Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1289: Extract the soul memory

Chapter 1289 Extracting Soul Memory

A group of strong men brought by Su Yu still remain guarded in this sea area.

Although the thirteen invaders of the chaotic sea and the Tianmen warriors were repelled and the barriers between the inner and outer seas have been repaired, they had to prevent the other side from coming back. A group of strong men stayed here to sit here, and there would not really be a big battle. .

Lin Hao and Su Yu returned to the Thousand Island Sect.

Zhang Yuntu had already been brought back in advance by the deputy master of the Thousand Island Sect.

After a day.

The results of the Thousand Island Sect’s disposal of Zhang Yuntu have been announced!

As a result of the disposal made by the ancestor of the Zhang family who was in charge of the law enforcement hall, Zhang Yuntu was thrown into the prison of the Thousand Island Sect and held for a hundred years. In addition, he was also removed from the Zhang family!

Zhang Yuntu saved his life, but lost his freedom and his original status and status. As a result, he was able to give an explanation to the island owners in the Inland Sea. In the Thousand Island Sect, no one would say anything.

If you continue to pursue the investigation, you will end up offending the three elders with high authority in the Qiandao Sect. No one wants to do this kind of thing.

The rewards for Lin Hao's meritorious service were also distributed, and many precious training materials were obtained, among which there were many ninth-order spiritual pills.

The first thing Lin Hao has to do now is to help Liu Xiao of the Dutian Line to restore and grow his soul, and then extract memory from the fragments of Xu Han's remnant soul who has been following Lu Yi for a while in the Dutian Line.

The fastest way to recover Liu Xiao's soul is to devour the soul!

But now in the Thousand Island Sect, there is no war, and it is not realistic to want the spirits of other warriors to devour.

Although there are still many chaotic areas in the inland sea where Lin Hao can fish in troubled waters, Lin Hao naturally can't do these things for the sake of safety.


"Brother Su." Lin Hao found the son of Su Yu.

In the past few days, Su Yu has had a lot of things. Just after a battle, there are many things that need to be handled properly. In the few days after returning to the Thousand Island Sect, Su Yu was not seen in District 9.

Now, Su Yu was finally almost busy, and Lin Hao learned that Su Yu had returned to the ninth district, and found the door as soon as possible.

"Brother Wushuang, but something?"

Su Yu didn't talk nonsense, and asked Lin Hao directly.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "My soul has suffered some damage in the previous battle, and I also realize that my soul is a big defect. Therefore, I am going to further strengthen my soul and improve myself, so I want to take the Thousand Island Sect All the elixirs rewarded a few days ago have been replaced with things that are beneficial to the soul."

Su Yu looked at Lin Hao, then nodded, and said, "Okay, I will arrange it for you now."

"Thank you Brother Su," Lin Hao arched his hands.

Su Yu stared at Lin Hao and said, "Brother Wushuang, in two days, I will take you to meet someone."

"Brother Su looked at the arrangement." Lin Hao said lightly.


Su Yu's work efficiency was extremely high. In less than half a day, the batch of elixirs received by Lin Hao had all been replaced with nourishing souls.

Liu Xiao's spirit began to quickly absorb and refine the pure energy contained in these nourishing spirits, and the weak spirit quickly recovered at an extremely obvious speed.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

Liu Xiao's soul has recovered a lot, more solid than when he was preparing to join Lin Hao to deal with Xu Han.

"I have recovered 50%, and I can start to do it!" In the secret room where Lin Hao was, Liu Xiao's soul turned into a figure indistinguishable from a real person, and said.

Lin Hao nodded.

In the next moment, a piece of Xu Han's remnant soul in the soul-raising jade was released.

Xu Han's remnant soul was previously cut into pieces by the sword transformed by Lin Hao's spiritual power. Even if he wanted to extract the memory of his soul, Lin Hao still did not choose to gather Xu Han's soul.

There are a lot of secret techniques to pass through the sky. This is also Liu Xiao's suggestion. Once Xu Han's spirits are gathered, there will be some accidents.

Each piece of remnant soul does not have much memory, which is more conducive to the extraction of memory. After extracting the memory from these remnants, and then sorting out the information by yourself, you can also get a complete memory.

With Liu Xiao's soul body, the secret technique of crossing the sky was activated, Xu Han's remnant soul sent a violent vibration, even if it was just a strand of remnant soul, at this time, it was resisting Liu Xiao's power invasion.

"Lin Hao, help break his defense!"

Liu Xiao of the Soul Body frowned and reminded Lin Hao to help.

Lin Hao didn't hesitate, his mental power turned into a sword, and he slashed at the defense that emerged from Xu Han's remnant soul fragments.

That layer of defense was torn apart by Lin Hao's sword of spiritual power, and then the sword of spiritual power was instantly taken away by Lin Hao!

Liu Xiao's body of soul, glanced at Lin Hao in amazement, with an expression of shock that could not be concealed.

The scene just now means Lin Hao's powerful control of mental power!

Otherwise, if that strand of mental power is taken away later, it may cause further damage to Xu Han's remnant soul fragments, which will cause the memory to be extracted later to be missing.

Liu Xiao was shocked and shocked, but his hands were not slow. After Lin Hao tore the defenses on Xu Han's remnant soul fragments, he punched a mysterious handprint into Xu Han's remnant soul. In the debris.

The next moment, Xu Han's remnant soul shards projected a light, and in the light, it showed a young child playing in the mountains.

In front of the playing children, a man suddenly appeared, with loose hair, standing with his hands up like a scribe.

The picture ends here, abruptly!

"Lu Yi!"

Lin Hao and Liu Xiao looked at each other's soul bodies, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The toddler is Xu Han!

According to what Liu Xiao said before, Xu Han had the same time as him, and he had cultivated for more than four hundred years.

Liu Xiao didn’t say how he got the inheritance of Dutian, but now the picture seen from the fragments of Xu Han’s remnant soul, it is very likely that Xu Han’s inheritance of Dutian came from Lu Yi !

Lu Yi had been in contact with Xu Han more than 400 years ago!

"carry on!"

Lin Hao said, and immediately shot another piece of Xu Han's remnant soul fragment, extracting the memory from it as before.


As time goes by slowly.

With the help of Lin Hao, Xu Han's more than 30 pieces of remnant soul fragments were all extracted by Liu Xiao.

These fragments of remnant souls do not represent all Xu Han's soul memories. After all, they were smashed to pieces by Lin Hao, and the souls suffered extremely severe trauma!

But even so, Lin Hao and Liu Xiao learned a lot of news from these fragmented memories!

Liu Xiao, who was extremely tired, naturally exuded a sense of exhaustion.

Lin Hao glanced at Liu Xiao's Soul Body, and said, "Xu Han and your power share the same source. You swallowed Xu Han's Soul, and you should be able to recover soon."

Liu Xiao nodded, and said: "The chaos is approaching, I will go to recover first, and if something happens, I will be informed by mental strength."

After that, Liu Xiao waved his hand and returned to the soul-raising jade with all the fragments of Xu Han's remnant soul.

As for Lin Hao, he started to recall the scenes of memories he had just seen.

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