Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1283: Fighting for the front

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-three chapters

Facing Lu Yi's problem, Huang Lao smiled and said: "Whether you can pick it up or not is different from whether you want to pick it up."

"You want to do it, but you can't do it, but it's a fact." Lu Yi said, and then added: "It's a pity to be able to walk out of the road of the imperial emperor with a certain degree of qualifications to speak with Jian Zhengtian. , More than two thousand years ago, the Thousand Island Sect was in great upheaval. You betrayed your relatives and friends, causing countless people to fall, and your heart was upright. From that moment on, Zhengtian Sword ceased to exist."

The old man was silent for a moment, and then said: "You planned the incident more than two thousand years ago, right?"

"At that time, I was still sleeping in the Eastern Region of Zhenwu Realm." Lu Yi said.

"With your several reincarnation arrangements, why don't you need to come out in person." Huang Lao said.

Lu Yi smiled, and said: "That would be considered a part of my plan, but I didn't expect that the first sword in the inland sea in the North Sea would be able to go out of the road of Wuwei Emperor, and I didn't expect it to claim that the world is not right. Huang San, he will betray me and break my primary layout."

After seeing Lu Yi's confession, Huang Lao still showed no anger on his face, and was as calm as before, saying: "More than two thousand years ago, your plan was to destroy the Thousand Island Sect.

Today, more than two thousand years later, if you want to get involved in the Thousand Island Sect again, as long as Huang San is still there, you will never think about it. "

"You can't stop me." Lu Yi said.

"It's nothing more than a spiritual power division. Why can't I stop Huang San?"

"You have no sword!" Lu Yi didn't rush to do it.

After the incident happened more than two thousand years ago, Huang San, the first sword in the North Sea, had a broken mood. For more than two thousand years, he could no longer hold that sword in his hand, and he couldn't hold it in his heart!

Because that sword was contaminated with the blood of too many friends and family!

"Try it then!"

Huang San suddenly yelled, and pointed out, lashing at Lu Yi with a shocking sword energy.

Lu Yi remained motionless, and the six reincarnations appeared and turned around.


The sword qi that Lao Huang pointed out was immersed in the rotating six roads of reincarnation, the qi surged, and the six roads of reincarnation collapsed.

Lu Yi didn't take it seriously, the boundless Huangquanhai appeared after the six roads of reincarnation shattered, swallowing that ray of sword energy!

There was still no movement from Lu Yi, a huge handprint appeared above Huang Lao. This handprint seemed to turn the entire sky over, magnificent and magnificent!


Boss Huang shouted, the sound was thunderous, the sword energy regenerated, piercing the huge handprint.


The rolling sky curtain conceals all breath areas.

The outside world has no idea what is going on here.

Lin Hao also didn't know this moment. Su Yu was leading more than a dozen imperial realm powerhouses in a fierce duel with the enemy's imperial realm powerhouses. He also didn't know that the old man of Qiandaozong who was once known as the number one sword in the North Sea was above the sky. Fight with Lu Yi's manifestation of spiritual power.

Xu Han, who was in the line of crossing the sky, successively used the secret technique of crossing the sky to resist Lin Hao's attack with divine power.

Xu Han became more frightened as he fought.

I originally thought that Lin Hao could only fight for a while with his supernatural powers. As long as the initial period of time passed, he could launch a counterattack and take Lin Hao!

But until now, Lin Hao's divine power still shows no signs of exhaustion!

Regarding Lin Hao's explosion of divine power, no one knows how he did it, but anyone who has seen Lin Hao's shot knows that Lin Hao's divine power burst is limited.

Lu Yi even gave a judgment based on Lin Hao's performance in many battles. Lin Hao exploded with divine power, and when he fought with all his strength, he would hold on for half an hour at most.

Xu Han naturally got this information from Lu Yi.

But now, the battle is close to a quarter of an hour!

Lin Hao is still bursting out a powerful attack with divine power!

Even if Xu Han could stop Lin Hao's divine power offensive with the Sky Crossing Secret Art, he was under tremendous pressure and was always suppressed.

Every time he was suppressed by Lin Hao's offensive, he would suffer some minor injuries.

The injuries continued to accumulate, and minor injuries became serious injuries.

What's more, when the battle just started, Lin Hao exploded himself with an imperial soldier-level sword under his carelessness, blowing up an arm, even though the arm had grown again, but the injury was still there.

Until now, in Lin Hao's small world of Dantian, there is only the last point of pure energy stored to supplement his own consumption.

The inheritors of the Nine Meridians of Reincarnation are indeed difficult to deal with. If they are replaced by other powerhouses with five levels of cultivation in the emperor realm, they don't know how many times they will die until now.

But Xu Han was just a little weakened, and he suffered some injuries.

Lin Hao made another sword and forced Xu Han back.

Following this, one step to catch up, in the sky-scarred sword, burst out the most powerful light in this battle so far!

God of War swordsmanship, nine to one sword!

Lin Hao used the strongest sword to move.

This move consumes the greatest amount of divine power, and in an instant, it took as much as 50% of the divine power supplemented by Lin Haogang!

The reason why he didn't use this trick at the beginning was because, during the peak of Xu Han's state, this trick might not pose much threat to him.

Facing the powerful sword cut by Lin Hao, Xu Han's pupils shrank, and his palms shot out a large amount of power from the heavens and the earth. These powers from the heavens and the earth turned into a boundless ocean. In the ocean, there seemed to be a small boat, Xu Han Standing on the flat boat.

The terrifying sword aura fell in the boundless ocean, and set off a huge wave, but the leaf boat, although floating with the huge wave, was not affected at all.

Lin Hao gritted his teeth, and once again all the remaining divine power in his body was extracted and poured into the Heavenly Mark Sword, another strong sword!

The sword aura that roared horizontally and horizontally, and the biting sword light that it carried, illuminated the boundless ocean, and the leaf boat was crumbling, as if to fall apart.

Standing on top of the flat boat, Xu Han made a seal with both hands, making a mysterious imprint, blending into the ocean and into the flat boat.


He sprayed blood and his face was pale, but he still managed to resolve Lin Hao's attack.

At this moment, Xu Han also discovered that Lin Hao seemed to have no magical power anymore.

A look of ruthless pride appeared on the pale face, and he burst into laughter: "Finally exhausted my supernatural power, and now it's time for me to counterattack!"

After laughing, Xu Han pointed his finger, and the leaf of the boat floated out from under its feet and headed towards Lin Hao.

The secret technique of crossing the sky, crossing life and death!

Just now, he used a flat boat to protect himself, which is a life!

Now, when he uses a flat boat to deal with Lin Hao, he will die!

Of course, Lin Hao is still useful to Lu Yi. Xu Han will not kill Lin Hao. He has a good command of this secret technique and can guarantee Lin Hao's life at the most critical moment.

Facing the leaf of the boat and drifting towards him, Lin Hao suddenly noticed the boundless pressure and fell on him.

This pressure is so great that it is extremely difficult for him to bear this constitution that can compete with the sixth-order divine body!

There was a burst of dense noise from his body, blood mist exploded on the surface of the skin, and the bones were also squeezed out!

At this moment, the soul body that belonged to Liu Xiao that Lin Hao and Xu Han had been fighting against, finally took action.

I saw Liu Xiao’s soul body, at this moment, it also turned into a flat boat, appearing in the boundless ocean of Xu Han’s power evolution...

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