Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1367: Strengthen

The first thousand three hundred and sixty-seven chapters improve strength

"It seems that the truth of the conspiracy of these protoss warriors is about to be approached!" Lin Hao secretly said in his heart. He has already sensed the movement of a group of protoss warriors. The scale of the protoss warriors dispatched this time is the largest that he has entered this fork. A batch.

There will definitely not be less than twenty people!

Lin Hao has a battle body that can compete with the sixth-order divine body, so his hearing is extremely strong, and he can hear some subtle movements after a long distance.

This is also his great advantage in the dark state of the chaotic battlefield.

Every time you perceive the movement from the warrior of the Protoss, you can prepare in advance, then hide your breath, stop acting, and wait for the opponent to approach, immediately use thunder means to burst out a tyrannical attack to kill the opponent.

Now, the number of protoss warriors who have died in the hands of Lin Hao has reached more than thirty people, among them, there are three of them at the second-order divine body level!

The movement Lin Hao felt calmed down after a short while.

Obviously, the group of protoss warriors no longer rushed, but all stayed in one place to guard.

"I can almost completely adapt to the chaotic battlefield environment now, and the combat effectiveness is hardly affected by much, but the opponent has a lot of people, and it is still much more difficult to kill.

Moreover, once dragged by them and surrounded, the danger is not small.

But as long as these protoss guys are resolved, they should soon be able to reach the core of their conspiracy. "

Lin Hao secretly said in his heart, weighing the pros and cons, and then decided to do it.

Because, according to his calculations, the dark night of the chaotic battlefield has been maintained for almost two days. Maybe this dark night state will pass soon.

Once the night is over, everyone can use their spiritual power, and it will be even more troublesome if you want to deal with these protoss warriors.

After all, in the dark state, to kill the warrior of the **** race, as long as the opponent's body is defeated, the dark red energy in the dark night of the chaotic battlefield will instantly erode the exposed soul.

If the night of the chaotic battlefield is lifted, then the difficulty of killing a protoss warrior will be doubled.

After figuring it out, Lin Hao concealed most of his breath, and slowly approached the group of protoss warriors with his subtle control of power.

A quarter of an hour later, at a corner of the passage, Lin Hao could already see the warrior of the Protoss at the other end of the corner.

However, these protoss warriors still haven't found anyone approaching them.

"More than thirty people..."

Lin Hao's gaze swept away, and after knowing what was in his heart, the next moment, his power burst out completely, he rushed out, and slashed with a sword!

At the moment when Lin Hao's power exploded, some of the Protoss warriors had noticed the movement and shouted, "Be careful!"

Just as this loud shout was issued, Lin Hao's sword had already been cut out.


The extremely powerful sword aura disrupted all auras, and fell into the crowd when these protoss warriors had no time to prepare for defense.


Several screams were made. With this sword just now, Lin Hao directly exploded with the power of the seventh rank of the Nine Turns Against Heaven. The attack power was so strong that it tore the bodies of several people.

After the blow was cut out, the rest of the warriors of the Protoss raced toward Lin Hao's side with terrifying power.

Lin Hao had already made preparations to withdraw and retreat, and retreated.


Several people shouted, chasing Lin Hao.

Lin Hao's backhand was another sword, smashing the body of a protoss warrior.

"come back!"

There was a loud shout from the crowd of protoss warriors, and the people who chased Lin Hao immediately withdrew.

"Damn it!" A protoss warrior clenched his fists and smashed the barriers on both sides of the passage.

There are so many of them guarding this place, even if they are facing the powerhouse in the Divine Fire Realm, there is no need to worry.

But it was attacked!

And four people were attacked and killed, which is really unacceptable!

However, the opponent was too cunning. After a hit, they immediately evacuated, and they were ordered to stay here. The task was to prevent the human warriors from the virtual **** world from passing through.

They are also worried that the guy who attacked them just now deliberately diverted their power, and there are other cunning Void God Realm warriors waiting for their chance.

So, can't chase!

"I remember it all. From now on, I can't take it lightly, and I can't reveal the previous flaws to give those ants in the Void God Realm a chance to take advantage of it!" A protoss warrior burst out with crimson power and shouted loudly.

The other warriors of the Protoss also followed suit one after another, mobilizing their powers one by one, protecting the whole body, and preparing to respond to attacks and counterattacks at any time!

After Lin Hao retreated for a certain distance, he found that the Protoss warrior had not chased him, so he stopped.

"After killing four, there are still about thirty. When they shot just now, seven light red powers broke out, and one of them even a crimson power could pose a big threat to me." Lin Hao recalled just now. The screen of the opponent's counterattack after the shot means that among the remaining 30 or so Protoss warriors, there are a total of eight second-order divine bodies, and one of them is still the outstanding one among the second-order divine bodies, and must be the tenth level of the Emperor Realm. for!

"Since they don't dare to chase, that's an opportunity to exhaust their power bit by bit!" Lin Hao thought in his heart, and a smile flashed across his face.

Because, just after the shot, he finally found the feeling that he would no longer be suppressed by the environment of the chaotic battlefield, and could perfectly display all his power.

Fighting is really the fastest way to adapt to the battlefield environment. Otherwise, it will take at least a few days to fully adapt!

After the strength adapts to the environment, Lin Hao also has a kind of understanding in his heart.

During the battle, he constantly adjusted the fit between his strength and the environment, and his control of strength was not improved much compared to before. These comprehensions were then gathered on the road of perfection that emerged in his mind. , Became a huge driving force for him to move forward. In the blink of an eye, he had already walked the Wuweidi Road of more than 430 miles, and then walked a long distance forward.

There is no shortage of emperor road, more than six hundred li, plus the power that is no longer suppressed by the environment, although it is still impossible to fight against the more than thirty gods imperial realm warriors, it is still impossible to fight directly, but now, there is no need to fight directly, it is still like Like what I just thought, they consume their power bit by bit!

Lin Haozhe returned to the position where he had just shot. The warriors of the Protoss already had a strong sense of guard. As soon as he appeared, he was discovered.

"Kill him!"

The roar sounded, and the power of terror erupted instantly, like a dam collapsed and a flood poured out.

In Lin Hao's mouth, there was a clear whistle, and the power of the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Against the Sky also exploded, greatly increasing.

In the sky-scarred sword, extremely dazzling sword light gathered.

God of War swordsmanship, nine to one sword!

The might of this sword, the power is magnificent, the edge is peerless, and the earth-shaking huge sword aura slashed among the crowd.

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