Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1241: The overall situation is set

Chapter 1241 The overall situation has been set

Lin Hao revealed the power of the small world that belongs to the power of the **** king realm. He looked at this scene of madness, and his face showed a strong shock.

However, he soon suppressed the shock in his heart, without asking a word, his figure flashed, and he rushed into the battlefield of the Emperor Realm!

And Lin Hao, who took away the ancestor of the purple blood tribe, did not delay his time to join the battlefield of the Holy Realm.



The fierce sword light cut a great sage of the storm clan in half.

This great sage of the Storm Clan is only the Seventh Stage of the Holy Realm, the weakest existence among the great sages, with Lin Hao's current strength, it kills with a single sword!

In the normal situation, the Great Sage of the Seventh Stage of the Holy Realm would have the power to fight even if facing the Great Sage of the Peak of the Holy Realm, even if it was lost.

But Lin Hao's combat power, even if he didn't explode his divine power, didn't use the Nine Turns Against Heaven, it was comparable to a half-step imperial realm powerhouse. His attack power was so strong that it surpassed the cognition of all warriors!

The person who had fought against the Great Sage of the Storm Clan who was killed by Lin Hao was Qin Xue of the Qin Family.

At this moment, Qin Xue was seriously injured. After Lin Hao helped him solve his opponent, he raised his hand and shot a ray of pure energy into Qin Xue's body.

"Aunt Xue, the situation is about to stabilize, you don't want to enter the Great Saint Battlefield again!" Lin Hao exhorted, and his figure flashed, and he rushed towards the Eight Great Saints of the Holy Realm of the Kong Clan.

According to what Lin Hao said, Qin Xue rushed into the battlefield of the ordinary holy realm powerhouse, and with her strength, against the foreign race's ordinary holy realm powerhouse, she could form a crush without the slightest danger.

Before long, the imperial realm powerhouses of the Purple Blood Clan, the Sky Clan, and the Storm Clan suffered heavy losses, and the Great Sage powerhouse also did the same.

The foreign race army has suffered great losses. Human races and monster races have begun to have emperor realm powerhouses and holy realm powerhouses, leaving the original battlefield to slaughter the warriors under the foreign race holy realm.

The situation was completely one-sided, and it didn't take long for the alien warriors to collapse and retreat in embarrassment!

The warrior army of the human race and the monster race, with the victory and pursuit, launched the pursuit!


one day later.

The human race and the monster race chased and killed the warriors of the alien army, all returned.

Since Xiang Hao has entered the Void God Realm, on the Southern Territory’s side, Kong Mo and Zheng Nanqi, the two peak powers of the Emperor Realm, are the leaders. Behind them, all the Powerful Emperors and Holy Realms of the Southern Territory Human Race and Monster Race The strong gather.

Lin Hao and Kuang Juexin stood together.

"Crazy senior, Young Master Lin, I, Kong Mo, are here to represent the Southern Territory. Thank you for your help. If there are no two, we will have no chance at the Southern Territory!"

Kong Mo solemnly bowed to Lin Hao and Kuang Jue.

Zheng Nanqi, as well as the emperor and holy realm powerhouses of the Southern Territory Monster Race and Human Race, also followed suit.

Kuang Jue said indifferently: "Don't thank me, the reason why I came to help is all because of Young Master Lin."

Everyone's eyes also looked at Lin Hao.

Facing the gaze of so many powerful people, Lin Hao looked calm and said: "This time, the crisis in the Southern Territory has been eliminated, and the strength of the alien warrior has plummeted, and some of them have fled, but it is not enough to be afraid.

However, even if it is not to be feared, I hope that everyone in the Southern Territory will not take it lightly and immediately mobilize their strength to carry out cleansing and eradicate them!

Nowadays, the Eastern Region has ushered in a peaceful environment, and it has begun to take on the luck of the great world, and this will be the case in the Southern Region.

This is an opportunity to seize this opportunity and spare no effort to strengthen our own strength. At that time, I hope that the Southeastern Regions will be able to unite closely. This is an opportunity to help the Western Regions, Northern Regions, and Central Regions to suppress the disaster of foreign races! "

Lin Hao's voice was as calm as his expression, but in this calmness, there was an irresistible majesty.

"Don't worry, Young Master Lin, this time the opportunity to clean up the alien race is rare. We in the Southern Region will not let up, and we will not stop completely eliminating the alien race. At that time, the unity of the Eastern Region will definitely proceed." Zheng Nanqi, a realm peak powerhouse, solemnly said!


On the Southern Territory side, they began to arrange matters after the war and organize their forces to continue purging the alien races without giving them a chance to breathe.

Kuang Juexin said goodbye to Lin Hao and rushed back to the desolate mountain realm. His beloved is still recovering his strength there. He wants to go back and sit down in person to avoid accidents.

However, Lin Hao met several people from the Zhiyuanya Qin family in a camp.

Qin Zhong, the lord of the Qin family, was a strong man who had just entered the emperor realm. Facing Lin Hao, who was still only the eighth layer of the holy realm, he had an intuition that he was definitely not Lin Hao's opponent.

"Hao'er, you have created a miracle once again!" Qin Zhong was full of emotion in his heart, but he didn't know how to say it, and in the end only such a sentence came out.

"Uncle, the situation in the Southern Territory has been determined. In the next battle of the Qing and Suppression of the alien race, I suggest that the Qin family should not participate in it anymore, adjust the state well, and then prepare to take on the luck of this great world." Lin Hao said.

With Lin Hao's level of relationship, the various forces in the Southern Territory will not forcefully require the Qin family to send people to participate in the next action to eliminate foreign races. They can take advantage of this time to recuperate and take over the South in the best state. The great opportunity of the domain.

Qin nodded in focus.

Qin Xue on the side looked at Lin Hao and sighed: "Hao'er, the disasters of the alien races in the Eastern and Southern Regions are almost always suppressed by you. If the eldest sister knows that you have achieved such an achievement now, you will definitely do it for you. you are happy."

"Uncle, Aunt Xue, this time the Southern Territory matter, I will leave for the endless waters, looking for my mother." Lin Hao told the two of his plan.

"I've heard about Lu Yi, the Nine Meridians of Reincarnation. He should have made many plans in the endless sea. Haoer, you are going alone. I can't rest assured. It's better to wait. I will arrange some things for the Qin family. Go with you!" Qin Zhong said.

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "Mother, although I am not in a hurry for this time and a half, the reincarnation of the Nine Meridians is already imminent. I must face it, and it will be much more convenient for me to act alone, uncle Don't worry, even if Lu Yi takes the shot himself, I have a way to deal with it."

The purpose and significance of the nine reincarnation meridians at the beginning are no longer important. Now the entire nine reincarnation meridians have become Lu Yi's conspiracy.

What exactly is Lu Yi going to do? Lin Hao must figure it out!

If you don't understand Lu Yi's arrangement of such a monstrous conspiracy, then for Lin Hao, this incident is a huge boulder that has been hanging above his head, like a throat!

Seeing that Lin Hao had made a decision, Qin Zhong also knew that he could not persuade Lin Hao to change his mind, so he no longer struggled with this matter, and said: "Haoer, everything in the endless sea seems extremely mysterious. During my time, I have also been thinking of ways to collect the information of the endless seas. In this jade slip, all the information about the endless seas I have collected is also helpful to you."

Qin Zhong said, handing a piece of jade slip to Lin Hao.

Lin Hao immediately took the jade slips and put them away.

The southern region is adjacent to the endless sea, so there is a way to collect some information. In the east, the understanding of the endless sea is almost zero.

No matter how much information Qin Zhong collects, it will be of great help to Lin Hao's upcoming trip to the endless sea.

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