Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1337: Master Wuxin

The first thousand three hundred and thirty-seven chapters Wuxin Shitai

Master Wuqing looked at Lin Hao and said, "You can go to see Junior Sister Qin, but don't let Junior Sister Qin see you."

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Okay, please also Master Wuqing to tell me where my mother is."

Master Wuqing swept away the dust in his hand, and suddenly, a scene appeared in front of Lin Hao.

In a quiet small courtyard, a beautiful middle-aged woman is watering ordinary flowers in the courtyard.

Lin Hao was touched.

Even if he is rebirth through the soul, this kind of blood connection cannot be parted.

Just as he had desperately wanted to rescue his father Lin Zhentian from the hands of the Soul Blood Palace.

This was the first time he saw his mother Qin Yun.

The last time Qin Yun appeared on the True Martial Realm Continent, attacking the strong in the Soul Blood Palace, Lin Hao only saw a back view.

After the battle, Qin Yun left immediately.

"Master Wuqing, I am going to go." Lin Hao said.

Master Wuqing frowned slightly, and said: "Sister Qin cultivates the tactic of forgetting love, and she has reached the sixth level of the emperor realm. Even if she is a poor nun, she will be found out if she is close to Junior Brother Qin.

If you are close, Junior Sister Qin will definitely be able to find out that if the emotions are too violent, the exercises will bounce back..."

Lin Hao said, "Master Wuqing, please rest assured, the younger generation has their own way."

As soon as Lin Hao's words fell, his breath disappeared without a trace.

If Master Wuqing had not seen Lin Hao in front of her with her own eyes, I am afraid she would have suspected that Lin Hao had already left, and her face was shocked. After all, she was the top powerhouse of the **** fire level, Lin Hao. He was able to completely hide his breath under his nose.

After the shock, Master Wuqing said too easily: "Since you have such a means to hide your breath, then go.

However, you still have to be cautious and don't get too close.

Even if you can hide your breath, you are a mother and child after all, and you will have some special feelings between each other.

The last time Junior Sister Qin was in the holy land, she could sense that you and your father were in danger in the True Martial Realm Continent... If Junior Sister Qin found out any clues, you must leave immediately. "

Lin Hao nodded solemnly. It was related to the safety of his mother Qin Yun. He knew how serious it was. He wanted to get closer because of his plan.

In fact, although Master Wuqing was very open after meeting him, Lin Hao didn't fully believe what Master Wuqing said, so he had to get closer and personally observe.

After a while, Lin Hao hid his breath and came to the small courtyard where Qin Yun was.

In the dark, he used his supernatural eyes to observe.

Lin Hao's ability to hide his breath came from the God Realm's human race's top God King Gu Mo. As long as he didn't use his power, the power of the God Fire Realm would never find out.

Shentong Tianyan is already regarded as a kind of ability of Lin Hao himself, and when used, it will not cause fluctuations in power. Therefore, he can use this method while maintaining his own aura.

Under his observation, as the Master Wu Qing said, his mother Qin Yun had an extremely domineering and cold breath.

If this breath continues to develop, mother Qin Yun will retain normal right and wrong judgment and normal thinking, but there will be no more emotional fluctuations.

This is a practice that exterminates humanity!

No wonder, Qin Yun's mother, Qin Yun, can achieve such a rapid increase in strength by practicing this technique.

While Lin Hao was observing in secret, suddenly, a hint of doubt appeared on Qin Yun's face, and he glanced at Lin Hao.

Even if she didn't find Lin Hao.

But still gently called out Lin Hao's name: "Haoer..."

In the next moment, Lin Hao clearly discovered that the overbearing cold aura on Qin Yun's body began to show extremely strong fluctuations, and a touch of pain appeared on Qin Yun's face.

At this time, Lin Hao couldn't wait to rush to the side immediately to help Qin Yun suppress the power backlash of the Taishang Wangqing Jue, but he also knew that once he appeared, this backlash would be even more terrifying!

After gritting his teeth, Lin Hao immediately evacuated.

When Lin Hao evacuated, he already felt the breath of Master Wu Qing approaching.

Returning to the courtyard where Master Wuqing was born, Lin Hao felt anxious, but he no longer dared to venture closer, nor did he dare to use his mental power to investigate the situation there...

It took a full half an hour for Master Wu Qing to come back, and there is no need for Lin Hao to speak, and said, "The situation has stabilized. Recently, maybe because of your presence in the endless sea, Junior Sister Qin often feels it. , So the power of the Taishang Wangqing Jue is extremely active. This time she only noticed it slightly, and the backlash caused was already extremely dangerous..."

Lin Hao took a deep breath and said, "Master Wuqing, sorry."

Master Wuqing knew what Lin Hao's sorry meant. She knew very well that Lin Hao wanted to get close to Qin Yun to check the authenticity of what she said.

"It's okay, you are the blood of Junior Sister Qin. You have such a choice, and you can't be blamed." Wu Qing said.

at this time.

Suddenly, another powerful breath descended on the courtyard.


With a cold drink, another Taoist aunt walked into the courtyard.

Lin Hao immediately noticed that the aura on this Taoist aunt was exactly the same as the aura on his mother, Qin Yun, Hao Ran, who had also cultivated the Existence of Forgetfulness!

Moreover, the strength of this vitality must have cut all concerns.

"Senior Sister Wuxin." Master Wuqing saluted the Taoist aunt who suddenly appeared.

"Sister Wuqing, Qin Yun's affairs can no longer be changed. When she herself chose to practice the Too-Song Forgetfulness Jue, she already knew the consequences. She couldn't cut off her concern, so she had to usher in destruction. This is her own way. The choice." The Wuxin Master said, looking at Lin Hao, and said: "As for you, you have nothing to do with the Holy Land. Being here is already a violation of the rules of the Holy Land."

As he spoke, this Wuxin Master, brushing the dust in his hand, suddenly swept towards Lin Hao, with a domineering supernatural power, heading towards Lin Hao.


Master Wu Qing stood in front of Lin Hao and resolved Master Wu Xin's attack.

The collision of the power of the two great divine fire realm powerhouses caused the whole small courtyard to be turned into ashes, and Lin Hao also drew away for some distance.

"Junior Sister Wuqing, you took the initiative to lead the man into the Holy Land without authorization. You also violated the rules of the Holy Land. Now you are protecting this person. The crime is even more serious!" Master Wuxin yelled too coldly, and once again attacked Master Wuqing. The shot was fierce, and he didn't take care of his fellows at all.

"This is the person who has practiced the tactics of forgetting love, cut off all concerns and lost all emotions?" Lin Hao secretly asked...If mother Qin Yun becomes like this, even if she is still alive, even if she is really strong, What's the point of that?

This is not the love Lin Zhentian wants to wait for, nor is it the close relative Lin Hao wants to find.

More importantly, this is not the ending that mother Qin Yun wants. She will definitely not cut off her concerns or leave all emotions.

And the consequences of not doing so are extremely serious, and now only when that emotion is touched will it cause a backlash.

But as time goes by, the power of this overwhelming emotion will even take the initiative to cut off concerns and crush emotions.

At that moment, Lin Hao knew what choice her mother would make. Even if she died, she would not give up the concern in her heart. Before suffering an unquenchable backlash, she might return to Zhenwu Realm and use her last strength. Help yourself reduce some obstacles!

Lin Hao clenched his fists.

He has worked hard for so long to save the world, but if he can't even save his loved ones, what is the point of all this?

He would never allow such a thing to happen!

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