseudo-sacred king, is also the existence of the god-king of the war gods without falling into the wind. Yang Guang has also entered the pseudo Divine King Realm, the potential is endless, and the height he can reach may even surpass Huo Cang.

In the recent period, the Void God Realm and the God of War Palace have been in the same spotlight. Lin Hao, the fourth palace master of the War God Palace, has created miracles in the True Martial Realm. There are also many powerful people who know about the Void God Realm.

For these reasons, after Lin Hao arrived at the Luoying Shrine this time, an extremely powerful old man from the Luoying Shrine came out to greet him in person.

Huang Yun and Xu Sheng, who brought Lin Hao to Luoying Shrine, saw this person, and immediately saluted: "Meet the Vice-Palace Master Zhou!"

Obviously, this person's status is also very high in Luoying Shrine, and he is a deputy palace master.

Although the Zhou Vice Palace Master’s cultivation level far surpasses Lin Hao, Lin Hao can vaguely perceive that this person’s cultivation status should be at the peak of the Celestial God Realm, because he feels this week’s Vice Palace Master’s I was under a lot of pressure, but I didn't feel the power of the world.

It can cause tremendous pressure to him, and Huang Yun and Xu Sheng in front of them cannot do it.

And Lin Hao already possessed a world in his body that could only be possessed by the king and the strong, so he was very sensitive to the power of the world.

These two points were the reason why he judged that the main cultivation level of the Zhou vice palace of Luoying Divine Palace was at the peak of the gods.

Although the peak of the gods is extremely strong, in the Palace of the Gods of War, this kind of strength is at best as the leader of a small team, which shows the power of the Palace of the Gods of War.

"Vice Palace Master Zhou, Lin Hao took the liberty to come to harass, and I hope to forgive me." Lin Hao smiled lightly and said.

The vice palace lord Zhou also smiled: "The fourth palace lord of the God of War Palace is joking, please go inside."

Lin Hao, under the arrangement of the Vice Palace Master Zhou, stayed in Luoying Shrine without too much contact, quietly waiting for the strong from the God of War Palace to pick him up.

One day passed.

The Palace of Wars finally came.

A huge man, like Yang Guang, with a bright bald head, stood in front of Lin Hao, bowed his hands, and shouted: "The fourth-generation disciple of the God of War, Mo Xiaoran, see Uncle Master !"

Lin Hao felt the familiar atmosphere of the fighting body in Mo Xiaoran's body. He watched Mo Xiaoran dressed up and said, "Exempt you, are you a descendant of the third brother?"

"Uncle Qi Qi, Xiao Ran is the big disciple of the Lord of the Third Palace in the God of War Palace. Since Master has been fighting in the God Realm recently, the Second Master ordered me to come and welcome Master Uncle back to the palace!" Mo Xiaoran said.

Lin Hao smiled, no wonder this guy dressed exactly like Yang Guang, with a big bald head.

Mo Xiaoran's strength has reached the realm of the gods, and the training of the battle body is also quite popular. He can already compete with the fourth-order gods. Even if he is strong against the pseudo-god realm, he has the power to fight. With him, he is on the way to return to the palace of the gods. On the way, safety is already guaranteed.

Lin Hao greeted the Vice-Palace Master Zhou of Luoying Shrine, and then returned to the God of War Palace with Mo Xiaoran.

On the way, Lin Hao had a better understanding of Mo Xiaoran.

Like Yang Guang, this is also a guy who can't stay idle. Whenever he has time, he fights in the God Realm and rarely returns to the God Realm War God Palace. This is why Lin Hao has never seen this person before.

At the same time, Lin Hao also learned that since his big brother Huo Cang has proven the Invincible God King’s Dao, he returned to the God of War for a period of retreat, stabilized his cultivation level, and then has been in the gods, representing the human race and the gods. , Hasn't returned to the Void God Realm for half a year.

On the side of the God Realm, the recent battle situation has been stalemate. The Void God Realm has mobilized a lot of strong people to support. Yang Guang is also recruited. Nowadays, the second palace lord Nie Ru is responsible for everything in the Palace of the Gods. .

After more than a day on the road, Lin Hao finally returned to the Temple of War.

"Little Junior Brother, you finally came back!"

Nie Ru had already sensed the approach of Lin Hao's breath. Standing above the God of War Palace, with a wave of his arm, a mighty world force surged. In an instant, the two appeared in the main hall of the God of War.

As for the Mo Xiaoran who ran back and forth to meet Lin Hao back to the palace, Nie Ru directly ignored it.

This is the way the God of War does things, I don't bother to talk nonsense.

In the main hall, Nie Ru stared at Lin Hao for a while, with an unconcealable shock on his face. After a while, he said: "Little Junior Brother, you are only now at the eighth level of the Saint Realm cultivation. You have already broken the limit of the technique, and now your physique can compete with the sixth-order divine body!"

Facing the second elder sister Nie Ru, Lin Hao had nothing to conceal, so he told him about his recent experience. After listening to Nie Ru, he also sighed, saying: "All the things you have experienced are very difficult. What you have to pay is to gain. If Senior Brother and Junior Brother Yang know your current combat achievements, they will definitely be happy for you."

"Second Senior Sister, is the battle situation very severe on the God Realm side?" Lin Hao asked.

Nie Ru shook his head and said, "That's the same thing, it's always been like this, there's nothing to worry about.

It’s you, Junior Brother Lin, you have to be careful. If you really want to go to the endless waters, the guy from the Heavenly Dragon Line, Long Cang, although his strength is good, can hardly protect you, especially that Lu Yi, if he is really a true warrior. One of the emperor’s disciples, following the reincarnation of Zhenwu Realm several times, then this person is indeed a difficult and ruthless character..."

"Second Sister, the endless sea is very mysterious. I wonder if you know something about this place?" Lin Hao asked, this is also one of his purposes for entering the Void God Realm.

Nie Ru thought for a while, and said, "There should be a **** king level in the endless sea!"

"God King?" Lin Hao was shocked!

Nie Ru nodded, with a somewhat uncertain tone, and said: "This is just a guess. Every time the True Martial Realm passes, it will re-enter samsara. However, in the endless sea, some areas have always existed forever and have never entered samsara. It's a pity that we are in the realm of the virtual gods, and we can't find out in person.

Little Junior Brother, if you go to the endless sea, there is an area called Chaoshenhai, do not set foot. If there is a **** king in the endless sea, the most likely existence is in the Chaoshenhai area, as long as you don’t go There, the mysterious existence inside should not come out. "

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