Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1265: Road to the Empire

The first thousand two hundred and sixty-five chapters of the road to the imperial realm

The farther you go on the road of martial arts, the more things you need to give up.

Some warriors, in the later stages of cultivation, are alone, and even some of their emotions have been abandoned.

The path to the origin of the imperial realm on Island 31 is to give up everything that is not directly related to power, just to enter the imperial realm!

Lin Hao knew that this kind of powerhouse at the imperial level had encountered him in his previous life, but it was the first time he had so intuitively seen the road to the imperial realm that this type of warrior walked out of.

Lin Hao is carrying too many things on his back.

If you let go of some, you can live more easily and have more time for cultivation.

However, he never chose to give up the things that were pressing on him. No matter how great the pressure he faced, he would face the pressure and seek a solution.

Although the road to the emperor realm I felt at this time was completely unsuitable for me, the moment the figure stepped into the emperor realm, the power of heaven and earth was intertwined, but it also left a deep impression on Lin Hao. .

"Giving up, although undesirable, is not a kind of courage when making the decision to give up!"

"My previous life, the road to the imperial realm, was a sword that split a road, but this life is completely different from the previous life, my road to the emperor realm will be longer and wider, and accommodate many different roads!"

"If you really want to choose this way, the difficulty of the breakthrough will be increased countless times, but once the breakthrough is completed, it will inevitably bring power far beyond the previous life!"

"Living a life again, the road traversed in the previous life is the foundation. In this life, I want to create more possibilities on this foundation!"

"Brother Huanyu is like this. On the basis of the previous life's Void Divine Dao, it integrates the Tao of God Thunder, evolves the Void Divine Thunder Avenue, and first enters the Divine Fire Realm. The fighting power is incredible. Another strong man in the Jiang family’s Divine Fire Realm has ignited Divine Fire for thousands of years, but it is far less than Brother Huanyu!"

Lin Hao whispered to himself, gradually, regarding the choice of the imperial realm he was about to face, he determined the final direction.

At this moment, three days have passed since entering the 31st Emperor Island to realize the imprint of the origin of the Emperor Realm.

And Lin Hao didn't have the need to stay here, his figure flashed, and he took the initiative to leave.

On the 31st, the guardian of Emperor Island, seeing Lin Hao come out, a look of surprise flashed in his expression, but he didn't say much. Every warrior has his own choice, like this, entering the island and understanding the origin of the Emperor. Imprints, which come out in a short time, happen from time to time.

Either I realized what I needed.

Or he found that the imprint of the origin of the emperor realm was not suitable for him.


After leaving Emperor Island No. 31, Lin Hao went directly to Emperor Island No. 30.

Before, Su Yu deliberately used words to guide Lin Hao, and wanted Lin Hao to try to walk all the islands in the ninth district starting from the 31st Emperor Island.

Now, after Lin Hao determined the road to the Emperor Realm he was going to take, he really needed to walk all the Emperor Island in the ninth district.

The more you watch, the more you have enough background to show your own way!

On the 30th island in the ninth area, Lin Hao with absolute strength crushed the two sacred realm eight-fold peak powerhouses who competed, and then was recognized by the emperor realm origin mark in this emperor island.

This time, he didn't return to his place of residence to wait, and he sat cross-legged in the square on the side of Emperor Island on the 30th, thinking about how to go on the road to the Emperor Realm.

One day later, Lin Hao entered the emperor island on the 30th and felt the original imprint of the emperor realm.

The imprint of the origin of the imperial realm that I have sensed this time, the road of the imperial realm that I chose to take is different from that of Island 30. This road to the emperor realm is a kind of paranoia, and it can even be said to be unscrupulous.

Although the imprint of the origin of the emperor realm can only sense a nihility, it is actually a condensed life experience of a strong emperor. Lin Hao has sensed killing, conspiracy, and cruelty on this road to the emperor realm.

This time, less than half a day, he voluntarily left and headed to Emperor Island on the 29th.

Unconsciously, a month passed.

Lin Hao had already moved from Emperor Island No. 31 to Emperor Island No. 20, and had already sensed the path of the eleven Emperor Islands.

Although the original imprints of the emperor realm of the eleven emperor islands did not have much merit, but with more insights, Lin Hao's conception of his own road to the emperor also improved a lot.

And the imprint of the origin of the emperor realm in the twentieth emperor island is a way to teach the world.

Finally, it was completely different from the imperial realm path contained in the eleven imperial islands before, and there were many more desirable points. Lin Hao was no longer the same as before. He left in a day and a half. Heaven, got a lot of gains, and then left for the nineteenth Emperor Island.


"Have you heard? A guy named Jian Wushuang, within a month, has gone from Emperor Island No. 31 to Emperor Island No. 20..."

"Wrong, I just heard that Jian Wushuang has left Emperor Island No. 20. On the side of Emperor Island No. 19, he has already obtained a place and has been recognized. Tomorrow he will be able to enter Emperor Island No. 19. Even if he stayed on Emperor Island on the 19th for three days this time, the land of the original imprint of the emperor realm in the island, it would be exactly one month before he entered the emperor on the 30th."

"For one month, I entered the twelve emperor islands in a row to realize the origin of the emperor realm. This Jian Wushuang is too strong!"

"You can't judge whether you are strong or not. After all, those who are in the back of the emperor islands, who compete for places, are basically between the seventh stage of the holy realm and the ninth stage of the holy stage. Will really grow up.

The key point is that he has been recognized by the imperial origin imprints among the twelve emperor islands in succession. The emperor origin imprint recognition is actually a recognition of talent, which means that the talent of Jian Wushuang is true. The horror! "

Now, the entire ninth district is discussing about Jian Wushuang's continuous entry into Emperor Island. The name Jian Wushuang has been completely spread!

Zhang Mansion, the Zhang family brothers and sisters, have also discussed Jian Wushuang many times during this time. Zhang Yuntu even arranged for a man to stare at the movement of Emperor Island. Once Jian Wushuang makes new progress, he will be the first time. Know.


Su Yu, once again came to the simple wooden house on the beach of Emperor Island No. 1 in District 9.

"Which step is Jian Wushuang?" Huang Lao asked.

"I have entered Emperor Island on the 19th." Su Yu answered truthfully.

Mr. Huang nodded, his eyes were thinking, and said: "When he comes out of Emperor Island on the 16th, remind him to stop for a while, this kid does have great courage, but in a short time, he has touched too many roads to the Emperor Realm. Is not a good thing."

Su Yu nodded and said, "I will make arrangements immediately after I go back."

After a pause, Su Yu said again: "Old Huang, do you think Jian Wushuang can really walk all the 31 emperor islands in District 9?"

Old Huang smiled and said, "Don't be too anxious, even if it doesn't work now, but give him time, up to three years, it will definitely be possible!"

After listening to Huang Lao's judgment, Su Yu was actually quite shocked.

Up to three years...

For a warrior of their level, it took three years, just a few seconds.

Su Yu also knew very well that the hidden old Huang in front of him had spent ten years walking through the thirty islands in the ninth district.

In the ancient records of the Thousand Island Sect, Huang Lao is also the only one who can complete the Emperor Island in the first district of the Thousand Island Sect within a hundred years!

If Huang Lao's evaluation of Jian Wushuang were to be passed on, no one would dare to believe the Thousand Island Sect.

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