Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1355: ready

Chapter 1355 Preparation

Lin Hao returned to the God of War Palace for the fourth day.

There was finally definitive news about Nie Ru's contact with other shrines in the Void God Realm.

"Little Junior Brother, the news is good or bad." Nie Ru said straightforwardly and immediately: "The guys in the other temples of the Void God Realm have heard the news that Qing Tianjun and some of the strong men who followed the **** emperor are still alive, they all take it seriously. .

Then the parties checked the inventory, and the total reserve of Jing Shen Guo was only 21!

And the crystal **** fruit can't be taken away all, you need to keep a little, after all, this is a healing medicine, the Void God Realm is in a war all year round, and some people need it.

Therefore, there are only fifteen crystal fruits that can be taken away!

In addition, the Reincarnation Shrine does know the two reincarnation artifacts, the Sanshengshi and the Higan Flower, but there is no reserve. To obtain these two reincarnation artifacts, you can only enter the Reincarnation Shrine to collect but not yet smelt the real martial world fragments. . "

Lin Hao said: "According to Qingtianjun, there are still 73 people alive in Chaoshenhai. Sixty-five of them have indelible injuries on their bodies. Sixty-five crystal fruits are needed. Now you can take away ten. Five crystal fruits, fifty!

Sister, I have already understood the situation on the chaotic battlefield. Since our human race and the **** race have reached a tacit understanding, and the strong of the gods and fire realm can't come out, then I personally go over and find a way to collect the crystal gods! "

"No!" Nie Ru immediately refused, saying: "Next, not only our God of War, but also other temples, they will send young people with top talents and strong combat power to the chaotic battlefield and let them collect Crystal Gods. Fruit can be.

Junior Brother, you are the Lord of the Fourth Palace of the God of War, absolutely not to take risks! "

Lin Hao said: "Sister, now is not the time to consider taking risks or not. I go to the chaotic battlefield, which can relieve a lot of pressure on the younger generation of human race.

Now, in the entire chaotic battlefield, on the Human Race side, is there a tianjiao who can fight a Tier 6 divine body like me?

The Protoss in the chaotic battlefield come from the God Realm of the next three heavens, and it is impossible for them to have the Tianjiao of Tier 6 Divine Body!

In addition to the battle body, I also have the True Martial God Emperor inheriting the sword canon against the Heavens. In terms of attack, among the cultivation bases of the same level, the Tianjiao of the God Race's fifth-level divine body is far worse than me!

What's more, I now have the inheritance of Yun Tianjun, who followed the **** emperor back then, and walked out of the Wuquedi Road that even the Zhenwu Divine Emperor called the strongest road. "

Nie Ru frowned and said, "Even though you have a strong background, Junior Brother, but you have just stepped into the emperor realm, the road of Wuwei emperor is not far away. Once you run into the best of the gods, the danger is still great! "

"so what?

Danger, not to avoid it!

Whether it is the True Martial Realm Human Race, the Void God Realm Human Race, or the Human Race in the God Realm, who is not facing danger all the time?

The big brother walked on the road of invincible kings, knowing the dangers, but still did not back down, with the power of one person, he even fought more than ten kings of the gods!

Brother San was severely injured many times in the God Realm, but he did not escape any danger!

Nephew Mo Xiaoran was besieged by the two gods of the gods. He obviously had the opportunity to retreat, but he still faced the difficulties and killed a **** of the gods!

All human races are fighting, why can't I take the risk to fight? "

Lin Hao has decided, this battle must go!

Nie Ru took a deep breath.

What Lin Hao said, she actually knew better than Lin Hao. She herself dared to fight. She has always been at a disadvantage in almost every battle, but she has never backed down.

However, the matter fell on Lin Hao. Nie Ru was worried about the safety of his junior brother, so he didn't want Lin Hao to fight!

"Little Junior Brother..."

Lin Hao immediately interrupted Nie Ru and said: "Sister, I must participate in the war. This is also the meaning of the existence of the God of War Palace, the meaning of the battle body!"

Nie Ru finally nodded and said, "Little Junior Brother, over the Samsara Shrine, the Three Life Stones and the other shore flowers, let me figure out a solution."

"Okay, Senior Sister, then I can set off now to the chaotic battlefield." Lin Hao said.

Nie Ru nodded and said: "You want to join the war, I will not stop you, but please remember, try not to reveal your identity, once the Protoss knows that you are the Lord of the Fourth Palace of the God of War, their arrogances will definitely Do everything possible to deal with you, even the Protoss is likely to break the rules and send out stronger people!

In the treasure house, there are ten source stones of God, you bring them all!

Although the armor of the **** of war will reveal your identity, at a critical moment, don't be vague, wear the armor of the **** of war immediately if you are in danger!

In addition, you can also bring this spiritual power manifestation body, even if the power of the Heavenly God Realm attacks you, you can stop it!

Some information about Jing Shen Guo is recorded in the treasure house. After you find it, read it carefully. "

Nie Ru urged for a while to separate a spiritual power and store it in a jade slip. This is in the virtual **** realm, which is different from the true martial realm. Nie Ru, the peak of the pseudo-god king realm, manifests spiritual power. He possesses extremely strong power, and once Lin Hao uses Nie Ru's manifestation of spiritual power, Nie Ru can sense it and rush to support him immediately!

Lin Hao collected the spiritual manifestation that Nie Ru, the second elder sister, gave him, and after separating from Nie Ru, he once again entered the treasure house of the God of War and took away the ten source stones.

The source stone of the gods can mobilize the true **** war puppets. This kind of thing is scarce in the gods and is completely controlled by the temple.

Lin Hao also knew that there was no source stone in the God of War Palace before. Obviously, this batch of source stones was specially prepared for him by the senior brothers and sisters of the God of War Palace.

A **** source stone can spur the true **** war puppet to explode three full attacks!

Ten **** source stones can use the true **** war puppet to explode thirty full attacks.

On the chaotic battlefield, the two sides have now reached a tacit understanding, not allowing Divine Fire Realm and stronger people to fight, and True God Puppets are among them.

But just like Nie Ru said, if Lin Hao's identity is revealed, the Protoss is likely to break the rules. Nie Ru's manifestation of spiritual power, the true **** battle puppet and the **** source stone are some preparations to prevent the Protoss from breaking the rules!

Lin Hao also read some information records about Jing Shen Guo and memorized all the information, without missing a single trace.

Not long after Lin Hao left the treasury of the God of War, Nie Ru found Lin Hao again and said, "Little Junior Brother, I have already explained the affairs of the God of War. I will personally sit on the chaotic battlefield during this time."

Lin Hao was deeply moved.

The second elder sister Nie Ru was really worried about her safety.

"Senior Sister, let's go then."

Nie Ru nodded, and the next moment, a powerful force burst out, enveloped Lin Hao, and then burst out with extreme speed, rushing towards the chaotic battlefield.

Nie Ru's cultivation realm had already reached the peak of the pseudo-god king realm, and the battle body cultivation had reached its limit, and he could compete with the fifth-order **** body and face the **** king.

At this time, Lin Hao clearly felt that in the power of the second senior sister Nie Ru, there was already a shadow of a part of the power of the world... Obviously, she was also about to condense the world and truly step into the realm of the gods!

At Nie Ru's speed, with Lin Hao, it took five days to get close to the chaotic battlefield area.

After that, Nie Ru stopped taking Lin Hao forward, because he wanted to ensure that Lin Hao's identity was hidden and not exposed. If he personally brought Lin Hao to the chaotic battlefield, it would be directly exposed.

Nie Ru looked at Lin Hao and said, "Little Junior Brother, at your speed, you can arrive in one day. Remember, you can use the prepared hole cards when it is time to use them. Don't hesitate!"

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