Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1372: Vs. Beigongliu

Chapter 1372 vs. Beigongliu

The divine envoy of the temple shook his head, and above his head, a phantom idol appeared. The idol exuded a powerful aura of watching the world. The discomfort caused by the confrontation with Lin Hao's mental power just now was immediately suppressed.

"This Sword God Palace's top arrogant, spiritual power is really strong, but if you want to stop me Beigong Liu, he is too far away!" The envoy secretly said in his heart.

The four Tier 2 top-level gods of the Emperor Realm and Ten Divine Race warriors all looked towards Bei Gongliu, and Bei Gongliu immediately said: "Don't worry, go on, if he comes in, the **** envoy will definitely kill him!"

As he said, the phantom of the **** condensed above Bei Gongliu's head, the aura exuding became more and more powerful.

After a while, Lin Hao finally arrived!

He could clearly perceive that there was an extremely tyrannical aura in front of him, but he rushed in without hesitation.


As soon as Lin Hao rushed into the spacious space at the end of this passage, he heard a roar, a majestic force, carrying the supreme power, had already called him.

God of War swordsmanship, nine to one sword!

In Lin Hao's mouth, there was a clear whistle, and the sword light turned into a pair of exercises, colliding with the majestic force that hit him.


The violent storm swept through, and Lin Hao's figure wandered like a small boat in the tsunami.

The power of the mantra of the battle body instantly blessed himself, Lin Hao shuttled through this storm, still relying on the storm to be fierce, but he remained absolutely stable, his figure flickered and rushed out of the storm area.

"Unexpectedly, among the thirty-six divine palaces of the Void God Realm, the strength of the Sword God Palace is only in the upper middle, and there is a figure like you, who can hit this side, and can withstand the blow of the gods. Even if compared with the arrogances of the Reincarnation Palace and the God of War Palace, it is no more concession.

For a guy like you, the Sword God Palace may not be able to find a second one for millions of years, but the original envoy wants to see, kill you, and Sword God Palace will dare to send a younger generation to fight in the future! "

Bei Gongliu said with a sneer, not in a hurry to continue to shoot, all they need is time, as long as they wait a while, the other four have also activated the energy in the green spar, then their plan is complete!

How could Lin Hao know Beigongliu's attempt?

He just knew that, in addition to a **** son Qi Chuan, there was also a **** envoy from the temple on the battlefield passage.

He looked at the deep yellow power permeating Bei Gong Liu's body and felt a trace of pressure.

Tier 4 divine body, and also the cultivation base of the tenth emperor realm.

In terms of physique, Lin Hao's battle body can compete with the sixth-order divine body, and he has walked more than six hundred miles of the emperor's road, and coupled with the strong offensive power of the heavenly heritage, it should be comparable to Beigongliu's combat power.

But above Bei Gongliu's head, there was a phantom idol, that phantom idol, across time and space, brought a powerful blessing to Bei Gongliu!

Obviously, this method is some secret method of the temple!

"Ordinary protoss warriors, I have killed a lot, and now I want to try it out, what is it like to kill a temple messenger?" Lin Hao said lightly.

No matter how strong the enemy is, he has no fear.

When the voice fell, Lin Hao took the initiative, he knew very well that he couldn't waste time.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Sword Qi, criss-crossed, whizzed towards Beigongliu.

A look of disdain appeared on Bei Gongliu's face, and when he pointed it out, the phantom image of the **** above his head kept the same movement as him.

A beam of light lased out.

Point Cang Shen pointed!

Lin Hao is very familiar with Bei Gongliu's moves at this time. This was a secret technique he had mastered from the Cang Clan in the True Martial Realm.

Alien races are all failed products created by the temples of the next three days. The essence of life of alien races is the 108 divine methods passed down by the temples of the next three days.

Bei Gongliu used the phantom of the **** statue to shoot out this little blue **** finger beam, the power was extremely powerful, and the whistling sword aura was all shattered.


Lin Hao Hengjian stood in front of him.

The beam hit the sword.

The shocking force made Lin Hao fly out.

"Sword God Palace's top arrogant, that's nothing more than that, in front of this divine envoy, you have no power to fight back!" Bei Gong Liu sneered and yelled, then stepped out, instantly narrowing the distance with Lin Hao, and punched out. .

Still the same as before, the movement of the **** phantom was consistent with Bei Gongliu, and the fist of the **** phantom hit Lin Hao.

The whole fist, like a big day, exudes fiery waves of terror.

This is among the alien races, the fire clan’s magical powers and secrets, which are displayed through Beigongliu, this magical magic is even more powerful!


Lin Hao still kept his sword in front of him.

The flames flew everywhere, and Lin Hao flew out again, just about to hit the barrier in this area.

But Bei Gongliu once again pinched his fist marks and attacked Lin Hao.

Suddenly, Lin Hao's upside-down figure stabilized, his feet slammed on the barrier, and all his power burst out from his legs, exploding at an incredible speed, towards the four gods that were activating the energy in the green spar The warrior rushed.


Bei Gongliu's attack failed and hit the barrier, causing great movement, but the barrier was hit by his power, but there was no trace left.

"Set it to me!"

Bei Gongliu yelled, and he saw Lin Hao's intentions. The phantom of the idol above his head shot out two divine lights in his eyes, instantly covering Lin Hao's body.

Lin Haoshi unfolded the secret method, the seventh turn of the Nine Turns against the sky, the power was reversed, and the divine light that wanted to freeze his actions was torn apart with a single sword.

A protoss warrior who is activating the energy of the green spar has never thought that the **** envoy Bei Gongliu will not be able to stop the enemy, so in the face of this sudden attack, his power is still activating the green spar. Resist, panicked instantly.

The boundless world opens!

The powerful sword aura split this person's body apart.

Bei Gongliu watched this scene, his eyes cracked. He was a temple messenger, a fourth-order divine body, and an emperor realm tenth level cultivation base. He also used the power of the temple's idol, but his opponent broke through the blockade and severely injured one of his men. .

In normal times, Bei Gongliu won't care about these men, no matter how many casualties.

But now it's different. These people are all responsible for activating the terrifying energy in the green spar. Once one is hit hard, his deployment is disrupted.

Bei Gongliu killed Lin Hao with anger.

Lin Hao's movements were faster, and the swordsmanship of the God of War was unfolded, shattering the body and soul of the warrior of the **** race!


Bei Gongliu's divine light with destructive power enveloped Lin Hao.

This time, Lin Hao didn't keep it anymore. Jian Yuan still had energy and blood, and he completed the fusion in an instant. With his divine power bursting out, he directly rushed out of the devastating divine light power and rushed to another protoss warrior again!

The warrior of the Protoss whose breath was locked by Lin Hao's power looked horrified. He saw a companion killed just now with his own eyes. He didn't care about activating the energy in the green spar at the moment, and raised his hand to block him with strong power.

But Lin Hao displayed his supernatural power this time, which was several times stronger than the attack just now. The opponent's defense, like thin paper, was easily torn by his sword.

Under the power of divine power, another warrior of the **** race fell!

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