Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1371: No time to delay

The first thousand three hundred and seventy-one chapters are urgent

The dark red light of the dark night state of the chaotic battlefield dissipated quickly, and within a quarter of an hour, there was only the last faint dark red light spot.

Lin Hao killed another person just now, but still faced seven protoss warriors.

Zhong Tao was no longer in a hurry, as long as he waited for a while, the difficult sword **** Palace Tianjiao in front of him would never want to kill their people as quickly as before.

At that time, they can use more methods.

More importantly, once the night disappears completely, their plan can be completed immediately, and then everything will be set!

Although Lin Hao didn't know what these protoss warriors had tried.

Seeing Zhong Tao's calm look, I guessed that once the night disappeared, there would be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, he rushed to Zhong Tao in an instant.

The sword of nirvana, without me!

A sea of ​​blood emerged as Lin Hao's sword stabbed, and a tragic and determined breath spread.

Zhong Tao snorted coldly. Lin Hao had not played against him before, so he couldn't help Lin Hao.

However, now that Lin Hao has rushed in front of him, all the anger accumulated in Zhong Tao's heart has been ignited, and he punched into the boundless sea of ​​blood.

The sea of ​​blood exploded.

And at this moment, Zhong Tao's eyes widened.

A more dazzling sword light appeared in front of him.

The boundless world opens!


Zhong Tao's body was split in half.

Then the sword Qi stirred, and countless sword lights tore Zhong Tao's body apart.

Zhong Tao's spirit, losing the protection of his body, a little dark red energy, instantly entangled his spirit.


A series of screams came from Zhong Tao's soul body.

At this time, that strange dark red power was about to disappear, so Zhong Tao's spirit was not completely eroded immediately.

Lin Hao was about to make another move to destroy Zhong Tao's soul, but the other six emperor martial artists of the gods came over again and stopped Lin Hao.

Such a moment of effort.

The dark night of the chaotic battlefield finally passed completely.

The weird dark red power also dissipated without a trace.


"God helps me too!"

"I'm not dead, Zhong Tao, next, you will die!"

Zhong Tao's soul body, even though it was a lot weaker, laughed wildly at this time, the soul was no longer corroded, he began to mobilize the power of heaven and earth, and reunited his body!

But at the moment when Zhong Tao's body was about to reunite.

A blade of light, turned into a ten thousand zhang pike, slashed on Zhong Tao's already reorganized body.

Zhong Tao's half body, even his soul, was completely transformed into nothingness under this knife.

In the battlefield, this sudden change shocked the six protoss warriors who had besieged Lin Hao, and their movements were a little stagnant.

But Lin Hao immediately seized this opportunity to use the God of War sword technique nine and nine return to one sword, killing two people with one sword.

Without a word, Ouyang Jing rushed to Lin Hao's side, not to mention that she was a woman, but after the sword was released, the offensive was extremely domineering and fierce, and stopped the two with one enemy and two.

Facing the three of them, Lin Hao's pressure was greatly reduced, and the power of Wuwei Dilu was finally revealed. The three protoss warriors who were suppressed could not mobilize much power of heaven and earth, and they were blessed by the power of the seventh turn of the nine turns against the sky. After a while, he killed another person and injured two more.

Just as Lin Hao was about to join forces with Ouyang Jing to solve the remaining four guys, a terrifying wave came from the passage in front.

"I'll hold them, you go and stop!" Ouyang Jing didn't hesitate to force the two opponents back with a single knife, and then swept away the two protoss warriors who had been hit hard by Lin Hao.

Lin Hao nodded and cut out again with a single sword. After killing a protoss warrior, he immediately hurried towards the front of this passage!

Although Lin Hao and Ouyang Jing had only one side relationship before this, when Ouyang Jing made the shot just now, he was watching them all.

In Ouyang Jing’s sword technique, there is a familiar atmosphere that Lin Hao is familiar with

When Huo Cang of the God of War was taking the road of the invincible king, there was a strong **** king in the sword **** palace to help, that **** king, named Mie Shen Tian Dao, Zhang Mie Shen!

To this day, Lin Hao still remembers the peculiar style of the knife he saw.

Although Ouyang Jing is only the tenth level cultivation base of the Emperor Realm, there is still an incomparably far distance from the Divine King Realm, but in her sword technique, there is already a bit of charm of the Mishen Tiandao, against the remaining three Protoss warriors , Even if it is difficult to kill, there is no risk.


The envoy of the temple had already pressed the green spar on the barrier in front.

There are five green spars, each of which contains powerful power, and these powers carry the breath of a **** king.

The power of an ordinary first-order divine body has no color.

The red power is a second-order divine body.

The orange power is a third-order divine body.

The power of yellow is a Tier 4 divine body.

The green power is a fifth-order divine body!

This is the five-tier god-king powerhouse of the temple, filled with huge energy spar, their plan this time is to use this power to open the barrier in front of them.

The reason why they had to wait until the dark night of the chaotic battlefield had completely passed away was mainly because they had to use these five green spars to lock the breath at the other end, which involved the use of mental power.

They have been lurking here for some time, but they have been searching for the weak barrier and have been waiting for a lot of time. They finally found this side and determined the position to be opened. They also sensed the force of this spar and the opposite end. , But the night of the chaotic battlefield has come.

In the case of losing the mental power lock, neither side can blast the barrier, because once the power contained in the green spar is exploded, it will overflow, and it is impossible to open this road, only the spar itself contains Guided by the spirit of the green spar, the power of the green spar can be concentrated in one place to succeed.

So they have been waiting!

The divine envoy of the temple cast a deep orange power into the green spar, which meant that his physique was a Tier 3 divine body.

And the other four guys, each with their crimson power, blended into the green spar.

What they are doing now is to activate the majestic energy contained in the five green spars, and then detonate the green spars on both sides.

The divine envoy is the leader of the third-order divine body, and his cultivation is also the tenth level of the emperor. He is the fastest. The energy in the green spar he is responsible for has been fully activated. The green spar, the light Already rich.

The other four people need some time.

But at this moment, a spirit force rushed into this area.

The envoy frowned and shouted: "The trash hasn't solved you, I'll destroy you!"


The spiritual power of the divine envoy also diffused out instantly, and violently collided with the spiritual power rushing into this place.

"Deng Deng Deng!" The next moment, the divine envoy retreated several steps back, his face turned pale, and his head was dizzy.

On the other side, Lin Hao's mental power also fluctuated, but it had little effect.

"These guys, it seems that they want to open this side road so that the protoss warriors can come over." Lin Hao had just seen everything in that area clearly with mental power, and had already guessed the other party's plan.

In the chaotic battlefield, the countless fights between the virtual gods and the gods are actually fighting for the passage!

Now, the battle on this side has been handed over to the younger generation, and it is also a fight for passage.

If this fork road is opened up, then the human imperial realm warrior who is in the main passage of the battlefield here will face extremely serious consequences and will be directly outflanked by the **** race warrior.

The passage on the battlefield here would immediately fall into the ground. Thinking of this, Lin Hao's speed increased again.

In any case, we must stop the plans of these protoss warriors!

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