Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1240: Collect sacred fire

The first thousand two hundred and forty chapters collect the **** fire

"Lin Hao, Lin Hao from the Eastern Region is here!"

"Can he perform miracles? He can definitely do it! There is hope in the Southern Territory!"


"Kill all the **** of foreign races!"

With Lin Hao's voice spreading throughout the battlefield, the human race and the monster warrior army were all excited!

Nowadays, Lin Hao's name is known to everyone in the entire Zhenwu world.

Even if Lin Hao's cultivation base has not yet entered the emperor realm, there have been too many miracles on him.

Lin Hao in the Yuanzun realm can slaughter the saint and kill the devil emperor.

After arriving in the Holy Land, Lin Hao even led the Eastern Region to quell the disaster of the alien race!

Directly, indirectly, there are hundreds of foreign experts in the holy realm who died because of Lin Hao. The strong in the emperor realm also broke double digits, and even the old divine fire realm of the empty race in the Southern Territory The fall of ancestors also came from Lin Hao.

The appearance of Lin Hao rekindled the confidence of these desperate human race and monster warriors.


The lord of the Qin family of Zhi Yuanya, Qin Zhong of the emperor realm, raised his head and looked at the sky, his nephew Lin Hao, can he save the Southern Region in distress? It must be possible, it must be possible!

The severely injured Great Sage Qin Xue, fighting in blood, had a smile on the corner of her mouth!

"Brother Lin, you must succeed!"

Kong Li, the little girl of the Peacock clan, uses the double cultivation of the holy realm to fight against a five-layer strong man in the holy realm of the Storm Clan, calling Lin Hao's name in her heart, and her attack power is stronger than before!


In the sky.

Xiang Hao and Kong Mo were overjoyed when Lin Hao appeared, and then became nervous again.

Although Lin Hao wore the armor of the God of War and exploded with divine power, the reason why he was able to fly the ancestors of the purple blood tribe just now was completely unexpected. If he could really solve this powerful opponent, the possibility was very slim.

"Lin Hao, you came just right. Killing you is the most important thing. I thought you would shrink in the Eastern Region, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to die!" the ancestor of the purple blood roared, his body was full of thick. The boundless killing intent.

Lin Hao snorted and said, "Today, it is not your alien race that controls the Southern Territory, but the day your alien race completely disappears from the Southern Territory!"

"Just rely on you?" The ancestor of the Purple Blood Race said disdainfully: "Thinking that with a pair of divine armor and the ability to explode some divine power, I can't help you? You too underestimated the true divine fire realm power!"


Just as the words of the ancestor of the purple blood clan fell, a domineering and powerful fist imprint blasted out of the void, but it was not aimed at the ancestor of the purple blood clan, but the force that attracted the gods that descended on Xiang Hao. The fight was gone!

Kuang Juexin stepped out of the void with a full display of dominance, glanced at the ancestor of the purple blood tribe, snorted, and suddenly the sky was annihilated silently. The ancestor of the purple blood tribe was under great pressure, and the amethyst armor on his body , There are countless cracks, retreat again!

"Patriarch Xiang Hao, leave everything to us here, you enter the Void God Realm first!" Lin Hao looked at Xiang Hao and shouted.

Xiang Hao has completely aroused the attraction of the God Realm, and the attraction of Kuang Jue Xin is only temporary. Xiang Hao must enter the Void God Realm immediately, otherwise, Kuang Jue will stay with the ancestors of the purple blood Do it, but there is no energy to help him solve the attraction.

Xiang Hao took a deep breath and shouted: "Okay, I'll leave it to you here!"

He was relieved at this time, because the Kuangjuexin who appeared here with Lin Hao was powerful enough to deal with the ancestor of the Purple Blood Clan, Southern Territory, had been saved.

After speaking, Xiang Hao solemnly bowed to Lin Hao and Kuang Juexin, then immediately left, returned to the clan land of the Celestial Elephant clan, and entered the Void God Realm through the passage.

The ancestor of the purple blood tribe, his face was extremely ugly at this time.

He knows Kuangjuexin.

In fact, the powerhouses in the Southern Territory all know Kuangjuexin.

This super strong man who has been guarding the desolate mountain boundary of the Southern Territory, since the last time he went to the Eastern Territory to help Lin Hao deal with the wind master of the Zhenshi Temple, his identity is not a secret.

However, no one would have thought that Lin Hao would appear on the battlefield of the Southern Territory, and at the same time he would move out the former mad master of Zhenshi Shrine!

"Kuangjuexin, I know that you have been suppressing the Lava Clan and intend to restore your love. You are leaving now. After our Purple Blood Clan takes control of the Southern Territory, we will help you kill the Lava Clan and will find a way to help you resurrect. My dear love!" The ancestor of the purple blood clan shouted, Kuangjuexin stays here. He has no chance of winning and can only grant benefits, hoping that Kuangjuexin can withdraw.

Kuang Juexin sneered, and said: "The lava clan is gone, my fire has returned, why do you need your help!"

Lin Hao looked at Kuang Juexin and shouted, "Senior, a quick fight!"

Kuang Juexin nodded, and his figure flashed before he appeared beside the ancestor of the purple blood tribe, and blasted out a punch.

The amethyst armor on the purple blood clan ancestor suddenly shattered, and the fragments splashed, and his body was also beaten with numerous cracks.

"Brother Kong, leave it to us here, you first evacuate!" Lin Hao looked at Kong Mo. The severity of Kong Mo's injury was already life-threatening, and he must be evacuated as soon as possible.

Kong Mo didn't hesitate. The overall situation was determined. He nodded and said, "Brother Lin, be careful!"

After speaking, Kong Mo evacuated the battlefield, but did not go to heal his injuries, but returned to the battlefield of the Emperor Realm.


The ancestor of the purple blood clan, faced with Kuang Juexin's offensive, had no power to parry, and was bombarded by Kuang Juexin with a few punches, and his body exploded.

Lin Hao mobilized a very special force in his body, and took advantage of the purple blood tribe ancestor exhausted to deal with the offensive of Kuang Juexin, unable to pay attention to his side, his breath disappeared completely in this sky.

This ability to hide breath was a kind of power bestowed by Gu Mo, the God King of God Realm Human Race, when Lin Hao entered the God Realm and watched the big brother Huo Cang walk on the road of the invincible God King.

As long as he doesn't explode his own aura and doesn't make a move, even if he is close to the powerhouse of the Divine Fire Realm, the opponent cannot detect it.

The ancestor of the purple blood race was shattered to pieces by Kuang Juexin one after another, and the color of despair on his face was extremely rich.

He can't escape.

The best way to save life was to attract the power of the gods to enter the gods.

But before this battle, the ancestors of the Purple Blood Clan contacted the God Realm through the Central Territory Overlord, allowing the supreme existence of the God Realm to help him conceal his aura. Therefore, no matter how he bursts out of power, the power of attraction is also Will not appear.

Before, this was a huge advantage, allowing him to deal with Xiang Hao unscrupulously, but now, it has cut off his way of survival.

Kuang Juexin punched out, fierce, and shouted, the surface of the fist, the flaming divine light, was several times stronger than before.


The power of this fist seemed to be endless, smashing the body of the ancestor of the purple blood tribe, and then continued to crush those body fragments, crushed into powder, even the soul of the fist could not avoid the damage of this fist.

When the power of Kuang Jue Xin's ultimate punch dissipated, the ancestor of the purple blood clan no longer existed, leaving only a ray of divine fire, floating in the broken sky.

In the sacred fire, there is still a trace of the mark belonging to the ancestor of the purple blood clan, this sliver of imprint will immediately control the sacred fire to disperse.

Experts in the Divine Fire Realm will choose this when they fall, and will not let their Divine Fire origin fall into the hands of others.

This process of self-destroying the sacred fire takes a very short time, so short that even if it is as powerful as madness, there is no time to stop it.

But in an instant, a whole world, silently, suddenly emerged, and the power of the world that can only be mastered by the strong of the gods by gathering the divine fire, immediately suppressed the trace of the purple blood ancestor's mark of self-destroying the divine fire!

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