Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1264: Comprehend the origin of the emperor

Chapter 1264 Understanding the Origin of the Emperor Realm

Lin Hao didn't rush to agree immediately.

In fact, he knew in his heart that what Zhang Yuntu said was just a cover.

It's just that this pretense is reasonable and reasonable, so Zhang Yuntu is very honest and straightforward.

If another Martial Artist who has just entered the Inland Sea and can be wooed by Zhang Family, he might immediately agree. This kind of cooperation is indeed beneficial to both parties.

But Lin Hao did not come to the endless seas to gain a foothold in the Thousand Island Sect. The Thousand Island Sect was just a springboard for him. Moreover, he also knew that Zhang Yuntu must have hidden secrets. Otherwise, even if he had to test before. I don’t need that way.

"Master Zhang, I need to think about this matter first or two for the time being, but please don't worry, Master Zhang. If Jian Wushuang really wants to cooperate with a certain force, Zhang Family must be the first choice." Lin Hao said with a smile.

Zhang Yuntu nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for Master Jian's news. Let's go. The sister-in-law should be ready for the banquet soon. I won't talk about other things later, just be happy."

The two left the backyard and walked towards the banqueting room of Zhang Mansion. On the way, Zhang Yuntu said again: "Master Sword, you may not know, my sister is very arrogant, but you are the only one who has heard her play alone. The person who plays music."

Lin Hao smiled: "It seems my luck is good."

Zhang Yuntu also smiled and said, "Master Sword can try to work hard, maybe there is a chance."

Lin Hao also smiled, and said, "Let's do whatever it takes."

The banquet was accompanied by the Zhang family brothers and sisters, and the three of them did not discuss anything else. Zhang Yuntu's ability to win people's hearts was not small. In his words, the relationship with Lin Hao unknowingly got closer.

Lin Hao also followed Zhang Yuntu's words and kept chatting. After the banquet was over, both of them had become known as Brother Jian and Brother Zhang.

Now that the superficial relationship has been so much closer, Lin Hao simply throws out the matter of the Kuhai Shenni, and said: "Brother Zhang, I really don't lie to each other, I have a knot and need to find Kuhai Shenni, but I have no clue. ..."

"Kuhai Shenni is an expert from outside the endless sea, whose whereabouts are erratic. I don't know what the sword master is looking for Kuhai Shenni?" Zhang Xian'er answered the question.

"I have a close relative, who was rescued and taken away by the God of Kuhai in the early years." Lin Hao said.

Zhang Xian'er nodded and said, "Master Sword, I will help you find a way to investigate the whereabouts of Kuhai Shenni."

"Thank you, Miss Xian'er." Lin Hao thanked her hand.


After Lin Hao left Zhang Mansion, Zhang Xian'er looked at Zhang Yuntu and said, "Brother, Jian Wushuang, do you believe you?"

Zhang Yuntu said with some uncertainty: "There shouldn't be any problems, but it doesn't matter if he believes it or not, but Xian'er, what did you find when you played the Fantasy Heart Song?"

Zhang Xian'er frowned and said, "This Jian Wushuang has a very strong spirit. I couldn't find a chance. I was afraid that he would be suspicious, so I didn't dare to explode with too much power. However, when he shot He Qun, I observed. It is clear that this Jian Wushuang should not have been arranged by that person."

"Su Yu brought him back to the Thousand Island Sect, in fact, it is basically certain that he is not the arrangement of that person, and now it seems that it is completely certain.

When Grandpa gave the order, he said that if Jian Wushuang was not the arrangement of that person, it might also be involved in the matter over there, so we must find a way to get rid of it. "

Zhang Xian'er said: "Get rid of Jian Wushuang, I don't think you need to worry for now."

"Why, Xian'er, did you really fall in love with this kid? Don't blame your brother for not supporting you. Now the Thousand Island Sect, undercurrents are surging, it's not the time to talk about love." Zhang Yuntu frowned.

Zhang Xian'er shook his head and said: "This is a mere Jian Wushuang, how can I get into Zhang Xian'er's eyes? Although he has some talents, he is only a first-order brat from the sea. I just think that since he is the leader of Su Yu Those who come back are still valuable to us. Maybe they can be used to create some trouble for Su Yu."

"Oh? What clever tricks does Xian'er have?" Zhang Yuntu's brows stretched out.

"I haven't thought of it yet." Zhang Xianer said.


Besides, after Lin Hao left the Zhang family and returned to his place of residence, as Zhang Yuntu said, several people came to visit and wanted to win him over.

Lin Hao did not directly refuse, but instead politely declined the invitation on the grounds that he would enter the Emperor Island tomorrow and need to prepare well in order to get a big harvest in the Emperor Island.

He didn’t think too much about the Zhang family’s brothers and sisters. No matter what the other party’s purpose was, he would show his feet sooner or later. As long as he was more vigilant, it would not be so easy to calculate even if Zhang’s family had a thousand island sect backer. On his head.

The next day, Lin Hao left the place where he lived and went to Emperor Island No. 31.

He has already obtained the spot, and has been recognized by the imperial origin mark in the 31st emperor island.

Therefore, as soon as he appeared, the guardian of Nadi Island said: "Remember, every warrior has only one chance to enter the same Emperor Island to realize the imprint of the origin of the emperor realm, and the time for understanding each time is only three days at most.

In the process of comprehending the imprint of the origin of the imperial realm, you must not make the slightest move to break the imprint of the origin of the emperor, otherwise, you will kill it! "

Lin Hao nodded, expressing understanding.

Then, the guardian of Emperor Island on the 31st raised his hand to make a handprint, opening the restriction in the stele, and a whirlpool channel formed by the power of heaven and earth emerged from the stele.

Lin Hao's figure flashed before entering the whirlpool passage, and in the next moment, he appeared in the other world.

Around, there is nothingness.

Lin Hao slowly closed his eyes, and felt the power of the emperor realm's origin from this emptiness.

As for how to step into the imperial realm, Lin Hao knew very well that he didn't need to use the help of understanding the origin of other people's imperial realm. For him, the imperial realm had no threshold.

The reason why he wanted to enter the Emperor Island was firstly because he wondered how the original imprint of the Emperor Realm in this Emperor Island was maintained for eternity; secondly, even if he did not need to rely on the Emperor Realm of others The Origin Seal stepping into the emperor realm level, you can observe some different roads of the emperor realm, and get through it, and it can also help yourself.

As Lin Hao's mental power gradually dissipated, to sense everything around him, scenes after scenes began to appear in his induction.

These pictures are fragmented, and then gradually become complete.

A silhouette that looked depressed, walked a long road.

This road is the road of the martial artist, and the road of the strong emperor.

The desolate figure, on this road, walked farther and farther, and the figure became smaller and smaller. Just when Lin Hao’s mental powers were almost unable to capture the figure, suddenly, the figure sighed up to the sky. .

In the next moment, the power of heaven and earth began to gather around the lonely figure.

"In order to step into the emperor realm, I gave up a lot, and in the end there was only one person left..." Lin Hao whispered to himself.

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