Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1336: Too much love

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-six chapters

Lin Hao followed the Taoist aunt named Huiyin to the sacred place of cultivating the gods and Niqing, all the way through the void.

However, at the realm of Lin Hao, even if he shuttles through the void, he can probably tell the direction.

After they left the Thousand Island Sect, they kept walking towards the south, and shuttled in the void for a day. The two of them escaped from the void and suddenly appeared in a large formation.

The formation is extremely concealed and extremely complicated. Lin Hao couldn't immediately make an accurate judgment if he looked at it with supernatural eyes.

"Sister Lin, follow me closely. If you fall into the formation, there will be no small trouble." Daunt Huiyin said a rare word.

In the formation, the two moved quickly, and Lin Hao keenly caught the surge of various powers of this formation.



Even vaguely involved some time!

After a while, Lin Hao could no longer determine where he was.


Dao Hui Huiyin took Lin Hao out of the formation and appeared in the deep sea.

As Taoist Huiyin's voice fell, a drop of seawater in front of them suddenly exuded a very special aura, and Taoist Huiyin flashed into the drop of seawater!

Lin Hao was an eye-opener once!

It turned out that the sacred place for cleansing and repairing the **** of bitterness was hidden in a drop of sea water, changing its position constantly as the sea water surged.

Endless seas, vast and boundless, the amount of sea water, if counted by drops, is almost impossible to count, and the location of the **** Niqing shrine is constantly changing. No wonder, here, no one knows where the **** Niqing shrine is located. Place.

Lin Hao thought of Chaos Shenhai again.

He went to the Sea of ​​Chaos, passing through the passage between the Eternal Land and the Sea of ​​Chaos. Is the Sea of ​​Chaos also hidden in the sea?

After thinking about it, Lin Hao felt it was impossible again.

How can the mausoleum of the Emperor Zhenwu be hidden in a drop of sea water?

When these thoughts flashed in his mind, Lin Hao had also entered the space within that drop of sea water.

This time I came to the place where the gods and nuns cultivated in order to bring back his mother, Qin Yun. The gods and nuns are kind to his mother. Therefore, Lin Hao did not rush to investigate the size of this space. Kind of respect.

"Lin Shizhu, the master is already waiting for you, please follow me." Dao Aunt Huiyin said.

"Thanks to lead the way." Lin Hao said politely.

Following Dao Hui Huiyin's walk in this space, Lin Hao saw a lot of small houses in the fields, and many people were living, both strong and weak, and peaceful. Of course, no man was found.

Everyone who saw Dao Aunt Huiyin would respectfully yell Senior Sister, but for Lin Hao, the man who came suddenly, although he was a little curious, he didn't look at him too much. They were all busy in their gardens.

After a quarter of an hour, the two came to a slightly larger yard. Everything in the yard was extremely simple. A Taoist girl in plain clothes was already waiting at the gate of the yard.

"I have seen Master Wuqing." Lin Hao saluted the Taoist aunt. This person is the three gods and nuns he had met on Hongmei Island with the restraint in the jade slip in the hands of the master of Hongmei Island. One of the disciples passed down by himself, with no clear title, is the master of Taoist Aunt Huiyin.

Master Wuqing nodded too much and said, "Huiyin, you should go to other things first."

"Yes, Master." Taoist Aunt Huiyin turned and left.

"Lin Hao, the poor nun has already learned some things about you these time. To be honest, the poor nun also appreciates what you have done, and Sister Qin does miss you father and son in her heart.

Originally, it was indeed a wonderful thing to reunite your family with three people, but Junior Sister Qin was brought back here by the **** nun in her early years and chose to practice Taishang Wangqing tactics. Now, it is no longer suitable to leave here. "

Although Lin Hao didn't know the technique of Too-shang Wangqing Jue, he knew it, and his expression showed a hint of tension, and said: "Master, my mother kisses her already..."

Master Wuqing shook her head too much and said, "Junior Sister Qin has always had concerns in her heart, so she has not been able to cultivate Taishang Wangqing to reach success, so she still retains her emotions.

For your father and son, this is good news, but for Sister Qin, it is a great hidden danger.

Taishang Wangqing tactic is a technique that the master once acquired accidentally. It is extremely overbearing. In the early stage, it allows cultivators to quickly improve themselves, but after reaching the emperor realm, if they still can’t cut off their concerns, then practice this technique. People who are not only cultivating, they can no longer make progress, but at the same time they will suffer backlash from the practice.

Last time, Junior Sister Qin went back to the True Martial Realm mainland, and her emotions were extremely affected. She was only in the Holy Realm, and she had begun to suffer backlash from the exercises. Fortunately, the master returned at that time to suppress the power of the backlash from the exercises. .

Since that time, Junior Sister Qin has known the consequences, but she still hasn't given up on the determination of Wangqing, and she has also reached the emperor level cultivation base, and the final step is only the last step to achieve success.

This last step is to cut off the worry. She cannot do it. Now, if you appear in front of Junior Sister Qin, it will definitely cause Junior Sister Qin’s emotions to have a violent impact on the power of this practice, which will cause even more consequences. Serious backlash.

Even if you can suppress the backlash by luck, when Junior Sister Qin returns to the True Martial Realm mainland, reunites with her family, and reunite with your father and son, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The master once said that once the Taishang Wangqing Jue was completely backlashed, even the **** king would be unable to return to heaven! "

Lin Hao knew what the last words of Master Wuqing meant. They must already know their relationship with the Void God Realm. They could invite the God King to take action, and then specifically told themselves that the power of the Taishang Wangqing Jue was backlashed by the God King. Helpless.

Lin Hao's mood suddenly became extremely heavy.

I thought that I could bring my mother back to the family soon.

Even if there is a lot of resistance here, he must do it.

But now, the resistance did not come from the god-nier side, but appeared in his mother Qin Yun.

Lin Hao knew very well that his mother, Qin Yunming, knew the consequences, and why he would choose such a domineering technique. It was nothing more than wanting to have a strong power as soon as possible to protect himself and his father Lin Zhentian at a critical moment.

And she also understood that she couldn't cut off her concerns, so she was ready to suffer backlash from the exercises.

Last time, in the Eastern Region, she fought a battle with the Soul Blood Palace to rescue her father Lin Zhentian. Qin Yun appeared once. Now Lin Hao finally knows why she had to leave immediately after the battle was over. Began to bear the backlash of the Taishang Wangqing Jue!

"Master Wu Qing, what if all cultivation bases are abolished?" Lin Hao said.

Master Wuqing shook his head too much and said, "This technique is too domineering. Even if the cultivation base is abolished, Junior Sister Qin will not escape bad luck."

"Master Wuqing, the junior dare to see the gods." Lin Hao said with a solemn expression.

"Master travels around the world. We are not in the holy land, and we can't get in touch, but you can rest assured and so on. According to past masters' habits, her old man may come back soon."

"Master Wuqing, can I meet my mother first?" Lin Hao said.

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