Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1288: No merit

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-eight chapters

"No, don't believe what Jian Wushuang said to Qingshan Island Master, they are the same group. They conspired to calculate me!"

Zhang Yuntu's face was pale, still thinking about sophistry.

Su Yu yelled coldly and said: "Zhang Yuntu, you are so brave, you dare to try to set off a fierce conflict between the Thousand Island Sect and the inland sea island owners. There is no forgiveness!"

"No, I was wronged. I was calculated. Deputy Sovereign Luo must preside over justice for me. Zhang Yuntu is a member of the law enforcement hall. How can I do such a rebellious thing!"

At this time, Zhang Yuntu moved out of the Law Enforcement Hall again, just to use the third elder Qiandaozong who is in charge of the Law Enforcement Hall of their Zhang family to protect himself!

"Zhang Yuntu, the evidence for this matter is solid. Since you are a member of the Law Enforcement Hall, I will let the three elders take care of this matter personally!" Roque said, then looked at the inner island owner present and said: "Please, please Don't worry, the truth of the matter has been ascertained. Our Thousand Island Sect will definitely give you an explanation!"

"Vice Sovereign Luo, I...I am also a victim. Shengzi Su Yu knows that my guard is a chess piece placed by some people with ulterior motives. I have also been used. It was him who took the initiative to Qingshan Island. ...Even I almost died in his hands..." Zhang Yuntu has lost his mind.

Just now he was still holding on not to admit it, but now he said that his imperial realm guard was a **** placed by others, using himself, it was simply hitting himself in the face.

Lin Hao sneered in his heart, but he didn't say that he killed that guy and saved Zhang Yuntu. Less trouble is some trouble, and he can hide his strength.

Otherwise, if these people really know their ninth level cultivation base in the holy realm, they will have the strength to kill the second-tier powerhouse in the emperor realm, and there will definitely be many more things.

"Come here, take Zhang Yuntu for me!" Su Yu shouted, and two Qiandaozong imperial realm experts rushed in, blocked Zhang Yuntu's power and escorted him away.

"Since it was a misunderstanding, I have offended the Son before, and I ask the Son to forgive it." The few inland island owners in Beihai saluted Su Yu.

Su Yu said indifferently: "It is a good thing that the misunderstanding has been resolved. The previous actions of you are justified, and this son will not pursue it."

Rock also nodded and said: "This time I also thank the island owners for their help to suppress the thirteen invaders of the chaotic sea and the turmoil of the Tianmen warriors. I, Rock, represent the Thousand Island Sect, thank you all."

"Vice Sovereign Luo has made a serious statement. It is our own duty to assist Qiandaozong in maintaining the stability of the Beihai Inland Sea."


These inner island owners all left soon.

The truth of the matter has been ascertained, and they dare not continue to force the Qiandaozong to deal with Zhang Yuntu immediately. After all, Zhang Yuntu's identity is also relatively sensitive.

But everyone knew very well that if Zhang Yuntu's plan was not exposed this time, it would be the saint son Su Yu who would suffer. How could Su Yu let Zhang Yuntu go so easily.

Anyway, this time, even if Zhang Yuntu has a strong backer, he will inevitably suffer extremely severe punishment!

In the camp, only Luo Ke, Su Yu, and Lin Hao were left.

Rock looked at Lin Hao and said, "Jian Wushuang, this time you have not only washed away your suspicions, but also exposed Zhang Yuntu's conspiracy. Not only did you have no fault, but you also have great merits. Qiandao Sect will reward you for your merits. "

Lin Hao nodded and smiled: "Thank you, Deputy Sect Master Luo."

At this time, he actually clearly noticed that Qiandaozong, the deputy lord Roke, was secretly mobilizing a ray of spiritual power to investigate himself, but Lin Hao pretended not to notice, even if it was a strong person in the Divine Fire Realm to investigate himself , I can only see what I am willing to show to the other party.

The power presented to him by the top **** king Gu Mo of the Human Race for the next three days is extremely useful.

Roque did not detect any abnormalities, recovered his mental power, and then looked at Su Yu again, saying: "Su Yu, the Qiandao Sect is coming, you, as one of the holy sons, must be prepared."

This Rock still attaches great importance to Su Yu.

Su Yu said: "Please rest assured that Su Yu will act cautiously."


Rock also left.

In the camp, only Su Yu and Lin Hao were left.

Su Yu looked at Lin Hao and said with a smile: "Brother Wushuang, thanks to you this time, otherwise I will be in trouble."

"Brother Su is polite. Although Zhang Yuntu is mainly targeting you this time, he has also moved a lot of hands and feet on my side. I am just helping myself."

Su Yu did not answer the conversation immediately, a complex light flashed in her eyes, and then she said: "Brother Wushuang, do you know that not only the thirteen insurgents of the sea of ​​chaos and the martial artist of the Tianmen" appeared in this sea this time, in fact, the gate of Tianmen Lord Lu Yi also used a mental power to manifest himself."

A look of surprise appeared on Lin Hao's face, and said, "Lv Yi, the master of the Tianmen Gate, also arranged for the manifestation of spiritual power. Is there another secret about this matter?"

The manifestation of Lu Yi's mental power appeared, and the strange color on Lin Hao's face was not a fake, but a real shock.

However, he was certain that Lu Yi had never found his whereabouts.

If Lu Yi really discovered his whereabouts, then he would definitely not use his spiritual power to manifest his body, and the deity would come!

"Maybe it has something to do with Xu Han." Lin Hao thought in his heart. Xu Han is also the inheritor of the Nine Meridians of Reincarnation. It must be an important chess piece played by Lu Yi. Xu Han had an accident, and Lu Yi was sensitive and spiritual. The manifestation comes, which is also the past.

Regarding this point, after Liu Xiao, who helped cross the Heavenly Line, grows the Soul, he can extract some useful information from Xu Han's Soul Fragment.

Su Yu wanted to see something from Lin Hao, but after all she found nothing.


The Deputy Sovereign of the Thousand Island Sect, Roke, did not rush back to the Thousand Island Sect immediately after leaving the camp. Instead, he came to an island in this sea area and stood on the sea.

"Rock, please see Elder Huang." Rock's expression was extremely respectful.

"Situ Yuan has entered the Inland Sea, and great chaos will start. The old man is only a mere emperor's cultivation base, and has been sealed for more than two thousand years. He is already a useless person." A response came from the island, but he did not let him. See you when Rock enters the island.

Roque originally wanted to invite Huang Lao to come forward to preside over the upcoming chaos of the Thousand Island Sect, but without saying anything, Huang Lao refused.

"Lao Huang, Thousand Island Sect, we can't live without you..." There was a sense of helplessness in Roke's words.

"Rock ah Rock, you are still the same as before, you can't see far enough..." From the island, Huang Lao sighed, and then Huang Lao said again: "Go back and tell Sect Master Ren, this time, the old man does not want to I saw the sight of blood flowing into a river as it was two thousand years ago."

When Rock heard this, he was shocked, thoughtful, and then said: "Rock won't bother Huang Lao anymore, so I'll leave."

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