Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1287: The truth is out

Chapter 1287 The truth is revealed

"Yes, it is him, the murderer who killed the owner of Qingshan Island, it is this person!"

"Unexpectedly, you were still alive and dared to appear here. You are really brave. Today's account must be clear!"

"What else is there to say, life is for life!"

A group of inner island owners became excited and scolded one after another.

Lin Hao looked calm, walked into the field, smiled slightly at Su Yu, and then his gaze, instead of looking at the inner island owners, fell on Zhang Yuntu's body.

Zhang Yuntu pretended to be calm. Jian Wushuang was alive. He was originally part of their plan. He was not worried about Jian Wushuang revealing himself. After all, there are people here who prove that Jian Wushuang is the murderer of the Lord of Qingshan Island, even if Jian Wushuang wants to expose himself. No one would believe it myself.

"Brother Wushuang, this is the Deputy Sect Master of Thousand Island Zongluo." Su Yu ignored the noise of the surrounding crusade, and introduced the identity of Roke to Lin Hao.

"I have seen Deputy Sect Master Luo." Lin Hao bowed to Luo Ke, and at the same time, he had a general idea of ​​Luo Ke's strength. This is a strong man at the peak of the emperor realm, and his breath is not weaker than Jiu Nether. bird.

Rock looked at Lin Hao and said, "Jian Wushuang, what do you have to say about the killing of the Island Master of Qingshan?"

Lin Hao smiled faintly, and said: "Vice Sovereign Luo, perhaps Zhang Yuntu is the most clear about this matter, so it is better to ask him what he wants to say."

Rock's gaze also turned to Zhang Yuntu.

Zhang Yuntu immediately said: "Jian Wushuang, when you and Qingshan Island took the initiative, I was indeed in the nearby waters, but when I arrived, the battle was over. Everything I knew was from the owner of Wanhong Island. I heard that, just now I have already explained this to Deputy Sect Master Luo and everyone present."

Lin Hao smiled again, and said: "Zhang Yuntu, you took an emperor guardian and acted with me, and then you arranged a means to make me mistakenly believe that the owner of Qingshan Island is the one of the thirteen bandits in the chaos. , And ordered the guard to take the initiative directly on Qingshan Island, causing the conflict to erupt.

Your calculations are pretty good. Let me fight against the Green Mountain Island Master alone, lurking with the guards of the Emperor Realm, lure the reinforcements of the thirteen pirates, and then kill them all at once.

Have you explained these things to Deputy Sovereign Luo and everyone present? "

As Lin Hao told the truth, the complexions of many people present changed.

However, many people still don't believe what Lin Hao said.

Zhang Yuntu said angrily: "Jian Wushuang, you don't want to be here with blood and blood. Before you lose it, I Zhang Yuntu treats you sincerely. I didn't expect you to be such a despicable and shameless person.

Do you really think that someone will believe it?

I Zhang Yuntu, a member of the Law Enforcement Hall, who knew the laws of the Thousand Island School since I was a child, how could I do such a murder against the island owner?

I am sitting upright, Zhang Yuntu, and I would like to invite you all to learn from you, don't be blinded by this Jian Wushuang's rhetoric! "

After Zhang Yuntu, who was indignant, said that, his body revealed a sense of magnanimity.

Su Yu frowned, he naturally believed what Jian Wushuang said.

But for the moment, Jian Wushuang killed Qingshan Island Master, and the evidence is solid.

But Jian Wushuang proved that this was Zhang Yuntu's calculation, but it was unprovoked.

The vice-master of the Thousand Island Sect, Roke, looked unchanged, and weighed the testimony of the two in his heart.

As for those inner island owners, they still hate Jian Wushuang in front of them very much. If it weren't for Roque's presence, they would have already started to take revenge for Qingshan Island owners!

"Jian Wushuang, do you really think we are so cheating? When you killed the Qingshan Island Master, we all sensed your breath!"

"Yes, Young Master Zhang is one step later than us, and we can trust Young Master Zhang as a person, so don't quibble, no one will believe you!"

The two inner island owners spoke.

Zhang Yuntu was proud that everything had returned to their original plan. He also continued: "Jian Wushuang, when you first entered the Inland Sea, there have been the whereabouts of the Thirteen Bandits of Chaos and the Tianmen Warriors, and you are still here. To murder the owner of Qingshan Island, I have to doubt your true identity!

Speak out the identity of the person who instructed you to do this. I am here on behalf of the Qiandaozong Law Enforcement Hall. I can give you a happy death. Otherwise, when you face the torture of the Law Enforcement Hall, it is too late to regret! "

"Zhang Yuntu, do you really think I have no evidence?" Lin Hao sneered.

"Evidence? I haven't done this kind of thing by Zhang Yuntu, so why can you tell me any evidence!" Zhang Yuntu is not afraid at all, and he is full of confidence. In his opinion, Jian Wushuang is impossible to produce any evidence.

Lin Hao looked at the inner island owners again, saying: "Everyone, you keep saying that you saw me killing the Qingshan Island owner, but the fact is, I didn't kill the Qingshan Island owner at all."

As soon as these words came out, all the island owners in the Inland Sea had a hint of doubt on their faces. The words Jian Wushuang said had no meaning at all... Jian Wushuang, who said these words, was extremely confident.

Hearing this, Su Yu's eyes flashed a bright light!

At this time, the only thing that can prove Jian Wushuang's innocence is the Qingshan Island owner who was said to be killed by Jian Wushuang!

Before that, everyone said that Jian Wushuang and Qingshan Island Master had died together.

But Jian Wushuang is still alive!

So, the owner of Qingshan Island, is it really dead?

Su Yu thought of this.

Zhang Yuntu also thought of this, and suddenly panic appeared in his heart.

The deputy master of the Thousand Island Sect, Roke, saw Zhang Yuntu's panic in his eyes, and he had basically determined the truth in his heart.

Those inner island owners have also reacted now, yes, originally thought that Qingshan Island Lord and Jian Wushuang had died together, but Jian Wushuang appeared here alive, then what about Qingshan Island Lord? Maybe it's still alive!

"Lord Qingshan Island, please come out, please tell everyone the truth of the matter!" Lin Hao said lightly.

The next moment, a figure also walked into the camp.

"Lord of Qingshan Island!"

"Great, you are still alive, Qingshan Island Lord!"

"What the **** is going on? Qingshan Island Master, hurry up and tell the truth!"

Those island owners in the Inner Sea yelled one by one when they watched the appearance of Qingshan Island.

Su Yu's worry was completely let go.

Zhang Yuntu's brain was blank at this time!

Roke, the deputy master of the Thousand Island Sect, opened his mouth and said: "Island Master Qingshan, this matter is of great importance. I hope you can explain everything through it."

The owner of Qingshan Island saluted Luo Ke and said, "I have seen Deputy Sovereign Luo."

Afterwards, the owner of Qingshan Island looked at the owners of the Inland Sea, and said, "Worry everyone. Fortunately, I should never die and it's time to make the truth public."

Finally, the owner of Qingshan Island looked at Zhang Yuntu, gave a cold snort, and said the whole story without any omission.

It is exactly the same as what Lin Hao said before!

This time, no one doubted it anymore.

Those island owners in the Inland Sea looked at Zhang Yuntu with a deep chill.

Roke, the deputy lord of the Thousand Island Sect, also moved with murderous intent!

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