Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 1389: Kill to the gods

Chapter 1389: Killed in the God Realm

Hearing what Lin Hao said, several people were once again shocked by Lin Hao's thoughts.

After setting up a passage, Lin Hao actually wanted to venture to the God Realm!

Even in the agreement between the Void God Realm and the God Realm, the younger generation of warriors on both sides broke out of the passage, and the powerhouses on both sides who surpassed the Divine Fire Realm still could not do anything!

But the younger generation of warriors on both sides had never thought about it. After they laid a channel, they rushed out of the channel and appeared in the enemy's base camp!

Although the battle in the channels of the chaotic battlefield was fierce, the military forces of both sides were scattered in more than one hundred channels.

But Lin Hao really wants to break out of this passage, and there will definitely be a large number of young warriors of the Protoss appearing to besiege him.

Moreover, the effectiveness of some agreements will also weaken.

Even if the Protoss didn't make any move, they might even intervene in secret, lock Lin Hao's location with powerful spiritual power, and arrange for the younger generation of warriors of their Protoss to encircle and suppress.

"Brother Lin, you must not take risks in this matter." Zhuo Feng reminded.

Lin Hao smiled and said, "This decision was made when I entered the chaotic battlefield and participated in the war, so I must go to the God Realm!"

"Why don't we wait for the powerhouses of the Void God Realm to enter this passage before discussing it?" Tan Ming suggested.

Lin Hao shook his head: "Now that we have just opened this passage, the Protoss has not reacted so quickly. If we delay for a little longer, the Protoss may be prepared. They will arrange a large number of manpower at the exit and want to rush out. The difficulty doubles."

"Everyone, let me go one step ahead and leave!"

After leaving these words, Lin Hao turned around and headed towards the God Realm.

After Lin Hao left, Zhuo Feng looked at each other.

"Men should be the case!" Di Lie thought for a while, finally found a sentence that applies to this time. After speaking, he said again: "I originally thought Di Lie had enough courage. Compared with Brother Lin, it was still worse. Far!

After I regain my strength, I will kill Di Lie!

Brother Lin dared to fight, so did my Di Lie! "

Tan Ming and Zhuo Feng were also deeply affected by Lin Hao, and both nodded.

"We have died once, so what is there to be afraid of? For these years, the Protoss has been stirring the wind and the rain in our virtual **** realm. This time it is our turn to go to the **** realm!" Tan Ming's eyes also flashed A touch of madness.

The people of the Protoss, through other normal channels, many people also descended to the virtual **** realm, which has been causing trouble to the virtual **** realm. This time, they will kill the **** realm from the chaotic channel!

"Count me, just right, I haven't been to the God Realm yet, so I will kill a few more Protoss this time!" Zhuo Feng, who has always been a relatively stable player, also made a decision at this time.

The three people in the God of War, naturally, needless to say, their Fourth House Master Lin Hao has already gone to the God Realm, and they must go there too. These three people didn't say anything, and ran to the side to meditate and adjust their breath.

Once you recover, go right away!

Spirit world.

Like the Void God Realm, a large area near the chaotic battlefield has been blocked.

When Lin Hao came over, he did not encounter any protoss warrior guarding him at the entrance of the passage.

Because the powerhouses of the Protoss do not think that the imperial martial artists of the virtual gods have a great chance to defeat the imperial martial artists of their gods. Even if the warriors of the virtual gods do occupy the passage, they do not think that there will be human martial arts directly. Come here to God Realm.

Therefore, Lin Hao had not encountered any obstacles and had already appeared in the God Realm.

Qi Chuan has already escaped, and the news spread. There will definitely be a lot of people arranged to guard the entrance and exit of the passage, but the warriors of the Protoss will no longer enter that passage.

The agreement between the two parties is that which party will take the lead to knock down a passage, the strong of which side will enter the passage, and the warrior of the other side will not be able to enter.

Of course, the powerhouses of the virtual **** realm can't break into the **** realm even if they are stationed in the chaotic battlefield channel that has been attacked.

This kind of agreement is not only made by the strongest of the two sides of the war, but also agreed by the top strong of the human race in the gods and the top strong of the gods.

Perhaps, to make this agreement, some of the top powers of the human race should have made concessions to the top powers of the protoss in some respects, otherwise the protoss will not agree to this way of fighting. After all, the strength of the protoss is indeed better than Human race is much stronger.

These things are not yet Lin Hao's turn to consider.

So these thoughts just flashed through Lin Hao's mind and stopped thinking about it.

Now that you have come to the God Realm, you must start looking for the Jing Shen Fruit!

The Crystal God Fruit exists near the barrier of the God Realm in the chaotic battlefield. For the Protoss, the Crystal God Fruit is also a rare healing medicine.

But the Crystal God Fruit does not exist in this area, but in some small spaces attached to this area. These small spaces will appear randomly from time to time, and the Protoss cannot control where the Crystal God Fruit exists.

At that time, Lin Hao persuaded the second sister Nie Ru to personally enter the chaotic battlefield and come to the God Realm to find the Crystal God Fruit. Nie Ru asked Lin Hao to prepare some materials in the treasure house of the God of War, and at the same time told Lin Hao to memorize a copy. Regarding the record of the Jing Shen Guo, Lin Hao knew quite a lot about the Jing Shen Guo.

However, for countless years, the warriors of the Protoss have probably mastered some laws, and can predict in advance the approximate range where the crystal **** fruit will appear.

The powerhouses of the Void God Realm have been able to occupy a chaotic battlefield channel to kill the God Realm from time to time over the years, and they have also mastered the law of the appearance of the Crystal God Fruit, which is also recorded in the data, which belongs to a small sense of spatial fluctuations. skill.

In normal times, as soon as the Crystal God Fruit came out, the top experts of the Protoss would show up to find a way to collect more, and Lin Hao definitely had no chance.

But now it is different, the strong of the Protoss will not be near the chaotic battlefield barrier, unless the strong of the Void God Realm breaks the agreement first.

If the crystal **** fruit appears, the Protoss can only be those imperial martial artists to find a way to collect and pick.

This is Lin Hao's opportunity.

Lin Hao used the secret method Nie Ru had passed him, and began to look for the approximate range where the crystal **** fruit might appear.

At the same time, with the power of the world in the world of his dantian, he slowly gathered the divine auras unique to the gods. Although these diffuse divine auras are extremely thin, they can be collected little by little and can always accumulate a lot. .

The accumulation of divine qi can become Lin Hao's source of power to mobilize the true **** war puppet.

At the same time, it can also mobilize a part of the divine qi to circulate in the flesh and blood. The biggest difference between the warriors of the Protoss and the warriors of the Void God Realm is that they live in the God Realm all the year round. gas!

Now, Lin Hao controls the flow of divine energy in the flesh and blood. As long as he doesn't do anything, even if the Protoss warrior encounters him, he will not doubt him.

Try not to do it before you find the Jing Shen Guo!

Changing to other warriors in the virtual **** realm can't do this. Once you encounter a warrior from the **** race, you will immediately be found out by the other party and start directly.

Lin Hao acted on the side of the God Realm, very low-key. On the way, he met batch after batch of Protoss imperial realm warriors, and many of them were left alone. All of them were rushing to the chaotic battlefield channel to participate in the battle, but no one noticed him. On the head.

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