Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1357: Qi Jingchun

Chapter 1357: Qi Jingchun

Lin Hao flashed into the barrier.

Inside the barrier, there was a spacious passage, which Lin Hao could not fully detect with the spiritual power that could cover a radius of twenty miles.

However, in the passage, he found the aura of many imperial warriors.

Here, it still belongs to the area of ​​the Void God Realm Human Race, and it is impossible to be defeated by the Protoss. Obviously, it is some Void God Realm warriors who are fighting against the Protoss in the chaotic battlefield.

Lin Hao rushed towards the location where he felt the aura. After a while, more than a dozen figures appeared in Lin Hao's eyes.

These people all meditate and adjust their breath here.

Either the loss of strength is excessive, or the injury is serious and needs to be adjusted.

With the appearance of Lin Hao, a lot of gazes came over, and then they realized that it was someone they didn't know, most of them withdrew their gazes again.

"Where does this Xiongtai come from?"

There was a six-layer man in the Emperor Realm with a steady aura. He obviously retreated here to recover. He was almost recovered at this time, so he was relatively free and came over to ask.

Lin Hao took out the token of the Reincarnation Shrine in his hand.

When I asked the person of Lin Hao, it became clear immediately, "It turns out that it is Brother Lin from the Reincarnation Shrine."

As he said, he also took out a token, with a month inscribed on the front, which means he came from Moon God Palace, and on the back was his name, Qi Jingchun.

"Brother Qi!" Lin Hao also shouted, and the two of them knew each other.

Qi Jingchun said: "Brother Lin, it should be the first time you have come to the chaotic battlefield. I discovered that your strength seems to have not been able to adapt to the chaotic battlefield environment."

Lin Hao did not deny it and nodded.

He has been adjusting his strength to adapt to this chaotic battlefield environment, and it is not surprising that the opponent can see it.

"Since you are here, you should adapt to the environment first. Don't rush to fight with the protoss guys. If you want to fight, there are more opportunities. There are many people in the protoss. You can't kill them. Then you adjust your status here first. , Get used to it as soon as possible, it is not safe for you to act alone, so come with us later.” Qi Jingchun kindly reminded.

After speaking, he didn't say anything, but returned to his original position and continued to meditate with his eyes closed.

Lin Hao glanced around. There were a total of thirteen people. Among them, there were five people in Qi Jingchun's position. They were obviously together. Of course, they were not all from the Moon God Palace. They entered the chaotic battlefield. People from all major shrines may team up and cooperate with each other.

Facing the Protoss, the Human Race is at a disadvantage. If you act alone, the danger is multiplied.

In addition to the five people on Qi Jingchun’s side, there are two teams, a team of four, the strongest is a woman, who is also the cultivation base of the tenth emperor realm; there is also a team of three, the strongest is a man, the emperor Jiuzhong's cultivation base.

Just like Lin Hao, she is a woman of the tenth emperor realm. She has injuries on her body and blood on the collar. But from the audience, this woman is the strongest, but the other three teams are all related to this. The woman is obviously separated by some distance, maybe this woman is not so easy to get along with.

Lin Hao walked out of more than four hundred miles of the impeccable emperor's road, including the battle body that can compete with the sixth-order divine body, and the attack power of the Heaven-defying Sword Classic. If he can completely adapt to the chaotic battlefield environment, his strength can be fully utilized. Coming out, the fighting power will not be weaker than that of the ten-tier emperor woman alone.

The top priority now is indeed to adapt to the environment first.

Lin Hao constantly mobilized his body's strength to run in with the surrounding environment. This process is actually to find a suitable power vibration frequency to fit the surrounding environment.

Everyone's power is different, so the frequency of power vibration that fits the chaotic battlefield environment is different for each person. This kind of thing can only be explored by yourself!

It took almost three hours, and Lin Hao's progress was pretty good. Before, he estimated that his combat effectiveness was only 50%, but now he is able to perform around 70%.

At this moment, the lonely imperial pinnacle woman stood up, said nothing, and walked towards the passage.

Someone suddenly shouted: "Ouyang Jing, come with us."

It was the nine-layered man from the Emperor Realm in the three-person team.

The woman shook her head, and her figure flashed before disappearing in front of everyone.

The rejected man sighed, looked at the two companions around him, and said, "The time is up, it's time to pass."

The two men in his team were also injured, and they obviously hadn't recovered yet, without hesitation, they got up and headed towards the front of the passage.

The other two teams also got up at this time, ready to go.

Lin Hao also guessed at this time. Perhaps, in this passage, the human emperor realm martial artists in the Void God Realm all adopt the method of rotation. People who go to fight one after another, consume too much and are seriously injured, will Retreat first to recover, and then immediately participate in the war, to give other human imperial realm warriors a chance to rest.

"Brother Lin, how are you adapting now?" Qi Jingchun came over and asked.

"Not bad, the combat effectiveness should be able to show about 70%." Lin Hao said truthfully.

Qi Jingchun's face showed a touch of surprise, and said: "As expected, you are a disciple of the Reincarnation Shrine, your adaptability is really strong. Brother Lin, your cultivation base should be the fourth level of the Emperor Realm, and you can display 70% of the combat power to deal with some gods. One and two guys in the emperor realm are enough.

It's too dangerous for you to act alone, let's go, join us, and be safer. "

Lin Hao did not refuse Qi Jingchun's invitation, and came to the other four in their team with Qi Jingchun.

"Brother Liao, this is Brother Lin from the Reincarnation Shrine. Come alone, let him come with us." Qi Jingchun looked at the man in the team and said.

This person frowned and looked at Lin Hao, but did not speak.

"No, someone who has never entered the chaotic battlefield is just a four-tiered Emperor Realm cultivation base. Joining us will only drag everyone down."

"What about the people from the Reincarnation Shrine? The people from the Reincarnation Shrine are indeed strong. It doesn't mean that everyone in the Reincarnation Shrine is strong. Moreover, if this kid doesn't obey the arrangement and makes his own opinions, it will kill any of us. People, Qi Jingchun, do you take this responsibility?"

Qi Jingchun obviously did not expect that things would turn out to be like this. His face looked a little ugly and looked at the head of the head, saying: "Brother Liao, one more person, one more force, everyone is to fight the Protoss, and each other..."

The leader waved his hand, interrupting Qi Jingchun's words, and said, "Qi Jingchun, it's not that I disagree. You know the situation. The battlefield situation is bad and how troublesome it is to bring a new person. For your safety, you can't bring it!"

Qi Jingchun still wanted to fight for it, but at this time, Lin Hao took the initiative to speak, saying: "Since it is not convenient, then Lin should not embarrass everyone.

Thanks to Brother Qi for his kindness, when Lin will act, he should be more cautious. "

After speaking, Lin Hao no longer stayed here to adjust his state, and moved towards the front passage.

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