Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1359: Shocking Qi Jingchun

Chapter 1359 The Shocking Qi Jingchun

Hearing Lin Hao’s reply, a look of shock flashed across Qi Jingchun’s face, saying: "I have completely adapted to the chaotic battlefield, but my mental power can only cover more than 30 miles in radius. Brother Lin, you have not yet fully adapted, mental power You can explore so far..."

"Mental power has always been stronger than martial artists of the same rank..." Lin Hao casually explained.

Qi Jingchun didn't think much, and said: "There are two protoss warriors hidden in front, one of which is the fifth level of the imperial realm, and the other should not be very strong. We can fight against the fifth level of the imperial realm. Brother Lin, hold the other one in check."

In fact, Lin Hao wanted to tell Qi Jingchun the real situation, but if he told him that there were actually three protoss warriors in front of him, one of the five emperor realm, the third emperor realm, and the sixth emperor realm, Qi Jingchun would definitely not Will do it immediately, but go find someone to join hands.

After thinking about it, Lin Hao decided not to say anything.

Even if only 70% of the combat power can be exerted now, the sixth-level protoss warrior of the Emperor Realm is nothing to him.

Qi Jingchun concealed his aura, proceeded cautiously, while transmitting Lin Hao: "Brother Lin, the protoss warrior is more talented than us, even the worst first-order divine body is much stronger than us, so if there is no absolute Advantages, try not to fight head-on. Only when we get closer and then burst out in an instant can we achieve the greatest effect."

After Lin Hao transmitted a response, the two stopped communicating.

Qi Jingchun's ability to hide his breath is not weak, but Lin Hao is stronger, but now Qi Jingchun has no intention of paying attention to this, otherwise he would be surprised again.

The two gradually approached the protoss warrior hidden in this fork, and suddenly, a force burst out, rushing towards the two!

"No, I was found!"

Qi Jingchun shouted: "Brother Lin, the prediction is wrong. There are three people on the other side. I block them. You immediately withdraw and ask someone for help!"

When the voice fell, Qi Jingchun no longer concealed his breath, and the six levels of cultivation in the emperor realm broke out!

The speed of the six-layer warrior of the Protoss Realm was very fast, and he rushed to the vicinity of the two in an instant.


This protoss warrior snorted coldly, with contempt in his expression.

Although there is a human martial artist in front of him that is equivalent to his cultivation level, he is completely ignored by him.

Unless you encounter the top arrogant among the human race warriors, otherwise, the same level of cultivation, the gods will absolutely crush the human race!

The six-layer warrior of the Protoss Realm took it out with a palm, and a boundless sea of ​​fire emerged. In the sea of ​​fire, there were huge flame beasts condensed, carrying fierce power, and pounced on Qi Jingchun.


Qi Jingchun knew that Lin Hao hadn't left yet, so he roared, and then the origin of the emperor realm began to burn. He wanted to explode with the strongest means to block this protoss warrior and give Lin Hao a chance to evacuate.

Can't wait for Qi Jingchun to shoot.

The power of the protoss warrior has not yet reached Qi Jingchun.

A ray of sword light appeared out of thin air, splitting the extremely fierce fierce beast in half, and even the boundless sea of ​​fire was also split apart.


Immediately afterwards, there was a scream.

Qi Jingchun was stunned, the attack from the six-layered warrior of the Protoss Emperor Realm who had just shot was split by the sudden sword light, and even the body of the warrior of the Protoss was divided into two!

As the Protoss warrior's body was divided into two, a figure flashed and appeared in Qi Jingchun's eyes.

"Brother Lin..."

Qi Jingchun's eyes widened, unable to believe this scene.

Seeing Lin Hao swung his sword again, the six-layered emperor of the Protoss was torn into pieces after exploding the two halves, and even his soul was crushed...

A ray of breath escaped.

This is a kind of breath exuding from the origin after the protoss warrior was killed. Lin Hao took out the token of the reincarnation temple and took away the breath.

Two swords...

Qi Jingchun was really unacceptable to this scene.

He was prepared to hold back the Protoss hiding here before he died, and gave Lin Hao time to evacuate.

But never expected that he hadn't even shot yet.

A protoss warrior of the sixth level of the emperor realm was cut with two swords by a newcomer of the fourth level of the emperor Lin Hao...

This is an enemy that he can't deal with. A newcomer who can only exert 70% of the combat power, two swords will kill this powerful enemy...

Qi Jingchun's heart is a bit messy!

"Brother Qi, two more are coming, I'm going first!" Lin Hao left a word, the speed soared, and disappeared in an instant.

Although Qi Jingchun was shocked, he still reacted and immediately followed.

He felt that the sword just now was a certain secret method of pressing the bottom of the reincarnation temple. After Lin Hao's sword, it would consume a lot of money. There are two other gods in front, one is the fifth level of the emperor, and Lin Hao may not return it. There is room to fight.

However, when Qi Jingchun saw Lin Hao again, he did not see the two warriors of the Protoss, just to see Lin Hao collecting two breaths with the token of Reincarnation Shrine.


In this short period of time, Lin Hao had already killed the remaining two protoss warriors.

In such a short time...

Could it be one sword?

How come I have never heard of such a strong secret in the Reincarnation Shrine?

After Lin Hao collected the breath of the two **** race warriors, he took away the two storage rings, and his figure flashed and stood in front of Qi Jingchun.

Lin Hao also took away the storage ring after killing the six-layered protoss warrior of the Emperor Realm. Lin Hao had three storage rings in his hand, and they all handed them to Qi Jingchun, saying: "Brother Qi, you are in the chaotic battlefield. It’s been a long time, and some resources should have been almost consumed. These three storage rings will give you some replenishment."

Qi Jingchun recovered, and immediately shook his head, saying: "You killed these three **** races, and I didn't contribute a bit."

Lin Hao smiled and said, "When I came to the chaotic battlefield, I prepared a lot of supplies, and I don't need these for the time being."

In fact, these three gods imperial realm warriors are obviously the most common first-order divine bodies, and Lin Hao simply doesn't like what this kind of stuff possesses.

But he doesn't like it, but for the other imperial martial artists of the Void God Realm, especially the ordinary disciples in the weaker palace like Qi Jingchun, it is a treasure that cannot be ignored.

Moreover, after staying in the chaotic battlefield for a long time, even if there are trophies to be added, Qi Jingchun obviously has no status in the previous team, and it is impossible to get any good things. It is certain to make ends meet. It is also important to have more resources to supplement. !

"Brother Qi, accept it, if you encounter something good next, I will share it with you again." Lin Hao said.

Qi Jingchun nodded, accepted the three storage rings, and said, "Brother Lin, there are two **** kings and five false **** kings in the Reincarnation Shrine. Could it be that you are the descendants of these seven powerful men?"

He can only think about this at this time.

It is really that Lin Hao's sudden outbreak just now was too strong!

Lin Hao smiled without explaining, "Brother Qi, let's move on."

Qi Jingchun could only nod his head, thinking of the name he saw on Lin Hao's token before, muttering secretly: "The seven strongest people in the Reincarnation Palace do not seem to have the surname Lin... Lin Yuan , Should not be their descendants, but it is very likely to be a disciple of one of the seven strongest men. It seems that there is indeed a strong man in the Reincarnation Shrine, who is extremely powerful in swordsmanship..."

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