Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1370: Night disappears

Chapter 1370, the night disappears

Let's talk about Lin Hao, rushing out of the scroll of the magic weapon of the temple, taking advantage of the chaos caused by the explosion of the scroll of the painting, and powerfully killing several gods imperial realm warriors.

After a brief period of panic, Zhong Tao, who possessed a Tier 2 divine body and the tenth-level cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, had already organized an effective attack and led 15 warriors of the Emperor Realm of the Protoss to launch a siege on Lin Hao.

Counting Zhong Tao, there are sixteen.

The cultivation base is all seven or more emperor realms.

This force is still not strong.

All kinds of protoss magic methods, exuding a dazzling light, and horrible power fluctuations, swept towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao pierced out with a sword, and the endless sword aura shot out from the sky scar sword.

The power of the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Against Heaven, Yin and Yang rebelled against chaos, crushing all those forces that attacked him.

"Luo Tianxing Fist!"

The most powerful Zhong Tao blasted out with a punch, turning into a star-like fist mark, extremely powerful, hitting Lin Hao's heart.

Lin Hao took a backhand sword, and the sky-marked sword pierced into the fist print. The powerful force in the fist print shook, and the sky-marked sword made a slight tremor.


Lin Hao let out a soft sigh, and the swordsmanship of the God of War sword began.

The fist marks were torn apart and the power roared. Lin Hao used this counter-shock force to increase his speed and rush to the front of the two Divine Race warriors of the seventh level.


The God of War Sword Art Sword broke out, and the sword that Lin Hao slashed out seemed to be descending with an immortal mountain and great mountain, and the momentum was extremely shocking!

The two Divine Race Emperor Realm Seventh Martial Artists were instantly stunned by this momentum, their faces were pale, and the power in their bodies was not working properly. When they reacted, the deadly sword had swept past their throats!


Two heads flew up into the sky.


The swords of the God of War are all words and swords, and they are instantly connected. The flying heads and bodies of these two gods imperial realm seven-layer warriors are shrouded in sword light, decomposed, and turned into powder.

The dark red strange power in the chaotic battlefield and night eroded the two souls instantly!


A powerful force hit Lin Hao's back.

Lin Hao's body flew forward uncontrollably.

"Kill him, don't give him a chance to breathe!" Zhong Tao roared.

In an instant, another wave of terrifying power blasted Lin Hao who was in midair.

Lin Hao ran the mantra of the word ‘in’ to get the true meaning freely and freely. He immediately stabilized his figure and flashed to one side, turning into countless afterimages.

Those terrifying powers shattered the afterimage, but did not hurt Lin Hao.

"Be careful!" Zhong Tao shouted at a second-order divine body emperor realm nine-layer warrior. His voice had just fallen, but a sword light had already burst out.

The world is boundless and open.

The Ninth Emperor Realm, the Protoss warrior with a second-order divine body, was split from the center of the eyebrows to the lower abdomen by this sword, and his body was divided into two.

The speed of Lin Hao's sword was so fast that he couldn't react at all. In an instant, the number of swords was slashed out, slicing the body of this second-order divine body of the Emperor Realm Nine Divine Race warrior into pieces.

The soul of this person could not escape the weird dark red power erosion, and was instantly annihilated.

Zhong Tao was furious, and he rushed to Lin Hao again, punching out his fists, his fists were like stars, powerful.

Lin Hao didn't fight Zhong Tao recklessly, his figure flashed, and Zhong Tao's attack fell into the empty space.

If it is one-on-one, Zhong Tao, a second-tier divine body, tenth emperor realm, Lin Hao will definitely not dodge.

Even if there were two or three Zhong Tao, Lin Hao would not have the idea of ​​evasive.

But now, there are more than ten warriors of the Protoss around. Once Zhong Tao is entangled, the attacks of other warriors of the Protoss will come like a flood, and Lin Hao will be in a great dilemma.

Therefore, Lin Hao used the mantra of "in" to move freely in the attack of a group of protoss warriors, and when he found an opportunity, he did not hesitate to explode the ultimate move.

Zhong Tao became more and more angry.

He tried several times to reorganize the remaining protoss warriors to make targeted attacks and defenses, but Lin Hao didn't give him a chance at all. Every time the formation was just a prototype, it would be disrupted by Lin Hao.

Lin Hao is very aware of his disadvantages and advantages.

The disadvantage is that he is alone, and the other party has many people.

The advantage is their own speed. As long as they don’t want to fight, these protoss warriors can’t surround themselves at all, and as long as they find opportunities and use their own attack power, these protoss warriors, except Zhong Tao, will completely block them. Can't hold a sword!

Half a quarter of an hour later.

There are only eight protoss warriors left.

In addition to Zhong Tao, there are two emperor realm tenfold and five emperor realm ninefold.

Of the first eight second-tier divine bodies, now there are only two nine-tier emperor realms left!

At this time, the dark night of the chaotic battlefield was about to pass, and the dark red light that was pervading around began to thin.

Just like when the dark night falls on a chaotic battlefield, the disappearance of the night is only a momentary matter.

Lin Hao had a secret message in his heart. One of the important factors that made him able to kill these protoss warriors so quickly was to destroy the opponent's body, and that strange dark red power would erode the soul that had lost the protection of the body.

Once this so-called dark night passed, Lin Hao would no longer be able to kill the enemy as quickly as before, and these protoss warriors also had more attack methods!


In the empty area at the end of this passage.

The envoy of the temple looked at the dark red light that quickly faded, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face.

"Be prepared, once the night is over, immediately open the way forward!" The envoy exhorted. In his hand, several fist-sized green spars had been taken out. The spars had just been taken out, and there was an extremely powerful force. The breath filled.

"Divine Envoy, the movement outside..." One person looked at the only passage with some worry.

"Don't worry, the **** envoy even gave them the scrolls of the painting world, but they can't deal with a kid from the Sword God Palace. This group of trash will die when they die. Open the way forward. When the time comes, the people on Qichuan will You can come quietly, and soon you can launch the final storm, and completely take down this passage. All the warriors of the Virtual God Realm human race in this passage will die!"

Hearing this from the divine envoy, the faces of the four second-tier top-level divine physiques of the emperor realm tenth martial artist also showed a frenetic look on their faces!

Completely lay down a channel, this is a great battle achievement, they will all get huge benefits, and they will also get a chance to enter the temple for baptism.

At that time, they will have the opportunity to go one step further, evolving from Tier 2 Divine Body to Tier 3 Divine Body!


The other side.

Qi Jingchun took Ouyang Jing and looked for Lin Hao's trace along the way according to some marks left by Lin Hao.

"Oops, the night is about to pass, when the protoss warriors can use their mental power, Brother Lin can't hide it!" Qi Jingchun's expression changed.

"I'm going first!"

Ouyang Jing's strength was much stronger than Qi Jingchun, and she could already perceive the subtle vibration of the battle. After leaving this sentence, she instantly displayed the ultimate speed and rushed towards the direction of the battle fluctuations.

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