The first thousand three hundred and thirty-eight chapters test

Master Wuqing, Master Wuxin, both of them are cultivation bases of the Divine Fire Realm.

But Master Wuxin practiced too much, but he was too overwhelming, and his power was extremely overbearing. Master Wuqing fell into a disadvantage in the blink of an eye and suffered some injuries.

Seeing the situation developing in an uncontrollable direction, another powerful force came!

"True God powerhouse!" Lin Hao secretly said in his heart.

Lin Haogang sensed an aura of divine power belonging to the true **** level, and another teacher appeared in the field, directly separating the Wuxin Master and Wuqing Master!

"Junior Sister Wuxin, Lin Hao entered the Holy Land with my permission!" said the true **** teacher who suddenly appeared.

Obviously, this one is also one of the three personal disciples of Shenni.

"Senior Sister Wuchen, even if you agree, Lin Hao must follow the rules." Master Wuxin said.

"I will arrange this matter." Wuchen Master said.

"Then I will prepare now." Master Wuxin put down these words too, and left here.

"Senior Sister Wuchen..." Master Wuqing stepped forward and continued: "He is the child of Senior Sister Qin Yun, Lin Hao."

"I have seen Master Wuchen." Lin Hao saluted.

Master Wuchen nodded too much, and said, "I already know about you, but Junior Sister Qin Yun has practiced too much to forget the love tactics. If you insist on bringing Junior Sister Qin Yun back to the Zhenwu Realm mainland for a family reunion, then you can get Think clearly about the consequences of doing this and whether you can accept it."

Lin Hao said: "The younger generation is willing to wait for the return of the gods and nuns, and believe that the gods and nuns may have a solution."

Master Wuchen said: "The master will return in a few days. If you want to wait, you can only follow the rules."

"Please also inform Mr. Wuchen how to follow the rules." Lin Hao said.

"Outsiders need to pass some tests to enter the Holy Land, especially men. If they fail to pass the test, you have to leave." Master Wuchen said.

"Okay!" Lin Hao responded. Since this is the rule, then act according to the rule.

"Junior Sister Wuqing, you will send him there later, don't commit this kind of arbitrarily taking people into the Holy Land in the future." Master Wuchen left this sentence, and then left.

"Master Wu Qing, what is the test here?" Lin Hao asked immediately.

"Character and strength." Master Wuqing began to tell Lin Hao: "Mindness is to worry that people with bad intentions will enter the Holy Land, thus destroying the sanctuary environment of the Holy Land; and the strength is actually only for men, you are the emperor. Realm cultivation base, in the holy land, ten warriors of the emperor realm cultivation base will be arranged to fight with you. If you can win, you can continue to stay in the holy land, but there is only a maximum of seven days."

"Then ask Master Wuqing to help guide the way." Lin Hao said.

"Lin Hao, you have to be prepared. The one who is in charge of the test is Senior Sister Wuxin..."

"If I can't pass the test, then leave."

"Well, Lin Hao, there is one more point. I hope you don't hate Senior Sister Wuxin. The reason why she does this is that she has practiced too much forgiveness..."

After a while, Lin Hao was led by Master Wuqing to an empty place.

Bringing Lin Hao, Master Wu Qing retreated aside.

Master Wuxin, who had cultivated too much forgotten love tactics, looked cold, and with a wave of his arm, Lin Hao immediately sensed countless changes around him. In the blink of an eye, everything around him had disappeared, only himself.

In the void and empty space, a special force began to diffuse.

These powers turned into countless pictures, presented in Lin Hao's induction.

There are unique women in the world.

There is a monstrous power over all things.

There are rare treasures with supreme power.

Countless images that appeal to people's desires emerged, hitting the depths of their hearts.

These are all illusions.

And it is the most powerful kind of illusion!

Even those who are strong in the Divine Fire Realm can easily arouse desires by these illusions.

But Lin Hao was unmoved, no matter how these illusions changed, his heart was always as clear and calm as the calm lake.

Since his rebirth, his will has been sharpened and firm, and more importantly, his martial arts heart has reached an extremely powerful level, even those old antiques who have practiced for tens of millions of years, martial arts heart. His firmness and strength are not as strong as Lin Hao.

An hour passed.

The illusion surrounding Lin Hao finally disappeared, which means that he has passed the test of xinxing.

The surrounding environment changed again and restored everything before.

Then, there were ten imperial Taoist aunts from the holy land, appeared around Lin Hao.

Lin Hao sees through the cultivation bases of these ten imperial Taoist aunts with magical eyes.

One person at the peak of the emperor realm.

One person in the emperor realm nine layers.

Two members of the Emperor Realm Eightfold.

Three of the seven layers of the Emperor Realm.

The six-layer two of the Emperor Realm.

One person in the five layers of the emperor.

Master Wuxin slapped a series of handprints, inspiring the power of a formation in the holy land, covering the area where Lin Hao and these eleven imperial aunts were.

In this way, the strength of the fight will not destroy everything in the Holy Land.

Outside of the formation, a worrisome expression appeared on Master Wuqing's face, and said, "Senior Sister Wuxin, this arrangement is unreasonable!"

Master Wuxin snorted too coldly, and said, "I am in charge of this. You have no right to interfere without Junior Sister Qing."

In the formation.

Lin Hao faced ten Taoist aunts, and the weakest one was the fifth level of the emperor realm. Even though his impeccable emperor road had gone four hundred li, he was in control of four hundred li of the world. Faced with this situation, he felt that Great pressure.

"Do it!"

With an order from Master Wuxin, the ten Taoist aunts in the big formation attacked Lin Hao one after another!

Countless powers of heaven and earth are intertwined, falling towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao let out a soft drink, and the Heavenly Mark Sword was instantly held in his hand and cut out with a single sword.

This was his first real hands-on after stepping into the imperial realm.

Before in the Thousand Island Sect, he entered the Emperor Realm cultivation base, appeared from the Emperor Island to deal with Lu Yi, using the eternal land guarding Xun's immortal divine power, and that group of the ancestors of the Purple Blood Race God Fire Realm after the fall, The fire that was compressed by him.

Wuquedilu controls the world in a radius of four hundred miles, and all the power is concentrated in the sky-scarred sword. The true martial mark in the sky-scarred sword is also triggered by Lin Hao's power, and its edge soars.


Lin Hao swept across with a sword, and the five-tier Taoist aunt in the Emperor Realm was split in half, and the undiminished sword energy continued to swept away, slicing a Taoist aunt with the seventh-tier Emperor Realm into flight!

The Taoist aunt who was split by a sword instantly disappeared from the formation. Obviously, the opponent who was suppressed by Lin Hao would withdraw from this test.

"Boom boom boom!"

Lin Hao solved an opponent with a single sword, and smashed an opponent. The power of the remaining eight imperial aunts fell on Lin Hao, drowning Lin Hao.

The area that could be submerged by a large amount of the power of heaven and earth suddenly burst out with an extremely bright golden light.

Wearing the armor of the God of War, Lin Hao rushed out, taking advantage of the fact that his opponent did not react, and suppressed a Taoist aunt from the sixth level of the Emperor Realm.

Lin Hao, who suppressed one person again, did not hesitate at all.

God of War swordsmanship, nine to one sword!

The terrifying sword light instantly filled the entire space within the formation. After the sword light dissipated, there were only five daunts left in the formation.

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