Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1356: Chaotic battlefield

Chapter 1356 Chaos Battlefield

"Sister, don't worry, I will pay attention." Lin Hao said.

"Well, I'll go there first." Nie Ru nodded.

Just turning around, Nie Ru turned around again and said, "I forgot to give you this thing."

As he said, he threw a token to Lin Hao, with the word reincarnation on the front and a name, Lin Yuan on the back.

"This is?" Lin Hao looked at the token in his hand, somewhat puzzled.

"Without this thing, you can't enter the chaotic battlefield. You should have been given a token to the God of War Palace, but for safety, use the Reincarnation Palace.

After the protoss guys die, there will be a special aura spilling out. You collect those auras in the token in your hand. At that time, according to the number of enemies killed, there will be some rewards in the virtual **** realm. Don't do it for nothing. "Nie Ru confessed again.

"Senior Sister...Is there anything else I need to explain?" Lin Hao reminded.

He actually knew that the reason why Nie Ru didn't explain clearly before, in fact, still didn't want to enter the chaotic battlefield, otherwise, he wouldn't even'forget' the token to enter the chaotic battlefield.

Nie Ru sighed, and said, "No, remember to ensure your safety. Although Qingtianjun and the group of powerful people are very important, to the God of War, any one person is more important than other things!"

Lin Hao nodded, smiled, and said, "Senior Sister, then I will go first!"

After all, Lin Hao started out at the fastest speed and hurried towards the area where the chaotic battlefield was located!

Nie Ru looked at Lin Hao's disappearing back and sighed again, muttering to herself: "When will this **** war end..."

Afterwards, Nie Ru also exploded with extreme speed, instantly surpassing Lin Hao and heading to the chaotic battlefield.


one day later.

Lin Hao stopped.

In front of him, was filled with countless powerful auras.

These breaths all carried a decidedly tragic smell, and Lin Hao knew that this was a large number of top powerhouses in the Void God Realm sitting on the chaotic battlefield.

Even if there is a tacit understanding between the Void God Realm and the God Realm, the strong men above the Divine Fire Realm on both sides will no longer take action, but these strong men still cannot leave the chaotic battlefield. They must stay nearby at all times. In the event of an accident, they have to take action immediately.

Even if you know you will die.

Must also be shot.

Because they are the most important line of defense of the Void God Realm, if they are gone, then the army of the gods will be able to drive straight into the Void God Realm, the 36th house of the Void God Realm, and will be in danger of destruction.

Once the Void God Realm is captured by the Protoss, there will be no hope for the True Martial Realm!

For countless years, the Void God Realm has been doing this, even in the True Martial Realm, no one knows what they have given, but they have been silently guarding everything about the Human Race!

Of course, not just the human race, but also the monster race, but it only occupies a very small part.

Lin Hao continued to move forward and came to a group of guards.

This group of guards are all true gods and powerful, with firm eyes and solemn expressions, wearing **** armor and holding **** soldiers, like sculptures.

The power of the true **** realm is already not weak, but if the **** race really wants to hit here, then the power of the true **** realm can only serve as cannon fodder.

When Lin Hao set out for the chaotic battlefield, he also learned about the chaotic battlefield in some ancient books in the God of War.

These people all came here voluntarily.

They all knew that the war had spread to this area and what their existence meant, but they still stayed here without complaint.

Even cannon fodder can slow down the offensive of some Protoss!

"Identity token!"

When Lin Hao approached, one of the guards spoke with a loud voice, firmness and iron blood!

Lin Hao took out the identity token of the Reincarnation Shrine and handed it to the guard.

After checking, the guard nodded, handed the token back to Lin Hao, and said, "Go, remember the way back."

Lin Hao collected the tokens, and paid a standard warrior's ritual toward these guards, and then stepped across the line of defense to the real chaotic battlefield.

The guards here watched Lin Hao's back disappear, and one of them sighed, "This guy seems to be different."

"It's indeed a little different. If you change to a peaceful era, maybe you can become a hero!"

"In the past 100 years, wars have become more and more cruel!"

"This is already the 83rd person who entered from our side. I hope that when the time comes, I will see these 83 little guys leave from here."

The guards were silent again, as before, continue to guard this line of defense silently.

Lin Hao flew forward for several hours after crossing the outermost line of defense in the chaotic battlefield of the Void God Realm.

Has passed through hundreds of miles.

At this moment, he could already see a barrier, faintly appearing in his sight.

That barrier, standing between the heavens and the earth of the Void God Realm, is endless, as bright as blood!

This is a barrier between the virtual world and the world!

It is also the origin of this chaotic battlefield.

There are many passages between the Void God Realm and the God Realm. The human race of the Void God Realm enters the God Realm through those passages. Although there are many restrictions, they can always come and go freely.

On the other side of the God Realm, it is extremely difficult to enter the Void God Realm through those passages. The stronger the Protoss, the greater the difficulty, and the more difficult it is to enter the Divine King Realm.

But the barriers on the chaotic battlefield are different. Although the barriers separate the two worlds, the barriers have multiple channels that allow the strong from the two worlds to enter and exit freely.

Therefore, the powerhouses of the two realms have been fighting for countless years around this barrier.

When the distance between Lin Hao and the barrier was closer, he could even feel the surrounding space, filled with countless turbulence.

These turbulences are the remnants of forces that have been fighting for countless years, causing everything around them to appear extremely chaotic. Originally, Lin Hao’s spiritual power could cover thousands of miles, but now, the range of spiritual power can cover , Has also been severely affected, at most it can only explore a hundred miles.

As Lin Hao kept getting closer to the barrier, this influence was still deepening. In the end, Lin Hao's mental power could only cover a radius of about twenty miles.

At this point, continue to move forward, and the range of mental power that can be explored is no longer affected.

In addition to mental power being affected, power is also not small. If an imperial peak martial artist who has been through the chaotic battlefield from the future arrives here, his power is not completely controlled, and it is even possible that even the power of the first layer of the emperor is Can't play out.

Lin Hao has a strong physique and strong adaptability, but he estimated at this time that in this situation, he can only display half of his combat effectiveness at most.

If you want to fight with the Protoss on the chaotic battlefield, the first thing to do is to adapt to the environment here and let your combat power be fully utilized.

When Lin Hao reached the position where he could touch the barrier with his hand, there was a vague roar in his ears.

Like the turbulence here, these are the traces of countless strong people fighting for countless years.

Lin Hao took a deep breath.

This barrier that separates the Void God Realm from the God Realm, the weakest point is three thousand miles, and even in some places, the barrier is tens of millions of miles thick. The real battlefield is the channel in the barrier!

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