Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1382: Altar of Resurrection

Chapter 1382 The Altar of Resurrection

"Bei Gong Yun, what can you do?" Although Qi Chuan doesn't believe in Bei Gong Yun's ability to turn the tide, there is no other way now.

Bei Gongyun did not rush to answer, saying, "Who is the one who killed Bei Gongliu that waste, do you know?"

Qi Chuan shook his head and said: "It's still unclear for the time being, but it should be the guy who suddenly emerged from the virtual **** realm on this battlefield. If it weren't for that guy, I wouldn't have been defeated so miserably by Qi Chuan."

"I had predicted this result a long time ago. Even if there is no one who turns out to be born in the Void God Realm, it will be difficult for the waste to join hands." Bei Gongyun said lightly.

"Bei Gongyun...what do you mean?" Qi Chuan's face became ugly.

"You know what you mean. If you really lose this passage, it doesn't matter if all of you die, but the trash of my Beigong family also participated in this matter. This also lost the face of our Beigong family, my Beigong Yun definitely won't allow this to happen, Qi Chuan, if you want to save the defeat, then everything will follow my orders."

"Bei Gongyun, don't go too far!"

"You can choose not to cooperate, but this passage is lost, my Beigong family is just a shame, and you are the person in charge of this passage."

Qi Chuan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "You said, what do you want me to do."

Bei Gongyun no longer responded to Qi Chuan, his expression became solemn and serious, the breath of power surged, and the pale green light bloomed.

Upon seeing this scene, Qi Chuan's face changed again.

Bei Gongyun... actually possesses a Tier 5 Divine Body!

In addition, Qi Chuan clearly felt that Bei Gong Yun was also the Emperor Realm Tenth Level Cultivation Base just like himself, but when Bei Gong Yun's breath broke out, he felt a strong suppression.

This kind of suppression, in addition to the fifth-order divine body from Bei Gongyun, there is another point, that is Bei Gongyun's road to the imperial realm, after breaking the limit, it has gone far!

With the power of Bei Gong Yun, countless rare sacred stones from the God Realm flew out of Bei Gong Yun’s storage ring one after another. After falling on the ground, these sacred stones formed a party with a diameter of 100 meters at a very fast speed. Of the altar.

On the altar, there are a lot of lines, and there is a heart-palpitating breath.

"Altar of Resurrection!"

Qi Chuan finally knew what Bei Gong was going to do, and couldn't help letting out an exclamation.


In the battlefield.

More than a dozen Tier 3 Divine Body Warriors of the Protoss have been wiped out.

There are more than 30 Tier 2 Divine Body Warriors, and only less than ten remain.

The original protoss warrior team of more than 300 people is now only half left.

The fighting has temporarily stopped.

Although Lin Hao can continue to display peak combat effectiveness, the other people in the Void God Realm are already very tired.

The three people in the God of War, Tan Ming of the God of Sword, Zhuo Feng of the God of Sword, and Di Lie of the God of Flame, all consume a lot of money.

The warriors of the Protoss already knew that they were bound to lose, so when they fought, the way of fighting changed, becoming extreme and resolute.

In this state, if you continue to fight, of course you can wipe out all the remaining warriors of the **** race, but the warriors of the virtual gods will also cause great damage.

Temporary rest is necessary for the warriors of the Void God Realm. When the state of the strongest group of Void God Realm warriors is restored, even if the Protoss warriors adopt extreme play methods, the impact will not be too great.

During the temporary rest period, Lin Hao got to know the situation of the warriors on the Void God Realm by the way. There were more than 300 people, and more than 60 people have fallen. Although this is a big victory compared to the fall of more than 200 warriors of the **** race, but In fact... even if the remaining more than one hundred people of the Protoss were killed, there would be almost no impact on the entire Protoss.

Compared with the Void God Realm, the number of warriors in the Protoss is too much!

Ouyang Jing of the Sword God Palace had an arm cut off and has not recovered so far. Lin Hao was ready to help, but Ouyang Jing refused.

She was unwilling to use Lin Hao's strength to recover from her injury.

However, Lin Hao still shot.

This loss of strength is nothing to him, it can be recovered in a moment.

Qi Jingchun of the Moon God Palace, Lin Hao had just entered the chaotic battlefield and encountered eagerness. His body was completely lost, only a trace of his soul remained.

In this regard, Lin Hao also helped him to reunite his body. As for the spirit of the soul, he can only recover slowly in the future.

Forget it, excluding the more than sixty people who fell, only one hundred and seventy of the two hundred people left on the Void God Realm are still able to participate in the war.

Of course, on the side of the warriors of the Protoss, the total number of remaining people is only a little over a hundred. Among them, if they are really able to continue to fight, there are actually only a few dozen, but they have no retreat and must continue to fight!


Lin Hao frowned suddenly and looked in the direction where the Protoss warrior was.

He felt an extremely hidden and extremely evil aura emerging.

"Protoss' reinforcements are coming?" Lin Hao secretly asked.

Lin Hao sensed the abnormal situation, and immediately summoned the three people from the God of War Palace who were still adjusting, as well as Zhuo Feng, Di Lie, and Tan Ming.

When Lin Hao summoned them, they still didn't know what was going on.

But after a few people gathered together, Lin Hao didn't need to say anything, they all noticed the abnormality, the evil aura was no longer hidden, it was already obvious!

Suddenly, Zhuo Feng thought of something and whispered: "No, it's the altar of resurrection in the temple."

"Altar of Resurrection?" Di Lie looked at Zhuo Feng.

Except for the big guy Di Lie from the Yanshen Palace, the three people from the God of War, including Tan Ming from the Sword God Palace, all frowned at this time, obviously they knew it.

Lin Hao didn't know...

Zhuo Feng immediately explained: "This is a sacrificial art of the Protoss Temple, which can resurrect the fallen people through a large amount of spilled blood and remnant soul fragments.

It is not a real resurrection, but the power of the altar to communicate with the temple, using the spilled blood and remnant fragments to gather puppets that completely obey the combat instructions.

I have only heard of it, and never encountered such a thing. "

"Then they won't make a puppet for the fallen person on our side? Even though I know it is a puppet, it's hard for me to see that the other person is my own!" Di Lie said.

Tan Ming shook his head and said: "It's not true. The puppets that they can resurrect can only be members of their Protoss. The life aura of our humans is different from that of the Protoss, and they can't resurrect the fallen warriors of our human race. "

After Lin Hao got to know this so-called resurrection altar a little, his brows frowned.

In this way, those of the Protoss who were killed by them would appear on the battlefield in another form...The advantage established by the Void God Realm Warriors before is meaningless.

The power of the warriors of the Protoss will return to the state before the battle.

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