Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1279: The means of crossing the sky

Chapter 1279: The Means of Crossing Heaven

Lin Hao didn't care about the shock that Qingshan Island Master revealed.

He has killed all the powerhouses in the Divine Fire Realm, and it's just a mere imperial realm.

"Island Lord Qingshan, I need to act alone next. On your side, don't show up for the time being. For safety, I suggest you leave this battlefield first." Lin Hao said.

Su Yu is not in a hurry for the troubles. Even though these inner island owners are angry, there are not many inner island owners in this battlefield. Lin Hao believes that Su Yu can definitely suppress the group of people.

"Jian Wushuang, I will show up now and explain clearly, wouldn't it be better to expose Zhang Yuntu's wolf ambition?" Qingshan Island Master was a little puzzled.

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "This matter is not in a hurry, I have other arrangements. Moreover, if you show up now, the effect is not great, and it is easy to cause another murder."

Lin Hao’s strength has already subdued the owner of Qingshan Island, and the owner of Qingshan Island can also think of it. Now this matter, he has been involved in some battles in the Thousand Island Sect. If there are people who want to kill him, he has no power to resist. , So nodded and said: "Okay, since I am not suitable to show up for the time being, then I will leave this battlefield and will not return to Qingshan Island. I will go to an old friend near the Thousand Island Sect first. This way, when I need to show up , I can be there as soon as possible."


With the departure of the Green Mountain Island Master, Lin Hao took out the soul-raising jade from the storage ring.

The remnant soul of the imperial second-tier powerhouse just now was included in the soul-raising jade by him.

And in the soul-raising jade, there is still a person's soul, Liu Xiao, who is in the line of crossing the sky.

Lin Hao released the ban within the soul-raising jade.

Liu Xiao's soul immediately condensed a phantom and appeared in front of Lin Hao.

During this period of time, Liu Xiao's spirit in the soul-raising jade has also grown a lot.

But as soon as Liu Xiao's soul appeared, there was a violent fluctuation, and he immediately got into the soul-raising jade, and seemed to have encountered an extremely terrible thing.

"Lin Hao, hurry up, get out of here!" A ray of eager mental power came into Lin Hao's mind.

Lin Hao frowned, waved his hand to control the rolling sky curtain, covering up all the breath in this area, and then said: "You can come out."

This time, Liu Xiao's soul was finally relieved, and reunited into a phantom.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hao asked.

"I sensed the breath of that guy, he is nearby!" Liu Xiao's ghost phantom made a panicked voice.


"Xu Han!"

Lin Hao's heart moved, crossing the sky, and in this reincarnation of Zhenwu Realm, two inheritors also appeared, one of them was Liu Xiao, and the other was Xu Han who had already taken refuge in Lu Yi. Lin Hao listened. Liu Xiao said it before.

Tianmen is a force established by Lu Yi in the endless sea. There is a Tianmen martial artist here, and the guy named Xu Han has also come.

"How is his strength?" Lin Hao asked.

Xu Han, who is also the Nine Meridians of Reincarnation, must be a core member of Lu Yi after taking refuge in Lu Yi, and he must know a lot about Lu Yi.

If it can be taken down, it is definitely a huge progress for the investigation of Lu Yi's specific plan.

"When I fought with me at that time, regardless of top and bottom, they were all new to the imperial realm. If it weren't for Lu Yi to help him, he would not be able to beat me. After he took refuge in Lu Yi, his promotion should be very fast, but at most he would not exceed the five imperial realm. Heavy!" Liu Xiao analyzed.

"Emperor Realm Five..." Lin Hao frowned slightly.

With his current strength, it is easy not to explode the power of the imperial realm, and it is not difficult to break the power of the imperial realm to kill the strong of the four or five layers.

But the reincarnation of the nine channels, each of them has extremely special abilities, and they are all top martial artists of the same rank. Even if Xu Han is really only the fifth level of the emperor realm, but in terms of combat power, it can definitely be stronger than the ordinary emperor realm seven or eight. Comparable.

Lin Hao doesn't have so much energy now. He can replenish his vitality and sword essence at any time, so he can't shoot with a steady stream of divine power, and bursts of divine power in a short time. Even if he suppresses Xu Han, it is difficult to kill him.

His divine power was still a little weaker than the divine power mastered by the real Divine Fire Realm powerhouse.

But in this matter, Lin Hao does not intend to use the power of the Thousand Island Sect to deal with it. Otherwise, his identity will be exposed immediately, and Lu Yi will know immediately...

Liu Xiao's spirit has gradually disappeared from the panic just now. Seeing that Lin Hao seems to be weighing the pros and cons, he spoke again and said, "Lin Hao, if you decide to take action, it is not impossible.

Don't think I have only a weak soul, but as long as I can restore 30% of the strength of the heyday, I will be sure to break his secret technique of crossing the sky.

Last time he relied on Lu Yi to help in secret, defeating me and almost wiped out me, this time, it is my turn to clean him up! "

Before that, Liu Xiao had mentioned that Lin Hao could help him regain his strength several times. Lin Hao could indeed do it, but once Liu Xiao returned to the heyday of entering the emperor realm, even if he was planted in his soul Controlling the Imprint of God, but the Dutian Line majored in Soul, Lin Hao was not sure whether he had the means to get rid of his control.

Once out of control, this is a threat.

Now, Lin Hao is not too worried. Even if Liu Xiao returns to his early imperial cultivation in his heyday, with the power he has now, Liu Xiao has no room to be careful!

Liu Xiao also knew what Lin Hao was thinking, and said, "Lin Hao, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Xu Han is definitely Lu Yi's confidant and knows many things about Lu Yi.

And don’t worry, if it weren’t for Lu Yi, I wouldn’t end up where I am now. Lu Yi and I will never stop dying, and you are the one who can deal with Lu Yi. Even if I recover, Liu Xiao won’t do it. You are disadvantaged. "

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Okay!"

After receiving Lin Hao’s response, Liu Xiao’s spirit ghost suddenly became excited, and said: "The fastest way to restore the spirit is to swallow the spirits of other strong men. As for the physical body, for us to cross the sky, It's not that important, as long as the soul recovers and spend some energy, the physical body will be there."

Lin Hao stared at Liu Xiao's ghost shadow, and said, "There is a remnant soul of the emperor realm in the soul-raising jade, you can swallow it, but I need to know something, can you have a way?"

Liu Xiao responded immediately: "No problem!"

He actually wanted to swallow the remnant soul of the Emperor Realm a long time ago, but he didn't dare to do it without Lin Hao's permission. Now that Lin Hao has said so, Liu Xiao's ghost shadow suddenly formed a spiritual mark. , Drew the remnant soul of the emperor realm from the soul-raising jade.

Immediately afterwards, in Liu Xiao's ghost shadow, there appeared a series of spiritual power imprints, wandering around the remnant soul of the emperor realm, and then, among the remnant soul, scenes of scenes were extracted and appeared in Lin Hao. before.

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