Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1376: Sublimation in battle

Chapter 1376 Sublimation in battle

Before they left the road, the three met a group of Void God Realm warriors who came to look for them.

After seeing the three people, this group of virtual **** realm warriors looked excited.

Qi Jingchun asked about the situation again, and after learning the whole story, a group of people immediately rushed towards the main passage.

"Junior Sister Ouyang!" Tan Ming, the Tianjiao of the Sword God Palace, was finally relieved to see Ouyang Jing coming back safely.

Ouyang Jing said, "Brother Tan, this is Lin Yuan from the Reincarnation Temple, and this is Qi Jingchun from the Moon God..."

After Ouyang Jing also explained the situation, Tan Ming breathed a sigh of relief, but an expression of fear still appeared on his face.

If that side road is really opened up, this passage that the powerhouse of the virtual **** world has guarded for countless years will fall under the control of the gods this time.

Tan Ming looked at Lin Hao and said, "Brother Lin, thanks to you this time, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Tan Ming did not doubt the identity of Lin Hao either. In the thirty-six temples of the Void God Realm, there are some hidden talents in each of them. Now the chaotic battlefield situation is not optimistic. These have been hidden before. Tianjiao's being sent to the battlefield is also normal.

"Sister Ouyang, Brother Lin, now that the crisis in Fang Fang has been resolved, then I will go to the front to join the war first." Tan Ming said.

Ouyang Jing was about to talk.

Tan Ming immediately interrupted him: "Junior Sister Ouyang, you were already seriously injured in the previous battle. The injury has not recovered, and you have gone through the war again. You must heal your injuries and wait until you recover before you can continue to fight."

Lin Hao said: "Brother Tan, I will go to the front with you to join the war."

Although Tan Ming has never seen Lin Hao take action, but from what Ouyang Jing said just now, it is certain that Lin Hao's combat effectiveness is extraordinary. Even a **** envoy of the temple was killed by him, and no injuries appeared on his body. , This force joining the battlefield can have a great impact, so he nodded.

"I will also go to the front line!"

At this moment, Liao Fan of the Rain God Palace also returned and said.

Then he looked at Lin Hao and said, "I was wrong with Liao Fan in the previous incident."

Lin Hao smiled and said, "There shouldn't be any major problems in the rear. Just leave some people to search it again, then we will go to the front together and kill the warriors of the Protoss!"

Lin Hao didn't care about some of Liao Fan's previous things.

Everyone is fighting for the Void God Realm, but in the face of some things, everyone has their own judgments and choices. In the face of such a big right and wrong, there is no need to be grudges and brood over some small things.

Tan Ming glanced at Lin Hao again, and his evaluation of Lin Hao instantly became much higher.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hao, Tan Ming, Liao Fan, and more than twenty emperor realm eight-fold cultivation level and above martial artists rushed in the direction that the fierce battle wave came from.

A group of people passed through the area for hundreds of miles and could already see the tragic fight ahead.

There are a total of hundreds of emperor realm powerhouses fighting, and the personnel on both sides are very easy to distinguish. The warriors of the Protoss have lived in the divine realm full of divine aura from their childhood, and their power has the peculiarity of a divine aura. .

Obviously, the warriors of the Void God Realm are at a considerable disadvantage.

There are more than three hundred warriors of the Protoss, and there are only two hundred warriors in the Void God Realm.

Lin Hao saw a lot of light red and crimson powers. Among the warriors of the Protoss race, the number of Tier 2 divine bodies was no less than 30!

There are even light orange powers, and there are several people in Tier 3 divine bodies.

As for Tier 4 Divine Body, Lin Hao didn't find it.

However, he suspected that Qi Chuan, a descendant of the God King Qilian Mountain, who was in charge of a protoss tribe, should also be a Tier 4 divine body, and he had not personally participated in the war.

"Brother Zhou!"

Everyone was still a few miles away from the battlefield. Tan Ming suddenly roared, his speed skyrocketed, and the sword was in the air. Unfortunately, it was still too late. A human race warrior was forcibly torn apart by a second-order **** race warrior with his body and soul. .

Tan Ming's sword light came, and it also split the protoss warrior of the second-order divine body into pieces.




A roar came from Liao Fan and other people around Lin Hao. Although they have never participated in the battle at the front line, when they really got here, they saw that the human warriors were at a disadvantage and still did not retreat, still fighting to the end. The blood in their hearts Was also excited, to the battlefield!

Lin Hao didn't say a word, but the speed was not slow. He rushed into the battlefield faster than Liao Fan and the others. The Sky Mark Sword swept out, the sword light was magnificent, and the two ordinary Protoss warriors were instantly cut into two!

The battle was extremely fierce.

As soon as Tan Ming joined the battlefield, after he killed several protoss warriors in disorder, two protoss third-tier divine physique warriors with pale orange power entangled Tan Ming.

These two Protoss warriors of Tier 3 Divine Body were both at the peak of the emperor realm. Tan Ming, even the Tianjiao of the Sword God Palace, was suddenly at a great disadvantage.

In addition to Tan Ming, Lin Hao discovered that on the battlefield, the Human Race Tianjiao of the Void God Realm was stopped by the strong of the Protoss. Obviously, the warrior of the Protoss also had a deep understanding of the strength of the Void God Realm. The threat is relatively high. After stopping the Tianjiao of Human Race, other Human Race Emperor Realm martial artists, even if they have the same level of cultivation, are almost not the opponents of Protoss Martial Artists.

Since Lin Hao participated in the war for the first time, the warriors of the Protoss didn't know much about his strength.

The two protoss warriors who had been cut off by Lin Hao instantly reunited in their bodies, one left and the other right, and they came to Lin Hao respectively.

Lin Hao let out a cold snort, pointed at the sky above, countless sword aura poured out, drowning the two warriors of the Protoss race who had killed him.

After killing the two protoss warriors, Lin Hao's figure flashed and appeared in front of a warrior of the tenth level of the protoss emperor realm.

This tenth-tier warrior of the God Race Emperor Realm was about to grab the head of a Void God Realm human race warrior. Suddenly, a huge sense of danger developed in his heart, and he didn't care about killing, and immediately pulled away and retreated.

But even though he reacted quickly, he was still chopped off half of his head by Lin Hao.

After pushing back his opponent, Lin Hao put his toes in the air a little bit, the God of War swordsmanship, when the word sword is used, his body skills are free and easy, and the sword moves are free from any restrictions, just like a magical pen, and instantly pierced the chest of the Protoss warrior. .

The sword aura broke out, crushing the opponent's body, followed by another sword, shattering the soul of the opponent escaped!

After Lin Hao repeatedly cut the number of people, the Protoss warrior finally noticed the situation here. Suddenly, a tenth warrior of the emperor realm with crimson power, shouted angrily, patted a huge handprint composed of flames, and hit it. Lin Hao.

A cold light flashed in Lin Hao's eyes, and the power of the seventh round of the Nine Turns Against the Sky burst out, slashed with a sword, split the flame handprint, and even the protoss warrior who shot, split into two halves!

At this moment, Lin Hao completely attracted the attention of the best of these protoss warriors. One imperial tenth protoss warrior with light orange power ray, two imperial tenth protoss warrior with crimson ray, and at the same time Charged towards Lin Hao.

"Good job!"

Lin Hao yelled, full of pride in his heart, stepping out in one step, there is no shortage of emperor's road, and another big step!

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