Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1282: Huang Sanzhan Lu Yi

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-two chapters Huang San fights Lu Yi

Xu Han became serious, and his breath became more and more terrifying, like a bottomless abyss.

"Stripping soul!"

Xu Han shouted, the majestic mental power turned into countless mysterious imprints, flying towards Lin Hao from all directions.

The Dutian Channel is dominated by the Divine Soul. At this time, Xu Han is using the secret technique of the Dutian Channel to strip out Lin Hao's Divine Soul.

Lin Hao let out a cold cry, the Jian Yuan in his body still had qi and blood, and instantly merged. Since arriving in the endless sea, the divine power that he has never used again, like a volcano, burst out.

The Heavenly Scar Sword, which had not been sharp for a long time, appeared in Lin Hao's hands in an instant.

With the power of the law and origin of the divine power imperial envoy, it was cut out by the sky-mark sword and turned into a huge sword energy that was earth-shaking.

In an instant, the space above the island, as well as the island itself, completely collapsed at the moment this sword aura appeared.

The power of the soul-stripping secret technique that Xu Han had displayed also disappeared with the power of Lin Hao's sword.

At this moment, Xu Han finally knew who the young kid was in front of him, and his face was filled with surprise and shock.


The terrifying sword power slashed down, and Xu Han raised his hand to hit the blazing power of heaven and earth.


A terrifying explosion sounded, Xu Han's power of heaven and earth shattered, and the power of Lin Hao's sword was also eliminated a lot, but Xu Han still smashed the numerous void barriers.

If under normal circumstances, Lin Hao exploded with so much divine power, the five-fold powerhouse in the ordinary emperor realm would be seriously injured even if he did not die, but Xu Han was extraordinary, he was the inheritor of the Nine Meridians of Samsara. Lin Hao’s sword just now was just Let the blood in his body vibrate and his breath is unstable.

In the endless void, Xu Han, who was steady in shape, no longer had the contempt in his expression, said: "Unexpectedly, I really can't think of it, Lin Hao, you have concealed it from everyone and came to the endless sea. !"

Before Xu Han, he had lived in the southern region of the Zhenwu Realm mainland. He naturally knew Lin Hao, and during this time, he often heard Lin Hao's name mentioned by Lu Yi.

But he had never seen Lin Hao. Just now, Lin Hao exploded with his iconic divine power, and took out the extremely obvious feature of the Heavenly Scarred Sword, Xu Han then reacted.

"Xu Han, I see how long you can be arrogant!" Liu Xiao's soul body has also stood in the endless void, extremely proud.

Xu Han took a deep breath and said, "Lin Hao, the sect master has been waiting for you to find him. He originally thought you were afraid to come, but I didn't expect you to come.

Liu Xiao, I must kill him. As for you, it is still useful for the sect master to keep you. I will not kill you.

After I killed Liu Xiao this trash, you will honestly follow me to see the master! "

Xu Han was indeed shocked when he first learned of Lin Hao's identity, but after the shock, he regained his previous confidence.

Lin Hao, the third-generation descendant of the God of War, is indeed powerful. He has made a reputation in the Eastern Region and Southern Region of Zhenwu Realm, but Xu Han also knows that Lin Hao is in the Southern Region of Zhenwu Realm. In the war, the things that he relied on were basically foreign objects, and those foreign objects were no longer available, so he was not afraid at all.

"I will naturally go to Lu Yi personally, but not now, as for you, you must stay this time." Lin Hao said.

Just now Liu Xiao was delaying time. He was assessing Xu Han's strength, but he was not unsure.

When the critical moment is really coming, the small world of Dantian still stores the divine fire obtained after killing the ancestors of the purple blood tribe. The power of divine fire to explode is enough to solve Xu Han.

In addition to the explosion of the fire, Lin Hao also has the armor of the **** of war, and the body of the **** of armor, Xu Han can't hurt him at all.

Of course, these two hole cards will be used only when they are a last resort.

The rolling sky curtain has a strong ability to conceal its breath, but it cannot conceal the waves of the God of War armor and the explosion of the fire.

If it was exposed, then he wanted to secretly investigate Lu Yi's conspiracy, and it would not proceed smoothly.

"Lin Hao, could it be that you think you can escape from my hands by relying on that intricate divine power? Just now you have seen that your divine power can only knock me back, and cannot defeat me at all. I don't believe it. You can really use divine power endlessly!" Xu Lun Lun laughed.

"Then keep your eyes open, take a good look!" Lin Hao shouted, and slashed with his sword again.

With the improvement of his physique and the improvement of his cultivation level, he can now explode more divine power than before. In addition, he just helped Liu Xiao collect the soul to devour, and killed a lot of the thirteen invaders of the chaotic sea and the holy realm warriors of the Tianmen , Have been refined by Lin Hao's world power, and become pure energy, which can supplement his consumption at any time.

Fighting based on divine power can last a long time.


The roar was extremely loud, and the two met again.

If it weren't for the rolling sky curtain to conceal all aura, this level of battle would definitely be paid attention to by the powerhouse of the Divine Fire Realm!


As the battle between Lin Hao and Xu Han broke out.

Su Yu, who was instructing the Qiandaozong to encircle and suppress the gangsters of the Qiandaozong and the powerful islands in the inner sea, suddenly looked at a place where the inner and outer seas meet.

An unpleasant thought just came into his mind, and the aura of more than a dozen emperor realm powerhouses broke out in that location.

Immediately afterwards, the barrier between the inner and outer seas was destroyed by these powerful men!

Su Yu made a decisive decision, shouted loudly, summoned all the emperor realm powerhouses, rushed to that area, after arriving, the two emperor realm powerhouses immediately broke out extremely fierce battle.

The number of emperor realm powerhouses that the two sides have fought has exceeded thirty in total!

Fighting at this level will destroy the world.

Even the powerhouse at the peak of the holy realm would not dare to approach it, once it was affected by the spilled power, the peak of the holy realm would not be able to hold it!

In the chaotic power burst area, at the inner and outer sea barrier that was blasted away, a red figure disappeared in a flash, without being noticed by anyone, and entered the inner sea from the outer sea.

And at the junction of the inner and outer seas, and a very long distance over the open sea, an old man, like a stroll in a leisurely garden, appeared hundreds of miles away with every step.

The old man is Su Yu, the sacred son of the ninth district of the Thousand Island Sect, who respects him very much.

Huang Lao rushed to the boundary area between the inner and outer seas at the extreme speed. Suddenly, he raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Huang Lao stopped walking on the surface of the water, and his figure flashed into the sky.

At this time, on the top of the sky, a tall portal with a magnificent breath slowly emerged.

Old Huang appeared in front of this portal, his expression unchanged, and said lightly: "Lu Yi, Beihai is not where you came from!"

Huang Lao's voice fell, and a phantom slowly appeared at the magnificent portal.

It is Lu Yi!

Lu Yi's expression was also very calm, as calm as the surface of the water that would never have the slightest ripples. His gaze looked at Huang Lao, and then sighed leisurely: "Zhengtian sword Huang San, if this day is really wrong , Can you pick up your sword?"

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