Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1377: A big win

Thousandth chapters 377 victory

Originally, Lin Hao's Wuquedi Road had already traveled more than six hundred miles.

Now it has taken another big step, which has reached more than 800 miles!

The best of the three protoss warriors came to kill Lin Hao. Lin Hao did not evade, stepped out and appeared in front of these three protoss warriors, and his tyrannical aura burst forth.

The three warriors of the Protoss race suddenly shook their minds, and their bodies were shaky.

Lin Hao cut out with a sword.

The boundless world opens!

He just improved, Wuquedi Road walked more than 800 miles, plus the power of the seventh turn of the Nine Turns Against Heaven, the power of this sword was quite shocking.

In the blink of an eye, those two Tier 2 Divine Body Emperor Realm Tenth Divine Race warriors fell under the sword of Lin Hao.

The Emperor Realm Tenth Divine Race warrior of the third-order divine body let out a scream and fell towards the ground.

Lin Hao's figure flashed again, and his feet stepped on the head of the protoss warrior who fell towards the ground.


A violent explosion sounded, this protoss warrior was directly crushed by Lin Hao's tyrannical power!

However, Lin Hao used the force of that step just now to increase his speed and rush towards the battlefield where Liao Fan was.

As soon as Liao Fan entered the battle, he was immediately entangled by a second-order divine body warrior of the Protoss, before he fought a few moves, a blood hole was punched in his abdomen.

As Lin Hao arrived, he swung a sword, and the protoss warrior who fought against Liao Fan instantly turned into fragments, and the souls had no time to escape.

Lin Hao had just participated in the battle for a few breaths.

From the beginning, it was not noticed. After killing the three protoss warriors instantly, it attracted the attention of the best protoss warriors and killed them strongly. As a result, Lin Hao also surged in strength in an instant, and unstoppable the three outstanding protoss warriors. Kill.

Next, no matter which area Lin Hao appeared in, no one of the Protoss warriors could block his offensive and was quickly killed.

"Mission Sword!"

Tan Ming yelled, slashed out, and beheaded a Tier 3 Divine Body Emperor Realm Tenth God Race warrior!

Zhang Mieshen, the strongest of the Sword God Palace, is known as the God Sword of Sword God. The strongest inheritance of Sword God Palace is the Sword God Sword Art. Mastering skill, more domineering than Ouyang Jing's Destroying Sword Technique!

Originally, he was besieged by two people and was at a considerable disadvantage, but the guy who besieged him just now went to deal with Lin Hao, and was resolved by Lin Hao. The Protoss warrior who continued to fight Tan Ming was unsteady because of the movement caused by Lin Hao. Take the opportunity by Tan Ming!

Tan Ming, who had solved his opponent, rushed to other areas in an instant, non-second-tier gods, even the tenth emperor realm, could not hold him a single blow.

"Sword Yaoshanhe!"

After Tan Ming broke out here, in another place, the sword **** palace Tianjiao Zhuo Feng also seized the opportunity to display a powerful peculiar skill. The bright sword light swept through the sword light. In the sword light, boundless mountains and rivers emerged, and a sword instantly cut the opponent.

"Cool, happy, it's Lao Tzu's turn!"

Di Lie, Tianjiao of the Flame God Palace, laughed wildly. In his palm, the endless flames gathered into a round of scorching sun. Di Lie shot it out with one palm, and the scorching sun exploded and killed a third-tier one. Ten enemies of the emperor realm of the **** body.

Except for the outbreak of these three great arrogances, in the battlefield, every warrior in the Void God Realm is full of vigor and imposing momentum.

They have been in this battlefield for half a year. For the past six months, they have been defensive, trying their best to break the offensive of the warriors of the Protoss. There has never been such an exciting moment like today!

"The son of God... the big thing is bad."

A warrior of the Protoss, with an extremely flustered expression, flew in front of Qi Chuan.

Qi Chuan already knew the general situation on the battlefield, his expression was gloomy, and he said, "Say, what is going on, everything was fine before, why is it so suddenly!"

"God Qizi, on the side of the Void God Realm martial artist, a guy with a sword suddenly came. The offensive power is incredible. Even Xuanmu has not been able to survive three moves under his sword..."

The Xuanmu mentioned in this population is a tenth-tier warrior of the Emperor Realm with a third-order divine body, with extremely strong defense power, and has been killed by Lin Hao in the battlefield.

"Xuanmu can't stop him with three moves?" Qi Chuan repeated this sentence, his eyes narrowed slightly, cold light shot, and said: "Immediately order, everyone will be the first to besie that guy!"

"God... our people have been killed and injured more than half, and we can't fight anymore. The guys in the Void God Realm are now vigorous. If we continue to fight... I'm afraid we will..."

"Trash, a bunch of trash!" Qi Chuan was furious, shouting loudly: "Retreat, retreat all!"

Soon, the remaining warriors of the Protoss race began to evacuate all on the battlefield where the two sides met.

The Void God Realm martial artist had already gained momentum, chasing all the way, after chasing for nearly a thousand miles, then stopped.

The headed Zhuo Feng, Di Lie, and Tan Ming looked at each other, the expressions of excitement on their faces couldn't hide.

Then the eyes of the three of them all looked at Lin Hao on the side.

The eyes of the other Void God Realm warriors all looked at Lin Hao.

Without this arrogant talent who turned out, how could they have such a record in this battle!

Tan Ming just remembered that he didn't seem to have time to introduce him, and he immediately said, "Everyone, this is Brother Lin from the Reincarnation Shrine. The big movement from behind is also related to Brother Lin.

The guys from the Protoss wanted to clear a side road, it was Brother Lin who appeared in time and broke their plan. "

After introducing Lin Hao, Tan Ming introduced Zhuo Feng and Di Lie to Lin Hao. As for the others, they were ignored and could not be introduced so much.

Zhuo Feng glanced around, and then said: "Brother Lin, this is the last line of defense for the warriors of the Protoss. They still have a lot of arrangements to prevent them from counterattack. We have to retreat about five hundred miles."

Lin Hao nodded and said, "This is the first time I have entered the chaotic battlefield. I don't know much about the situation here. Brother Zhuo, you are sure."

Immediately, Zhuo Feng and several people immediately organized the Void God Realm martial artist to retreat five hundred miles.

This passage is only more than three thousand six hundred miles.

Before, there were only more than 800 miles occupied by the human race.

The Protoss occupied more than two thousand miles, and there were hundreds of miles of passage between the two sides, and they were always fighting.

This time, the passage occupied by the human race was directly drawn from eight hundred li to two thousand five hundred li, and the five hundred li passage set aside for the fight was removed. In other words, the passage that the protoss still occupied now only has six. Baili.

Moreover, in the previous battle, a hundred gods warriors were killed.

Protoss warriors have lost a lot of power, and the gap between the numbers of the two sides is almost non-existent.

The most important thing is that the gods of the second and third ranks of the gods were almost all killed, and the top arrogant among the warriors of the virtual gods, no one fell in the previous battle.

All of them were extremely excited. Maybe, their side would be the first channel won by the Void God Realm among the hundreds of channels on the chaotic battlefield!

"Lao Lin, this descendant of your Lin family is amazing. It is really amazing. The number of protoss warriors killed is 68 people, including 22 second-tier divine bodies, five third-tier divine bodies, and one fourth-tier divine body. It’s ranked 36th on the Meritorious List of Our Reincarnation Shrine Disciple!"

Outside the barrier of the chaotic battlefield, inside the house where the Meritorious List of the Reincarnation Shrine was located, one was amazed, and the other was completely sluggish...

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