Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1360: Different night

Chapter 1360: A Different Night

"Brother Lin, your swordsmanship is so powerful, and your combat experience... is no worse than those who have experienced many fights in the chaotic battlefield!"

Qi Jingchun still couldn't help but said what he wanted.

"Brother Qi, I have experienced many battles in other places." Lin Hao said.

Qi Jingchun nodded and said, "To be honest, if Liao Fan and the others knew about your strength, they would definitely not refuse you to join..."

Lin Hao smiled and said, "It is indeed the first time I have entered the chaotic battlefield. I haven't fully adapted to the environment here, so I am not in a hurry."

Qi Jingchun has nothing to say.

On the chaotic battlefield, the meaning of the newcomer is either weak strength or lack of combat experience, and will be out of the box when it comes to life and death.

But these two points were completely absent from the newcomer Lin Hao.

Lin Hao and Qi Jingchun continued to search for hidden Protoss on these fork roads.

Although Lin Hao's plan is to reach the end of the chaotic battlefield that belongs to the Protoss, and then look for the crystal **** fruit, but this matter is not anxious, at least, he has to wait for himself to fully adapt to the chaotic battlefield environment!

The combat power cannot be fully utilized. If you encounter a stronger Protoss, it will be quite tricky!

And like before, slowly adjust the frequency of the force vibration to fit the surrounding environment. This method is more effective at the beginning. Now the fit has reached 70%. If you want to use that method, the efficiency will be better. Much slower!

Only in the battle, to explore and adjust, in order to adapt to all of this fastest.

A day later, the two of them killed a total of 13 Protoss Imperial Realm warriors on this fork.

The strongest is still at the sixth level of the Emperor Realm.

Among the thirteen people, Qi Jingchun only killed one protoss of the emperor realm, and Lin Hao shot the rest.

As for the harvest from killing the enemy, Lin Hao just took away the original aura of the twelve Protoss imperial realm warriors that he had killed, and took two storage rings symbolically, that is to say, there were eleven storage rings, all arrived. Qi Jingchun's hands.

Qi Jingchun was extremely sorry.

But Lin Hao insisted on giving it to him, and he did nothing.

Originally, I thought I would bring a newcomer this time, slowly adapt to the chaotic battlefield environment, and slowly adapt to this fighting atmosphere, but in the end, Qi Jingchun felt that he was the newcomer...

After a day of fighting, Lin Hao and Qi Jingchun found a place to rest temporarily.

Although the fight on this day did not cause much consumption for Lin Hao, Qi Jingchun was very concentrated all day long and was a little tired.

Qi Jingchun, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, still felt incredible as he recalled the scenes of battles he experienced today...Looking at Lin Hao, who was sitting calmly not far away, Qi Jingchun's expression was very complicated.

"Brother Lin, it's actually a bit weird today." Qi Jingchun said suddenly.

"Oh? What a strange method?" Lin Hao said.

"There is something wrong with this side road we chose. Logically speaking, we are still far from reaching the most central battlefield, but in one day, we discovered 13 Protoss Imperial Realm warriors!

Under normal circumstances, like this kind of diversion, it is not bad to find a hidden Protoss warrior in one day.

Besides, we didn’t even encounter a human warrior... "

Lin Hao is here for the first time, so I am not quite sure. But when Qi Jingchun said this, he felt that there were some problems, so he said, "Brother Qi, what do you think will be the problem?"

Qi Jingchun shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, maybe I think too much, it's just a coincidence."

As the two talked, the surrounding environment suddenly changed greatly.

This barrier between the God Realm and the Void God Realm is blood-colored, so these passage spaces are also reflected by the blood of the barrier, in a light red color.

But now, in an instant, it completely changed, turning into a dark red, just like the color after blood coagulated.

Lin Hao's heart suddenly tightened, thinking that this was a means by which a Protoss powerhouse appeared and displayed, and his spiritual power instantly spread.

But as soon as his mental power was diffused, immediately, his mental power was attacked by a very special force.

"Brother Lin, quickly recover your mental strength!" Qi Jingchun shouted immediately.

In fact, even if Qi Jingchun said, Lin Hao had already recovered his mental power.

He has probably confirmed that this is not the method of the Protoss warrior. It seems to be a change in the chaotic battlefield itself. In this case, you can only see with the naked eye. Once you use mental power, you will be attacked by the chaotic battlefield itself!

"Brother Qi, what is going on again?" Lin Hao asked.

"The dark night of the chaotic battlefield has come!" Qi Jingchun said.

Lin Hao didn't speak, and listened to Qi Jingchun introducing this situation to himself.

"The dark night of the Void God Realm is actually not the dark night in the true sense, but a special change in the place itself. This happens every once in a while, and there are no rules at all.

Even if it is a strong person in the Divine King Realm, the spiritual power cannot be dispersed in this situation.

Otherwise, there will be a special kind of energy that will explode and erode the mental power. The stronger the mental power used, the stronger the force that corrodes the spiritual power!

In this case, everyone can only observe everything around with the naked eye, but even the naked eye will be obstructed.

Therefore, everyone habitually calls this situation a chaotic battlefield night. "

"Brother Qi, how long will this situation last?" Lin Hao asked.

Qi Jingchun said: "The duration is not necessarily, the shortest one day, the longest one even appears for half a month, but generally speaking, it will not exceed three days."

In the chaotic battlefield, counting time in days is actually the way of keeping time in each warrior's heart. After all, there is no normal daytime alternation here.

"Brother Lin, let's return to the main channel first. Every time the dark night falls on the chaotic battlefield, most of the warriors of our human race will take the initiative to return to the main channel and gather together, in case there are protoss warriors taking this opportunity to be in the main channel. The edge launched a fierce attack." Qi Jingchun said.

"Could the protoss warrior not be restricted by spiritual power?" Lin Hao asked.

"They will also be restricted. Now neither side can use their mental powers, but the protoss warriors are physically stronger than our Terran warriors. They can see farther places and hear more subtle movements. So, in this case , The advantage they already have will increase again!" Qi Jingchun said.

Speaking of this, Lin Hao also understood almost.

"Brother Qi, didn't you think this diversion was a bit weird?" Lin Hao said.

Qi Jingchun said: "It is indeed a bit weird, so we will exit the side road later, and after the main passage merges with other people, we will talk about the matter here and see what they say."

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "If there is really a problem with this side road, then the Protoss will take advantage of the chaotic battlefield and night time. If we return to the main channel now, it will take a lot of time. If there is a problem, When we bring people back again, maybe the warriors of the Protoss have achieved their goals long ago.

If we guess wrong, it doesn't matter. There is no shortage of us on the main passage.

But if we guessed it correctly, the meaning is different. The fork here is not far from the virtual **** realm. Once the protoss warrior has a plan and cannot stop it in time, the consequences can be serious! "

Qi Jingchun was moved by Lin Hao's words and said, "Brother Lin, what are you going to do?"

Lin Hao said: "See one, kill one."

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