Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1366: Ouyang Jing

Chapter 1366: Ouyang Jing

"Old Lin, it seems that your Lin family has a remarkable offspring!" The strong man staring at the light curtain sighed with envy.

In this chaotic battlefield, robbing others for meritorious services is simply impossible.

First, snatching meritorious deeds is something that is explicitly forbidden by the 36th Shrine of the Void God Realm!

Secondly, without strength... it is impossible to grab these feats from others.

Lynch was still in shock.

Lin Yuan, the less-recognized offspring of himself, has always been forbearing, and now he has accumulated a lot of money?

Staring at the true **** powerhouse on the light curtain merit list, he continued to sigh: "Follow this trend, Lao Lin, your descendants will soon be favored by the great figures of our Samsara Shrine. When the time comes, your Lin family In Samsara Shrine, your status is skyrocketing, so don’t forget me in the future..."

Lynch nodded stupidly, he still thought this matter was strange.

At this moment, a powerful breath appeared in this room.

The two Lynch guarding the place looked at the door, their expressions suddenly changed.

"See Palace Master Nie of the God of War Palace."

They whispered in their hearts, what's the matter? Why did the female tyrannosaurus of the God of War come to the merit list of their reincarnation temple?

Nie Ru nodded, and his mental power scanned the merit list in this room, and then disappeared without saying a word.

Reincarnation Shrine and Lynch both broke out in a cold sweat...

"Old Lin, what's the matter?"

"How do I know what's going on? The female tyrannosaurus is not easy to mess with, let's not talk about it." Lynch said.

The other person nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, a terrifying force suddenly appeared, directly pressing the two of them on the ground, unable to move.

The two secretly said in their hearts: "It's over... I was heard by the female Tyrannosaurus..."

In the chaotic battlefield, Qi Jingchun had already retreated to the main channel, and found a group of Tianjiao of the Void God Realm Human Race who had also returned from the core battlefield, and talked about his experience with Lin Hao and the situation that he had guessed.

But... no one believes it.

"Qi Jingchun, don't you know what the situation is now? This is the last line of defense for our passage. Now that the chaotic battlefield is falling, the warriors of the Protoss may attack at any time, but you are here to say that you want to go to the back road to support the newcomer kid?

If the last line of defense is broken by the warriors of the Protoss because of insufficient manpower, can you afford the consequences? "An imperial peak warrior scolded.

"Qi Jingchun, stop talking nonsense here. If you dare not stay here, then go away. Just the newcomer you brought before, encountered a large number of Protoss imperial realm warriors not only not dead, but also killing Sifang, do you think anyone will believe you?" A warrior who was in the team with Qi Jingchun sneered.

The original leader of Qi Jingchun's team, Liao Fan, a warrior from the peak of the Emperor Realm from the Rain God Palace, also frowned and said: "Qi Jingchun, it's not the time to make a fool of yourself, don't mention it!"

"I, Qi Jingchun, swear with the heart of martial arts, if there is a false statement, the heart will collapse, and the body and soul will be destroyed!

Brother Lin is still investigating the conspiracy of the warriors of the Protoss race alone in the side road. There are many dangers, and we must immediately support him!

If the protoss conspiracy succeeds, the consequences will be disastrous! "Qi Jingchun exclaimed loudly in a very anxious manner.

"The consequences are unimaginable? Qi Jingchun, what are the consequences? Protoss warriors attack us back and forth? In these forks, there are protoss warriors who want to fuse us back and forth, everyone knows, but as long as the main channel is here, We defended, the protoss warriors could not attack, and the protoss warriors hidden in the side roads could not pose a threat at all!

If we split a part of the manpower in the past, once we are attacked by the warriors of the Protoss, the consequences will be truly unthinkable. The warriors of the Protoss hidden in the road will have a real chance to cause us to be flanked back and forth! "

"Qi Jingchun, it is useless for you to swear by your martial arts heart. The overall situation is important. What is the overall situation? The main channel is the overall situation!"

Qi Jingchun gritted his teeth and said, "Well, you are not willing to support, I will go back by myself!"

After that, Qi Jingchun turned around and left.

"Huh, it's just greedy for life and fear of death, so I dare not stay in this last line of defense, just find a reason for myself." Someone sneered.

"Hold on, I'll go with you." Suddenly, a female voice came.

A woman with a cold expression and holding a long knife walked towards Qi Jingchun.

"Ouyang Jing, you are the top combat power in our line of defense, you can't go!" someone suddenly shouted.

This woman who believed in Qi Jingchun was the same Ouyang Jing from the Palace of Swords when Lin Hao first entered the chaotic battlefield!

Ouyang Jing didn't look back, saying: "This is the last line of defense, but in front, we still have two lines of defense in the Void God Realm, which the Protoss can't beat.

If you want to say that Ouyang Jing is also greedy for life and fear of death, and wants to leave here, then please do. "

With that, Ouyang Jing caught up with Qi Jingchun and said, "Lead the way."

Qi Jingchun did not hesitate, although only one person believed his words and was willing to support him, but this person was Ouyang Jing, the top arrogant from the Sword Shrine, the tenth emperor level cultivation base, and the second-tier top protoss of the same level cultivation base. Extremely powerful!

Others dared not say anything.

Say Ouyang Jing is greedy for life and fear of death? They don't have the guts and confidence.

Ouyang Jing killed more protoss warriors than any of them!

In the spacious area at the end of the fork.

At this time, there are still more than 30 protoss warriors.

The face of the envoy of the temple headed by the goddess was not very good.

At first, someone came to report that several protoss teams lost contact. This temple envoy sent Xiaoshan to guard outside, but after a long time, Xiaoshan did not send anyone back to report the situation.

After that, the divine envoy of the temple sent more than ten people out one after another. The result was the same, no one could come back to report any useful news.

"Could it be that the guys in the Void God Realm really discovered the secret here?" The envoy frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and then denied this speculation. If the Void God Realm human race really knew their arrangements here, I am afraid that a large number of people have already been gathered to fight in!

However, he couldn't figure out what was going on outside.

"Everyone listens to the order, all go out and guard the passage!

The dark night of the chaotic battlefield will not last too long. It will pass soon. Our plan is about to succeed, and we must not fall short at the last minute! "

Following the order of the divine envoy, the more than 30 protoss warriors in the field immediately followed the instructions to guard the outer passage.

And there are still four people beside the divine envoy. These four people are the strongest four of the people brought by the divine envoy this time!

"The four of you are all Tier 2 top-level divine bodies, and they all have the peak cultivation base of the emperor realm. This time the plan is successful. The temple will not treat you badly. It will give you a chance to baptize and help you reach Tier 3 divine bodies. Is it!" The envoy looked at the people around him again and said.

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