Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1234: Pressure of the Void God Realm

Chapter 1234: Pressure on the Virtual God Realm

From Nie Ru's mouth, Lin Hao realized that it turned out that the endless sea also hides such a big secret.

As for the details of the endless sea, there is not much that I know about the Void God Realm.

"Junior Brother Lin, we have a reserve for the God Seed you want, and we have a reserve in the God of War Palace. You will go to the treasure house to get it later. There are still a lot of things in the treasure house. You don’t need to say hello to me if you want to see anything. Now, you are the Lord of the Fourth Palace of the God of War, and you have the right to decide these things.

As for the soul lamp of the Twelve Gods in the Zhenshi Temple, I will contact the strong people of our human race in the gods and ask them to help investigate. I will notify you as soon as I have news.

If all goes well, at most half a year, the passage between our God of War Palace and the Eastern Region will be opened, and it will be much more convenient for you to come back then. "Nie Ru said.

Lin Hao thanked Nie Ru, and without any further delay, he left the main hall and went to the treasure house of the God of War Palace.

The treasure house in the Palace of the God of War is very large, and Lin Hao has entered for the first time. A large number of treasures appeared in front of him, and he was shocked.

There are no less than a thousand of the magic medicine alone!

Of course, Lin Hao knew that this batch of magic medicines could not be used at will. This should be the reserve of the God of War Palace, the descendants of the God of War Palace, and the cultivation of the battle body. It consumes a lot of magic medicine. Don’t look at the many magic medicines here, but it’s true. It will not last long to be consumed.

Otherwise, Yang Guang wouldn't have ran to the God Realm, and risked looting a temple to prepare Lin Hao for training supplies.

His gaze moved among a pile of magical medicine, and soon he found a jade bottle. Next to the jade bottle, there was a label with the word God seed written on it.

Lin Hao collected the **** seed and took a look at the information on the side note.

The God Seed is the fruit of a tree called the Chuangshen Tree in the God Realm. It blooms for ten thousand years and bears fruit for ten thousand years. After the fruit is fruited, it takes 30,000 years to be picked.

Each **** species has the effect of bringing back the dead to the martial arts monks under the realm of heaven and gods.

In the Void God Realm, the meaning of God Seed is even more extraordinary.

Divine Fire Realm, True God Realm powerhouse, although the life level has reached a very high level, but life span is also limited, Divine Fire Realm powerhouse life span is up to one million years, and True God Realm powerhouse, it is difficult to live beyond 5 million Years, at the end of the day, a god-like species can last almost 500,000 years of life!

In the Void God Realm, there are the most martial artists whose cultivation level is in the Divine Fire Realm and the True God Realm, and the cultivation environment of the Void God Realm is very poor, so it is difficult to upgrade. Many strong people of this level need to use the **** seed to continue their lives.

It is also quite troublesome to obtain the **** seed from the virtual **** realm. It is either obtained by the human race powerhouse of the **** realm, or it is obtained after killing some special **** race warriors on the virtual **** realm.

There is another way to obtain it. The Human Race and the Protoss here in the Void God Realm make some gambling agreements, and both parties take what they need. For example, when Lin Hao entered the Void God Realm for the first time, the Luoying Shrine involved in the battle against the Protoss was in this way.

As for the strong of the gods, they don’t need to rely on the gods to continue their lives, because the strong of the gods have already undergone transformation. They are called immortal gods, and they are almost no longer bound by the passage of time. Means to continue life.

With the **** seed in hand, Lin Hao stayed in the God of War for a few days, and then said goodbye to the second senior sister Nie Ru, and was again escorted away by Mo Xiaoran.

Outside the main hall of the God of War, Nie Ru looked at the direction Lin Hao was leaving with a complex expression. He sighed and whispered to herself softly: "Little Junior Brother, hurry up and grow up. The situation is getting less and less optimistic. !"


Under Mo Xiaoran's escort, Lin Hao returned to the entrance and exit of the passage between Luoying Shrine and the Southern Territory.

"Senior Nephew Mo, what's the battle situation on the God Realm side?" Lin Hao asked.

Mo Xiaoran touched the bright big bald head and said, "Uncle Qi, the situation on the God Realm has always been like that, not bad or not."

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "To be honest!"

Mo Xiaoran looked a little embarrassed, and said: "Uncle did you see it..."

Lin Hao said, "It doesn't matter how I see it, I need to know the real situation now."

Mo Xiaoran sighed and said, "Okay, since you guessed it, Uncle Master, then it wasn't me who leaked the secret. Anyway, after sending Uncle Master away, I will go directly to God Realm, and the second uncle can't trouble me. .

Six months ago, the masters walked out of the Invincible God King’s Avenue and suppressed the Qilian Mountain Divine Tribe with one person's power. Then the Divine Realm’s divine temple was a bit unable to sit still. He organized the Twelve Divine Tribes of the God Realm and jointly attacked our human race in the next three heavens. Yanhuang Shrine, the battle was quite tragic, and Yanhuang Shrine was almost destroyed, but fortunately, the Void God Realm sent out a large number of strong reinforcements, which barely stabilized the situation.

But the God Realm Temple has been eyeing the Yanhuang Shrine, and has not given up its plan to destroy the Yanhuang Temple. Great battles erupt every moment. Moreover, in the recent period, the chaotic battlefield barrier of the Void God Realm has often experienced great fluctuations. Zun You once said a bit of news, as if saying that the barrier between the chaotic battlefield and the gods will soon be broken..."

The chaotic battlefield barrier will soon be broken!

Hearing this news, Lin Hao felt tight!

For a long time, the Void God Realm was a stronghold of the human race, and was the last way out.

It is almost impossible for the Protoss powerhouse to reach the Void God Realm from the normal channel, which also ensures the security of the Void God Realm!

But the chaotic battlefield is where the Void God Realm and the God Realm are connected. Once the barrier is broken, then it is equivalent to connecting the Void God Realm and the God Realm. At that time, the Protoss powerhouse will be able to follow the chaotic battlefield. , Long drive straight into the Void God Realm, once the Void God Realm is lost, the Protoss can even pass through the Void God Realm and then enter the True Martial Realm. This is a disaster for the extinction!

Before that, Lin Hao had always felt that the situation of the alien race facing the True Martial Realm was extremely severe. He had never thought that the Void God Realm was also facing such a big crisis.

Seeing Lin Hao's silence, Mo Xiaoran hurriedly said: "Uncle Master, you can see these things by yourself, not what I said..."

Lin Hao nodded, looked at Mo Xiaoran, and said, "Go, fight in the God Realm, and don't fall into the reputation of our God of War Palace!"

Mo Xiaoran grinned and touched the bright big bald head again, and said: "Please don't worry, Master Uncle, I know that even if I die for the human race, I will not lose our face in the God of War!"


Leaving the Void God Realm and returning to the clan land of the Celestial Elephant clan in the Southern Territory, an elder of the Celestial Elephant clan was waiting for Lin Hao.

Seeing Lin Hao coming out, the elder said immediately: "Palace Master Lin, the Southern Territory Front is in a hurry. The Purple Blood Clan, the Empty Clan, and the Storm Clan have launched a fierce attack. The patriarch has led a large army to participate in the war, and is here to wait for the return of the Palace Master."

Lin Hao frowned and said, "Okay, I see, you should report to Patriarch Xiang as soon as possible, and hold on for a while. The opportunity to annihilate the alien race in the Southern Territory will appear soon!"

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