Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1280: Strong Su Yu

Chapter 1280: The Powerful Su Yu

This was the first time Lin Hao saw Dutian Yimai's method, and it was indeed very special.

Lin Hao has also done things like acquiring the memory of other people's souls, but that is an extremely arrogant method, relying on the power of the souls to forcibly extract.

Like the wisp of remnant soul of the emperor realm in front of me, if Lin Hao is asked to extract the memory, it is estimated that the remnant soul will completely collapse.

But Liu Xiao used the means of crossing the sky, but he let this remnant soul take off all the defenses, more like actively presenting these memory images to others.

After all, it was just a ray of remnant soul, and it didn't contain much memory, but Lin Hao discovered Zhang Xian'er several times in it.

This person is Zhang Yuntu's most trusted guard, but in the presentation of this remnant soul's memory picture, Zhang Yuntu's number of appearances is far less than Zhang Xian'er!

It's just a pity that every time Zhang Xian'er's screen appears, there is no important information, but it is enough to give Lin Hao some clues.

Maybe the person who arranged these calculations was Zhang Xian'er.

If this were the case, this woman would look a little terrible with her deep thoughts.

Zhang Yuntu is her elder brother. In order to achieve her own goals, she has even counted the life of her brother!

But what is the purpose of Zhang Xian'er?

Lin Hao didn't think too much, these clues can be handed to Su Yu at that time, Su Yu, who knows the Thousand Island Sect better, may soon be able to guess the answer.

"Lin Hao, can I start to swallow it?" Liu Xiao's ghost shadow, a little impatient.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "It just happens that a lot of battle has broken out here. You can take advantage of the chaos to kill more powerful people and replenish your spirit."


On an island in this sea area, Su Yu, wearing a battle armor, faces several island owners.

"Su Yu, Jian Wushuang is yours. He killed the owner of Qingshan Island. You must give an explanation!"

"That's right, Su Yu, if you don't give an explanation, then don't blame us for evacuation with the people under our sect now. We will not participate in this battle!"

"The Thousand Island Sect did not give us a satisfactory answer, not only that I did not participate in this battle, but I would never want to order me to wait in the future."

"All of our island owners in the inner sea have always had no double heart for the Thousand Island Sect, but the behavior of the Thousand Island Sect this time has chilled our hearts."

These inner island owners screamed harshly, didn't care about the situation of the battle, and didn't care about Su Yu's status as a holy son.

Although the Thousand Island Sect is powerful, there are many island owners in the Beihai Inland Sea. Once the chaos occurs, the Thousand Island Sect will be in great trouble. This is where they are extremely powerful in the face of Su Yu.

They can be sure that Su Yu, as the saint son, can only swallow his anger and give them a so-called explanation.

The master of Qingshan Island is dead, and Jian Wushuang who killed the master of Qingshan Island is also dead. What they want to explain is nothing more than to get a lot of benefits from Su Yu.

Does Su Yu know the thoughts of these inner island owners?

However, he will not follow the ideas of these inner island owners!

"Everyone, I know the cause of the matter, but what the truth is, you may not be the truth when you say it." Su Yu said lightly.

"Su Yu, in that case, are you not going to admit it? Since you don't admit it, that's okay, we don't care about things here now. If we go to the Thousand Island Sect, we don't believe the Thousand Island Sect and dare not admit it!" The inner island owner of the first repair base of the emperor realm shouted loudly.

Su Yu looked cold, and said: "The battle situation here is not stable. No one can withdraw without my consent!"

"We are going to withdraw, can you stop us?" The inner island master of the imperial realm cultivation base coldly shouted. Now, all the powerful emperor realms brought by the Qiandao Sect are fighting, Su Yu's side, fundamentally There is no strong emperor.

"I said it can't be withdrawn, but none of you can withdraw." Su Yu said.

"This time, Qiandaozong is so unreasonable. I don't believe it. Qiandaozong dare to come to us to settle accounts because of this!" After the Inland Sea Emperor Territory Island Master finished speaking, he was ready to evacuate first.

But he has not left the place.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying force burst out of Su Yu's body. A Fangtian painting halberd with a cold light was held by Su Yu, and the other end reached the island owner of the Inner Sea Emperor Realm. Eyebrows!

These inner island owners present were full of stormy waves in their hearts.

The son of Thousand Island Sect, Su Yu, who has never been exposed, is so strong!

Obviously, he hasn't reached the emperor realm yet, but it's just the momentum that makes all of them shudder!

Especially the Inner Sea Emperor Realm Island Master whose eyebrows were held by Su Yu with a Fang Tian painted halberd, there was already boundless fear in his heart.

"I will investigate this matter clearly and give you an explanation, but now, everyone must participate in the war!" Su Yu retracted Fang Tian's painting halberd and said lightly.

These inner island owners were so frightened that they dared to stay here and hurriedly left.

After they left, Ou Ruolan frowned and said, "Holy Son, Jian Wushuang..."

Su Yu shook her head and said: "This matter, I believe that Jian Wushuang did not do it, but someone wants to take this opportunity to create some trouble for me."

"Will that not be the son of He Xiao in the tenth district?" Ou Ruolan said.

"In the Thousand Island Sect, although He Xiao is the person who most hopes that something will happen to me, he is still not going to do this kind of thing that kills the island owner and puts blame on me. This matter is too risky. Once exposed, his holy The position of the son cannot be kept, so he will not take risks."

"Ruolan, pay more attention and stare at the Zhang Yuntu!" Su Yu said.

Ou Ruolan immediately took the order to retreat.

"Brother Wushuang, did you deliberately help me reduce the pressure?" Su Yu whispered to himself. He also knew that if Jian Wushuang was still alive, he would have to protect Jian Wushuang, and the pressure he would have to endure would not be like that. Just like that, even the strong of the Thousand Island Sect will exert tremendous pressure on themselves.

"Zhou Yuan, could this be your entire plan? Brother Wushuang, where are you now?"

Just as Su Yu was talking to herself, Ou Ruolan, who had just retreated, turned back again, her expression nervous.

"what happened?"

"Enlighten Saint Son, Zhang Yuntu was attacked and killed by the people of the Thousand Island Sect, and he nearly survived..."

Su Yu twisted her brows and said, "It seems that there are some means to target my people this time. In that case, I, Su Yu, will play with you!

Go, look at Zhang Yuntu! "


And somewhere in the void node in this sea area, a man with a powerful aura exuded a cold arc of his mouth.

"Liu Xiao, Liu Xiao, you really surprised me. You are still alive. In such a place, you can meet it. It seems that we are destined to divide life and death.

Do you really think I can't find you if I hide it? This time, Xu Han, I will never give you any chance to survive! "

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