Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1388: Take down the channel

Chapter 1388: Take down the channel

After Bei Gongyun of the fifth-order divine body was killed, a ray of light green life origin aura was collected by the reincarnation shrine disciple token that Lin Hao carried!

On the merit list of the Reincarnation Shrine, behind Lin Yuan's name, there was also a pale green trace!

Since the younger generation of warriors in the Void God Realm have begun a full-scale attack on the warriors of the Protoss on the chaotic battlefield, a great figure of the God Realm in the Reincarnation Shrine stayed on the merit list. Through the merit list, we can understand the general situation on the battlefield. situation.

When he saw that behind Lin Yuan's name, there was an extra mark for killing a Tier 5 divine body, the boss of the heavenly **** was also staring!

Protoss actually has a Tier 5 **** body that has fallen!

This Lin Yuan who emerged from the world unexpectedly killed a God Race Tianjiao with a fifth-order divine body!

On the merit list of the entire Reincarnation Shrine, in the past six months, only one person has successfully killed a God Race Tianjiao with a fifth-order divine body...

If this strong **** of the gods knew the name he saw, this time he almost killed two people with fifth-order gods of the **** race, it is estimated that his jaw would fall to the ground.

If he knows which channel this kid named Lin Yuan is participating in the chaotic battlefield, he will definitely arrange for some imperial warriors in the Reincarnation Shrine to find someone!

"This kid's talent should not have been discovered by other palace masters... this matter must be reported to the palace master, and the attention to this Lin Yuan has to be increased again!"

Reincarnation Shrine, there are seven deputy palace owners!

Although there is no struggle for power.

But every deputy palace lord is also competing secretly, whoever has better people will have more light on his face!

Can't let this Lin Yuan be snatched by other deputy palace masters...

Immediately, the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm in Samsara Shrine turned around, glanced at Lynch meaningfully, patted Lynch on the shoulder, and said: "Your Lin family is going to be developed. I am afraid that Palace Master will personally Accepted disciples!"

After all, the person immediately reported to Duan Xiao about Lin Yuan.

In the chaotic battlefield channel, after Lin Hao killed Bei Gongyun, and Qi Chuan fled in embarrassment, he glanced at the resurrection altar that no longer had power fluctuations. He ignored it for the time being, but instead rushed to it non-stop. The battlefield.

Although Beigong's resurrection technique with the resurrection altar has lost its effect, and the puppets have disappeared, before this, the warriors of the virtual gods were also very expensive.

Later, after a burst of anger, after killing a group of protoss warriors, they all almost reached their limit. Now the two sides are fighting each other, and they are holding on to the death. It is purely to see who can hold on to the end, which way can't hold on, which way You have to die!

This style of play is quite tragic.

After Lin Hao arrived, he shouted and rushed into the battlefield.

Although he had previously experienced battles with the two Tier 5 Divine Body Tianjiao, Qi Chuan and Bei Gongyun, he continued to improve during the battle, and his strength did not decrease but increased, so at this time, his condition was still very good.

These remnants of the Protoss warrior's defeated generals, how can they stop Lin Hao's attack, almost one by one!

The warriors of the Void God Realm were all stunned when they saw Lin Hao killing from behind the enemy.

They were also dumbfounded, not knowing why Lin Hao would come back from the rear...

However, he could also guess a general idea that the strange resurrection technique of the Protoss was definitely destroyed by Lin Hao!

A quarter of an hour later.

The battle finally stopped.

None of the protoss warriors survived.

The Void God Realm martial artist, the energy held in his heart, was completely exhausted. At this time, one by one sat on the ground, covered in blood and scars, but laughed out loud.

This battle is finally over!

They survived!

They opened a channel!

The three people from the God of War Palace, with broken bodies, gathered together and walked towards Lin Hao.

Tan Ming and Ouyang Jing from the Sword God Palace, Zhuo Feng from the Sword God Palace, and Di Lie from the Yan God Palace all walked up to Lin Hao.

"Brother Lin... I thought you went to rescue soldiers... I didn't expect you to run behind the Protoss defense line. How did you do it?" Di Lie shouted loudly.

Apart from Ouyang Jing's guess, everyone else also looked at Lin Hao curiously.

Lin Hao said, "Don’t these guys from the Protoss want to break through a side road, but I discovered it later? So I just returned to the side road and exploded it with what I got from the North Palace. The last barrier.

The person who performed the technique of resurrection came from the temple, like Beigongliu, from the temple's Beigong family, named Beigongyun, a fifth-order divine body, but he has been killed by me.

In addition, Qi Chuan should not be underestimated. It is also a Tier 5 divine body. He has always hidden his strength. Qi Chuan has escaped. If you encounter Qi Chuan again in the future, you must be careful. "

"What? Brother Lin, the guy you killed named Bei Gongyun was a fifth-order divine body? Qi Chuan who escaped was also a fifth-order divine body?" Di Lie's loud voice sounded again, his eyes staring like copper bells.

He was not shocked that Qi Chuan and Bei Gongyun were Tier 5 divine bodies.

To his shock, Lin Hao had dealt with two Tier 5 divine bodies alone and achieved such a record.

Not only Di Lie, but Tan Ming, Zhuo Feng, and Ouyang Jing were also shocked.

The three people in the God of Wars knew some of Lin Hao's secrets, but at this time they also opened their mouths and were shocked to speak.

too strong!

These people have been fighting in the chaotic battlefield for half a year, let alone a Tier 5 Divine Body, I have never seen a Tier 4 Divine Body...

Their strength is a bit reluctant to face a Tier 3 Divine Body of the same Tier Protoss warrior... You can imagine how strong the Protoss Tianjiao strength of Tier 5 Divine Body is.

And this Tianjiao of the Reincarnation Shrine called Lin Yuan...How long has it been in the chaotic battlefield?

The Beigongliu who killed the fourth-order divine body before, now killed Beigongyun, the fifth-order divine body, and beat Qichuan, the fifth-order divine body!

This kind of record, even if it is placed in more than one hundred channels in the entire chaotic battlefield, is absolutely top-notch!

Lin Hao said: "I still have the resurrection altar where the gods temple uses the resurrection technique. This kind of secret technique is extremely threatening to our Void God Realm warriors. Perhaps we can use the resurrection altar to find out the defects of this secret technique. If you encounter it in the future, it can also reduce great casualties."

"Is the Altar of Resurrection left intact?" Zhuo Feng asked.

"Well, it's complete."

"Great, the resurrection technique of the temple is centered on the altar of resurrection. I heard a deputy palace owner of our Sword God Palace say that we are strong in the virtual **** world, long ago want to get a complete The Altar of Resurrection came to study this secret technique, looking for a way to crack it, but for a long time, people in the temple used the Altar of Resurrection, and after discovering that something was wrong, they would take the initiative to destroy the Altar of Resurrection, not giving us any chance to investigate!

Brother Lin, you have made a great contribution to this passage.

And this complete altar of resurrection is more meaningful than laying a few passages! "

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Everyone, this channel has been laid. According to the agreement between the virtual **** realm and the **** realm, our strong men in the virtual **** realm can already station here. I will leave it to you here. I will go first. step."

"Brother Lin, where are you going?" Tan Ming asked.

Lin Hao glanced at the direction of this passage leading to the God Realm, and said, "The God Realm!"

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