Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1354: Repair magic weapon

Chapter 1354 Repair God Soldiers

Jing Shen Guo's matter has been decided for the time being, and only after the results of Nie Ru's communication with other temples of the Void God Realm come out, can the next move be determined.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao said another thing: "Senior Sister, I also learned one thing from Qingtian Jun. Lu Yi and the ancestor of the God of War..."

Before Lin Hao finished speaking, Nie Ru interrupted him and said, "I'll talk about this. Actually, in some old antiques in the Void God Realm, the relationship between Patriarch and Lu Yi is not a secret. They They are twin brothers.

However, Master Zu and Lu Yi have different ideas.

Back then, the two followed the Zhenwu God Emperor together. The Patriarch of the God of War Palace was the most valued by the God Emperor.

The Emperor Zhenwu even deliberately passed on the complete mantle to the Patriarch.

But the ancestor master is extremely talented and high-spirited, which is very imaginable. He is unwilling to follow the path of the predecessors. Even if the path of the predecessors can reach the realm of the supreme emperor, the ancestor does not care. Go your own way.

And Lu Yi worshipped under the seat of the Emperor Zhenwu and became one of the nine disciples.

Later, the True Martial God Emperor fell, and the True Martial Realm was beaten to pieces several times. The Patriarch was seriously injured, so he recovered from a fragment of the world.

During the period when Patriarch was recuperating, the nine major disciples under the seat of the True Martial God Emperor had already started the Nine Chakra Reincarnation Plan, and then Patriarch and a group of strong men joined forces to create the Void God Realm.

In fact, Patriarch and the others created the Virtual God Realm not to protect themselves, but to protect the True Martial Realm.

At the moment before the fall of the True Martial God Emperor, he sealed the True Martial Realm with his supreme power to prevent the Protoss from coming to the True Martial Realm at will.

However, the power of Zhenwu God Emperor did not completely ban the Zhenwu Realm.

The emergence of the Void God Realm blocked those holes, and that is why the Void God Realm is constantly fighting against the Protoss.

Even though Lu Yi and the ancestor are twin brothers, they have different ideas. We will do what we should do, without considering this relationship. "

"Our Patriarch, do you have something to do with Qingtianjun?" Lin Hao asked. He always felt that Qingtianjun and Lu Zhan, the ancestor of the God of War, had a very unusual relationship.

Nie Ru glanced at Lin Hao, and said meaningfully: "It should have something to do with it, but at that time, Qing Tianjun was already a strong god, and our Patriarch has just reached the realm of the gods, the relationship should not be too complicated, understand. Yet?"

This means that the strong gods and the strong gods are not at the same level and have a relationship, and it is not the kind of relationship Lin Hao thought!

However, Nie Ru's tone is not so sure...

After all, the ancestor of the God of War Palace was extremely talented back then, but the training time was a little short, and later limited by the environment of the Void God Realm, and some other reasons, he has not reached a higher level.

"Also, regardless of whether it is related or not, you must not let your third brother know, otherwise, with his unobstructed temper, he will talk nonsense when the time comes, but it will be terrible. After all, Qing Tianjun was the top powerhouse who followed the **** emperor back then. One, don't offend!" Nie Ru exhorted.

Lin Hao said, "Senior Sister, you said that our Patriarch, we have something left and must be handed over to Qingtianjun. As far as I know, Patriarch fell during the fifth reincarnation of the True Martial Realm. It’s not like that Master Grandpa always knew Qing Tianjun was still alive?"

"No, Patriarch is not clear. The Void God Realm and the True Martial Realm have not been in contact with each other for a long time. Only in these two reincarnations has the Void God Realm started to open some channels with the True Martial Realm.

The last words left by the ancestor on his deathbed are actually to let us give them something if we have the opportunity to meet the strongest person who followed the **** emperor back then... As for what it is, I don’t know. The big brother keeps it there. "

Some questions in Lin Hao's mind were finally figured out.

"Sister, there is one more thing, not a human matter, but my personal matter..."

"Let's say, you are a member of the God of War Palace, and your personal affairs are those of the God of War Palace."

"My mother practiced a technique called Taishang Wangqing Jue... Now it has suffered backlash from the practice, and my only solution at the moment is to find the Sanshengshi and the other shore flower to save my mother."

"Taishang Wangqing tactic..." Nie Ru should know this technique. Lin Hao didn't introduce it, her brows were already frowned.

"This technique has once appeared in the Void God Realm. It has domineering power, but it will obliterate humanity. The people who practiced this technique in the Void God Realm back then were fighting on the side of the human race, but because of the emotional annihilation, the methods are very It is extreme, never caring about his life and death... As for the solution, there is no such thing as the Void God Realm. Since you already have eyebrows, the War God Palace will help you collect the Three Life Stones and the other shore flowers.

But...I have never heard of these two things. Junior Brother, please describe them in detail so that we can collect them! "

"Specifically, I don't know, I just know that the Sanshengshi and the other shore flower are both reincarnation gods, and there should be there in the reincarnation shrine."

"Okay, I'm going to communicate with them about Jing Shen Guo, and I'll talk about it together at that time."

After Lin Hao finished talking with Nie Ru, Nie Ru immediately went to contact the other gods of the virtual world.

At their level, there is a way to connect with each other, even if the major shrines are extremely far away, you don't need to go in person to get in touch.

And Lin Hao didn't wait for the news. He entered the treasure house of the God of War, found some refining materials, and prepared to repair the Heavenly Scar Sword!

The treasure house of the God of War contains many treasures of heaven and earth. Lin Hao found the materials he needed and returned to his mansion in the God of War.

As the Lord of the Fourth Palace of the Gods of War, he has everything in his mansion for training equipment, as well as forging weapons and magic weapons and other facilities.

Lin Hao was only repairing the Heavenly Mark Sword. With his current strength, it was not difficult. He was alone and spent two days to repair the Heavenly Mark Sword.

As for upgrading the rank of the Heavenly Mark Sword, he is not in a hurry for the time being, because he intends to upgrade the rank of the Heavenly Mark Sword by himself, without relying on other people, only the sword forged by himself is the most suitable for him. Sword!

If you start to upgrade the rank of the Skymark Sword now, it will inevitably consume a lot of time. In the current situation, time is the most precious.

After the Tianshen Sword was repaired, Lin Hao continued to comprehend his own way of perfection!

Another day passed, he walked a distance on Wuquedi Road again, reaching the level of four hundred and thirty miles!

The current improvement has begun to slow down, and the potential he has accumulated during his cultivation in the holy realm is almost exhausted. In the future, if he wants to improve as quickly as before, he can only continue to understand in the battle!

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