Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1368: Scroll of Painting

Chapter 1368: Scroll of Painting

After Lin Hao slashed out this sword, he didn't even have the thought to look at the result, and immediately turned to evacuate.

After a while.

A roar resounded.

The second-tier divine body, the tenth-fold protoss warrior of the emperor realm, his eyes were blood red.

This time, they were clearly prepared, but they still failed to keep the people who attacked and killed them. Moreover, more people died this time, six, and one of them was a Tier 2 divine body owner!

"Go, report the situation to the divine envoy, it is suspected that the top Tianjiao of the Sword God Palace has appeared, and there is only one person!" This angry protoss warrior immediately made a report to the divine envoy.

Without the order of the envoy, he dared not make a decision to hunt down.

Soon, the news reached the ears of the envoy.

"Divine Envoy, why don't you let me go. The Sword God Palace is the forefront of the thirty-six sacred palaces of the Void God Realm Human Race. It is of great significance to kill them a top arrogant."

The envoy shook his head and said: "No, the dark night of the chaotic battlefield may pass any time now. Once the night passes, it will be the time for us to complete this plan. The four of you need to assist the envoy. , Must not leave!"

"But if the kid in the Sword God Palace is allowed to act recklessly, we will probably lose a lot..." one person said.

The envoy looked at the person who was reporting the information, waved his hand and took out a picture scroll, and said: "Give it to Zhong Tao, he knows what to do."

While the protoss warrior was reporting information to the divine envoy, Lin Hao turned back again and shot again, just like before, and immediately evacuated after one blow.

Although the effect achieved this time was not as good as before, there were also three protoss warriors who were smashed into pieces by him, and the souls were eroded by the dark red strange power in the chaotic night of the battlefield.

More than 30 protoss warriors were attacked and killed by Lin Hao three times, and thirteen were killed, leaving twenty-one.

Among them, eight Tier 2 divine body owners were also killed by Lin Hao.

This group of protoss warriors are all extremely depressed.

For a long time, their Protoss faced the Void God Realm Human Race warriors, and they were in a crushing posture, but this time, a Human Race kid from the Void God Realm killed so many of them.

Counting the previous ones, their Protoss, almost forty people have died in the hands of the kid in the suspected Sword God Palace!

This tone is really hard to calm down.

"Lord Zhong!"

A loud shout came, and it was the guy who had reported the situation to the divine envoy who had returned.

"What did the envoy say?"

"The envoy did not let us chase, but he asked me to give this thing to the leader of Zhong." This person said, taking out the picture scroll that the envoy gave him.

"The scroll of the temple painting world! Hahaha, the **** envoy will give me the scroll of painting world, and that kid will dare to come again later, I Zhong Tao will break his body into pieces!" Zhong Tao's face showed an extremely excited look .

On the other side, Lin Hao said to himself: "A few more attacks, you can attack and kill directly."

Following this, Lin Hao turned back again, preparing to launch a fourth attack.

This time, just like the previous two times, as soon as he appeared, a group of protoss warriors burst out with powerful force and fought Lin Hao.

Lin Hao used the power of the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Against the Sky, after slashing out with one sword, he killed two people, just as he was about to leave.

"Don't want to run away again!"

A loud shout came from behind the warrior of the Protoss.

With a second-tier top divine body, Zhong Tao, who has a tenth-level cultivation base in the Emperor Realm, roared and suddenly opened the picture scroll.


A ray of light swept across.

In the next moment, Lin Hao was in another world.

"Space magic weapon?"

Lin Hao frowned slightly, slashed out with a sword, and there was a wave of ripples where the sword energy passed, and a small crack appeared, but the crack just appeared, it was erased by a force.

The feeling of his sword just now seemed to be a flaw in a painting, and then there was a mysterious power that immediately erased the flaw in the painting.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao felt a huge sense of danger, as if there was a special power to wipe him out of this world!


The qi and blood in Lin Hao's body burst out, like the same sun, with heat billowing.


Lin Hao's body was suddenly blasted out by an invisible force.

And that invisible power has enveloped him at this time, erasing his breath, bit by bit, if it continues, his body, soul, will also be erased by this invisible power !

Even if Lin Hao is extremely vigorous, it is difficult to block the influence of this invisible force on himself.

"What a weird method!" Lin Hao secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, in front of Zhong Tao and a group of protoss warriors, a picture scroll unfolded.

In the picture scroll, Lin Hao's situation at this time clearly appeared in their eyes.

"Hmph, this **** killed so many of our Protoss, this time, he will never run away!" Zhong Tao's eyes flashed with cold light, and continued: "The scroll of the painting world of the temple is really extraordinary. , As a world of its own, everything involved in the painting world will become blemishes, stains, and will be erased. This is still my Zhong Tao can’t control these treasures, if it is a god’s envoy to perform The general powerhouse of the God Fire Realm can also be suppressed!"

Other protoss warriors also looked at the scrolls floating in the air with shocked faces. They had all heard of the scrolls of the paintings in the temple, but this was the first time they saw them.

In the scroll of painting circles, Lin Hao faced danger, but his heart was very calm.

He has already figured out how to deal with it.

This magic weapon is a world of its own, with its own rules.

But the world in the magic weapon, after all, is just a power evolution attached to the real world.

The illusory world cannot contain the real world!

There is an absolute essential difference between the two.

And Lin Hao has the real world in his grasp.

The world in his dantian is the real world that can only be possessed by the strong of the gods and belongs to him. With Lin Hao's heart moving, the world in his dantian releases a faint breath!

Only this faint breath of power emerges, and the world in this painting produces an incredible effect.

The sky around Lin Hao cracked, the earth collapsed, mountains and rivers collapsed, and vegetation turned into ashes...

Outside, the protoss warriors staring at this scroll of painting, their faces showed horror.

The picture in the unfolding scroll of painting world disappeared in an instant, and the scroll of painting world started to turn into fragments and float away bit by bit...

Lin Hao was in the scroll of painting, watching everything around him quickly shatter, and once again swung his sword and cut.

The world could no longer withstand Lin Hao's power and suddenly exploded.


The explosion of the world meant that the scrolls of the painting world that had not been completely smashed and scattered were also exploded, and the terrorist power contained in it swept through, swaying this group of protoss warriors.

Lin Hao, who rushed out, flashed into the crowd, his sword moves came out in succession, taking this opportunity to kill!

At the same time as killing the enemy, the token of the Reincarnation Shrine attached to Lin Hao's waist also exploded with a special attraction, taking the initiative to collect the vitality of the protoss warrior life in this area.

Even with the breath that hadn't been taken away in the previous kills, all of them were taken away in the blink of an eye.

And at this moment, in the room of the Meritorious List of Reincarnation Shrine outside the barrier of the chaotic battlefield, an exclamation came out.

"Lao Lin, look, your descendant Lin Yuan... is going to kill again! Oh my God, his merits have risen so fast. He has killed more than fifty protoss warriors, and there are four of the second-tier protoss. That's..."

Lynch on the side was stunned.

"Is my offspring really so strong?"

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