Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1383: The danger of resurrection

The first thousand three hundred and eighty-three chapters of the danger brought by the resurrection technique


A very strong sense of shock spread from the area where the two sides were fighting before.

A mysterious circular pattern with a diameter of 100 meters appeared in the air.

This mysterious pattern exudes a very special power, followed by a strange sound.

At this moment, all the warriors in the Void God Realm had already noticed this movement, and they rushed behind Lin Hao and his party, staring at the front.

Under the influence of the mysterious pattern, the flesh and blood fragments of the original place began to regroup, and the protoss warriors killed by the warriors of the Void God Realm almost all ‘live’!


A series of low roars without any emotion came from the mouths of these ‘resurrected’ protoss warriors.

These guys who have been ‘resurrected’ have a very obvious feature, their eyes are black, like an abyss.

The total number of protoss warriors killed before has exceeded two hundred, and now only a hundred people have been ‘resurrected’.

This kind of resurrection technique of the Protoss Temple requires the ‘resurrection’ of others, and it still needs some media. Those who have been beaten to death cannot be ‘resurrected’!

The warrior of the Void God Realm was extremely depressed inside.

The dawn of victory, which was finally seen, has suddenly changed suddenly and it is a bit unacceptable.

Lin Hao glanced at each other with a few people around him, then nodded.


Loudly, from Lin Hao's mouth, the words fell, Lin Hao people had already rushed into the sky over the group of ‘resurrected’ protoss warriors.


Lin Hao slashed into the mysterious circular pattern in the air.

Sword Qi directly drew through the mysterious pattern, without any influence on the pattern at all.


Those warriors of the ‘resurrected’ Protoss roared into one piece, like countless fierce beasts, making their scalp numb, and rushing towards Lin Hao in the air!

Lin Hao swept out with a sword, the sword light swept away, and several puppets were cut off immediately.

But these puppets whose bodies had been severed could not feel the pain at all. A strong attraction broke out from the wound, and the broken bodies immediately gathered.


At this time, the three people in the God of War had also rushed over, each of them exploded a puppet, but these puppets were extremely hard, after being exploded, they only turned into fragments, and these fragments began to gather quickly.

Upon seeing this, Lin Hao took out his sword again, and the sword energy fell on the converging fragments, completely destroying these fragments and turning them into dust.

In this way, a puppet was successfully resolved, and there was no sign of'resurrection'.

In addition to the three people from the God of War, Tan Ming from the Blade Palace, Zhuo Feng from the Sword God Palace, and Di Lie from the Flame God Palace also all arrived.

The three of them worked together to destroy the two puppets.

"At last it's not too desperate. These ghosts can't be resurrected indefinitely." Di Lie clenched his fists. Even so, his expression was extremely solemn.

At this time, the more than one hundred truly alive warriors left by the Protoss also rushed towards this side.

And all the warriors of the virtual **** realm arrived.

The two sides fought fiercely again.

Lin Hao rushed to kill in the battlefield, mainly to deal with those puppets who were "resurrected".

Before, even a Tier 3 divine body emperor realm tenth **** race warrior, Lin Hao could solve with two swords at most, but now, these puppets have extremely strong defenses, and he often has to make several moves to solve a puppet.

As for other warriors in the Void God Realm, it is more difficult to destroy the puppets.

Not long after the battle began, there were a lot of casualties in the Void God Realm martial artist.

Zhuo Feng, Tan Ming, and Di Lie all rushed to Lin Hao's side and joined Lin Hao.

"Brother Lin, if we continue like this, we can't last long." Zhuo Feng shouted. While speaking, a sword split the body of a puppet, but the bodies of the puppet immediately gathered together again, without any fear at all. Continue to pounce on Zhuo Feng.

Tan Ming also shouted: "The resurrection technique of the Protoss uses the power of the resurrection altar to communicate with the ‘resurrection’. It also uses the altar to control these puppets. We must destroy the altar!"

"Then make a **** road, hit it directly, find the altar, and destroy the altar!" Di Lie roared and smashed a number of punches before shattering a puppet's body, but in the blink of an eye, it was bombed. The shattered puppets gathered their bodies again...

"Okay, I'm going to find the altar, hand it to you here!" Lin Hao shouted, displayed the God of War sword technique, destroyed the two puppets, and rushed out.

But before he rushed far, he was entangled by several puppets.

The three people in the God of War Palace also rushed towards Lin Hao, blasting out all the puppets who wanted to stop Lin Hao.

Immediately afterwards, a group of warriors from the imaginary world rushed towards Lin Hao, helped Lin Hao stop the puppets, and created opportunities for him.

In order to create opportunities for Lin Hao, the warriors of the Void God Realm once again suffered a lot of casualties.


On the other side, Bei Gongyun was casting spells to control the altar and control the puppets to fight. Above the altar, scenes of battlefields appeared.

"Brother Bei Gong, that guy is the main person who caused our defeat on the battlefield. Your brother Bei Gongliu should have died in his hands.

This person has a very strong combat power. If you really break through for him, Brother Bei Gong, you have to control the Altar of Resurrection, and you can't pull it out. I'm not sure I can deal with him. "Qi Chuan said while looking at Lin Hao in the screen.

Bei Gongyun said indifferently: "He can't get through with me!"

When the voice fell, Bei Gongyun knotted his hands again, making a handprint into the altar of resurrection.

On the battlefield.

Lin Hao saw that he was about to rush out of the encirclement of the puppets and the warriors of the Protoss, and suddenly, the mutation regenerated.

"Boom boom boom!"

All the puppets suddenly exploded.

A total of thirty puppets turned into fragments, and these fragments, all gathered together, turned into three giant puppets.

These three giant puppets are extremely powerful. With a smashed arm, they swept away the Void God Realm martial artist who was blocking the front and rushed towards Lin Hao.

At this time, Lin Hao was blocked by several protoss warriors and couldn't dodge. With a loud shout, the God of War Sword Technique was launched.

At this moment, he finally chose to explode his supernatural power!

The sword light was like a tsunami, centered on Lin Hao, heading in all directions.

The several protoss warriors who stood in front of him instantly turned into ashes under the sword light.

And the three giant puppets are also covered with deep sword marks, but for these puppets, as long as they are completely destroyed, there is no injury, and it will not get in the way.

These three giant puppets, already in a triangle shape, surrounded Lin Hao, and each punched Lin Hao.

Lin Hao gritted his teeth, a large amount of divine power poured into the sky mark sword, and laid a heavy epee net around him.

"Boom boom boom!"

A huge roar sounded, and the sword net exploded one after another.

At the moment when all the sword nets were exploded, Lin Hao's figure flashed and appeared in front of a giant puppet, piercing the puppet's chest with a sword.

Endless sword energy exploded in this giant puppet's body, smashing its body completely, without leaving a trace of powder.

After destroying a giant puppet, Lin Hao's heart suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis, and his figure flashed again, avoiding the blow of a giant puppet, and the fist of a giant puppet, but he could not avoid it. The sword can stand in front of you.


That huge, hard fist hit the sky-mark sword, and Lin Hao's body was blown out!

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